SOLINA Master Ern.est Hijnt entertain hiýs boy friends on 'thursday ev( ing in bonor of his birthday.' Eldad Sunday School lias be fortunate in securing Rev. J. U. R( i, Chainmun of B 0wmnan ville D tnofor its Anniversary services. Pleased to know that little Loi Baker, daugliter of Mr. and M~ W. T. Baker, is rcvrn niely ter ber operation lu Botwnanvi Hospitall for tonsils and adenoids. Sorry to býear that Mr. Butcht foremani for Mrl. Isaac Hardy, ri wýitb a painful accident to bis al wbile pruning- and was remioved Boçwnanville Hospital on Tuesiday April meeting of Womien 's 1 stitute will be held in Eldad Cburi on Tbursd;ay afternoon, April qbi a't-2 :380. R'oll CAll-Garden ai poultry hints. Provincial Gover mnent-M~rs. S. williamrs; Donii Government-Mrs. A. J. Balsco mnusie in charge of Mrs. W. T. BakE Wedding belîs are ringing. League meeting on Monday eve, ing- was in char g e of Mr. Chjar]? Sh'ortridge, President. Lesson wl- taken by Mrs. H. E~. Tink. Vocal duE Mesaner. Edwin Wýooyds and Jesse Vai Nest; addresses .b Mr, Russel Si on lis trip to Englund and by i W. T. Baker on "Civil Lnsvw"; piai- solo by Mrs. Isaiac Hardy; conteý conducted by Mrs. Elgiïn Taylor. Eldad friends surplrised Mns. i Dewell and f amily b y. calling oi theni unexpectedly to biJd them good bye on leaVing- this coinmunity. Mi~ S, Edgar Werry ably filled tbe chiail Mr. John Baker read the addires and at tbe proper tumeMr,. Dewe] wus presented witbi a beautiful chaiy Mr. Samn E. Dewell wivtb a gold wvat0c ,nd Miss Ruby witb an ebony set Mr. Sain Dewell resPonded for tiý fam-ily, thougli Sam- would ratbe kick football than make speeches Short speeches were macde by Cciiii "il'or S. Williams, ïlVXIssrs. B. G. Stevernd, A. L. Pascoe, W. T~. Baker N. Yello-wlees, Mr-ý. Elgýn Taylor anc Mrs. W. Cryderman, %r hih l asseurbly enjoyed a 5cial bour.' Recent visitons: Vss.Je and A,ýrnot Van Nest at tOrono; Cour. cillor S. Williams anpd Lloyd witb Mi, Thomas Williams, CSsaanea-ý,owh ill with pueumonia; Mrs. J. Jdbson and Miss Lulu Reynolds, Haumpton ut Mr. A. J. Reyniolds-'; Mrs. C. Lang- muaid and Elsie ut Mn. Roy Lang- miaid's; Mrs. Chas. Willis, Torontco ut Reeve Thomas Baker's; Mr. A]1 fred Hogarth, Hampton, ut Miss Mary Hogarth's; Miss Marioîn Van- Nest, Toronto, t Mr. N. E. Wright's,ýý Mrs. Levi Niddery and son ja ck, Hampton, Mn. and Xrs. J. Avery, Enfield, t Mr. Frank We8tlake's; Mn. Joe Reynolds, Bawmanville spent the weekeud t Councillor Wil- liamis'. ENNISKILLEN Mr. A. J. Knox, Orono, visiteç Mnrs. H., J. Wenry. Mrs. Topping fromi Alberta visiteci ber sýister, Mrs. D. Burgmnaster or Sunday.[ Miss Evelyn Brent, Tyrone, Miss Helen White, Port Hope, wvere receni guesýts of Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mr. Richard Griffun, Union, is coni ~vlescing at the home of bis sister, Mrs. D. Burgniaster after bis recent operution. The deepest symp-üathy of t',is c-ommnunîty is exended toMssPlie- mia Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Cha--rles Stewatrt iu their sad bebreavemenýt. A monumenlt is expected to be erected as -a gift in m'emory oif the piqueers of Darlington. Any per- sons having frieuds or relatives in- tented in the Presbyterian Cemnetery at Enniskilleu are asked to seri naines of deceased us sooni as pos- sible to Mr. James Stainton, Einns- killen. Teadhers and assistant teachers areý: Piimar-Mrs. H. J. Werry; Junior Boys-Miss G. Smlitb, Mi ss Gladys Stinton; Juniior Girls-Missi Marion Orchurd, Miss Elva Ocad In1tenmeiate Bosm.Moore, Harvey MecGill ;InLter. Gir's-Mrs. Te.SeMonj issMyrtle Bnunt; Senior GrsMs L. Andrewl Miss Levu McGiill; Audit ors-Hwovaýrd Stevensý, Wru, Stainton. $unduy