BOWMMIVILLE, APRIL 2nid, 1925 A JOB FpYoU $6 to $10 Daily 50 -MEN~ WANTED. iNo previous ex- iperience necessary. Wfrite for, 4-page F'reu Bookwhchexplains hs ow you canl tearn wbile arnliog to work in city anld town shopsas Autlo Mechaie, ingin- eer, Eiectrical, P"attery, of Welding Ex- pert, Chbauffeur, Saleenian etc. -Asr) Bricklaying, Plastering, Mechaniical Den- tistry anmi Barbering. tDon't dlie a lab- oiiur. \Wrltýiteow. Whi.cih ;01. Ad- d res Iemphi3.1 Gbvernïnient Chartered Trade Schools Free ,mlyetSr Vice, 163 King KÀing St. West, Toronto. MORTGAGE SALE [Tuilerr and 1bY virtue cf the pe'wers c (1aiedin la certain 0 mcrtgage ýý'Whih wvifl be prdu' , at the time c f thue salec, tisra' wifl be offeredi for sale by pumblic Alnction on Friday, April 3rd., Aý. D., 15 j t thse hour of 2 'ciock, standiard ti, on theý preiss, by)ý Jam!-s lD- hep, Auctioneer, the foliwig prcperty: Ia the Township', cf Darlingtcn, l tIise Counity of Duirhami, eomprisiag-1 16C a cres of land miore, or iess. co'npos,,d of part. cf Lot No. 32 la the 9th Co(n- cesaien of tise said Toýwnsbip. 'n tise land is said te stand a two storied trame dwlighcuse, baaked barn wiirh stene sfoun(dation and the iisuai outlbui(lding. The preperty is at present said teo Oc ecciupied by oue Clarence Ndey TERMS:-1O% of thse purcliase meiney at th~e tfspe cf tise sale anld tise balance to be paid witini thirty dlays. 'lle lproC- perty to be effered is subjot te a re- serve bld. Feri furtber particulars and condLitiens of the sale apply te CONANT & ANNiS. Barristers,et. Osiawa, Ontarlo. Soicitors for tise MerLgavgec. Jaspes Bishop, Oshawa, Auctionýeer. 12-3 M. A. JAMES Steaphip, Tickat. To Europe-Caxnadian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, American. Ask for informxation. Phone 53, Bownianville JJPSTAIR S FUR SIIOP We are now located in our new shop-oae door east of Bow- »manville Glove & Mitt Co.-anrd are prepare-i to do ail kind.s of Fur repairing and remodelling. Choker season is coming. We have an attractive selection in stock £rom $7.50 Up. Give Us a Calil. Thfur-ston Fur ShýopD Phone 14 King-st, W. Bowmanville Notice ta Farmers! I am paying price for al the highiest kinds of [Fowl. Extra good price for good fat hens-as high as 25e per lb live Aweight. Phone coileet Whitby 81 or drop me a post card and I wil eall. I. STEIN 8-8t1 Use il wuwslf aftar SUC, rg.11s a DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYÇASTLE Honor graduate lu Dentistry Tloronto University. Gradluate of the Royal C;o1I'ege of Dental Sur.geons of On-. tarie. Office Ring-st., Bowmavlle. Office phone 40. lieuse iohone 22. vR. J. C. DEVITT ýraduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, Ring-ht. East, Bow- manvilie. Office heurs 9a. ai. to 6 p). wi. daily except Sunday. Phone uOa. lieuse phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWEL Hloni-r Graduate e f Toronto. Uni-. versity and memiber of Royal College o)f Dental Surgeons. Licensed te p)ractice ia Ontario and the Dominion. Denitistry lu ail its branches. Office -RKing-st., Bownianville. Opposite 3ank of Montreal, Phone 301. OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELL Registered Optometrist Eyes Examined, Latest AMetilods, Modern Instruments Opticai Room in Mitchei's Drug Store. Bowmanviile (Phone 92) Ont, LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY mioney to loan on Faram and Town 1Property Royai Bank Building, Bowmanviiie. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. 13ARRiSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY M.Nouey to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices. Bleakicy Blockc, Ring Street, Bowaavilhe Ontaxio. Phsones. Offic..s 102, îlieuse 279J. CONANT & ANNIS -Barnisters, Selic'tors, Notaries Public, Etc. Convéyancing sud General Practice et Law Offices 71'/2 Simcoe St. Sentis Phsone 63 - Oshawa G. D. CONAN'T B.A., LL.B. A. F: ANNIS, B A., LL.B. