BOWMANVILLE. APRIL 2ad, 19261 POLICE DETECT MUCH CRIME' S'- lief Rkdird Jarvis Prese'nt Re-! ____________________ port of Police Department for Past Year. HARRY AG ERA1t the March meeting of Town of The Hambourg Conservatory, Council Ohief Richard 'Jarvis pre- Toronto, will take on a limited sented is annuai report of activities nuwmber of pupils at Bowmanville, in the Police Depaitment for the Teacher of year ending Decemnber 31, 1924. It Hawaiian Guitar, Comapte will, no doubt, be quite a revelation Course in Transposition. Pupils and shock to many of our peaclle- guaranteed ta play in 25 lessons, a'Oiding citizens to learn of the w'lave aiso Ukulele, Banjo-Uke aid of crim-e commnitteddla a comminity Tenor Banjo. of the high mnoral standard of whichi Studio over Royal Tlieatre, Bona- Bwmanville pridles itself. A gac ville. Class every Wednedy 1a h lsB, f'acscmmte FuEl particulars at _M i S SAudrey tern 12,icu eali Nokes', Bowmianville, phione 312w. DUmbrn 28 ldS aeri Glee Clubi free every evening. Special everything on the crime category 5 free lessons givon with every eicepingmrder. 0f course, it guita purhasedfromUS.1 should be noted that mnany ofths crimes were commnitted by transiîeýnt andno-ridents of town. Th7e _re- Sport follows: Brighten Up Ye.s, we have a Wall Paper suitable for any roomn or hall in 1te house or store. Just give us a cali and look themn over. OVER 300 PATTERNS Prices ranging from 10c to $4.00 per rol ALL 1925 DESIGNS We also ýcarry a fulli une of Paints and Varnishes-everythingý to brighten the home. Prices are right. Estimates given for painting and deceratng. Open evenings from 7 tili 9 p. ma. G. ritchard DECORATOR Cor. KING AND SII.VER STS., BOWMAN VILLE inig Demand FOR JERSEYMJ1LKý of Jersey Mllk has increased con- sîderably. So we can now handle a few more eus- -tomers. If you want good ricj2 Jersey Milk with lots of eream have our wagon ecll daily. Phone 205r4. Wateh forour nxw Jer- sey Dairy Miflk -Wagon Mapvers Rd iBow.na4nville Cases called in the Police Court 128 Finies and costs imiposed..$2823 Dispersed paijd to Ont. Gýovernmeaiet.$ 820.00 paidý- to Doml. Governmiient 12,;.0 Paid Town Troasurer..... 72-7. 8 5 Tw-,o prisoniers serving -termis in lieu of fines......... 3.0 For d.amiages, witness fees, Magstrtesfees and tcon- stables costs ...........005 Offences Possession of niarcoties........ 4 Asgaultsý, comminon....... ....... 5 Ass;aulting Police Qfficor........ 1 Drunk andi Disorderly ...........21 Intoxicated ................ ...6 Obtaining by False Pretense .... 4 Vagrancy.....................12 Tffit from Express Co........ 1 Shop-breaking and Theft.....4 Soduction of girls under 16, years 2ý Arrested for other atunicipalities. 6i Breacb of Fruit Act. .........2 D&niaging Pubic Highwvays....4 Chl-ickeên Stealing .............4 Theft of Farmn Implemoats...... 2 Negflecting their chiIdrn.....51 BveaIch of Ceamleries At....... Breach of Inlaad Revenue Act ... 1 B3reac'h of O. T. A ............. 7 fInsanit .......................1 Breaïch of Moctor Vehiýclos Act... . 19 Permiitting cattie to rua at large 2 Trýespassing on Private prope,ry.3ý Breatlb of BicycIle By-law..... WVif e boating. ................ 1 Neg-lecting to psy Statute Labor.. H-orse stoalialg -***'.......... Theft of an automobile......... 1 Givea in charge of Children's Aid Inspe-tor...... ........... Theft of goods while under seizure 1 Breactýli of Corn Borers Act ...1 Till tapping anti theft . . ......, Bre-ach of Gam-n Laws ......... Breach of Hi-h-ways Act....... 4 Trosia-s on Provincial Highway. 