evening Rev. E. A.Be- ulap g'ave a splendid discourse on "esalReIlion",haed on PRu (33,. We shoulci' lave perect trsand faith ini God. Ourpays shld( not be mieaningless but sn ceeyfromi the heart. Wesol lace; Treasurer-Miss Gladys Stain- ton. After speeches froi the new offlears ineeting elosed by Mizpah benedliction. Step-ladders, pails, scrubbing brushes, brooms, dustless imops and vacuumi cleaners are now having their inings again. It's house-cleaningi time.9 TYRONE Mis. Levi Skinner is visitjing friands in Tforonto. . .. Mn.ada Mrs. H. Holland, Entarpnise, spent tha, week-end ut Rev. J. W. Downs'...' Mn. Thos. Curtis ïpent thýe waekendi with bis sister, Mrs. T. Branton, Whitby.. . Mrs. T. Scott i,- visiting at bel .auitghte-r's home, Mns. 2A. Smàithi, Enfield...Miss Edlythe SihBwuvla is visiting lien, mothr, ns.Viola Smith, who faîl und rt arsaf . .. .Men's choir will fnish usîc on EasterSudy Citizensh-ip meeting of Tyrona <oung People',s League of Mui 20 was opeuad with Presidant lu the chair. After devotional und bus- iniess pýeriod, the thlird vicae-prasidant intnoduLced the prograni on "*Spriing-" gi-van by mamnbaîs or the "K ing's Guards," S. S. Cluss. Selection by Onhetn-"iuleBallas", bi'dd ing fareweýll to wintar; rnading- T. Hîoar, "Whaen the birds comae bnci.k"; se- laction by orchestra; naadiug, by Frank Hthal-"The Legend of a dtand(elion"; piano solo by Fred Goodman-"Tha Rob~ins Retunu"; topie "The (Jhrnistîa's Attitude te- wurds Poverty and riches", given by Mn. A. W. Annis was very bhpful, navealing means of gro-wth'in s;piit; saleýction)I by orchesta-"Tha, Mock- ing- Bird"; reading byz Clarnce Goodnan-"To Apnl". Meeting -lçscd wltli "God love oun native land"~accoinpanied by Fred Good- man aut piano. Metabans cf orchestra were: Organette-Frad Goodmnai;ý Mouth Ongans-Artbur R ich a rds, Moley Hoopar and Ivan Smiitb; piano--Tom Heulor; Canary songster -Eanl Goodman; Villa-C. W. Woodley. Meeting celosed with Mizpahbanediction. Miss Gludys Matchett., Toronto, spent the weekand with hanr panants. Rev. und Mis. J. G. Lewis of Van- couver, B. C., are guests Of DMn. and Mrs. E. C. Squine, Norwood. They aceompanied thre remaias aast cf Mis Lewis' mnothen, wbo recently passed a'way lu the West. 'Che Womnen's Instituta of Lindsuy bas nised $500 for the eneeýtion cf a public fountalu la tînt town. It is lainge and cf beautiful design built of cencrete with ornamentu- tienis, There will be a bird bath and four 'bubblers. The INewca~~I Iridep n rit THIURSDAY, APRIL 2nd., 1925 te _____________________ HAMPTON .ed Mr. A. TrenoutiliIas purchused Ln- new sedan. M1rs. C. Willis, Toronto, visilý en Mrs. C. Johns and reuewed olda b- quaintuauces iu thie village. is- A surprise party wus lield ut tl horne of Mns. C. Laingmi-aid onMo [se, day evaning lu honor -of ber bini] rs. day. f- Prepuriations are in progreýss f( le our Good Friday concert to be hel under the auspices of the Youn r, People's League. 14- let inten-League Debate between T3 ,i rbeand Hanipton Leagus o to off banc this Fiday evauing. Co, 7.and enjoy a very interesting ai î1_ 1belpful eaig HAYDON 0 Mn. A. MeNeil is quita 111 wtii )n blood poisoning. r Mrs. Thos. mounitjoy 15 visitir1 fniends ut Catwrigh-lt. n-. Rev. Harold Stainton of Waterloi e wýill conduet services here on Easte 1 Sund(-ay. t Mn. S. Trewý,in is in Toronto mit] i- a carload of chice butcher catti( hi from ithis lOCýality. P. Leugue service bare on Sundaý o0 evaning wrus in charge of the Fiftf t Vice President, Mrs. H. Ashton. Pro- gaiwas spiendidly given by tht [Juniors. n Langue service next Sunday everi ing,- will be in charge of Mrs. Tbero: Mountjoy. Weutlier