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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1925, p. 1

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e With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News lTol. LXXI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THUIRSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th., 1925. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a CopyNo9 TEEDITOR TALKS Wle shouid b. vey pleased if al parents who bave children attending scboal and Iar enaugb advaniced inu their educatiori ta read intelligently the admirable address aof Principal Morrison which appears in this issue will direct their attention ta it witb the earnest request that they nead it carefnlly. Il contains the mature tbougbts af several af the wold's 1 best thinkers and educationist-s sud is truly a rosi treaaure-trove af val- nabie - opinions and practieal sugg-es- tians aI inestimable value toalal stu- dlents. We bave read the address tbree tirnes with s gennino relish sud sincerely wisb it were passible, ta croate in abur young people a gÏreat or liking for instructive and profit-I aible neading of an educatianal char-1 acter ta counteract tihe banafl liter- star. Ibat is pubiished lu toa many aI the newspapers and magazines of the pre-sent lime. We partlcularly1 like thia panagraph in Mr. Morrison's address: The- trué order of learning- -hould ho: "Finst, whal is noces- sary. Second, what is useful Third, wbat is ornamenntal (cultural). Whatever makes s ian -more cap- able of legitimate enjoyrnent or helps ta make hirn contented and happy cS ta enlýange bis breadth aI view is rosi- iy usef ul and helps ta gis'. liiipow- er". Il may be al ight ta readI s little for pure amusement bntt1he bulk of aur reading shauld be wbat instructs an)d increases aur knaw- ledge of the true, tue good sud the b:eautifUl. STOC"'KJAKING AIL WINTER GOOS GREATLY REDUCED QUICK SELLING -Lhis is an eVent that many people look year. It is an occasion- when they are enabi( apparel and other necessaries at the lowest pri year. We sacrifice the. price ,of the goods r them over for another year. The customers real savlngs.ý Some of the bargains include: Ail Ljidies' Coats at Hal Ladies' 'Dresses at Reducg Ladies' Blouses, odd lot, each ...1......... Ladies' Wool Gauntiets, Reg, $1.60 for. Childrens Ail Wool Sample Sweaters, Reg. $ Men's and Boys' Ail Wool Scarfs, Reg. 75c, 2 Children's Fleece Liried Bloomers, 2 pair for. Ladies' Silk and Wool IJose, Reg. $1.00 pair, Boys' all wool Jerseys, Reg. $1.'75 for -....... Girls' White Pullover Sweaters $5.00 for ... Men's Hea-vy Wool Sweaters, samples, $5.00Ofi Men's Sweaters, Regular $7.50 to $8.00 for. 25 per cent of f -Men's O1 As assortment In several lines are quite limited able for you to shop early. CQUiCI,JohnstOn & Crydà BowmanvlllePon14 Fragrance of Spring We offer the seasonable Spring Flowers: 1 Daffodils Hyacinths Tulips, etc. At reasonable prices Cut Bloomn or Potted IS. J. Jackmani & Sons Florists Phone 80 BowýNmanville M SHORTHORN BREEDERS' SALE FACTORS IN EDUCATION STREAMS IN THE DESERT SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL SUNDAY'S SPECIAL PREA,ýCHER Thursday, Mareb Sth., 1925 Notes of an Adéfress by Principal W.j Mr. Alp!ha Pincb's Letter No. 2 Contract bas been ]et for th~e Re,. C. W. DeMille, B. A., the _________J. Morrison, adfore Bowmianville i building of a Soidiers' Memorial iUpplrpso f ig5r~ eh Durham Counity Shorthornl Breed- 1 Womnen's Canadian Club. Editor Statesrnan-This is St. Val- Bowmanville in the f orii of a monu-' oplratrodistCiurh, Shawa, bas een- ers' Association wili hoid its 4th an-,( entine's Day. In miy first