1925 PÀCIFICE COPELAND SHOE STORE-WEST END 1-OUSE TH-ERE'S ONE FOR YOU ne or send us a post card mailed imxnediately. need of buying elsewher verything nieeded in Plar ,ering Shrubs and Frui Bowmanville ng Business ' Starts ,gwve you prompt serý ILARY ELECTRIC ,est improvements. on the floor. eani-gornig vesse ulsion by interi inds. The Aorang-i a ut February i gns of the heai me through di .'en-dus vTov [ding by ýr Groups- IN 0 x acýv to have Cal Final PFIRE Days OF yq SALE It has been a wonderful sale. Chiefly from the customer's standpoint. Neyer before were such bargains offered in dle- pendable footwear. Lot of people thought there must be something wrong when we offered $8.00, $9,00 and $10.00 Boats and Shoes at $2.98 per pair. They w\ere just a littie doubtful. And we could hardly blame them. But when they walked out of the store with two or more pairs under their arm there was no do ubt then. Sc-me came back again for footwear for other members of the family at $2.08 pair. It WilI Sooin Bc e Oveàtr Last week was our busiest week since the sale started, There is stili plenty of choice in somé uines, while others are already depileted. We stili off er any Botsanud 'Shmee rts and Con.suIi Phone 18'W e cake nmust be lnanded Fazlewoôod and John the l2lost natural and actors of tlihe erinen. iorus work was also ex en, onh in a 'r W'T ~' of these orouns in l aunen a lifeboal Costs Mor\e the hrnger you wait >0 IT N0ý and save money. They include Astoria and Siater Shoes for men, and Owens- Elmes, Blatchford, Classic and Lady Bell for ladies. We said last week we hadn't been saying much about Children*s Shoes. We've changed our mirnd now and will selli all regardless of ôriginal cost, sizes 1 to 5, and in almost any style you want for 50c Pe'"'r Pair Every mother with children wearing shoes from sizes 1. to 5 should rush to this store without delay. You'Il never huy good solid wearing shoes so cheaply again. Lay in a stock for future use. 1?hink of it only 50e pair. Nq Approvals. No Exehanges. Strictly a Cash Sale. Sale is being held in McMurtry & Co's Store-West End House. Copeland's STRONGER BEER i Methodist, Sunday Il looi $79 S5hoe Store West End House King St. West Bowrnanville I savings is a re peo-ple fumds. iONABLE ] ESTIONS This & Co.,