conditions be- Uing favorable, Mr. H. C.7 Allia of ;S Bowmuulaville, w\ýill be present to Il conduct a radio progruin. AIl ane invited] to take advanage of a real i treant. Service commences ut 7 p. ni. r COURTICE. Mr. Ehuier Rundleaund fniend Mr. Johnson, Toronto, Sundaýyed ut Mn jA. E. Ruudle's. lad to bave Mrs. A. C. Allia with us again after ber stay in Bowmaan- 1ville Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot and family, Taunton, were ,-guests of ber mothier, Mrs. Eh l Osborne on Sun- *day. Our League visitad Oshawa King Street Langue M,ýonday evening about *seventy stron, and were iglit roy- ully entertainled. Sunday , morning Our Pa'stox preacbed a fine discourse on "Sow- in"taking the world as the soil and the word Of God as the seed. At tne Sunday School session the Quar- terly Review was tuken up by Mn. Aljan McKassock iu a veny aible man- Ser . Miss Francis Haucock sang an appropriata solo very nicely and a pnetty-ý duat was suug by MTasters Kenueth and Nelson Osiborne. At tbe evauing service Rev. Mn. Wash- ington preached on "Hlabit-s". League service was well attended, the"£geritlemnen giving a good pro- gram. Mr. Cyril Waynikc sang a solo in good voice and was enconad. Lesson -was read by Mn. Marshall. MnI. lenhient Osborne did himnsalf crediL as usual il] bis raadings. Mafsters Nelson anid Kenneth 0Os- borne sang a Ouet very nicely. Mrc. Clunence Penfound entertained by giviug P. humorous salection and for bis eicore gave a tenipera-uce poem-. M asterClaie Countice. sang " 1Ilove a Pao and was anconed wýhen ha gave "That's wbat' they sin- abo)ut Father". At the close o thne pro- grum the gents servedi ice creaini and cake andIit was an enJoyable even- ing. You liavan't raad aIl the Nawcastle news yet. You will flnd more inter- esting happening-s on inside pages. SHAW'S SCHOOL March Report Sr. IV-Winini-Fîed -Rickard 84, Pbyllis Clemuenca 83, Lawren.ce Asb- ton 83, Beatnica Crydenmai,,n 83, Ah- !an Clemaenca 67, Clare Allia 65, John Ashrton 47, Keir Lamb 4 -1, 5ýAdu Allia. Sr. 111-Churles Clemenca 86, Sud- ie Allia 81, Oswald Anderson 69, Mlorhandl Anderson 54. Jr, III1-Gannett Rickard 76, Stan- ley Allia 69, Newton Asbton 59. Sr. IL-Anale Alliai 74, Mary Cemience 66. Jr. II-Thorntxn Anderson 60, Ormsby Anderson 39. Firt--Jeun Clamenca bonors, AI- lau Rowa houons, *Ruth CoIrbleick. Figures daneote percentage. -..Absent on uccouat cf illness. Miss F. E. Walkington, teacder. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. G'raçinate cf Tinity University, aise o)f Royal College Physicians, Edin. bug Speciaty-Diseases cf worn- an and childien. Office-Parker', Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Hlouer graduate cf Tinity University, Fellow cf Trinity Madical Collegc Licentiate of the State University o; NeLw York, Maticulate cf the Pesti Glradluate Medical Scheol anid Hos pital cf New York and Fellow cf the Toronto Academy of Medic ine.Ofc -Mrs. McNaughton',% Resid'e" Newcastle. Heurs-S to 10 a. m~., 1 to 3 p. nm.. and by appointment. 0'1- th- NEWCASTLE or ,M iss Cora Butler visited Toronto fl riends last week. ngMrs. John Uglo w is vstn 4friends in Port Hope. Mrs. Wmi. Smith, Toronto, is vis- ,es iting ber niothey, Mrs. Frank Gibsoni. -ne Mr. Allan McLean Howard was nid home fromn Toronto over the wveeki- end. Mr. Aldin Gibson is assisting Mr. George Lumusden ini the Butcýher Shop. th Mrs. T. W. Jackso entertained the Five Hunidred Club Thursday,,ý reevening. igRev. E. B. Cooke bias been con- DOconfined tebis home with a very se- The Mlisses Langmaid, Oshawa, were weekend guests of Miss Ethel h Aluin ManDIvers St. 1 e' Mr. Howell Rowland was the