ëiï Phone 65 Corne On! Bowmamille - -Let's Go! To Chartran 's Store FOR OUR SPRING SUIT, OVERCOAT AND MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS 200 Suits to choose from......$15-00 to $35.00 40 Spring Overcoats from .. . .$20.00 to $35.00 All Spring Goods have arrived here. Get in and get 1Érst choice as it is always the best, Pick out your Spring Suit and have it laid aside for you. Ail Spring lines of Shirts, Hosiery, Uncler- wear, Hats and Caps, Neckwear, etc., are ready fo~r your inspection. You will find this store has the finest selection in to-wn and prices lowest. Sole Agent for 2Otth Century Brand Cîothing Made-to-Measure $27.00 to $50.00 S, G. CHARTRAN CLOTHIER AND HABERDASHER 1 door west of Bell Telephone Office Phone 26~ GROCERY sJ 1 BwmauvIile PECIALS Be sure to get my Special IPrices for Groceries before buying. We Save You. Money. H. S. BRITTOei"N, B3aker & Grocer Newcastle AUCTION SALES SHAWS SCIHOOL SECTION Monday, March 3t~-S, E. De- Wednesday evening a aumnber o: well, lot 27, con. 6, Darlingten, wholbis young frieuds met aud togethei la giviag up farrminig, wiil sel al nvaded the home ai Mr. Howard ils farna stock, implements, etc. j I S'ale ut 1 P. M. See bills. Thea. M. Crydermani and "sprung" a geauinc Siemion, Auctioneer. ýsurprise pairty upon him. Aftol several rousing games and contests, Tuesday, March 31'.Mr. James1 the Company Sas calleçi ta order and Veule, lot 5 ,con. 4, Darlington, east Mr. Gardon Ashton reýad a concise of Stepheas' Miii, wlll sou al ai his address, expressing regret ut lbis de- farm stock, implements, biacksmith parturo irami the commiunity and and crpenter tools, iouseioldifur- best wisbes for every succes~s on hi aituro, etc. Sale ut 1 p. ni. Secý new farm. Miss Gruce Bragg then bills. Tbeo. M. Siemion, Auctioneer. presented him witi a Waterman's Fieuntain Peue as a sligit token af FURNITURE SALE aur respect and esteemi. Lai ],i _____brief reply, Hoaurd e xpressod îih, Satuà'4ay, March 28-Mr. Gea. At- comiplo2te surprise on tuis occasion, tree, one mile eaýst ai Courtice, and bis gratitude for suýcb a suit. (Squire's Corner), Kingstanl Road., able and useful gift. This speýec'h wiil seli on the premises the i ollow-, Pr(" tdberyapiuen i ing: 2 Cook Staves, 1 Box Stove, 2 sang FPar He's a Jeily Good Fol- Tablies, 3 Bedsteads, Spig ntid,' Lnhwsmc noe Mattross; 3Wush Stands; 2 Des.1 and the gthering dispevsed at a ors; 1 Ottoa;2 ic e s u-esonablo hour aiter another con- boards; Gramaphone and 3.5 Re-jes and more music. cords; 2 Small Tables; 14 Chairs;! -Fermai Spring Openin-5. W. 1 Buffet; 1 Organ; 2 Rugs; Kitchen Masan & Son--Friduy, Marci '2Oth., Utensils; 3 Calle Pups, 9 wveeks aid;- 7 to 10 p. m. Canned Fruit anid geins; Chinaware Only a iew left-Ladies' M'inter and other articles tea numierous te Overcoat-ciearing ut haîf regular mention. Sube ut 1.30 p. ni, Ternusi price. Couci, Jobuston & Cry- cash. James Bennett, Auctianeer. derinan. Barga i ns hI.Dishes These special prices are for one week only and fthe quantity is also limited. Better shop early. WiIIow Pattern Porcelain China Dinner Sets Popular Old Light Blue Willowr Pattern Pore- lain China Dinner Set, 97 pieces, gold lined, reg- 1 ular $35.00, Sale Price $25.00. One only, Dark Blue Willow Pattern, porcelain China dinner set, 97 pieces, reg. $28, Sale Price 40 piece Tea Set, White and Gold, good value at $7.00, Sale Price $5.75. CUPS AND SAUCERS REDUCED IN PRICE 14 dozen White Porcelain China Cups and Saucers, very serviceable regular $2.50 dozen, Sale Price $1.75 dozen. Fine China Breaýfast Cu.ps and Saucers 15e ea. 18 doz. Tumblers, extra special value $1.25 doz ARCIETAIT jained with littie Donald Jose's