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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1925, p. 10

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BOMANVILtiE. ÂPRIL Iiid, M Notice to V.. r armers j.1 arn prepared to pay hIghesi price for ail kinds of Fowl. Extra good price for goüd fr liens. Phone colleet Whitby 105r6, co Geo. Cowling, phone 320r4, Bow- manvîlle, orwrt J. Herman Whithy 1 2- PlIay saf e with your children and the rest of the tamilly by g iving th em PASTEURIZED MILK The purest and best nmilk you can buy and cost same as ordinary milk. 18 Pints For $1.00 Phone 297' or drop a card to Scugog Rd. R. R. 1, -BowmanvilIle Ho!, Fellows WHAT ABOUT THAT SPRING SUIT OR S'PRING OVERCOAT? We arie now ia readiness to look after your sping clothing needs. The new materils «ind fashion plates are hre for your selection and we ask visit froni you Wei an early can abso- lutely anme you moniey and dress1 you bétter. L~et us show you Iiow, J. T. Mollon TAILOR One Door East Kilng St. E. of Former Shop Bowmanvile1 OUR MILK-YOUR MILK It comes frein a miodern dairy wfiere good cows are 'welI treated. t inakes ail the difference in~ the world. It's rich in butrft evdctattenig ho R .mconay. 'On Adue a un yMsssD cone d tVi m n Tuesday'P. lay. n Aet a t IlMise Dr Wednesday mnomning internent took othy Plummer and Marlon Pickard I place at Vie Bowmnanville Cemretery, and a 'quartet by Misses Piekard, I Revs. D. W. Best, B. A., and W. A~. Joniess, Calan and Plummer, and Bunner officiating. A nuni.ber of two bymrns were sung by the school. relatives and friends froin the city 'The prograra was instructive andI and Vhe town were' in atteadance. very Interestlng throughout. ETON PASSING 0F BELOVED LADY( DEATH 0F FORMER CITIZEN NESTLE - Mrs. Frederick A. Philp, Coiborne Mrs. John YelIQwlees, Vancouvrer, Mrs. Jamnes Gord In our issue of February 26th last B.-. rM a . Johnt vsi, we published a very beautiful and, On Thursday, March 19th., 1925, iat. Weohpe for a touching letter to the senior eitoriEli7aa Finley, wife of Mr. John Yei-1 Mr T. H. Wiliia froin Mrs. F. A. Philp of Coîborne, iowlees, passed away at the hospita l e sick list. Pleaý accompajiyinig a subscription of $5 in Vancouver, B. C., after a few rýeicovering. sent by lier to the Fund for thie erec- days' ilinessa.M.SdnySal tion of a Soldiers' Memorial MUonu- She was bora in Bowvmanivilie, be-1aMrSiny tpl ment ini Bowmanïiville, bier olci homiel ing the youngest daiughter ofc the I his Wood eut L town. ~~~Late Mr. and Mirs. John Finiey, ato tete One paragrapli in ble letter ref er-1 Her death was quite unexpected Mrs. Andrewv Mc( red toi her happy girlhood days in1 as she had been in lier usual health, visitiiflg her father, anid sister and broti t vwhich she said: Oh! wliat minories anid was always brigiht and very act- cluster round thiose hiappy early daiys !ive and with hier husband wvas abo-ut Mis. Stanley H. 4,and "School Days, Dear Old Golden to leave on a trip to Sýotl'and. Toronto recently b Lt 'Rule Dllays", and the teachlers, ail of' Mrs. Yellowvlees wasý a sister ofi mail to aissÀist in fis whomI loed, ndI thnliwer Mrs, H ale, Coiborne, and was welî- Ms tne .I fl ond of mie becnus they wýere ail So known to m'lany in, this district. r-ecently spenit a con ï kind land iteesedin mle. Most i dsa wvith Miss à il of the lattruhav passd to The1 She is survive~d byý two sonsý, whoLi y Great Beyond but stili ling-er fondIýr are in business i Niniette, An1i-toba, Mr. Williarm porte andfailirl inrn nimoy. and lher husband who is living retiredj Civil Service Depai in Vancouver, B. C. The body wS spent the weekend v In a clos-ingpaaap Mrs. PIip11 taken to Ninette, Mani., for inter- C. H. Porteous; and *wriote: And nowx, 1 arnon inyjv eyImnReview on Sundali htome, on thie iast stretch, as it were, r.Ylole sassiri-a y6mmbr fM for I've seen the Sliadow of Death' ofMr elwesiassr-na b\(3ieiesofTr -, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o bu t er oevl frTh odad . Neil Yeilowl,-ees of this town-i.Cas of boys and 6 luit "I ear no eiBiblevTClasodand wP.s Thy ,,Staff they comfort m."