paying the highest for ail kin'ds of Extra good prie ýo fat hens-ais 25e per lb live .e collect Whitby rop mie a post card ýill eall. STEIN Ot BOWMANVILLE, MARGH 112,1925 DENTAL DR.' G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal C:olee of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowm-aniVille. Office phone 40. Hlouse ohone 22. o>R. J. C. DEVITT ,;raduate of Royal Dental College-, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow;- manvilie. Office hour2s 9a. M. to 6' p. .dai]y ecept Suntday . Phorne 90a. Ilouse phone 90b. DR. R. E. UiirNNWELL flôn.or Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College Jf Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Dominion. D;enistry in ail its branches. Office -Kin-g-st., Bowmainville. Op~posite -ýank of Montreal, Phone 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (Formerly i. Bowma,,nvl,.> now at 1LI62 YQnge>-st., st op at Sumnierll1 Ave., Toronto, Phone Rançlolph 5197. WNe can stid give you our best services. Guaranteed to fit and workmanship at pre-war prices i w. THE EDITIOR TALKS The publishers of this great familty jou'rnal are very m-uch indebted to' its several correspondents for theiri helpful services in m-aldng this hnome, newspaper one of the best of its (lass in this country. That their editorial assistance is highly, appre- ciated by former residents of theiri respective eormmnfes we bave mnany evidences ln the course of the years. Like the proverbial horse- leech t4heir cry is "More! Iylre!! They want more ne'as from the old hom e town, village and comnuiy- they neyer seem to -et too. niuch. Wr-iting,- for the neýwspapers is very excellent exercise for young per- sons and theý Golden Rufle opplie,ý very forcihly to thecir duties. T.Iey should in sending items for piulica- tion do0 to others as they wouidl wish to be done by were their posi- tlins reýversedI. For examiple, we have received wliat appears to h newsy budget but in rLeality is a 'bunch of take qfs and ljokes on1 several young folkç in the commnitý who "see eaých other hm"or go to the homes of y7oung- ladies to spend a social hour. We do not want' records of such neighborly actions. We strive to mi-aintin a' beo ln ignity and respect, for our readers -and trust to our rur'al editors to observe great care in the news items they send us for pubI-ý cation. ItN ONTARIO LEGISLATURE DURHAM CLUB MEETING, Human Antomatons Vis Truo Attend.ance at the, monthly meet-i Manliood. ing of the Clu~b at the 'home of Mr.i S. R. Wi'cket, 124 Ilsa]hell'a Street,' Outstanding in the Ontario Legoi- Toronto, Fridlayý evening, was n well lature last week was the incidenitof' deserved coraplillnent to the hostess the triuimph of t¶he Ferguson l3eer and host and proved to ha one of Polilcy-4backed, t'oo, by the 'votes of 'the very delightful occasions f or va- f orty Consarvative miembars from,1 new'al of friandshiips and goo1 fe l- dyridinIgs-over the expression of' lowvs'hîp. The extremne cold of the the people's wýil for the continuance1 evening. was forgotten by uhe of the O. T. A. as exprasýsed at the warmthi, and cordial welcom-e te- poils hmat Fali. ed. Even the veterans, such as It is, pe4napsý, dîfficuit For tLhe Mr. W. H. Orr and Mr. E. Fedn political. la1ymn 1to ndrsadtha ware lured from thair cosy firesides psychtology which prom-pts lifa-on to joir~ in the happy gpathering- once tam1peranc( eimenof Con1sarvative milore. faith to cast their votes hi favor pf a1 Theprra includeci songs hy beer mea"sure. Te un4ersta.d 4t lhe Misses Ethel VanNest, Lila Sloan M. muat iapprciatie the rý*,-iidty of Con.- Silford andMs, agre Flr. sýervative party discipline-- disci-, Accomi-paniists -weýre Miss Marlon Vain- pline ixihich, i. sharp contrast to Nesut aid Miss McEvanj. te Liberalisim whichl respe'cts the' Mrs. vissand sentimnent o hqidii-1 '. 