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F'. MORRIS CO. C'omplet.- Motor or Hor~se Equipment Alil cails promptly attended to. Private Ambualance. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stors-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Emnbalmer and Funeral Director. Cails given) prompt and personal at- tention. -No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. G'old Medallat of Trinity University rToronto. Frour years attending Phy- sýican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMION, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Eniniskzillen. Office and Residenýce, lDr. Beitbi's, former residence on Cburch-st., Bow-i mianville. Phone 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E, STECKLEY 1 Hoinor graduate of Toronto Chiro- practie College will be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evening. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. DR. S. M. JONES Chiropractor and Osteopath Over 16 years' successful practice l Office Ucurs: 2-5-7 to 8 p. mi. Phone 224 86 Simcoe St., Oshawa. c VETERINARYr Dr. F. T. TIGHEh VETERINARY SURGEON. Day oro Night Cafl3 Promptly Attended to. 3 Office King-st. W., Statesmani Block, l Bowmyanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. i VETERINARY SURGEON, Honorl -1 Graduate of University of Toronto.i Ail cases given prom-pt and careful attention. Office Hamptôn, phone 129-15. AUCTIONEEftS THEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm sud House Sales a Specialty. T'erma mederate. Enniskillen P. 0. Pisone 197-r3.' 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experience in tarai, furni- t1ire sud bouse auction sales. Ad- dreas, Jas. Benuett, Hardware Mer- _iant, Ring-st., Bowmanville, phone 131, box 33. WILLIAM MAW Licensed Auctioneer Riavin- met wvitb censiderabie suc- ceslu conducting samies for thse past 18 ycars, I uew ofer nsy services te the people et Bewmaaviile sud viciuity. For tenmsaissd dates sec F. O. Mason, Bowaianvilie, or plione 288, Whitby, Ont. 12-t JOSEPH COULSOr4 Licensed Auctioneer Vabuator & Real Esta.te, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf -an dbo tise work of thse other. u(ch depeuda, ef course, w-hetiserj net there are children luic h ne . Cisildrea should neyec beJ can oven completely te the çare cfI irr ompeenhey my be. iTter rse cr eet teyssçs nec.»Te id who is deprived ef mother love THE EDITOIR TALKS Our Taîlkin the last issue was boys. For variety-mnost f olk1 change-.we are suis'iariziiag a t te womnen by eue of themi--Ml Siegrist-in that prince of insp. tional puiblications Sucess the 1 mran Magazine for April. We c, sider Success-only 25 cents a moi at bookstores and news stands-c of the very best miagazines publisi for young people. Ia this summnary, Mrs. Thoomas va Eciowife of the wer] grentest inventer, discussesa5the pr( lema ofHomie and AMarriagýe %v MaySiegrisýt for the readeïrs of Si cessMgaie We have perai sien fromn the Editor, Walter Il Seelýy to reproduce the artiile fuli but its ieagth is eulte fi co1,lums cf this Journal, 80 we sn try te give an interesting aumiý cf excerpts t'O Onr lady readersý. cýourse, our mnaie readers m-ay re themn, tee, if they choose-tse y'll ne harm te men and may lead thi te do sonme sericus thiakiag, tee. Mrs. Miaina Mýiller- Edison pref a tie initerview with thesýe gre thoughts, over lher name, ila tbic I am l-asiudenoug-h te t lieve th'at thýe Mother in t'ie H1o i is the anchor ef the World. The greatest thin-g la the Wor is te be'a Wife and M1otfler. i have six chLidea-týrcee pf n ownand t'arec step-childrea. The with miy husýbaadi, 'are my life. Wve voiyeii have net nmade oi Homies what we should. To be rei Home Maker is a very grent complishmient. Msich uuhapp-iuesýs cemies