leýttr i ment to be ere'cted on the lawvn be- secured to preach the S. 13. anniver- "M hir eaps up when .i 1behoid toîeyourreadesotha Hallldated twe nual sale of Shorthorns at l3eitb's L"1ld your n the Town Hall and Post Oellce sary sermons in Bownianvi1'e Meth- 1raino ntesy aii at a cost of $,5000. odist Church next Sundayndwl Staýbles, Bowmanville, Thur.,dayowaitlenyebgn, them of the benefits of irrigation.wil MarchSth t i . m.So is it nw I n mf an, I10er on t s tx t Contributions toward this fund address the School in the ar-ernoon. woubld hen will be receivedb any member of Rev. Mr. DeMille was a formner Sec- Sa b itwhenI safl rowaid be Isaîah 35:6-Streamis : h Cmitee ao T .Hl retary of Ontario Religious Council, Th ofier o teAsocatonar:Or let ne i - , te deirtei- easiriation., gate, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Dr. V.Trntfrsm yes idsa Preidnt-. . Rekrd Ne- he hid i fthr o tie ai IIt means that the Rio Grande, Ohioi H. Storeyý Messrs. R. J. Gi, J.ý specialist in Sabbath School work, castie; Vice-President-T. W. Mc-1 F. M. M.Mriy--"We hear ai' O'Neill, Geo. W. Jamres, Miss E. A. having taken part in a large niunTer Camus, Milbrook; Secretary-Tea&.1MsisipMsoui rsrOtii- urer-F. C. Paterson; Director-5. great deal about self-made men- I issip, isui 1aeOtw Hiliier and Miss Ethel Morris. of conventions in the Pro-vince. C. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I AiiJ' 1adr . tpe men who have wrested success1 and St. Lawrence ,poured th'rough ms f hoe hoenisedfrrne Metbadists are anitici- F. rmsrog, om a stubborn world wih acueutan caasfrtefr omavle ho adtesuee pating a reai red-letter day next P.AnsrnRussell Osborne" A. 1 fotth hîpofscoos Th are tilatio nd he aîes frtr fr omaiil * omaetesupeiSunday. The Junior Choir will P. Pollard. examples of those who are guidedouth epo col. Teaetiztonftevley Iite1 sacrifice during war or died as La re- iead the service of praise in the In our comiments last week we fram.witi. rather than from with-1 process bywihtels ic fsi fwrsrvicswlib ngraved morning under direction of _Mr. r. niegîected ta mnake mlention of Mr, Out. But every mian sa far as hie isi barren land will be made an apple on thre monumrent. The foliowing, W. Stanley, choir leader and organ- 1 a asl-ae H a hdorhr ra rnegoe ie list of namnes hias been compired byl ist. Rev. J. U. Robins illi preach Samuel Rickard, Newcastle, who sithemcnmiittefe.nShouldetiaereabe morningorand ovenieg in Kingville one of the oldest members of the As- ta use bis own observation ta see;tyad rtheea fel. nynme omitte d ncore Dmit Methodlst Churcin, Oshawa. sociation and bas been a rnost con- his own reason and judgment to arorawetfld n nies mteicretii-MthitCurOhw. oitn n ucesu ree f foresee; bis own discrimination ta: I1 passed on this trip through1 miles ____or__________ains__eomiit Shorthornis for many years. He bas decide and bis owin frmness ta stand, of land that on My visit years ago bc notified at once: placed two very promisîng youngj Vby is decisions". 1 a eer f ~ d he4fers in thie sale bath being iediPolonius-bessing on Laerts- 1 a 1sn, rJ. A.HODST UNDY SoOO Meredi J, AldcroftatsandBOARD BANQUETTED by bis splendid herd sire, .er "This above ail, ta thine own selfý ing cacurttenksibt n H. Barr Victor, which he purch'ased fronm W. be true, and it mus", f ollow as thei prairie dogs. Thýen it was deserit H. Brewer usa vnn the Methodist J. Dryden three years ago. M_ýer7ry night tbe day, thou can'st n~Ot th.en on the rigbt of us, desert an the "le ft C.Buc uday Shol oo ws h' sen Victor is by the imported sire Merry be false to anly fManf". of us, desert on, the front and rear W. G. Butson of a ver'y happy