1 Theft of Potatoes............... 3 Unlawfuliy retaiaing property. . .. 1ý Wreckless drivin~g nmotor cr. ,.. 2 Discharging fire arms in corporat'n 1 How Disposed of 1Nuinber of persons paiti fines. .82 Ntubem coiritted to jail without 1- t.-t vnia ,JJ. k aCfine ....... 0 L44WN BOWLERS READY C. H. Carlisle Denatea Another Hand. se~.Top -T. C. JewdUEct eod Preaident. With the snow about ail gone aad tihe grass hegin to Show sigasl oF lite mtnzbers of Bowmanviill bawa Bowling Clu-b f elt it was also tiine that they shouild be organiz- ing for theconting season. The an- nuûal nieeting was therofore held in the office J. J. Mason & Son on Tuesday evening, March 24th. In 1the absence of President Arth-.ur Denscm -nthe meeting was ln charge of Vice-President, T. C. Jewell. secretary J. J. MUason g-ave a very satisfactory report of the finances a1nd generalactivities of the club -for asat year The miemnbership was the best on record and tihe Civi!c Holiday tournamient was t]el~gs in history of the club. MýemibershIip ifee of $U.06 will r- mi1ain the saine as, last yea, h rh,ý by the wa, s the lowest feesý of any clubalg the lakre shore. Juvenlile fee is 3O for boys undler 18 yeairs. Officers for, 1925 are: Presden-T.C. Jewell. lst Vice President-M.,ý G. V . CGou"l 2ndý Vice President-R. E. Logýan Scec'y.-Treas.-. j.Mason Auio rs-AÀ. Mitchell,AM.G.V Gould. Gruns-.D. Carruthers, A. Dieisem-,AMbert AMoore, M1ýembe>crsi-A. M'eel C. B. Kent ,C. A. Smnith, John Lyle, J. P. Mý'atch-R. M. Mitchell, AlexK. El- liot, T. W. Stanley. Hlonomary Members-Chas. Gibbs Haiiton; R. D. Elliott, Ge.. Bal,: B. W. Rice, Russell Goodman C S Nicholis, F. A. Fish, Toronto ot 1illiott, Peterboro; Capt. C . vW. . Meaj;h, Ottawýa. Annual Tournatient will be heldi on Civic Rliday-is odyi Aug-ust. -is odyi The fine Goodyear Trophy which has been up for competition for the past 10 years, aad last year becamie tie property of Wit.lhmow Parký Club, Toionto, his club having won it three years, made it nocessary for the club to sceure another prize for its tournament. Mr. C. H. Carlisle, Vice-President and General Mana- ger of Goodyear Tire & Rub<ber Co.,; throuugh his generosity and cotin ued interost in Bowniaville asked for the privilege and honor of again presenting a trophy to the club for annual coiipetition under the samne conditions as hiave existed. This l0adly off er was gladly aceepted by the clu' b and the Socreary was in- structed toe epress tho club's thanks to Mr. Carlisie. Entry in the Inter-Town Bowling League will again be miade. This leaigue includes Port Perry, Whitby, Oshawa and Bownianville. The J. L. Whattam Trophy was won iast year by Port Permy Club. Citizens wishîng to join the local cluab should ntake application to any of the athove officers. tNuer conoit e ortraiat BOWMÀNVILLE THROWN OUT Cooourg................. 610F BASEBALL LEAGUE To the' Mercer Reformatory, I Toronto .............._.,.. 21 The executive of the Durham andi To the Alexandria Iiidustrial Ontario Basobail Association met la School for girls ... ......2 Cobourg Saturday aftornoon with P o St. Mary's Rescue Homo for Presidont Jack Knott presiding. girls . . ..................... 