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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1925, p. 5

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i 1' LET PETER AND HIS SONS DO YOUR WORK Pet~er Martin & Sons, Elgin St., North, Bowm-anville, wish to aotif.y the public they are prepared to ,do the following kinds of work; ce- mient walks, floors, blocks, siloes, posts; plastering; ail kinds of mason-I ary1 work from roof to celar; also shingling; teaming; ploughing; ash-1 es and debris riaiioved. Now that you know soma of the Work these men do give theni a phone call at 206r'5, write or eall at above ad- drass. Whbere estimatas are re- quired they will giadly fur-nisih them free and without obligation on your part. Cet your order in early for thinga are shaping Up for a real busy season. Distance makes, no diff an- encae. They have a car. 12-t For Sal1e or Exchange FOR SALE ORl EXOHANGE-On Lib- erty ad Concession, an eight-room brick bouse wth ona acre of land wih fruit trees, for six roorn bouse, sniali lot or no ]and, catrally locatedI. W. U. Pinch, box 97, phone 364w, Bownmn- ville. il-tf MOTOR SHOW' of DURANT' and FLINT AUOMOBILESj at HATELY'S GARAGE BOWMAN VILLE on SATURDAY, APRIL 4th Reserve the date and watch for further particu- Jars next week. -Wm. J. Challis, Local Dealer ]Big Demand FOR JERSEY 'MILK Our supply ofJ Milk has increased Jersey .con- I siderably. So we can now handle a few more cus- tomers. I~-f you want good rich Jersey Milk with lots or" cream have our wagon cali daily. Phone 205r4. Watch for our new Jer- sey Dairy_. Milk Wagon next week. Hi. M. Foster, Manvçrs Rd 1ownmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Marlon Morris spent Suandayl Attend Mason's Dollar Day Sale with riainds in Cobourg. Misses Haddy, Toronto, speat MUiss E. E.. Hayraft spent the Sunday at homne. waekead with friands la Whitby anid Mrs. E. R. Bounsail recently visit- Br ookla. ed friands la Toroato. Mrs. Geo. Hancock of Newton- Miss Mary Humne nacently visited villa, is visiting fier 'daughter, Mrs. jM1iss, arieSarfa Cborg Frankli R. Brown. Every panant and your children MUiss M'aud Elliott has returaeà should sea "Peter Pan" at Royal after spandiag 'a week with Mi-S. G. Theatre. A. Sim-ith, Port Hope. Mn. Jami-es MeDougail has ratura-1 Mrs. Fred Davidson, Oshawa, is ad home froni risitinig friands la visiting hier mother, Mrs. W. Gini- Chathami. blett who has been ill. Attead the Choir Concert la the "Pater Pan" is the story of evary Mthodist Chunch this (Thunsday) child's dreairis and every mrothan's evening. 35c. iov-at Royal Theatre. Mns. (Rer.) W. A. Bunnan hias Mns. Wm. Horsay and Mrs. Win. been visiting hanr daugliter, Mrs. C. Wallace, Oshawa, wera guests of Symions, Welcome. Miss Balla Allia, Wednasday. House Dressas, ragular $2.00 aad Mns. Wm. MeCutcheon, Miss. Hat- $2.25, Dollar Days $1,00 aach at S. tia M-ýlCutcheoai, Toronto, nacantly W. Mason & Soa's. visited the former-', sister, Mrs. Wii- Their niaDy friands ara plaased lard Caldwell. to sea Messrs. C. 