35 Per Cent DIAMOND RINGS and ALL JEWELRY Any Diamnond Ring now in stock regu]arly priced from $5.00 to $250 is now reduced 35l' in price. Think of it-ess than one-third below regular prices. Also ail Jewelry in the store clearing at 3 off usual prices.- See these goods and you wiii better appre!- ciate the genuine value offered. Alex. Elliot, Jeweler Phone 207 ,Bowmanvýille' Pasteurized Milk Pasteurized Milk is the saf e milk, same price as ordinary milk 18 Pints fer $1.00 Get your supply of Scientifically Pasteurized -Milk from E. S CLARKE Phone 297 or drop a card Scugog Road R. R. 1 Boxvmanville S. W. Mason & Son invite the citizens of Bow- manvilie and district to their Formai Opening which xiii be held on F-riday, March 20 in the evening from 7 to 10 p. m. The stunning New Spring Styles xiii be on dispiay for your inspection and xiii include: COATS SUITS DRESSES HOSIERY DRY GOODS GLOVES, ETC. Here you iii find Fashion's true genius in its happiest and most original expression in a pro- fusion of beautiful designs. GQODS WILL NOT BE SOLD FRIDAY NIGHT S. W. Mason &,Son DJry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Boxvmanvilie 7 I3OWMANVILLE, MAIROH 19, '925;j ENNISKILLEN SOLINA _________________- Chair Concert and Piano Recital Mr. S. E. Werxy sold a Shorth3ýrn TYRONE muilking cow toý the Ontario Govern- _____ I Pite of the stormy night En- nient ta )be usýed on the Governmentý Miss _Mary Richards, Unionville, niskillen church was well filied Fr1- Denst-,.ýration train whlch is tour- spent Friday at home .... Miss Ger- day, March l3th at 8 o'clock ta iist- ing t, u province... Mr. J. Baker aldine Clemens has gone ta Torontol en ta the delightfui pîogrami wh e-i h shippenL a consiginme:nt of sheep ta ta train for a nurse in Wellesley had been prepared by t' cf ch av lea- PrIince Edward Coünty... .... Mr. Hospital . . . Miss Keitha F erg sso n er and organist, Mi'ss MrlnOr- Staples, Cobourg, was in this dlis- spenit the weekend in Toronto.. . chard, ber pupils and th,-ech air. trict last week 'with a view ta pur- Mr. T. Findiey, Unionville, spent Our churchi and comimunity have chasing live stock for his Western Friday at Mr. Bd. virtue's. Mrs. iwqys f elt proud ofl their- choir andj faim. . . Mr. G. Reid, Zion, visited Virtue returned ta Unionville %vith its taiented leader, whose efforts at Mr. Bert Hunt's... .Mrs. Levil hni.... Mr. C. P. May, Windsor, have been an inspiration at ail Brunt, Misses Myrtie Brurnt andi visited at Mr. D. Hoopeýr's, recent-I times. Myrtie Page, Enlniskillen, visited at iy. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Richardsf We greatiy appreciated Friday Mr. S. E. Werrïs. -. . . Mr. W. Van- are visiting friends in Oshawa, vnngsetetimetwic o- Nest recently vifsîted his sister, Mis. siEted of piano solos an-d duets by, Jas. Heatlie, Orono. Hier Oiany ils f Mss rchrd' clss;friends are glad ta hear she is en- CORIEchoir selections and comic costumec joying better health ...About 50 COURTICEsangs whlch created mas»r a iauýy. Leagiers fromi Hampton visited aur ;Suda sevies er god. In The piano selections were well League Monday night. Mi. Chas. the evening the pastor preached alj rendered and even the youngest of hirdewlomdte n h ver iprssvesemon nLv the musicians, digte th ad- chair was takeri by Dr. E. G. Kers- and Hate, a sermon that should be iencee with their knowledge of tech- lake, visiting President. A spien- helpfui ta every one wh9 heard it. nique, îhythmn, tuie and harinony. did program was given by the visit- I ors and tpic was well presenited by A ladies' quartette was sung by Mi The church and conmunity as a Principal F. JI ra.Rfehet Kenneth Courtice, Mis. Chas. Found, whQle are very grateful ta al wha eesre-ra.Rfehet Mýiss Frances Hancock and Mrà. W. paîticipated in mnaking Friday ,,en-, fwesre and a pleasant and pro- R. Courtice. Miss Hazel Rundleieing's piogrami a splendid success. ial evening wvas enjayed by ail. played very acceptably Sunday in The prograril was as f ollaws: Recent visitais: Mis. L. C. Snow- the albsence of the