'aughton raptured the uail iember, demianda constanit loyal- com1pany by her recitations and Mr. ty. The alternative, threatenied the Ed1otr oain aea x boltng onsrvaive s away 'he cellent addre-ss 'on Thought and MJr, bolingConervtiv isal Lys W. R Orr, in rernilniscent mood, withdra-wai next election of party took us back to his' 'schoolboy dlays machine ;upport. il-,flo od . 1- Kurowledge Tlirough Senses Ai.l knowledge is acquired through thle sensest. If any sense is imrpaired ail your judgments in that lirne are wa rp ed. THINK 0F THIS of the various senses of sight, hearing, sinell, touich and taste, it is estimarited thrat 85 per çant of ail knowledge comas to us through the eyes. THE HUMAN EYE is the most -wonderful pieca of Divine mechanisiù. While e sa-y we see with the eye, this la not strictly true because, while the eye is absolutely neceasary in the act of seeing, it is really the mmiid that sees and for this reas-on, you can readily understand that thie eye mi-ust work as perfectly as possible 'so thiat the images transmitted to, the braii make the proper inipressions. E'veryv function of the eyeý is calcýulated to add to our ltnowledge, increase our uisefulness, provide for our entertaiiment and insure Our safety. DO YoCm KNOWV ABOUT THE CONDITION 0F YOUR E1YES? OUR OPTOMETRIST, R. M. MITCHELL, who is registered by Examination, can tell you. "HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED TO-DAY" R. M. Mitchell & Co. ord jPhone 92 enta rest.. - G-row 0ol1 along w vith Die Trhe best la yet to b)e. "I dread the thought of g-rovN, Ad", said a lady to us the r) veak. Wt1hy should that be? Nat ias s0 arranged that froni the fi -it is the natural wvay, therefe 'Life o'pl-s tobe mo nre ~funei ESTAI Druggists & Optomnetrists (Nights and Sundays 280 or 232) Bowmaüieille Let Spring Sunshir Enter Your Home con- CÔNANT it -et n't;~ it m iilk c', ae of L. You. of it. Eliminate the soot and dirt of winter from your Walls. Bright, new walI pape~r will bring the freshness of into your rooms. We have a large assortment of the latest designs and pat- terns reasonably priced. Wall Paper. B'eautiful, new patterns have just arrive d-corre et in' style and moderate in price. Have your wal paper- ing done now-the rush will soon be on. We will be pleased to show you. Ail papers carried in stock. îIf on tha sama pl feQssne-Se as his eý "'Big 20" W. T. ALLEN BQokstore Boy * * * e di) ýbes forbhot drinks )r gravies, stews s, to give more and flavor. In tins of 4-15c. and CHIR' DR. DURWI .son: io ( e sea a b( ta specI, At asent1 ou ar1 -year, 1 The same good tea te 0e years. Try it~ eM at we ho * * * VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Night Cails Promptky Attended1 Office King-st. W., Statesman Blo( Like our lady friend, aware, thera are many are looking f orward di hopeiessly to the oncom agae. Perhaps they ev have providied th-e appurt dIying in respectable con have known some who r ad the poorhouse, or del the alirs of their chi1dr avýen express a wish tý their days of usefulness ed. Who has ever heai son min~ng preparation neass and enjoyment in o doing something uleas or a and 'an aary ýsnt,11 *The1 Lins, ks. What? Indigestion! No!. 1 eat 'Jacobs & Hillyer Bread. That's why Try a loaf frolm Th'e Bowmanville Bakery. JA6âCOIBS & HILLYER The Candy Shop Successors to Christie's Bkery Bowmanville airmy a ~u, F< Many CI Buy Meat Wisely Limit your meat purchases to one good stor-e-Dudley's-is good -advice. When we corne to know you and just what you prefer i Meats we catu serve you most economically. Let us have your next meat order and you will be convinced we can save you money. Free Delivery in Town Wilbert J. Dudley BUTCHER BOWMANVILLE Fre'sh FIU IV years. ? "ýNo, more fun says the to Under- ne too old Ron' AUNT LS TACT 1ha L p e: ti c IV ha d u tions Orono,