tirst. ini this vicinity to start plowýin,1 hy Tusty, _Marcb 24thý.1 Junior League will contribute the eprogram uat Young PeopYe's League on Monday evenîng-, April 6tb. Mrs. R. B. Allun, we are pleased n to report, is recovering from berý -three wýeek's illniess with the flu. ef Mr. Norman Allin and son Clar-' ,o ence, and Mr. Howard Allin motoredç etTontonbusiness on Honday. il Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hennings are Îstaying with his parents, Mr. andb Mrs. Wmii. Hennings, North Street.d Mrs. Wmi. Fielding, Port Hope, re-:E cently visited at Mr. T. W. Jackson's. l Banker Montgomnery Ihad businesq in Toronto on Saturduy. -Mrs.,Rcoss; Shetler,, Sh amnili visitn e parents, Mr. and1 Mrs.o Wh .Jen 'ns' and last wleek ac- h -l' compned tem On a trip to Tor- I onto. MIlr. Heriry Cutter has moved from rt'he Elsworth bouse on King St., teo Mr. Wmn. IHnry's house on Nortbn St., and Mr. Jiini Smith will occupy dl the Elswortli bouse. 0f course Newcastle felt honored to occupy a place in the soutb eaist corner of The Globe with'an arti1cleA relating to the descendants and land.Isai of tbe first white settler in the vicin- ity. See article on an inside page. Saturday's auction sale of the bousehold goods of the laite Matilda Bye, aunt of Messrs J C., H. E. and Fred Hancock of this village, was a good success. How could it bc otherwise? The g-oods were theret the people and their cash were there and Mr. Jos. Coulson was auctioiieer fr -the three essential conditions nec- d1 essary. B3iddling was brisk and Wr(' Hlerb. Hnok sale clerk, ba busy timie of it. in MNr. H. B. Foster s'hipped three i cars (o live stock-beef cattle, calves ln and bog's--fromn .N R. station Sut-e urday. The sbipmleuit include-d M somne well-fattened 'beeves from mfo 1,200j to 1,400 lbs. were purchased fromi Mr. Mý,erkly Clark, Mr. Jh Holmeps & Son, Mr. Isaac Selby, and( W MUessrs. Irwîn and Howard Alini.B Mr. Holmnes & Son brougbiti one l steer, iraised on the farm w,ýhich tip.- ped tbe çscules a 1,445 lbs. Thir next lieaviest waýs a 1,400 Ili. teer- To Price for best beeves was 8 cents a o lb. and for hiogs 13e a lb. t First meeting of thie Newcuistle - Amaiýteur Junior Basebuil Association yeý was lieId on~ Wednesday, Marcb 25th, 11r1 wb%-en the followýinig ofllcers were vie elected: President-C. F. Caunon1, prE Viice.,Prsident-L, Might, Scy-ad( Treasurer-E. W. Fisher, Hon, Pres- Fi ident-Dr. J. A. Butler, Hon. Vice- ent Presidenit--Geo. Jamnieson. At this hel meeting t'-hrue captains wIlere chosen CI, fo~r three flasebaîl tennis. W'ilbur 1 Grahain fromi the Public School andGe Ainley Butler and Alfred Grabam ler froni the Higli School. Three teanis under t'hese tbree captain5 r cn tending for a Tropby Cup) cionated by Reeve Butler. sur le, anà Toi ago thIG MiE lutE fisl sis.ý und sti utI witl Jeddo Highland Coal is the best grade of An- thracitue Coal mined in the United States A trial order will con- vince you. ueo. Jamiesoin Newcastle Ont. NEWNCASTLE CHURCHES T'resbyteý.nin Church, Rev. Geong Maison, iminister. . Newýcastla at 1 am. Newtonville 2:30 p. m. Sun. day subjact: "The Offeuding Cross' Maetbodist Chiurchl, Rev. E. E Cooke, Pastor. Il a. m.-Mornini Worshîp; 2 :30 P. m-Snu Sch ool; 7 p. ml.-Evejning service Anthanls by the choir; duet by Mr W. H. Cooke and Mrs. Geo. A Hloney. Mnr. Harohd Allia assistad t1E choir of the Preshyterian Churcli oi Sunlday mlorningý and lie and Mis, Marion Gray also sang a nucb upý preciated duet "Rock, of Ages11. Young Peopla's League is prepan. ing a play " Home Ties" to be pra. sentad on Monday avaning ,April 27thi.1 in connection with its anni- vensary services. Watch for fur- tIer n nouncam-ents. The Laýdies ' Aid Dramuatie Club pnesentedi the play "Tu'e Dust of the EaIrtl.i" to a goodl-sçized bouse iu the Conrmnunity Hall on Tuesday even- ing. This i5 the eighth timie this group lias given this populur plaiy. 