gathering wh-en tbe Hero, and dam, Victoria Jewei. Jolm SuartMill"A persan af us. But now we remember te R. Branch officers, teachers and ail members of whose desires and impulse-, arethes F. P. Brittonth udy SolBarter A glance at the catalogue shows woedsrsadiple r i nursery rhymne: Wbere, Ob where is A rrbteSna coiBad hi th ikr anle elrpeetiown, is said to have character. One A. BaI hwxves and husbands were enter-tained thes Rickardi-idifamillese ot y el4l dag gone? Where, oh, E. J. Clarke ed in this sale. W. F. Rickard,1 hisown, bias no character, no maore wbere can bie be? Here it is: Where, T. Cochrane ofthe ade ive daftbe chur Necati, reidntaIth Asoia1 than a steam-engine hias character". o br ste¶er ae h R. Camipling tian, bas listed four well bred young 1o hr s h er onWeejCovers were laid for 100ý The tab- animais and a Lily Ramsden' Cow,j Encyclpaeda Britanica-"Un-1 oh where can it be? E. W. Cousins lswr ayatatv h oo 1while W. J. S. Rickard, Bowman- derlying ail definîtions of education T ura 1 cheme being yellow and wbite witb ville, two pure bredi Lind females, 1 is the conception that it denotes aný Then we used ta see a lone ýet- E. F. Carr daffodils, and pretty colored' vianda Catalogues are avallale at Tbel attempt on the part of the aduti tlter's caibin here an~d- there-the A. Christie ta add ta the beauty af the whole Statesian Office or fram F. C. Pater- menmbers af a buman society ta shape b ouse on stilts. Sa that after the P.LCrg scene. son), Port Hope. tbe developmrent of the corning gen- river that for untold centuries 1-1d L. Claytan eratians in accordance wtb its own got over its annual spree and craw- P. Gimibiett e After the guests had been receiv- IR. Davise by the Reception Commiittee and _________________ - jideals of lIfe". led back in its littie bied, it is bard H datnIalsae o upuu el Plato-"Develop in the body andi now ta realize that this peaceful val-A H 1etnalsaei o upuu ,iel ____________________ in the sou-i ail the beauty and aiýliey was lever a desolate waste. or W. Hughes neis asy vrtigwsfi I prfctin I bic tey retht is rasertywasevr tret- J. Hichcock , ly enj'oyed from the fruit salad, the preto f wiht ieta t rseiywslvrtra- the appetizing roast park, sais1, jel- capable". ened by the very river that riw D. IreiandlestaheppeiendD osir Kant-"The most necessary elle- gvsi ie W. Jackson cream and delicious cakie. men i euctin ~ rst~îtwhch Ail this change bas been brouh R. F. Jones Conimunity singing led by Mr. R. by the formation of haibits, prepares about by the building af the Ele- 1 R. H. Jolliffle M. Mitchell witb Miss Reta R. Cale the young to receive as pYrintiiples Of1phiant Butte Dam. This dam is 304 1 F. Kershiawý, at the piano was entered into h-eart- conduct the laiws at fix'st lmpased j Ieet higb and stretches 167 et F. King ily by ail after whicb the Sunday upon theni froin withaut. The between canyon walls. There is an A. H. Living School Orchestra led by Mr. H. A. supreine law of hîfe is the law oI 18 f't, roadway across the top. The C. Luxon Fletcher with Mr. T. W. Sta -ley at duy.Reservoir is 45 miles in length witb K. C. Martin~ the pianro rendered a fine selection. 