'Rehden, Geo. Hall Mrs. E. W. Rundie and daughters adLwy Cyamnsfiinl Doris and Wilima, Oshawa, spant nacovaned from thaîr sckaiesses to Suaday with hanr mother, Mrs. J. T. 1ha able to walk out daily and bask Bragg, Carlisle Are, la the axraya of the sua. Mrs. (Rer.) R. A. Whattam of Dr. and Mns. B. J. Hazlewood and Oshawa, was cailed to Pcton on ac- Miss Aileen Hazle-wood ware la Ton- count of the ilîness of baer nothen1 oYnto last Wednasday attending a Mrs. H. .Jhao.piaap nacitai at llambourg Conser- Mrs. Geo. MeBeth and sons, vatory at which the entîre prognani Moorefield, have ratùrned ihome af- was given by Miss Yvonne Hazie- tan a pleasant risit with Mn. and wood. On Apnil 6th Miss Hlazlewood Mirs. Levi Ward, Manvers Rd. iwill sing threa salections at another Miss Tuite, Belleville, -will rnad at racital. the choir concert, Methodist Chunch Probably ona of the iargest cars this erening. -Fear han,. . Solos, of flour consigned to a local denier duats and quatats by the choir. la being unloaded this week at the Ath-urý Germiond of Oshawaý C. N. R. Station for Mn. W. P. Cor- Iwhiie spaaking at Rotary Club Fnl: bett, Baker. The flour is froni se- day said arery child shouid see iectad liard wheat gron in Western "Peper Pan". You can at Royal Canada and manufactunad into high Theatre. grade flour by the Western Canada Mr. and Mns. W. J. Hamblyn aadiFlour Milîs. son Os'waid more to Exeter nexti 'Oral Haalth', the officiai mionthly -week whara Mn. Hamiblyn bas the, magazine of the Canadia Dental position of Manager for the Sandars Association an-d othen Dental So- Clothi- Co.ciaties of Canada contains in its Cltbn C.February issue an 1 nteasely iaterest- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dopp and iag 8-page Symposium by Dr. J. C. two chldren, Mrs. Theressa Do.pp, Deitt of the Trans.-Ganada Trip to Miss Mînnetta Dopp, Torono, were the Canadlan Dental Association Sunday guasts of Mr. and Mrs. convetioni held la Vancouver at Thomas Bottrall. si o-Auut Dr. . J.Hazl-vtod waA special meeting of 'the Womi- onto 9'uesday attanding a meeting ani's Canadian Club to whlch mem- of the Ontario X-Ray Associatian 'bars of Men's Canladien 'Club ara la- where Dr. Carman, a ieading Anleni- rited ,vill be held on Fiday eran- c'en authority on X-ray work was ig arh2t t8p .i h the hiefspeaer.Lecture Room of the Methodist Mnr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson, Eninis- Churh. The 'Club bas been for- idlen, wisýh to annoilnc' the engage- tunate enougih to secura as speaker ment of their only daughter, Irena Mrs. George Blee>k, F. R. G. S., wifa Helen, to M. Edgar Lloyd Preseotc, of the memiber f or thep Yukon ln the yoilnger son of Mr. Win. Preacott, Faderai House at Ottawa. Mrs. Black Enfleld. Thie marriage to take place wveat into the Yukon from Vancon- quiatiy eanly in Apil. rer -with the "trail of '98". Thnough Mn. and Mrs. Hlarry M. Cll1acoftt fanious Chilicont 'ass-she has liradi of "Tyrone, Ont., announce the an- in Dawson even siaca except duing gagaemant of thair aidest daughten the war when she weat ovarseas with, Gladys to Clarence Wilirad Woodley, han husband and had the unique ex.