from ti fact that wômienarse net vitallIy i tcrested lun the Business of the Ilusbands. No Home eau be snccessful unie there laisLove la it. The ciever author of this interes ing interview opeuis with two ca dinail queies: What dees it mneâ ,to be the wjfe cf a great aia? ar wisa1t kiad clf a wemrin dees a greý mnan cilseese fotr Ihis wife? U> second thougbit Miss Siegrist add Per, aps it would be truc te as- What kiad of a womiau m-akes greataia? Fer imost aien mari while ia theiir youth before they haý attained faiiiie, consequently t] w3,-oaiian lie miarries is oeeof t greatest forces boehind his snccess- or failure. It lias becu often sai bisat a womian can miake or break lusa'. Soee iea are made hy ti, giil thcy marry. Others grow arn Icvgep witbý the girl they maPrt Others succeed despite thieir wive wh4ilc stili others are retardcd L, their wives. Ia frequeut in.stanceý toe, husbanid and -wifc simply si doWli and "go to sced" ~togethei iscitiser cf themi ever getting any whcre. Se it semn-ed te the write Ihat thc bcst place te start ain quiry cf this character was to, ss evt a typical iastaace-the wif e c a great mn-ani-id go dircctly te lic for flicà solution. At West Orargc New JersePy, ia Lle-wcllya .Park, l'Ive he Werld's Grcatest Inventor-ti lectrical w*iprd of flic ages frosý whose brain h-ave enanated wonder that have illumined sud girdled thý vvel ide world. That she wer ýo the rigîht place what follews wïl milply prove. Wc here skip the in trduction lainc the heme of MVI and MArs. Edison is descrîbed an( ater upon tise narrative proper. Showii inte thse famious Edisonli rary Mrs. Edisoa soon euitce-, hamig, distiaguished presena( -at su-gestcd a kind of muner aý veil as enter radiance-that ofe ieasitive, reticent, geajial spirit. SIc ,retcd me cordially, says thse writer ind immiiediately 1 feit at home wt ie trnssported into au atmospherE )f gracicus symnpathetic understaud- 'g. Mrs. Edison, after a little 1,et, said. "I f ollow with inte tes' 1i that my hsusbaud is deiiansd1 zn0w what the resuIts are, thougli Io net always thoroughly ander- and techicial thinga. But 1 Cali ake a pie sud I kaow vhovw te take ire Of childrcu.-and nmy hu4sbanicl ,fenid of bothi"'. Yes, here vfwas e caibodfimeat of Wordswor-th'ý ca-A perfect womian nebl3I aaued te -waru, te conifert. tu imani".L Wisst I asked la tise est preplitation' for womaudsnhod? To ea fine wife sud nmother, was ber ply. A womnan shonld bc able te ocreative sud execýuýive in hier mcl. No one should bec deperident ioutsidc assistance for th-e èxp-es- sun ef hcauty inalier own home. Thse aie sheuld he thse centre of tise -ii- U4f-a plac -of emtiena No-w, it is evideut that Mrs, Edi. son excela as a Isomermaler. Tisat witllin tise four walls efthtie Ediso-ný home tisare bas happcuad tise miraýcle ofa universe. Tise tme se bas given to the work et womeu's clubs, te civie and philanthropieudertak- ings and te definite eniunity la- terests bas neyer imipiu-edupeu lier work as priestesa ln tisetemple et ber home. Tisese intertsta have serv- cd only te widen ber home-they have never oversb.dewed or absorb- cd lt-tise Edison home has asssimilat- No 1 orne can be succes.sfui unleas there is love in it, f or oal1Y witis loe can there ever be joy. ' For jey la within ourselves. Sem-letimnes it mnay be accu lui homes where the moat pitiful conditions exiat, pre-ýv-- ing that it is no- et eesarily depenld- cnt on etcternal coqjditiena ait ail. I aýsked : Do yen think the mode tendIency is te develep ot toe crusi eut personality? Cerrtaiihy theýre laý ne cnnshing eut personality. A girl nay have a strikiugl talent-a gift nleng ýsem1e particniar liue- tisat la tise aibsence et tinire givýen te tisa ,tu(-y of tise ind(ividÏuai, nay go uiudscovred. Every child's inuaýte tendeciesnd capacities shonld be discovered. _He siseuld b