'S A L E Ti is the age of education. Edu- a shore lime of over 200 miles. Iti H. Moses Mr. H. L, Quinn, Superintendent, cation at ane tireni eant educationý covers 50,000 acres aI land. At an N. McCrimmion was toast-master, thue first to-ast be- alone for those h were financially, average depth of 56 ft. A. E. McLaughlin ing- "The King" when ail sa- with inapsto o a o ti piae fte i rnewr C. Mcflonaid spirit the National Anthem. Tihe sn a ositio tap h Itii~rtle R iranelw eta -mn 1 1H. M'tton - grls' -qua1tet: Mises Dorotby ail countries until- *Ihiithe îast' dry and there was net a drap ti of F.jMn Plummer. Viola Callan, Marion Pick- )IN PRICE FOR hall century. water or a flake af anow on thie W. H. Nicholîs ard and Marguerite Joness, deiigý,hted inbi Lf o Lrdwatershed area for tbree years in A.' Oxley ail with a couple oI numbers. StaBecon esWlsaof bnis ealeduca-ordsuccession, there would, bc sufficeit, J. Palmer The toast ta the Sunday School Stiaon a a boy on i al Srnt li- water ta riat i the fansi-, in j 0. Pingle was proposed by Rev. J. U. Roboins, i in sabyDoadSihl 'lthe valley, for hundreds of miles of J. Synitb the Pastar, He said thre Sunday ed in Morayshire in Scotiand. Not snow-capped mountains are gather. E. L. Sanders School. was no longer cafled,ý the forward to each blessed wî'th an abundanice o ti ed in ýreservairs and let ibose as the A. Simnick cai fTecuc u nto wal'sgosbs ohr old jo farmer and fruit growers require R. W. TaitI the church. One of the grea.t aims ,ed to buy winter giveb an education. A former it. R.A WlsnsudbetgeteSndySho resident aI Forires, who bad becomne aRso rrae ln ilpodc . A. Werryn so vibtaimorgtnethat the a chool 1csi h hi wealthynmade proison for the Experniments bave proven that 10 A. Wrenn and Cbuuxcb ta co-operate. 1 b was unable. lo psy fees at private in as much as 50 acres frOmi the down W. J. Wright sbauld be in ,the churcb servic-e and rather than carry stitutians. Thus was Donald Smith !Pour of rain as seen at bhrne. There p____ that maore of the cburcb shâul, 'hb in educated. At 18 lhe leItL 'Scotland i are no fresbets nor droughts. tbe sehool. It was a place ta dis- get the benefit in for Canada. Eduicatian was theý As we fil a pîtcher with waterl DR. HAZLEWOOD BEREAVED caver new truthas and a goolý place same in other parts cf the worid.,adu I si s atd ateeta dispel pro judices; ail get mare During the past fifty years this haaý rivers that have been doing nothingi u Lt W. C. Hazlewood, -u a tta hyptit t ail been changed in most cauntries' nt. .fo Igt tesa r b- Wiroxeter Miss Marguerite Jonets, sang a but for a variety aI reasons. ing controiled, passing over turbines! oo"h LtlBod oei h PFrodenick the Great inaugurated and tbrougb flumes genorating pow- The deatb of Wmi. C. Hazlewood' est". Supt. Quinn made a1 reply îf Pricea systee-n af univorsal cornpulsory er and passing an ta irrigato the whic-b took place Friday, Feb. îStb. on behalf of the scbool, statir that if P i e- attendance at scool, largeiy with valley lan-ds whicbi once tbey h-ad removes one af Wroxeter's oldest Sunday Scbools make' the biggest tbe view of obedience, loyalty and loved ta over ride and dovastate. and most higbly esteemed residonts. organrization in the wori-d and, have self-sacrifice te the command of the leceased was in bis 79tb year. H the greatoat nurnber of teachersý. The King. How far the work aI reýclaimiation had been in delicate bealtb for sev- purpose is ta build up Christian ,e d Prices ~rkcaae ehv oi bas progressed may0be judged by the!eayas u wspriual citizenship'. It contains the iggest enine neo wihwas an educa- fa-ctstndsfoearipeaactidvean ti-onal system, state controlled rai i raised crops ta the value of fifty mi!- aible ta attend ta bis duties 'around stnsfremoae adoa- ......... top ta, bottom. It was lavisbly fIost-j lion dollars. Prîvate canais andl the home. He was confined ta bis gaiisrn. New methada unay bc ered by the governirnoent on candi-j projects are serving an additionai bed less than a weeic before .nii ntroduced but hie hoPed the higb tinta tsedl nuetdte1,100,000 acres. death. r i standards wou1ld neyer be lowered as ti..tatit.ted.y..cucaedth this is one ef the ways the e 'lorld is .1.JJduty oI political obedienceý and plat- If ane's idea aI a desert bias been Mr. Haziewaad was the eldest sotOu be hitinzd ý1.75for.