- son of Mrs. E. Woodley and> the late paience Z4 crossiag wiih hilm on onîe Mn. Richard Woodiey, the marriage of the transports, the only wonan to taka place 'eanly la Apnil. with 1500 men. Mrs. Black's lect- Mn. . Paw'sn an Mis Pasonune is illustrated by oven oaa hun- Mer. la.Toratonond Musa stîadred lanternaslidas. The photo- wer inTorntoon udergiag a gr-aphs were takea by Mr. Black his wifa who has bean udron and eolored by Mrs. Blaeck serious oparation la the Generai Hospital. Returnlag home on the Good musical and litanary progrnm 10 p. in. C. N. train they took a M ethodiat Church to-nilgbt. Do't taxi and had à môst axcting expen- ms t leaca. Thera were four passen- gens la the taxi nad la tunning off WORLD'S GREATEST HUSTLER the Base Liné goîag orer the bridge they tipped aven into the creek--a Frad P. ,Mann is a amaîll towa distance of 16 feet. Fortun'ately marchant. Ha conducts a amal they struck the Hydro pole which general store la the littie towni of savad then ifroni drowniag and they Devil's Lake, North Dak~ota. But escaped safely' aften e savere shek- despite the necassarily eonfined area iag up. froni whi'cbha drews his patronage, Coagratuluations to our wida- Mn. Mena' won the reputation of Slli- aweke auto dealer, Mn. Wm. J. Chai- iag more marchandise than is soid la 'lis, newly eppointed agent for Dur-. any store of equal size la the world. ant anti Flint Motor Cana. He ne-. The secret of Mr Man's succeae is ceatly clqsed ona of the best auto-: hast told by a statement lia nacntly mobile'deals la thesa parts b>' selingj made concerniag newspaper adrer- to Mn. W. G. Bowden and M. S. J. jtîsing; "I -would feel I was tiad bandI Stor ey of The Fittiags Ltd., Oshawa, and foot if 1 faiied to tell the public encha FPint sedan. Thasa 'ucars thnough the home papams what 1 have wane la Bowinaville on Satunday i to sali. The bast lime to adrertisa and were proaouaced 'hy maluy spec- is when tlines are hard or busines tatons as mnrellousinl thei- elegant- is bad and your competitor ithar ly rafined appea rance and ma tanly, curtails his adrtlsing or is not ad- performance. Mn. Challis was as-; vertising at ail. "I believe the îîews- sistadl in this business transaction by paýens of this eojntny are the great- the able salesnmaship of Mr. Andrew I est business buildars the world has Moffatt, Factory reprasenta-tive fur aven kaown. I have t-rÎad te do Durant Moton Car Co. of Toronto. business withqut pinter's ink as wel Sicea taking over Ibis agency Mn. as with it, and ni>' oncio i.os -Chalis bas also sold Durant Sedans that the merchant who thiaks lha cen te Mr. T. Wesley Cawker and Aider- prospan wlthout adrertising bis man W. J. Ça'vely. goods, is foolish". BIRTHS M ITOR ELL-in Bowmanville, March 24, 1 925. to Mr, and MrV.1W.Mtne, Mc NTOSHi-Ia' Bowmianville Hospital, Match' 16, 1925, toMr and Mrs. Wmn. Mntha soni. KERSEY-At. Hampton, ou Sa ttur iday, Mairch '11, 1925, to 'Mr. and -Mrs. Sydneyý lCrea son. (Syd'ney Reginaid). McQUARRIE-Ifl i Dariington, unear Sehn'Mill, on Wednresday, Marc1h25 Mr. anld Mrs. Jos. MQare a laughter. MARRIAGES ALLI N-DAVISON-In BOwmanvýille, in Mjarch 9,2, by Rev. W. iH. Spargo, Elsie, Davison to Clifford I. Alliai, son of M .ad 'Nrs. w.J. AuHmtn Ont. 