e devclopied. lit that 1u'ne for whicel la ha1ostý fIttedl but must be informied alang Al 1blues outaide eft tiat se as no'tte bc narrow. Altiseugh the subject cf vocatienal guidance la belng se miucb discussed thesýe aya, tChe ques- tioni as a matter of tact is net givýen hiaif tise attention l-tits great importance demanda. I aaýked : Do yen thiak tisat ail young pensons shonld be sent to cellege, wlien it la possible, regard- lesa of their ewp siesires la tisemt ter? Answerig, Mrs. Edisýou sa-idl: Beys sud girls wl-1 go te cehieg)e miuat go for a purp'Ose. Th~is is tise eue assentini 'censideraticu. To imaay go te cellege onlly because they are sent, hecause it hiappeis10te h the9 tLisig te dIo. Th-ose wbo for sortie re,-esoni or oth-er do net ses its value aud caunot be madc te sec it, asouldru't be forced te go. Tise sane principle obtains banc as ina ~ beeive-get aItie workers out donl't alew vtise azy eues. What dIo you tiakofethtie oppon- tunities of lnen-colegýe girls as ceps- pared witis those wiso are coilege- bned? lien reply was: If tJsey have dalfinite aimrsansd nealize tîsein own deficeecies tbey cap evercome themn. Of course, the girl who g-oea, te college with s purpose lias every- bhiiglaiber faver. No matter hiw great the eppontnaity one may hv tL la et ne av-ail unile,.saone takes îautage ef Lt. We shonld fiave set psrly tise fineat sud moat cea-i- petenrt but aise tise beat paid teachers an tise primary depantaient et the public sciseels. For finat of ali-d always sciseol cisildrcn sisould be augilit ti tbinik. Aise, tisey slisuld ba taugcý bservation sud concea- nration. 'Tisan if Inter wiseu tiey o go te college tbey will know bew eo thiak, sud as a reanît they -will Ienive gn'eater henefit trom tisir opportussîty. My uct question was-: Do tirse sehools prev7ide tise young wemeun of e-day with tise heat practicablec quiparient f or lita itse.lf? 1 filidi hat when girlts returu fron, sciseel tsey secai te have difticulty lu ad-c juting tliesiselves' te 'tisehomne en- menaiment. Tlsey,seern reathesa and issatisfsed. The pea<t systes» i actars te tail te utieet fuil tise test tf readjustaienit problenis tisat arise sn tise retura te former environ- mental conditions. Tis isl a diffi- t ,ut taski, te be sure, fer evea la tise 7epreseutative homle there are acces- nrily rmany problesisnlatise matter t )f readjustinent te be talken up aud a ;ttied on tise daughter's retura 't ý'm college. Great cane andi latience are ueeasary. 'Tiese tudy et ail tise arts-analeSI, t. sintiug, sculpture, architecture, dle- n orating--should go into tise 4edfuca-a ion et t'ie weiin et to-dy KMs.a 'dson earnestly declaîca. "She îouid atndy tise piciplea et celer h rrmoay and hune arransgemsent--.ti tudy te mnake ber homne n place et eauty nnid inspiration for these round ber. Domneatlc science, tee, ti .enld formi a part et ber undar nndiag. "With g-test emipisasis ns. Edison said: "She sisould learu jbe a geeod ceok-n kitehiea -ebemist ti ie mugît esîllber. She slronil be ti. ble te prepare good wisolesoaie food ec( nd serve it attnaetively. C( "Where lsana intiimte relation he.. si 'cen tise whole faasihy sud t,"ne ,v sychoiogy of tise kitchen-as amiiat-I ,r et tact, tha healti et tise whole d< miiy depeada to a large degree ou s ie rigbt praparation et the foed. ths i-day ne intelligent person censid- li( a 'knowiedge etfisonsework as men- sp Sise ueed net uecessarily do .to herseif but ase nmuat lcuow ow te F, ipervise it intciligentiy. This 1*11 se ies an intimate kaowledge of de- va has. il "Even thse youtg i.g higs cýOi eig -te ite aiight specialize in it iuatead e o Zgr coeniug, for instance, n typist adsud t] iving ne horizon lu tiseisatten et B, ling ber living beyond typani- h o. r sorr.p tiser forai t aechni'lu te der aise Se'V eV2 hov tril birs a-il g-re upo stol tfi are