$1.0 riotism.1 formed yadscito o h ah-o the late Jamies Hazlewood, a one- MrR..Micelsn peddy The Prussian defeat at Jena and- ara, a desrip tion a thisle Sah- tume residen-t af Wraxeter. He eri- M.R .Mthl agsl'ui 2fr $ 00the prostration of Germany al; the irrigatian wouid naw hc a deligbtful gaged in farming and in the shqe "The Roadtate Yesterday". 2 for ... $1.00feet of Napolean aiwoke tire spiriti surprise. Mile alter mile of ýoil business at Lakelet in bis younger Mplr. W. J .Mornison, B. A., Pnin- of patriotism and concentrated the l as fertile as aur Niagara Peninsula, days, iater comling t raetr cîal of tthe Higb School, saidl that ......... $.00 intellectual forces af North Ger-' only supporing a tremendaus gro-wulb where hae canducted a successful sboe S. S. is one an aof the churchi and mayuo tets frcntu- o isut ats ae rase- business. Ho disposed aI tbis ta by na means the least important. HIe 2pair ... .$ 1.50 to nrouain a lcod ntre! Imsut ats ae r s-R .Rn n nee notecongratulated this achool on hvn oî he plcedunerwood, catclaw and nmany othotr v nr J na nde usntess wih hen a nhuiaîc spnitnient -li Miistr o th Inerir a a oties or hungry plants, does fot gnrlsoebsns he ccn n etuisi ...... $1.00 1ue 1~~ nero sa conon to the popular conception of tînued until bis retirement orme 221 whicli is necessary ta sueccssîni FLneclcopa-dia Brenitnica-Thebe ta hor sold . years ago. work. Another prime featu e is victories of 1866 and 1870 wereMr Hazlawoad was an active Ifatfltahrpsesn prt .........$3ý. 5 0 victories for the Prussian scýooi-1 Then if you passed thrat way on!worker in tbe Mathadist Churchý uality, personality, regularity and or.....$3.00 ~master and as a resuit ail Western the nailroad when a thousand vr holding the position of Recording j icpie eambszdtene Europe was aroused ta the national ieties of eacb are in bioor, you -et Steward for 27 years, as well as be-aIrvendng, foe-ra- importance af popualar education". the impression that you are passirg ing Supeintandlent af th~e Sunday j ation and gave very tirneiy warn- Ithrougb a vast. gardon of. lweS. e5hool. Ho was a kind husýbandt o lwr.iîng a nd suggestion ne the dangers oI ....... $5.50 France was three-quarters af a And as the evening sun sinks ta rost sud father and wiii be greatlyr'miss_- the proposedi tempenane eas century behind Gernmany. Bel ore beiew the western horizon and b nil- adi tehoe ow boing discussed by aur Logis- 1866 educatian was laIt ta liant stars illumine the ni-gbt, per- Heisuvedbtw sasDrf lature. the churb of. A lter 856 and 870 fume Iron a million sources with a, B. j. Hazlewood, Bowmuanville; Ed- A selectian by the orchestra a id a ,vercoa,;Lt S tereWiofppla dcaiuthousand different odor shades sud win af Trail, B. C.; alsa by tw.solo, Hapinss a"wre alsa e asan essential part af the work ofi the taxug £rom the graasewoad, ta f narried daugbiters in Vancouver and lab is agre lia Gr natona retortio. Ithe fragrance of the night-bloomi ng Utah snd Misses Elda asnd Rate a ed Englad-4'bree-quarters af a conI-1 Cereus greots your nastrils, with the home. A son Gerdon died ni- r .C eit AscaeSpr it willbe advs- tur -bebid Genmny, edcationwas spelaf the night you will likely be-. fanicy. Mils Hazlewaod of Grisy neduiitakn h aisc bIt a te chncb1Ed otrnae hall unconscicus and whisper1 is a brother. the Aid for their thouglitfuinessansd for ahl becanie nacessary, mare par- "'Oh, My, if this istedset yif uea evc shl tte eeoiyi nvdn uhawn 1 fi A ,plu in

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