'BAKER-PRATT-ID Oshawa, on Sat- urday, March 2Oth, 1925, by Reýv. -. W. De-Milie, Hild1a, dau-ghiter of Mr. and Mrs. Albeýrt Pratt, Hilîcrof t St., Osiiawa, andMr William Water Baker, son of rtlr. and -Mrs. W\. J. Baker, ofBwm- DEATHS GOL.DRING-,In Nec-ýcastie, M'arch 25 Heien Goldring, beloved wif a of Johni Goldring, aged 71 years. Funeral service at St. George's Church, Friday, March 27'th at 2 p. mi. WH ITE-In Necstie, on Tuesdaýy, March 21, 192.5, William H. B. Whit, li his 7lst year. Funerai from bhis iata asdcNew- castle, on Thursday, March 26 at 2 p. m. to flowmnanviile Cametery. RUTLEDGE-In Dariagton, on Tues- day, Match 24»125, EiizaUath Rýutiedg,,,. widow of the late Edward Rut1Lageý,, in her 96th year. irunerai from hier ip±e residence, Sal-ln, on Thursday, March 2'6th et 2.30p). nm. to Bowmianviiie Cemetery. HALL-ln Enniskiilen, on Wednies- day, March 2. 25 5,Louette Ain Hall, haloved daughtar of Mlr. a.nd Mrs. Chais. Stewart, agad 41 years. liuneirai1 from her parents' residaýnce, on Frlday at 2 p). ni. to Hampton Cime- tory, B E NN ETT-.At Port Hope, Mri21, 1925, Rlazel Benmnett, aged 34 yeýars, 9 months. SUTTON--At Cobourg, on Suadlay, March 22, Col. David Sutton. formeriy of Cavani Townshiip. DUNLOP-At the Port H7ope Hospital, M1arch 23, AMica Lee, baloved wif e of John Dunrlop. aged 63 years. MOORE-At Lind§say, on Monday, Match 2.3,2, Katharine Moore, relict of the late John Moore, Petarboro. WILLIAMSON-At -'I Suffolk St-, Tor- onto, on Suniday, Marchi 22, 1925, Çuitavis A. Williamison, aged 60 years. Jnteýrred ia Bowmianvilla. YATES-In the township of Hope, on Thursday~ Match 19th., 1925, RowlLad ïatas, beiovLd husband of &lvine Heairns in his 64th year. RUNDLE-Ia Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Wediesday, March 18, 1925, Frederick Ruindia, St. Marys, in his 6St5h year. Iaterred et 1Exeter. TIGH E-In Bowmanvile, on Stunday, March 22, John Thomas (Jack), infant; twia son of D-r.. and Mrs. P. T. Tighe, aged 4 months. Interred at Bolton. RENWICK-At "Fairinlbunt, Port Hope, on 'l-Tuesdca:y, Match 17, 1925, jas- aie John8ton, widow of the late Walter Renwick. Interment at Bownan ville. PH ILP-Ât hýer iate residence, Col - borne, on Sunday, Malrch 22,. 1525, Eliza- beth Gilbert Munson, beloved wife of Frederick A. Philp. 1meant et Bow,- manyiilla. WIL.LIAMSON-.At Ham.~pton,' on Fr1- day, March 9.0, 1925, S14d'h M. Ba~teson, beloveçl wif a 0f Mr. E. L. Willlamnson. Interred at Pine Grova Cemnetery, I rinceý Âlbart. EOWAROS-At 126 Aramstrong A'ýve., Toronto, Minnhe Beacoek, beloved wlf a of Eu'Ils J. Edwards, aged 56 yeýars. Moethar of Grant Eçlwards, weil-known in Bowmianviiie. CRAWFORD-m uToronto, March .22, Lewella May Maundaer, baloved wif a of Gjeorge Crawford, aged 44 years. Daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wmr. Maun-der, Lindsay. interment in Rliverside Came- tery. GIBSON-In Port Hope Hiospital of pneumuonia. March 18, 1925 , Leopold C, Gibson, ll4nnewaka, North Dakota. Brother-itn-iatw of Henry Bickle, Hlamil- ton Township. In.tarm.ent ini Overon, N. Dakota. IN MEMORIAM BRAGG-In loving memiory of Millie Bragg, h passed to test March 24, 1924. God knows how much we miss yo u, He couats the tears wa shed, We miss your .kiad and willing hapçl, Your fond and earnast care. Our home is dlark without you, Our- hearts are sad to-day 'Tis sweet to know we'l eat again, Our loved oaea gone bafor e. Husbaad, Daughters and Sisteýr. Wanted c' r HO . Knl5hsStoire New BARGAINS FOR THURSDAY, ?RIDAY, SATURDAY AND MQNDAY FREE TOMATO SOUP flUY SUGAR NOWsi Snider's Catsup, regular 35c size, we wili off er o ak f4ieec apic atrb the f'or 30e and wîil give you freea,>ith each betat $'7,50 par 100 lbs. Wa have sugýir bottle a can of Toniato Soup. It's wonderful at $7.30 but we recommend $7.50 value. n soup anid we want you to try j, 2for34r SasDown Cake Flour 33c,..2 for 65c u 1edWîe........... ......... 