me is cheated ef t ls en diie birtis- right. Tihe mirtier should learn how to be doaiestic and how te prop- erly cane for lier children ov she sheould net ha, a msother., Thse while trou'ol lies ia this, that womieu whýo are net natunally miothers, dIo becemeni mothers and then shirk their respen- sibilities. Tise ides cf training courses Cer metisers was suggeated, Mrs. Edison coaceded thnt tisese are aloag the lice cf constructive effort, but 1 de not believe thiat mothers can eve-r be tang-ht te be asother.sunuless they are inately, tender. No one ana couivert a warmi nature out oet a ed them.. It is this creative artist in the hoime, I reffected, wrho once declared very earnestly: "Nothing has ever happeaed te me. 1l have lived a peifectly con-monpLace, or- dînary woniiai's' life and there Pas been absolutely nothinýg of publicý in- terest in it'. But very mucli must ,have happened in the theatre of hier heart and her headl. "The afin of woan, rs. Edi- son told nie, "shqou1l be' to develop <ill her latent capaciies-to becomne thelroly .ind-epencient and to use her oI)POrt-uaities, to the utmlo'st. Ti e yoýing weýman of to-day is poteit- ially inidependent-so niny avenures are open to ber. S!he can, for in- stance, take a course in Laiw or in Medicine. For this she will find. it piei'bete study Vhoroly ail correlative brar<±eis in cneto withi it, just asý a man at the heaId of a large factor-y must know ,-thle us of eveiy tool to rmanage hsmc.O shie may bec an arhitect, a musi- clan, an interior decoratorpate or scuiptor. "There is such 'a tremneadous, il-1 liitable field for womieu in this age , aad the more fiaely developed their pewers, the better homemaI>kers they become when they do enter homnes of Cheir own, and the less likely they are te mnarry for any other reason than because the hv fuadthIeir real îmates". ït is clear that la Mrs. Edisoa'sý belief, the ultimaite aini of the ave - age-c, womiaa should be te fit herseif as, well as conditions will permit for makiag her own home the best poos- sible. She invited me to join themi at dinner and 1 could t.hiak of ne0 happier onsumnmation than te talk over the din<aer plates with the g-reat "Genius of Light" and his charmning companion. IÎ learaed that Mrs. Edison wasý bora la Akýrea, Ohio, and whea pursuiag lher studies lan Bosteon she met ThntsAlva Edison. Th ey yvere dIraiwn te each othèer and la six mionths were engaged aad soon after were miarried. How much hJan happeaed since! What w<nrld re- volutionizing things have been bora ia the brain of the Wiz'ard have beeni discussed la the theatre of these,( 1,iadred iaids. Mrs. Edison's closeýý conectonwith her husýbaud's work Ls s'howa by the vw-y la which s'ie follo'ws bis inventions, step by step, and by, her increasing iaterest and prîde in their comiýplction aad im- prevemecnt. Her father was 55 -u inventer, se she knew much of the, mental precesses and peculiar tcmperamnent of the inventer before her miarriage and fri affectionate tndersttndling and appreciationo her father was fitted te becomne the 'inder.sùaniding cou1parii&o of gea- Mrs. Edison once said: "An ini- veator's wife must give up seiety and the frequent aeeing of most of her frieads, but to a wem-aa who is as fond of her husba_-nd as I am and as kecaly intercsted in Mis inven- ionis that is an easy matter". She ha4d said te ume this very af- teeon: Much unhappiaess la mrar- iîage comies froii» the faý,ct that wm :fl as a rule are not vitally interested in the business lives of their lins- bands and gradually grow apart ila thughit and la their deeper sua- onscieus selves. The divorce records re filled wvith testirmony of such un- appy divergencies". And she add- d: I give Up ah miy thought net de- oted tù. my domestic affairs te f ol- [w the scientific work of '»y hus- aud-unot as a scieutist but te know il