org'anist ....... Piano duet, selected, Misses M. and den and family at Reeve Baker's; Mrs. A. E. Rundle and'Miss Louise1 VeIlma Orchard; choir selection Mi. Jim- Reynolds, Toronto, with Sa- Osborne spent a few days in Toi-! "Corne wheîe the liles Bloom', ln îed;M.FakSotig enta and heard the Medisa Tinsn pao soo b h oronto; Mr. W. H. Westlake at Choir.... The W. M. S. are holding Boat" Naris, Miss Crace WeiËîy; Port Elgin; Miss Leta Vice in Osh- Eerybody corilne ..i Ber Wor piano1 solo, "Sing, Robin, Sing" awa. .. i. H. E. Tink and CIar- Everbod cone ...Mr.Ber Wo- qlpuling, Miss Doris Milîson; piano ence visited Brooklin friends an4l den and Mis. Laine Stevens spent' solo, "First Waltz", Miss R'ema were accampanied home by Mr. Bd.[ Sunday with his mather, Mis. Johin Bradley; piano solo, "First piece of win Tink .... Miss Margaret McKes-1 Worden .... .Misses Ethel and, Dor- têhe Star Perfoimen", Master George sock has ieturned froni Bow-ianý- ' othy Brooks, TIoronto, spent Sunday1 Milîson; piano solo, "The Blue Bird" ville Hospital .... Mi. Ed. Black h-ad- with hi aet . h adeVSaeMs ~eina Ormiston; rend- a successful sale an TuLe sday. .Con-i Class held its m-onthly meeting Thurs- bn, "Heard in a Studio Building", gratulations ta Miss AnnieWiims day; a very gaod progim was Miss MsioOrhr; paa lob, Miss Helen Baker, Matr Ano rendeîed and a good attenan(ce. "Under the Eaves'> Siater, Miss Dor- IVan Nest and George WVerry on, ___________othy Harris; piano solo, "Sleeping passing their recent music examina- Beauty" Engelmnann, Miss Irene Fer- tions. . League meeting wa.s weli MAPLE GROVE guson; vocal duet, Selacted, Mi. and attended on Monday everdng. Scrip- Mis aro Pckrd ow, p~tMis. H. Stevens; piano solo, ture lesson read by Mi. Sam i'Dewell1;i MissMaron ickrdTow, sënt"Heather Blossam-i" Ashley. Miss topic taken by Mi. Chas. Shortridge; Sunday with Miss Edna Swailow and Veina Tiewin; piano sala, "Rocky instrumental, Miss Anmie Williams; 1 san asoo inthechrc vryBrooklet" Wettach, Miss Mae Wer- îeading, Mi. Russgel Naylor, vocal sweetiy ta the delight of the audi- ry; Comminunity Singîng: Tableau, duet, Margaret and Edgar Wrigt.. iencee... . Misses Edn and ' Hilda "The Gypsy's Warning- ", Mis Mudge, . Women's Institute held their regu-1 Cochrane, Cobourg, spent Sunday Mr. 0. Jeffery, Mis, Edna Lamýb;1li monthiy meeting at Mrs. Roy with Mi. and Mis. C. H. Snowden. piano solo, "The Do!"' Dreaiii" Oes- Langmaid's on Thursday a4teinoo Ther othr as oîerl Mssten, Miss Elva Fergus.-o,, -piano duet, It mas well attended and the St.f Mar MCiela. Mi'ad is orce"Rough Riders" EgI~'n Misses Patiick's programi greatly enjoyed. Hockly and famnilv have moved tao Mae Werry and Mai Orchar,]; Refresbmlents weîe served and a so- tawn. Sonry te lase thlem from Our i piano solo, "Frein i-Bvo'o Days" cial haîf hour spent. community... .Mrs. Thomas Goaid, 1 Krentziin, Miiss Ma-bel ie.h piano________ 'Newtonviile, is visiting hier neesala, "Cathedrai ChÀimw" Devu E. R .Freeman, Whitby, have mioved Mrte Bn;____ inlto the house formieily accupied by i Breath of Spring" Ancliffe, Miss porsigfvrby IMi, Hockiey and family.>.*Mi. pRay- 'Meta Ashton; piano solo, "Imperial The Institute Millinery Class is f miond Snowden, Peteniboro, spenti Mn.rch" Hoinberger, Miss - Rilby porsigfvrby Sunday at home ........ Mm. W. J. i Smith; vocal duet, comic, Mis. G.1 We welcome Mr. and Mis. Wmn. Snowden visited relatives in Osh i Jeff ery and Mi's. T. M. Slimon, ini Chapman of Tyrone who have taken awa on Tuesday, ..Mis. J. D. Stev- costume; piano solo, "Narwegianiresidence in this village.i ensviitd br ater10 ornt fridal Procession." Grieg, Miss Dor-, Oui Young PeOple's League vis- one isdalieek. ... Owing fta h otliy Pascoe; piano duet "Charge ofj ited ElCiad League on Monday even- disagreeable1 weathe-r last Fniday the Uhlans" Bohm, Misses Myae Wen-1 ing and repart a pleasant time. evening a rather smaîl crowd turne d ry and Marion Orchard; readîng', League thia week -will be in oint ta' see the mock trial or thei Selected; piano solo, "Galop deCn