1 Orme Gamsby and Oscar Rolph of - uniiter of persons gîven suspend- Orono, Pellet of Oshawa ', Jackson eti sentence by making restitu- of Peterboro, Cook of Bowmanvillo, tion for damiages anti costs .10j andi White and Dlaney of Cobourg umbrocaseýs dismissed ...15 were present. réta - The main business of the meeting Total ay 12spctaonthe coniside-ring of te two fran-ý Saniary uspeti~nchise ua.pplicaions beforo tne execu-J Thedutis o Sanitary Ihspc-ctor,1 tive, that of Bowmanville to the l ~ ~'ao'~ngte w'Inemediate League and Lew Le-1 o i1ijc of ýcre evo? through,,t1 barr's Lakeviewers of Pterboro to ,etowr invove consideratle work1 the Jufiior circuit. in Iiepprai .t Num,,ber of pla-1 Mr. Cook cd Bownaanviile as a touse 49;'utiber of extra repDresentative from the citizens of cali elde 7. 1am plessed to say that town, requestedth te renew'al of no def.sw r rported during th&sIthir franchise to play in the Inter- epideinie. mediate D. & 0. League. Ho could. Dog Tax I ofer no definite assurance, however, Do,- Tax colleetid by his dlepaýrt- that the people of his town~ were be- ment during the year $îl2.0<J. hînd the teai).i fiancally, so' tht the Statute Labor Tax oxecutive wire foie o refseon- Statute Labor Tax coliecteti by trance for this efsoai. tIis Deartmoent during the year Peaboro's aplication to the jun- ~50,Oio1r ranks was also tigned d n ow- Stole ~rQertying to extra. travelling expenss of geing to the letric City. Amiouit of poprty report- It is te be regretteti tbat B ow- eti stoien........... .... $2321.00 mnanville cannot support a basebaîl Amount of proerty e- team in tItis simon-pure amateur or-ý eiveti anti returneti to ; afliration. Where is the biame te the oners.... ....... 2,049.00, be placed for lack cf support'? The ___ sporting elemnent of the toîwn put -Raiance under investization$ 272.00 f orth ettory effort last year te koep i Bowýmarnville on the basebaîl map, but citizoas tiid net cooperato by at-1 teading tihe gaines. As a resuit DURHAM OU) BOYS' CLUB th club hocanie financially ebr xassed and now this year the local On Wednestiay evening, April 8th club is "la dutoh" with te associla-i the next meeting of the Toronto Dur-i tion. hamn Club will be belti at the rosi- Anticipating that Bowmanvllle deace of Colonel Stewart, 42 Heath- clai Rod t beia t 8o'cloc. ~would not be in the beague tItis yoar, goo d ro being pr8epaod sud; Orme Gamsby, manager, scout, pub- a very pleasant evening is assureti for liîyaetat enrlsîoo r the gooti folk from the H1om1elanti ono Baseball Club, was in towa sev- of Durhamr. 'This socîety -%as- oral weeks ago looking up tho local ganizeti in June 1898 andi Dr. James ýaho Ruths who h.ave been hibemnat.. L. Hughes bas been Presideat and îng in our mridst witb the hope of Mm. Thomas Yellowloes, Secretary, gettingtheir signatures on tbhe dot- durng hes nerl 27 yeas. e-tell meepresenting the tWam front dume, emtheedna. 2 ea R. teCouty's 'Hub of Intelligenc' Well, if Bovmanville cannot muter a team Who la there wilI obj oct to our boys playing with our thriine subuirb of Oroneo? Go to it, Ormne PINCH ]BROTHERS IN TOWN boy!1 Mr. B4era P'nch of El Paso, Te-.,as, andi Mr. Alpha Pincb of Bowman- v ille, Ontario, Canada, are passing a fow days in the city with rela- tives anti soeing the sights. Bora Pinchi lived ii tIis city for many yeams, anid bas many £rientshm who gave hlm the glati hant i4ter bis four years' absence. The Cana- dian bro1ther la vsiting lu El Paso andi welcorned tue opportunit~y and te fivveer te bring him ito Rousrell. .