'Sunlay evening service in Mto dist Cbuiich -was conduced by Mn. -Wý. J. S. Rickard, chioir leader, and othenL inymen lu absence of Paston E. B. Cooke, tbrough illness. Mn. M. Hl. Staples of Ororio expected to preach but was unable to fulfill bis engage- mrent. MUiss Hattie Mason sanrg a, beautiful and touching solo, "Sômiie day the Silver Cord -will Break." Rev. _Mr. Cooke, by a very special eff ort, thougb 'physically u nfit, praacbed lu the nmornin. The Young People'sý League of the' h4ethiodist Church lias eleýcted its offlicers for thie ensuing year as fol- [ows: Presîdent-Miss Lillian Col- will; lst Vice d]o-2Mis5, F. Walking- ton; 2nd Vice do- Mn. O. Parker; m,d Vice do-Wilbur Baskerville; 4th Vice do-Miss Mlinnia Selby; 5th Vice do-Cordon Ashiton; 6th Vice lo-Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke; Rec. Seeretary-Eric Pearce; Cor. Secy. --Tuclier Coucb; Tneusuner-Miss Âilliaui Clemience; Pianist-Miss Ed- na Rickarci; Asst. do-Nora Cowan;, Atuditors-Archie Glenny and How- ard Parce, NEWCASTLE LADY PASSES Helen Montgomnery Goldring "Blessed are the dead vwfhich die lu hai Lord". .. . "Thut they muay nest fromi their labors; and thein r v-k's o follow tham", Rav. 14:13. Thase ,ords frou Holy Wnit. wera miost ap- ipriataly used by Re\'. E. R. Jaries n bis furerai oration oven the mnortal ýeains of 1Uelen Montgomery Gold- .ng beloved wifa of Capt. John G-old- .ng,wb depurted this life on W ed - ieduy morning Muarch 25tbi. No one fitting text could have heani 1 und ini the wbole bible than this hich bier paston chose on this occa- on, and we knowý of n.o oue more ontrhy of the application Of this eautitudle from Ravahations ts tha',e ata Mrs. Goldning. As sre lived, so lie diad, "In the Lord". Confinmled i girlhood in St. Jami-es' Cathedral,' op Straichan,' she buas aven beau true Wthe fatith,, gnowing in gaeand ,e knowledge of the Tnutli as tha ears want by. She loved han Lord nd Suvioun and neyer i*sai a 1r ica of worsýhip aexce-pt wl en sickness aeven td. Rev. 7Mn.J amnes i u [drass la St. George's Churh n .'sidu-y aftarnoon spolia with tender nthusiasmi- of her Clinistlike 11f e and eld hanr up us a striving eyaniple of hnistian faithfuhIass. The reanains wene in.tenred in St. eorge's Cemietery basidas those of nr ouly son Hurry, whýore ,deutîl ten anis aýgo was a lamientable loss and a )r bereavanient for bis f ather and otbar. The paîl-bearens wae n iroly irviving brother, MnîRbt Mont- mairy, hier brother, 14n. Brod- ,and two nphfews, Mn. Clifford )ntgoinery and Mn4. Bacon Boi o f Tononto. T'he Late Mrs. Gold1ring was mniaid John Goldringý, Great Lakes' suilon id navigaton in St. Jamaes Cathiedrul, nounto, by Dean GrousettL, 46 yeans o. In racent yaars tbey ba,,ve , de their h-om,-e ut Nc'.vca3tla-oni- ý-Lake, huviug purchasad the form- Faruceomib faniou tlie Basa Lina. rs. Goldrng was a sis-ten of the te Wmi. and John Mvontgomiery, fermnan. Sre is -urived by hanr ýter, Mrs. Johnu Taylor Nwbo lbas irsed lien through ber last illness, id Mrs. Brodie cf Toronto, wbio PORT GRANBY e Saturday evening, March 21, over tl 100 friends took by storm11 the hiome i-of MUr. and M1.J Lancaster to, say l. goodl-jbye to their daughter, Gladys, B.on the eve of her departure froni our 1 t-idst, -ýs she leaves for the happiness jyof married life. e.Many beautiful and useful presents r.were broug,,ht, and -when ail nad IL gathýered, order was