2fr2ct Ayimer lPitted Cherries ian 'leavy syrup23c Post Bran 15e ... .~.. .......... 2 for 29c B 3 for 55e Naw Maple Syrup, absoluteiy pure, 75c qt.,or Corn, Peam, Tomatoas.....3 cans for 50e $2.75 Imperial gai.lic Willard's Chocolate Bars.......... 6 for 25c Cream of Barlay 28r-............ 2 for 54c 2 4 A SPRING 'TONIC COOKING ONIONS1 To giva everybody a chancee we are going to Only 10 Ibs. to each customer at...25e sali Heaad' Lettue-e at.........10ec'e head Sliced Pineapple, large tin, regular 30e, Star Floor Wax, 1 lb. tin...... ........ 43c 2 for 13c1 Sugar.................... 10 Ibs. 75e Macaroni, 1 lb. each......2 packages 25c Star Ammoni.a, 3 for 33c; large packcage still Paterson's 1Soda-Q, regular l5&. . .2 for 25e bettar value at ,,....... ..4c package Coffee fnashly ground for elach custoimer 63e lb Kellogg Crn Flakes ............ 3 for 28e Engllsh Candies-Orchqrd fruits neyer sold less than $1.10, will seil until Monday night ht Sbradded Wheat Biscuits......... 2 for 25e 2$b0 a 5 iEMA -BACON .32c LB. TEL5 ALer Peameal Bon eles Back Bacon, half or whole THE Pi ASedo SedeAL UiaL Pe aide....................... 382e Ib. 'al at the special price of.....3 Iba. 23e A HELP WANTED-A-, thoroly experlan- adc man to work on farni. ApPlY t10 Il. 'awsoa, Bowmanville, phone2-. 13-tf MAN WANTED-Experieneed frri iand to wotk on fanm. Apply ý:o A. E. alîman, Kingston Road, W., Powmain- ille, phone 367J. :12- tf WvANTED TO BUY-Gýood quiet raIl1- hile horse fit for women or chîldren to rive. Also two grade stears nising 2 years ,oid for sala. Apply to W. Simps-ou, R.t. 4, Bowmnaavilie, or phone 112r5, LIýwman-vilJe, 1 -- Property For Sale PROPERTY FOR~ SALE OR' RENT-1 buseis, gardea and pouitry house if de- ired. Apply W,. W. Dickinson, Cor)- esinSt. E.. Bowrnanvilia. il-tf~ FOR SALE-A vary cteslraflle buald- ig lot on west sida, of Elgin Street, north of' C. P. R. Bridge, and aijo'iiii.g prpryof Mtr. William Hislop. Aniy asabeoffearwll ba aceated. -ýplply ,o McClallan & Co, Ltd., King St E., iowmanvilla, phone 15.,2- FOR SALE-A smIall poultry- plant, one acre land; 5 rooni bungalow: bua; lenhouse 12 x 30f; coloay house 6 N-- 8 broodar housa 10 x 14: 1 brooder store; 2iincubators; 130) Wita Wyaadtota haýns; 4Cockarals. Helen L. Cairruthen-s, Centre St., Bowmaavilla., phone 33, 9-tf HOLJSE FOR SALE-7-roomn brick 'anaered lipusa with ail modern copn- iences, hiardwood floots, large varandah, practically new. brick garage, on lot 00 x 150 ft., more lard adjoiniag if. neadad.' AÀpply C. E. Rahdar. Scugog; St., Bowmanville. 9-t Mrs. Gao. Dickinson has be ris-. iing han nephew, Mr. 'R. G. Dicekin-1 soa, Toronto. Citizens la town and country op- rating radios are advlsed b>' the De- partient of Marine and Fishenias that they must secure a licea'se by April laI. License whiêh is $1..00 ray ba seurd frein'C. B. KenIt at Post Office. 12-t Ariticles flor Sale H-ARROW FOR SALE-Disc Harrow. MeCormnick, nearly new, in first-class conidition. Phone 134-2. 13 -1;' HORSE FOR SALE-G-ood strong work horse2. Apply, to Eý. S. Clark, Scugý,og St., Bowmianville, phone 2197. 