- nsrutie - 1c Hiast senitencýe after sedgMrJophFde -. inlyremmbanes o ermaY LATE MS AMASSAýý FULLERý gertont were feiiing oid friends, shie losed witli theseFre~ anwe wod:If we neyer ag-ain mJleet on bdr' ailwe eath Ihoe ndtus w-sahai Taken iii in-i BowmvnanviIie about a' thri nig the tree agi Ï erth 1 opeandtrst e s-il mon th ago Mrs. Fuiler was tkntoinjrighis ieg. mleet ila Heavenl in The itBe lier sister's at Whitby where she pa- r.C H Prto Jand Bye. sed peac!efuliy to rest: on M'arch 28,1 j Mr. N Caily Pofo Her letter was vwritten on Thursday i er 66tli iN. ca o ygrnuf ai fter reading The Statesmaxx of thati The funeral of the late Mar:giett with the miaple syrup date and on Sun-day, March 22nid the Wigh-t, w'idow o, Ami-assa E. Flle ue1s1ldaeee cil cam-e and found her ready- to g o of Darlingto onsitok placemniy to be with her Lord wliomn she love d' Monday afternlooni fromn the res-'i Bey.J. E. riffit] so vieli. dence of lier istr r.J Me Mc-. Frollà The Coîborne E-xpress of Clelian, Whitby, where she has been j peddadsa M[ardi 26 we leara that Mrs. Freder- for1 the past mlonith and where sh-e l on Sunday taking fo ic .Phulp was seized with a cr-IPassed away on Saturdlay îast, s terch10:42,aytheii brai henorrhage one week before, Dca.e wsth ougstdug-aluchi and cmmua passed away on Sunday, Mffarch 22id ter of thle late _Mr. and r.Jh o-eD . ae 19L aeir or nPr~y Street',iWighit of Providence, Darlingtoîn.Idutsrie ex Coîborne, witliout regaini .ng con- 'EThe intermient took place ini Boa'- o'closrvcek. sciousness. Deceased before her j man1ville cemietery service beîGii con-1 0cok %jmarriage wsknovwn- as MXiss Eliza- dt7icted here by Rev. D. W. Beat, B., On Saturday evenil beth Gilbert-Munsonad residled in 1 A., Minister of St. Paui's. pany met at the ho B owmvilanilille. Until recent yea)rs, Aogterltvsatnio h Beacoclk to give Mr. deceased, Ilowa an accompiilied fruneral from a distance iwere lher gero he Stlavndardi niuisician and singer, was frequer.tiy sister, Mrs. Jamies MeClellan andasleilavn ti heard in concerts and churchcoisoHarofWtb, nd ate was presented wîith aiaswiliing to help along any, and George of Toronto; Mrs. A. A. ecadpiroc g-ood cause. Besides lier liusband' BrownTnt, sstr Ms-Wi1 Pson telas been a1 she leaves a son, Mr. Cam--erpa C.j Adair, Wingîoým, niece; 1Messr aroundî bank and EPhilp, and a daugliter, Mrs. A. G. J. Wight, London; Albert G, Wight a u this burg. Willougliby of Coîborne. and F. C. Wight, Tîedford, Ont1 Cristian Endeavou Private funeral services were held I and miany others froni Dai-lingtoiý, j week was in charzg ait the hione on Tues4ay at 11.15 and Clarke. w1tUrM. George Arnî a. mi., iby Rev. Thos. McKim, M.1HA. Jas. Noon responsibli Rector of Trinity Churci, Rev. S. C. Meeting openled witý iMoore, B. A., B. D., Pastor of the pryer; reading by Ml 1 M2ethodist Chureli, assisting. OBITUARY duet by Mrs. P. Wi The remiains were tien takea n. .B.WytNeist Geo. M'a!,riow; quart C. N. R. to Bowmnanvilie for inter-ýW .B htN-%csl Armstrong, Jackson, ment. accomipanied by Mesrs. E. E.f Vealle; reading by Ivr, PhiIp, A. L. Phiup, P. H. Philp, and 1 The very large attendance at the, Seripture reading, KE son, Dr. Darby Philp (Toronto), and! funerai service of thie late W . H . B.)1 topke was taken by Mi Fred Wilson and son, Frank WilsorWhte in S,,ýqt. Gorge's Crch 2on. wio acted as pall]-bearers here, sand'Tusa fenoMri2t. Mr. F. A. Philp, Mr. C .C. Philp was indicative of the g-eneral esteemi Capt. and Mrs. A. G. Willougliby and in wiich deceaseci was heid by al son, Williami A. Willougihby. At wioj knew hlim sither in private hf o Bowrnanville they were met by a or in a business capacity. Durirg large niuniber of deceased's oi d the, thirty-flve years or six years in friends, froin whorn were chosen , which lie lias had business relations jbearers wýho car1ried hier to lier îast with the citizens of Bowmanviile and resting place in Bowmanvilie Ceie-Nw tlDrhiton adlri teruy. The conimlîitment services a t ownlsiips lie earned for imsiýe.lf ai the grave being read by the Rev. reputation for lionor and probity.ý G. S., Postietliwa ite, M. A., Rector of Rev. E. R. James, Rector of St. S. John's, Bowmianville. George's, conducted the service for the dead at the church and ia Bow- _____________ ianville Cemietery, the place of in- terment. Among the nany floral messages of love and syispathly was a beautiful wreath of sweet peas FORMER CLARKE ÏMAN DIES and carnations froin the Newcastle John Coulter, Cavan. business men. ________The pail-bearers were Messrs. Geo. John Coulter who passed away Jamieson, John Scott, Sarnuel Rick- Frldy, a~.e~ 2, 125, ermv 1sa-ard, Geo. P. Rickard, Relit. Cowan highly respected resident of Cavar nd E. C. Hoar. Many relatives of townhip. Mr Coulter wsb in'th late Mr. White and -Mrs. White Newtonville seventy-seven years ago, eepeetatteosqi Belilved about thirty years la" Deeeased was born in Hampton Pontypool andi moved to Gavan abou~t where lis father kept a sioe-making ten yyear s ears ago epahesho. Inhis eelns h was united in marriage with Beatricebudeigtde vrnwtlbsu- Parker of Bailieboro, who preçie- de, Joe Braund. About thirty-six ceased hlm six years. Seven child-1 years ago he began conducting the ren were born, two of wheni died la butciering and ment purveying- bus- infancy. Surviving are Mrs. I. o r .B.Mry fBw f Walker, Medicine Nat, Alta.; Mrs, nian-ville and was ia his em-ploy for WI. B. Northcott of Hamnilton, Ont,: twenty-seven years. J. A. of Millbrook; J. L. and W. P. He was tiree ines married, bis of Hamilton. first -wife being aL. Miss Sinitli of Ili religion, the late Mr. Coulter Port Hope, Vhee mother of ils chîld- w'as a Presbyterian and in politics a rea. Bis second wife -was Mrs. Me- Conservative. Be was Tax Col-1 Sorley of Bowmanville, and some lector for Cavan Townshiip for seven turne after lier death hie married Miss years. AneWoa natsvdent Englapnd, ibut then arsdn of T'oronto. This The funeral services were held in marriage took place on the 2 )th Grace Presbyterian Churehi, a large Ma rdi, 1916, and shortly after, Mr. aendance sho-ing the esteem in andi Mrs. White mioved Vo Newcastle Amon thefloale offea s ngs er o Trnt;oe aug_ýnlite Ms, C Prices %Stilil Lower In Footw'ear This week we h~ave hit rock hottoni in prices and highest level in values. Out goes the Balance of Fire Stock Footwear at $1.25 Plair This includes Ladies', Boys' and Girls' high grade shoes, some priced as higlh as $11 and now goîng for $1.25 a pair., Any Children's Shoes lef t clearing at 50e pr. Traveller's Samples In order to sort up our fire stock of footwear we have been very fortunate in purchasing the entire stock of travellers' samples of two well knowrn warehouses--oth Men's Ox- f ords and Women's Shoes. This Spring's Newest Styles The Ladies' Shoes are all this Spring's newest styles, light tan step-ins with elastic gores, patent leather vamps wih light tan u~ppers, blac~k suedes with Spanish heels, patent leather oxfords with low heels, reguilarly retailed up to $8.OO, and to think we are enabled to seli them to yon at the verylow price of $3-,9% w%8 Pai Wenow have Shoes in nearly ail sizes No Approvals. No Exchanges. Strictly a Cash Sale. Sale is being held in MclVurtr-y & Co's Store-West End Huse. Copela~ «%nd'sSobtr West End House King St. West Bowmanville r Peter Wright: Our Weekly Chat Dear Madam:, Eacni year as the Spring cornes around we find ourselves much the samne as you do, looking forward to a happier season -as the wý,armer days, w%,ith their birds an~d floxvers, draw nearer. And like yourself, we aflso plan to make the coming sea-sons mnore pleaiîlant, more enjoyable than ever before. This year the fashions have broadened o-ut so woniderfully, that every opportunity is both yours and ours to have prettier wear, m-ore pleasing fabrics, more~ becoming styles, and too at reall-y more economnical prices. In our Spring showings, especially for Easter time, you wl find our lie,,dy-t'o.-Weàr DepartmneJt of' Suits, Coats, Skirts andi Dresses to be so ver completely supplied wvih- such a great var- iety of desirable and attractive styles that it Will be easier and mor saisactryto you te make your selections of Spring ,Wear in this way than to have the things made Up. And -ltothe who take more ,pleasure in having their things madle, thie great ices in the varié~ty of styles, colorings and patternis, as -well as the mrany new~ novelty weaves which we are showing for Spring offer the most satisfyIng choice to the par- ticular wmn as well as in the range of prices offering equally advantageou-s opportunities to the womnai seeking for economy in her Spring- requirements. Naturally with such unusually wide variety there will be an early reduction in the stocks of many of the more favored styles and we would urge you to give us the opportunity of placing be- fore you the most desired of the newest Spring offerings'at your earliest con\,enience. Mor'e than ever before we offer our entire store's facilities as f ashion's headquarters for every miember )f the f amilly. Vours very truly, S. W. Mason & ÎSonlj Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowrnanville COPELAND 5110E STORE--WEST END HOUSE

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