ge of Miss Lottie Hoin, Social I "Great Chicken Case" wbich was 1 cet" perier, Miss Velma Orchar ;vice'President. Ail young persans splendidly put on by the youngI Choir selection~, "Gaily 0'er thej are invited, people of the League. Music wa Ocean" kbt; Gad1 Save the King. Mis. Thomas Pascoe and Miss' furnishied by Mis. Roy Meteif, Miss League etpedy -veniing was Margaret and Mi. and Mis. TEhom-iis Margaret A'berniethy in piano duets; in charge o asian Belknap. This Wîa- etrtie uhr o harp, mouth organ and violin miusic ipomiptu program wýas given: Af- friends recently. by the novelty orchestra;.Pasor tr da Wnsangon ctdtaechisranotional xercses a readîng Hampton Church Trustees areý Whingo us aeias w ay. in Helps in League Woik" was given wearing a cheerful Zmile these daysý hisusal-elia wy. ProCcee f b Miss Laura Andiew. The for after our Jubilee Thank-offeriig' aîond 21.0."Cao and Can't" was read by Miss expenses weîe paid they found thýey __________Lillian Wallace. Answers were had a met of $585.00. given ta questions in the New Tes- Much inteiest is being shown in j HAYDON tamrent. A veîy iliuminating talk the lyric poetry composed by a la- ________on "Reading" was given by Rev. E. cal poetess ln honni of Pastar J4,nesi Mi. and Mis. Elgin Mauntjoy,f A. Belknap. League -was closed -thi birthday and îead at the sur- Braokdale Faimn, entertained a, by Mizp)ab benediction ........ Ouri prise given at the Parsonage. i housefuli of jolly folk wbo joined Young People are busy practisîng! Mran s.To sWicx in a lively d-ance. an Tuesday even- their play "The Bashýful Mr. Bobbs", r. ntanfwdayMis. This Wilcox I ing, aîch Oth. Il ejae whicb they expect ta piesent Victor-setafew dywthhinag- thenrselves as usual wben spending ia Day.. Messrs. Harvey McGlt ri.aF red DenemorWnitenvis-e an evening with Mn. and Mis. Mount- Laine Lanr n dad Hwt i.adMs ereWievs joy. have retuine d fnm the Luniber ited relatives in Peterboro recently Ca-pi Halbrton her the have ..Mi. and Mis. Gilbert Wilkinson, League service Sunday evening mln îo 4ee e ootvstdhrprns i was again well attended. Program heen eng'aged ail wintei. WelcomeTontvsedhrpetM.i was in charge of Thurd Vice Iresi- h amue, boy.. . . Suniday evening Itev. and Mrs. E. Truil. lentMi. eciiSlemn. Bble E. A. B elknap gave a splendid dis-_______ lesson was îead by Mis. Theraon"heBckar cv" Mautjo. api wa vîy ap b ased on Joel 2:25. 'He compaîed taken ýby Misq. R. Crossman and Mi. oui sin with the Locust Piagule afI SM ITDYRVRE A. His of Tyrone o "The Christ- Joel's time. God restored aibundl- ian's attitude on Wealth and Paver- antly the destruction of the Locusts.j Dedicated to Pastor W. W. Jones, ty". Everyone present appreciat- He wil do the samec with aur, sin-1 B. D., Haimpton, on His Birtlulay. edi bis ideas oni this subject. A duet fui lives. He will give us a fresh Wbien 1 arnoidm and my hiair is whiite was sweetly rendered by Mis H., stant fromn whene we left off. This And 1 sit with thioughts of thle pas,, Ashton and Mis. E. Bradley. Read- is the Backward Move. Baby Aian Thi,e flashes bfi me with kee-n ings were given by Mis. R. Reid and Brenit Ferguson received the rite of delight Mi. Cecil SIemion League vwas dis baptism ... .The friendis of Mr. E. E. Ammr that haldIs me fast. mlissed by Mizpahi benediciton.....Staples are sorry ta hear o-f bis ili. It carnjes me, back ta a iighit long aîgo In the year of twentyl-flve;: Oui LeaguLeis were royalîy entertain-1 ness. They wîsb himi a speedy re- There gathered together some friends ed at Salemn on Thursda4y evenîng. turo te health. ..Friday evening the1 yoli know Salemn League President opened the concert and recita'l by thie choir was 1Who were very mnucli aiive. program and aiso gave a warni wel-' a decided success. Proceeds were There we-re Souchs and Haorns arn]d ,ur- came ta the visiting League. Haydan about $19.75 .. . .Mrs. W. O. Herriîng With their iaugbiter aind jolkos galore League President then took the chair is visiting ber daughter, Mis. Wni. Amdiettyv Sargent with aubrnhirl and this. pîogram was