groat grandpureuts, Mr. and Mrs. John Lord ai Siaws, in ceiebratlig- their! golden wedding day.1 Newcastle frieutis are sory tai leara ai the deatb in Milton lastý week ai Mrs. M. Nixon, formerly! Miss Eduia Lang ai Kirby. For1 some time she canducted a success-J fnl ililnery business la Newcast- le and -was exceedingiy papulur with ail the young people ai the village. Much sympathy is feit for the sudly bereaved husband and ber littie cbild af ix slweeks, The outstaning event la agricuit- ~ural happenings la the Providence section iast week was Mr. Arthur .Bragg's sale on Wednesday, Marchj lltb. From ail reports ai bathI Beller and buyers it was mare than ordiuarily successful. Farmera, and others were keen ta buy; bld- ding wus,brisk and everything hap-1 ly went ixader the bammer ut goad- prices. Herses and cattie capoc- ily changed hands ut samre goodj hopeful figures and Mesurs. 'George and Ted Jaekkaon, Auctionees( ç tail>' ai a happy and successLi day.j Men's Dress Oxfords, in Patent Leather and Black, Calf . ...$5.00 to $7.50 pair W. Claude Ives Don't miss this opportunity. CHIROPRACTIC AUTO AND TRUCK LICENSES folwn r e f the mnany Owners ai automobiles and mor ts Chiropractie sdjustings are trucks are advised tint liceases for til overcomîng: lj 1925 are now availabie. Don't rua rms of norve trouble, headaches, the risk ai being fined. Get license s, spinial roubles, throat and lungtjnw serheumnatismn and sciatica, ,nw oe disorders high blood pressure, WM. J. BAGNELL, culatory troubles, heart wealçness-Kig tre amnve Durwin E. Steckley ai Bow Pe will mako residentiai cal!,. vcastle, Monduy, Wedlnesduay iday. For an appointinen~ 141lJ, Bewmianviîie. 32-t e d rThe N wcT1e Iiep nd n afen THURSDAY, MARCHI l9th., 1925. paralysis and cire NEWCASTLE BEAUTIFUL NATURE AND ART L. 0. LODGE ENTERTAINS esand il~~~~~D. 1____________ Mr. J. E. Rinch hýas taken a posi-i Mr. Walter Seldon DeIights Youzig iBrethren of L. O. L. No. 265, Dr.il tiont in Oshawa.j People's League withý Pictures ý,their wives, familles and other in New s Mrs, C. Cannon is visiting b erý friends held a social eývening- inter and Fi sit1iOhra It was an expectant and confidlentt Lodg-e Room Wedniesday evenilng,phe Mr. . W Gisonhasretrne audience that gathered in the Meth- j March llth, An enjoyabie to home froml Orillia. odist Church on Mondiay eV-iining 0o ourls vwas spent i progressive Mr.B.E. oie s i Trono hi greet Mr. W«alter Seldon. It wasa ames wý\ith Mr. Allan Martin, actiig' S ek n usnes.carmied and iiighiy pleased comipany as Master of Ceremonies. T'hen we o bsies.ôf fl that left cburch 21 Y> hours am lunch of tasty and substantiai IjALFRE] Miss Jeani Singer is visiting la iter aftev lis2teniing taMr. Slo' viands served in great ubundlaii4-e i raduat *friends in Toronto. dleep, rich, musical voice spea'k of and varîety by Bros. Alonizo Cwn of Royi jMr. Walter Seldon, Toronto, wýasi Art and Nature and the great beaýuti- i Freernan Eddy, Wml. Hockin, Geo. burg. *in town iast week. fui out-of-doors. -Martin and others, with lady helpers. o and 1 Mr. Herb. Hacok ad business! The three hundred odd pre ýent, al I The coffee was boiied, creamied and: B] ock,1 inii Port Hlope iast week.i the wIaY fromi childhood te old age sugar'ed [to perfection under the * Dr. Corbin had business ini Tor- wvs a relarkable tribute in the I shiliful supervisýion Of W. M. Bro. J. ena vr heweknd1 first place to the mian who in visits F. B. and Mrs. Lovekin. 1Hionor g . 