3-w ORGAN FOR SALE-In goiod condli- tionl. Very cheap for cluick sale. Mý,rs. J. T. HoeChiurch St., Blowmaniviille. 121-tf FOR SALE-Bright Baýy Clylý1le COlt, eii for regisýtration, rýisinig 3 years oidt. $10. IH. (G, Macklin, phone 3r2,Bowmianville. 1- AUTO TIRE FOR SALE-$20 buyýs al 33 y 4 -Dominion N1obb!y tire tube a d rimi, neyer been usedi. Apply to Norman1 S. B3. Jamenýs at Statesman Office. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE-irish, Cobbier, Comnets, Knoxalli. Good qsamplle, no blight, No. 1 potatoes. Apply John FOR SALE-Creain Separator, Mas- sey-Hàarris, nearly aew, $30_'.00; 0Open Buggy $10.00; Light Wagon $1.00. Chas. M. Carruthers, phione 160r2, Bwav le.13-1 W! COWS FOR SALE-Young Grade Dur- heam ow, just renewed, calf at side, iso several othe(r good dcows for sale. Apply to Siuas Foster, Mlann's Point, Darliag-. ton. 13-w COWS FOR SAL.E OR EXCHANGEror Duirhamq Gradie Young cattde. Also ont, young ragistered Durham Bull for sale. J. L. Parsons, phone 176r6,Bom - ville R. R. 2. - FOR SALE-2 good second band wag- ons, one wývith high whieeis and the other inedium, ,ith or wvith,,ut boxas; '2 second hand mowars. one in extra good condi- tion. Apply S. J. Henry, Mlassey-Hlarris Agent, Bwaviiphone 23_1 Gr13.1 13 -3w, Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR HATCHING-S. C. White 1,eghorn eggs, oockerelc tante fromn En'iglandi(. 13 eggs for 75c. Aiso iay- ing strains of Rock eggs, 15 for 75c. F. WV. Aluin, R. R. 1, Bowmanviile, phione 237-321. 13-tf E GGS FOR HATOHING-Sinigle Comb Brown Leghorn, direct from Everlay Farm Stock, world's record la laying contest, only $1.50 settUng; 5 very choice cockerels at $300 each. R. Hl. Dilling ett Harry Allln's grocery store, Bowmran- ville. 13.3* EGGS FOR HATCHING-From S*inia( Comb White Leghoras and Barred ;Rock from Ottawa EPxparimental Farmn, bred- to-lay birds, haavy winter layers, also a lmtdnumiber of baby chiicks for April and May deivary. WVill takeý your egg's and hatch) them -for you byv the hundred or setting. Inquire for pricas. L' EH. Pearn, box 363, Bowmianville, phone, 304W. -w FOR SALE-E 'g gs, Chicks and Cock- erels. If you are thiaking of setting your incubator try a hatch from a good laying strain of bred-to-iay S. C. W. Leghorns, or order some biaby chicks. Just a few for sale. Better order aow ynd not be disappointed. We also hiave some cockerais for, sale. Prices reals- onabie. (lU Fred W. Battlephne219r3, Bo.wmanvilie R. R. 6. 12-et.. Eggs Wanted WANTED-Nuw laid eggs. C.R Bickie, Liberty' Street, EBowmannville, Pbione 216W. 11-Mf Baby Chicks For Sale EGGS FOR H-ATCHING-Baby Chîcks. White Wycndottes S. C. WVhite Le! ors Clark'sý Strin:ii. Let uis hatcb your chickens. Weu are installing a Wish- bonte Mammoüth"-800-~ siagle section lat- cubator. WViil have a limited amnout of space, for taking your own eggs to hatch. Order now. Phonae 38W or Write W. Hl. Carruthers, R. R. 1, Bow-ý mat)ville. il-tf To Let HOUSE T'O RENT-Corner Centre and Concession Sts., 7-roomned brick bouse, tomwn waer, urna e ectrie lights, 1,j acre land witb simall fruits, barn. Appiy Jos. Pattinson, phone 257J, Bowiaaiivill 0, FARM TO RENT-160 acres, lot 5ý con. , LDariagton, about 5101crsworký- able land, balance pasture, plenty water and shiada. There is also abou )80 apple treas and Ipear trees, al winter fruit. also wood for use of he.use. Pos- Sesion ait once. Jamtes Veal, Bouwm1an- Ville. lt-tf Seed Grain For Sale SEED GRAIN FOR SALE--2-Rowacd Bariay, Banner Oats home growa rad 'dlorer seed. Apay to Howard Couch, R. R. 4, Bow=ianvilla, phone 146-13. 