rendered i Wottan, Union .... Yir. Edward Hie- Now lt me thinit of ipm mre,. i Chorsesby te Lague alo l'W-Itt is visting Mi. Onr Jeffey . . .. Will Wiibur amd wife weir tiiere, of miental music by the Orchestra; JIMr. Hariy Oke, Coîborne, îecentiy 0Our nejghbiors who iived nflxt door; Bible lesson read by Miss Phoebe visited bis uncle, Mn. Wesley Oke. . AdHrythe bl)acksmltjih whlo ,sho, Beach - ndtap- splnddy-gien jDr. W. G. Bentham, Toronto, - my horse, ____ - perty to be offered i5s ubjecet ta a reý- jnd many others 1I might na'fne T- ihceinSrn ilieyserve ,bld. B ut that 1 shail not do.I T es'hdesin pnig Mllieny Fo r furthètr particulars and conIdit'0ons The luncb was served, goodnigbitesa, iwere neyer prettier th?,n this seassan. of the sale appiy ta , The, time had corne to part Tbey include Alkazar, Crabapple, CON'ANT & ANNIS. Sa Off tbeY went to homne and l3ef Sien e e th-m ariisically Osha.wa, Onýtarjo. 'Twas a~ jolly event, to say the least, blended ino thIe new Spring Hats nt Solicitors for the or ggee And 'twfil live bIn y mexnory-ler U-amPton frilepds and the littflea T)nrmn&Edmond3tone's, Marcb fJamnesBishop, Oahiawa. Auctionîeer. j'li.it was beld on rnýy Birthday, dpar. 20-21.-R. J. S iaf est L-Milk To Drink Glen Rae Dairy Miik is~ the richest, purest milk you can buy in Boxvmanviile. It is brought frorn a model farm and dairy. It is produced by xveii- tended, regularly inspected herd. Every cow is a T. B. Tested Coxv from a Government Accredit-ed Herd. Drink Glen Rae Dairy Milk and derive the benefits in freshness, richness and purity that are the results of the high standards in force and sani- tary equipment and hiandling used. Delîvered Fresh Daily from our own Dairy. GLEN RAE DAIRIDY R. R. Stevens, Proprietor Boxvmanviiie Aiberta Coal Here l fo We have a limited quantity of Alberta Coal frsale from one of the best mines in the West. Order now and be sure to get a supply while it la s ts. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND ROQFING Give us an opportunity to supply your needs for Roofing, Cernent, Gyproc and buiiders' sup- 'plies of ail kinds. ORDER ANTHRACITE COAL NOW Anthracit~e operators anticipate a general 1 strike next September. You xviii therefore be weii advised to order your next winter's suppiy of bard coal now. ORDER LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE COAL J. A. HO-"LGATE & SON Phone 111 Bowmanvi1le Sale oft Hoisteins 1 Under auspices of Durham County Holstein Club. Select your foundation cattie where they'veý prove-n best by test. REQ. Q. 5,PAT. OEÈý COME TQ- BOWMANVIILLE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25TI- Ail cattle £rom herds under accreditation; 90%? fully accredited. SMore 20,000 lb. cows have been sold in the Bowmariville Sale in1 the past three years than h ave been sold in al! other Ontario Club Sales combined. At the March sale in 1922 we sold Panasta Sylvia Plus, 21,000 lbs. (305 days), and also Pauline Korndyke Sylvia, 23,000 l'bs. (305 days). In 1924 -we sold a 26,000 lb, cow and also a 22,000 lb. cow, as well as a year-old son of the f ormer world's record 305-day butter cow; Orxîdyke Pietertje Korndyke 2nd. This year we have a 19,705 lb. cow, due in May to the service of a son of a 1,108.87 lb. cow; we also have a 17,413 lb., 3--year-old, etc., etc. ~Anxious ta establish one of the soundest and best cafle clubs in the Province, members of the Bowtnanville Club have fromi the first made the greatest effort poossible ta contrihute the highest quality anirnals that were to be found in the district. Their efforts ini the past have prochiced several of the highest record cows yet ta find entry into an Ontaria sale catalogue. This year fifty entries have been selected with the same view in niind. 0f llhese, four onîy are buils, ail] being yaungsters of arotind the year in age. FRESH CQWS AND BRED HEIFERS MAKE Up OTHER FORTY-SIX ENTRIES Sale at Beith Stables, at 12ý30 p mi L. E. FRANKLIN, Autopeer For catalogue addîess -- . SNOWUEN, IBom*ranville, Ontairio, Secretary, Durhamn County Holstein Club y i