1 liore in the past hias imipreFsed bis, After lunchi the W. M., Bro«. Flo jMr. Sain Cook, Ronfrow, sî- personality puponi Newý%castle, and in Lovekin, called the comnpany to, or- Licentiaý iting wIitbi Mrs. Giendenniing. the second place to bis photographic der and lie and Bros. S. Jose, Fred 1 Now Yo Miss Bernice Couch, we ave sorry and descriptive art. Grahapi and A. A. Colwill deiivered Gý"raduat 'to note, is iii with near pneumanoiia.t Tho, piture3slisown-i by Mr'. Seld- short, itydre7e elaie t itlo Miss Annie Kenefick is enjaying on are for tiie iûost part taken and! Cowanvillo Lodige No. 265 and Con-i1?on a visit from her cousin, Mr. McDer- coordudpeue or lantern cerning the activities of Orangeism -rs mo.illustration by himiself. Eyery timne 11 general. 'J,,ewcast Mr. R. W. Gibson has taken al he gives an evening here lie bas a jTbree of Cowanville's most faith- J~~ position withi Generai Motors, Osh- big ai-d appreciative audience 1 dful11andc long-time memibers were j awa. las it hias been in the past se siall presenlt in the persons of Bras. Hir- - Mrs. John Stapieton is spending it lie. 1arn Milison, Wellhngtan and Robert __ a fw dys itbherbroherTomat1 On Monday evening lie exhibited a Cowean. the Lodge Treasurer.pea Orono.widel varid assotnlen' of lîdes, Newcastle friends were lopes Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson, beginning at Newcastle then xest- ed to have with themn on this occa- saaada and thon in to, the Western Mr. Ciarence Allun froni Orono.I Tuesday. States, people, aiiiais, plains, rivers,1 This is the first function of its kind Mr. and Mrs. Frn aknlaowtrals onans iis ur Orange friends have held in Windsor, wero recent visitors at Mr. prs h adru ok fGo many cears but now they have made B. M5oise's. ~Ak a eeand man. a fineevenng. he we may probablyilook to Orillia to visit bier sister wbe is musical part of the prograni wus weii ant evening was concludled by thie seriousiy iii. planned by thie League. The National Anthemi led by Mr. Haroldi Miss Elizabeth Hancock wvas home :YugPoi' Cora h hurchiAllin, champion maie crokinole fromn the Toronto Normal Schooi for sang t,wo woll rendered choruses wvith1 player. A Guest. the weidend.j Miss Gracoe Bragg, the leuding 9so-, Mr. Harold Vaifnphlew bas moved praci Mrs. Chas. Cowan and Miss Church Union Bureau reports bis amiy totheSeiy hese n tecn a in clcot tones, a lovely duet urhsornin43adaans wst biil ou thdarybose.n he God is Love", and Mr. Robt. Wal- c528 efor inda. an aai west boundary.~ ~ ~ ton recoived proionged appiause for52fo lCad. Mr. Harry Cauchbhas diýposed of bis baritone solo "Love sends a gift one af his splendid work boises toof Roses". Miss Phyllis Clernence HA R A NE a Port Hope buyer.; read thýe scripture lesson in the open- A R W GN Ri Mis. J. H. Thom has returned ta inig exercises. ai The Hambourg Conservatory. Toronto aiter a pleasant visit with R.ev. E. B. Cooke presided duîing Toronto, will takie on a limiited Mlrs. J. W. McLaughliin. the musical- anid pictorial progrumi number of pupils at Bowmanvilie. Mrs. H. C. Anderson, Toronto, and at the close tianked Mv Seldon Teucher of is spending a iew days with ner on bebaif ai the audience for bis Hawaiian Guitai, Complote miother, Mrs. R. P. Butler, peddlcueadilsrtos Course. in Transposition. Pupils Mr. A. Jacobs, formeriy of Tor-' guaranteed ta play in 25 lessons, onto, bas taken possession ai bis' NEWCASTLE CHURCHES aiso Ukuiele, Banjo-Uko and Pl newly acquired property on George ____ Tenor Banjo. Street. 1 tdo vrRoyal Theatr,B mn Presbyterian Churcli, Rev. Geo. vile laseey ensa. Mr. Robert Reid bias mioved bhis Mason, minister, wiil proach on Sun- Pvuil particularrs at miss Atudroy1 ciattels from the Farncomb farm day ut NewIýcastle at il a. ni.; Nelwý- Nokes', Bowmnlville, phone 1w u oKilcolman where he will re- tonville 2:30 P. 1m. Subject- G1 ,-'Ie lb free tvery evening. Special up5 tafree lopssons giveýn wIt ver'y side in future. "Knowing and Doing". guitar prhsdfo s The W. M. S.,ai the Methadist Methodist cChurclh, Rev. E. B. ___________________ Chuici w\ili hold its annuai Thauk- Cooke, Pastor. il a. m.