called by Mr. Kniglit, Superintendent of the Sun- jeday School, and in the midtst of other s hort programn, the presentatJin of ,a lovely dlock was made by the Sun- -day School and Leaigue of Ne-wtoni- ville. Miss Elizabeth Penwarden read the following address: -Dear Glady- On the eve of your departure trom lOur midst, we, a few of your many friends, are -athered1 here this eveninig, to express iu a smrall meas- Sure our appreciation uf your untirig eefforts in behaif of our commui-iity. e You have al-ways taken a very aictive part in the work of Our church and have been a faithful at- tendaInt in Sunday Sehool und League. While we regret your departure fromn our midst, we -will have to console ourselves by thinking that others will gain Ily our loss, and, in leavingý, you carry with you Our heartîest g-ood wishes for the fut- ure. We ask you to accept these gifts as a sligbt token of the regard in which you are held. .Signed on ýbelfalf of your friend s -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap, Annis M. Penwarden, Harold Payne, Hîlda Wallace, Elizalbet1i Penwardený, Mary Lane, Mrs. Geo. Thompson. Mfter the opening of the rest of the gifts, "Aul Lang Syne" was sung and the rest of the evening spent in gamies and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Amnios Callender celebrated their golden wedding an- niversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wells, Port Hope, on Wednesday, Marcb 25th. They were married at Garden Hill on Marchi 25, 1875. They resided in Orono for some years. You r- Sense of Good ValuesI Should direct you to this store. Here you may enter the door, midst a perfect gaiaxy of of eco.noniy Spring's Newest Fashions' off ering everything that is new ayi( worth while in Men's and Boys' Wear GET YOUR NEW SUIT OR OVERCOAT FOR EASTER SPRING'S NEWEST TOP COATS An exceptional showing of exclusive cloths an-d styles, suitable for men of every age, in ail the best makes of cloth- ing Men's and Young Men's $20.00 ta $35.00 BOYS' SUITS In a large range of Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds, aiso in Navy Blue, 2 pair bloomers $9.00 ta $15.OO MEN'S HATS The new Hats for men are smart and dressy looking, in ail the moat popular shades and shapes, in al the best maký-es, $3-50 ta $6.00 M4EN'S SHIRTS Ini ail the newest patterns and cioths, in ail woven cloths, also al shades in broadcloth shirts, Arrow Brand and Forsyth Makes. SPRING SUITS In ail the niewest shades, andIC weaves, up to the min'ute in, style., ail new stock, just in, a suit for every man. Doni't miss this fine showing of 1een's Ciothing, best that has been shown here in years., $15-00 ta $35.00 SPRING UNDERWEARý... For Men anid Boys, ail uines are in now, in al grades. I keep al &?izes up to 48. Whether large or smaqll we can s.ùpply your Wants., MEN'S ODD PANTS 200 pairs to choose from, every size from 30 waist to 46, ail prices. From $2.50 up ta $8.00 carry the largest assortment of W orking Men's Clothes in Town Suits made to ýour measure from $27.00 upwards Watch My Windows For Display of ail Spring Gooda. S. G. CHARTRAN I dozor west of Bell Telephone Office Phonoe 26 ILwnavul 4 I GRO CERY SPECIALS Be sure to get my Speriai Prices for Groceiries before buying. We Save You Money. BkrH. S. BRITTON, Ekr&Grocer Ne\wcastle 1 r- ~, ,<'~ I#ife a ~ Deal bymaking the home ~ Co~.more attraîctive with a beautiful CONGOLEUM RUG We Seli At Mail Ordeir< House Prices We are now showing the most completeline of Linoleumis ever offered in the town with the rýewest patterns. There is a design suitable for every room. We invite Your Careful Inspection Opposite Post, Office' BowmaenvIPe