the time what my husbaud la do- îg and wha.t the results are even if 1 do not tlionoly uiiderstand the scha~aIiie~. It is nîce te kuew% )efnore the world hears of sonme ±m- ,ortaiit discovery-te kn~ow seme- hiug of the alphabet of themn-just is a woman whose husbaud is a ,eiegraph operator piay Jeara te click hello" and "goodibyýe" on the 'wires. M ber busy years as wife of a gcnms td motiier of his cbildren and their )wa, and friead and couirade of hemn ail, she has fouad timie te keep ip-ise 18 <an excellent musicin- id to fulfil her social obligations as cli. She takes an active part la he werk of wonaien's musical and teiarSý clubs <sud other orgaaiza- ios for thse ,dvanceisent of w'omien, ncoiinaiunity welfnre work and lan ther clvii ,aad philanthropicecii ies. LEAKY ROOF«? Have it fixed now before the heavy Spring rains with ]BRANTFORD CEMENT FOR ROOFS ROOF PASTE FOR HOLES Brantford Asphait IRoofing is the highest quality of roofing manufactured-shingles or roils DON'T DELAY-DO IT NOW -MASON & DALE The Popular Hardwar-Quaiity andi Righti Pricos Phone 145 Bowmanville JmJEhas a meimorandumr on the cheque stub of 1eveLy account -anct'an entry in his bank book as well-a double check on his business. Thne mncomirng cheques or cash are also shown in his bank book,. In a flash he cari telf when he paid any par- ticulat account or when an accourir was paid to hini. His bank book tells hin. He has no rieed to go to town te do lhis business if he is rushed. A cheque by mail. pays an item or makes deposits almost as quiddly as he could, do it hinisel£ Today the safe, efficient, satisfactory mrethod of busi- ness is through the Banik. J3ANK 0^'F MONTREAL -s-tablishedc over 100 years Total Assets in excess of ý7ooo.00o itpysiii MIARTI N 0-SENOUR ?ED S5CHOOL, UQUSE PAINT Por Barns and Outbuildings ' ~if has no equLtl HOME PAINTING MADE EASY' SOW BY W. H. DUSTAN Bowmanville 't 't tc::ý WHY? Why should we serve more homes than any other dairy in Bowmanville? Because Glen Rae Dairy Milk is unifor-m in flavor and quality-and it is Pure- CIean--Riei, 1No othier reasons. *People know it and take' advanatge of an oppor- tunity purposely created for- them. Why should anyone do otherwise? Drink lots of Glen Rae Dairy Milk for health'ýs sake. GLEN RAE DAJRY My hostess speke toe efet igliten iingas-genial, Preciens everyday higa stowad sway semnewhere la tise onsciouaueas but unrecordefl lu the overs et a note hook. Atter a timie he led me back into tise library oheýre our conversation dritted te usie, painting and poetry. Wisy onet more yeuug people give them- elves te soOme forai of art? la hia question tisera seems te aie Éto e tise secret of bier understaiding Pmit. She stretches eager armas ,)ward ahi tcheneuty efthtie wonld. lw cenld ase be etiser tisantise truc ,ulmiate efthtie Worid's Greates;t Ia- antor-tse inspirationand com-pan-' an et bis days? It acens te me, eo tisat in tise rester of tise worild's rèat woaien sisonld be placcd tise nderstandiug cosipauieua f et -ca. it Mira. Edison la net tisinking bow ' c ecau briug evan more et beauty ite this ho-me-how hast se eau .uistcr te lt-lle is thinlking of a iousanti thinga-but tise greateat et esc is LOVE.j ýStonies et Mrs. Edisen's devetien )her husband ceaie back to me. I ýmember wheu some yeans ago wisen 1e inventer was lu tise bospital un- Er-eiag operation for mastoiditis, le remaiued at his bedsidc for yen days sud nigis, neetisîg ,en the suggestion et sleep.Ad ýw ottens obe has connived at ,appiug bim inte ntteadiug bis own .-tisddy parties, wiih otiserLwise ise glht net have dlonc, sbouhd som-e ýet tbougist-visitation have comei Po him. These sud any otiser orles et han ýbeantiful devo)tion iough tise years, I recal. They ue ail et s piece et wbat she tobdi eon tisis niemorabie atterneen. R. R. Stevens, Proprietor Bowmanville Whitby