-Morning Offoring Tesaon Enster Monday worship; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbooi; evening, April iSti. 7 p. ii.-Evening service. Antbems Mrs. FedEilwrhfUi by the Choiî- Duet by Messrs. How- homne a shiort time ugo and iract-, ard andi Hirld Allin. ured ber wrist and sustained ather ________ severe badily injuries. Mrs. Jas. Wight, Providence, re- NEWCASTLE PUBLIC LIBRARY cently spent a few days ItIh be son aid daugbiter-in-iaw, Mi. and I Report foir February of Newcast-TI Muci anxiety is feit by momnbers' 65; total menibers, 269. 4In the vil- of bis family and other friends for luge, 267; o>tside 2. Circulation of the veîy seripus affliction wliichi bas- books: Non-fiction 58; fiction 667; overtaken Mr. Geo. Gruhani, Thiird juvenile 220; total 945 books. Line. Magazines 61. Books in Library r L RI Mr. lfe Eswrt e dwnj1,896. Additians lna ]ý25: donat'ediT IL stars. rently, brkng er clow . ,purchaseti 45, bost and replaceti sads recev yraing ierakin 2- Also purchýsed Boys Ovrn An- andreeivnga svee s' kig up. Inuai for 1924 and Ciums foi 1924 Latest reports are that she isma-eion Ovrue fes $.0 ic aî-sfactory pore towvard re- eI O N E ri<dueiines$1:4 ing TrOoTss tC. ButI r, Librurian. Mr. Howard Crydermian bus leit %P tbis section with bis graadpuarents,I Mr. and Mrs. John Lord ain- oed Ladies, you are invited ta inspect (Jastward about five miles ta, the ithe exclusive designs ai the season's Lake Shore farmi of Dr. Alfiedj newest modeis in Millinery ut Ding-: Farncomb.Ima & Edmndsone's, Marci 20-21. FR Mrs. Mattbew Brown won ;~ --- Grand Challenge Cup ut the Flower TH WO L SGR Show. Mrs. Browu bas been a, H O L ' R stroag contender at form*er showXsI and she is ta be coagratulated on T m l winaing this much-coveted prize. T m l ba be vstigbe a wbo,;' r Suggestions Hann's Habe and Mis. Wmn. Lake, returneçi home on Saturday and was accompanied pns te Bowmanviile by lier mothier wbo Fo ur e t Saturday, Mt stuyed over during Sunday and Mon- day witb her nieces, the Misses Web- ber. Newcastle Orchestra is planning ta put on a rouI high class concr n-h seil rpesentativ( cluding Toronto artists ai interna- tional fame, on Wediesday, May I Hlighiland Coal is the best grade of An- thracite Coal mined in the United States A trial order will con- vince you. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle Ont. Ta i or ED-TO1-MEASURE oz64'uOO ONE PRICE YOUR CONVENIENCE 'EATEST ONE-PRICE TAILORS ARE COMING TO zrdashery, Friday and Iarch 2Oth and 2lst. 'e of this well w'ill be at our and patterns in SMen! It may be a long time before it cornes around again, an~d you certainly will find it difficult to get as much clothes value for $24.00 any-where. *SATISFACTION POSIETIVELY GUARANTEED H 1ABI)AHERY Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bo-wmanville Keep Your Eyes On Our Windbws For Specials This Week. .t Jl be a grand chance to save on your meat bill. G. A, Edmondstone 'houe 21 Bowmanvjlle loi MEDICAL ED F.ARNCOMB, M,. D., C. M. -te ai Trinity University, aise 'ai College Physicians, Edin Specialty--Diseases ai womr childretn. Office-Parker' Newcastle. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M.i graduate ai Trinity Unîvýersît of Trinity Madical Colleg- itQ ai the State University aI' ark, Matriculate ai the Posi te Modical School! and TTo- fNe'w Yerk and Fellow ai thej ;Academy' aiofMedicine, Offlc' McNatiehton's Residencij stie. Hours-8 le 10 a. n) p. m., and by appoiityen, )pý