13-1 SEEO GRAIN FOR SALE-About 400 bushels dlean rixed grain-bariey and oats. Harry Colacoit, R. R. 4, Bowman- ville, phone 196-14. 13-1w SEED FOR SA LE-Good Colorado Whacat for sead. Heavy ylelder .Apl- pIY to Jôhan Woinaacott, R. R. 1, Ennis- killan, phone 21r.Il-tf Safêty Fir"st Play saf e with your children and the rest of the f amilly by giving themn PASTEURIZED MILK The .purest and beet milk you can buy and cost same as ordinary milk. 18 Pints For $1.00 Phone 297' or drop a carci to E.S.ÇLARDLKEL Scuigog Rd. R. R. 1 NBowmanville 1' IIt~ Wednesday-Thursclay, Mar, 25.26 "The Woman onu the Juriy"' With Sylvia Breaamar, Frank Mayo, Lev, Cody, Be.,sie Love, Mary Carr, Hobairt Bosworth, lMy- rtle Stadmnan, Henry B. Walthlql anid Ford Sterling., Friday..Saturday, Marci 27-28 Zane Grey's 'The Wanderer of the Wasteland' in natural eolor~s With Jack Holtr, Bille Dove, Noah Berry and Katbh1yn Willi-ams Matinea on Saturday at 3 O'ciock Admission AduIts 20c; chiIdren Wedneýday-Thursday, April 1-2 Jack Xoxia la "The eck Trail" PETER PAN By Sir James Barrie MARCH 30-31 Peter Paun, the 'hlored Boy Who Wouldn,'t G,,w Up, la Co11-1 in- 10 towa b maka you happy. To lake you sailing on a oil- ven cioud to the wondarful Neyer, Neyer" Land. The land of pir- ates and paintad redskins, and the glonlous adrentures of youtk. i The magie of sereen bnrings Barrie's- fanious nmasterpieca Vo you la thoaand limes greater aven than the play, whicbh las charmed millions la lts twenîy-1 ue yeans of uaequailed popuiar- ity. Betty 'Bronson, Barrie's own choice, la the ideal Peter' Pan.ý Ernest Torreace 18 a n'marelous Captal.n Hook. Weady, Tiaken Bell, and the other daligthtfulý characters are faithfully portra'-1 ed.- 1 "Peter Pan" la distinctly theý wýoi-der-pietue> of the acreen. Admissionx: Aduits 35c; ehiidnen 20c; Matinee Monda~y at 4 p. m. Admission: Aduits 25c; children 1se WHY? Why should we serve more homes~ than any other 4airy in iBowmanville? Because Glen Rae Dairy Milk is uniform in flavor and quality--and it is Pure- Clean-Rich. No other reasons. Peopile know it and take advanatge of an oppor- tunity purposely created for them. Why should anyone do otherwise' Drink lots of Gleli Rae Dairy Milk for, health,'s sake. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens, Proprietor IBowmanville This Is COAT WEEK AT C. S. Mason 's Shoppe Just Arrived This Week--- Dozens of the very Jatest modela tocse ~frorn EACH ÂND EVERY ON4E DIFFERENT ALL NEW GARMENTS IF IT IS A NEW STYLE-IT 15 HERE TAILORED COATS FANCY NOVELTY COATS FUR TRIMMED COATS COATS FOR YOUNG WOMEN COATS FOR MATRONS PR1C ED FROM $13.75 Corne ini and try them on--dozens to choose from. C.S.MASON The Personaîity Shoppe Phone 161 SPECIAL. Tatiored Tweed Sults Bowmanville Where You Are NeVei' Urgea To Suy. You Never Se* Two laarmnts Atike. BIG FEATUE PROGRAV ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMAN VILLE

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