-.Rosweiýl Newa. INTER-LEAGUE DEBATE Sei-final Inter-League Debate of Bowmanville District Tyrone vs. Harampton will be helti at Hampton- (not Tyrone as statoti last week) on! Eiday, April 3rd. Resolved "That moral suasion withot egal prohibi- ory enactment ean never secure the destruction of the Liquor Trafflic". Tyrone wili u-p4old the affirmative, Hiampton the negative. I Nothing is more certain than that as soon as the motàr cars begin to use the roads again there will be accidents. Accidents mean Damage to Your Car. They also involve you in dlaims for damages for the other f ellow's car, and perhaps f or personal in-1juries. This may mean Law Suits. If you were to have damages of $10,000 a4vard- ed against you, how would you pay it? If you were properly insured you would be saved ail worry on that score. You can't afford to take the risk. You should let the insurance company carry it f Or YOu. Every automobile should be insured agaiflst damnagé, àaiis liability and agaii'-st fire. If you can't afford to insure, then you ean't' aff ord to run an automobile. M.any a man has been ruined as the resulit of a "pure accident". You wouldn't think of not being insured against fire,~ but the loss f rom liability for an automobile accident may be stili heavier. The onus le on you, Mr. Auto Owner. protected. Insure te-day AGAINST FIRE An automobile is a valuabio piece of property, and shouMt be protected ag-ainst fire tho same as other poperty. PROPERTY DAMAGE The O 'ther Fellow" may tbink , you shoulti pay for the damage to his car. Perhaps you shoulda't, and it wjIil niean a lawsuit. Whstevor the decision, the Insurance Company ail the expene-and worry. This insumance also covers damiag-e to other property. PUBLIC LIABILITY The greatezt misk of al. If you happen to hurt soverai peopleý, and should be f ound technically at fauît, the liability wsay rua into thousantis of dollars. l you are pmeperly ins5umed, the Comnpany assumes ail your liabiity, 'and if nàLessary defends any aetion that may be taken against you. COLLISION Rundreds of tintes inaa escape a collision. Some time for the dmago to your car? that in any case it -will not ho you Botrbe We are f ortunate ini being represenitatives of The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Cor- poration whose standingand record for f air settiements have placed them i the front rank for Automobile Insurance. J. J. MASOeN Phone 50 Real Estate and Insurance Br( King St. E. seaslon. you will narrowly it mnay occur. Who -wiil pay If you are însurod you knov PERSONAL LIABILITY Fer a very trifiing premnium you cat i mure your own hf o la case cf death due to an automobile accident, either while in a car or -while iwalking; anti at the sankî tinte oan previde for substantiai aaonthi-y accident benefits. THEFT Thousauids of automo.biles are stoben in the cities andi townýs of Canada every yoar. Yours may tilsappear from its parkingl place some day. A slighit cost you car ensua'e having the nmoney te replace lt-or te pay for aiy damage done by thieves, if the car shoulti ho ecovereti. & SON, -okers Bowmanville p Isthel1 YourC ime to Injure Automobile In Fact the Time to Insure Is Before You Take It Out of the Gzarage Our supply k> I WHY?0 Why are so ma-ny people wear- îng glasses now? This is the question asked our OptOmnetrist every day. His answer is: BEÇAUSE Our ancestors lived mostly in thze open and under conditions en- tirely different from those cover- ing our life to-day. Modern dviii- zation with our narro-w streets, high buildings, moving pictures, strong artificial lights, fast mov- ing vehieles, increased office and facto1'y work and excessive indul-. gence in late bour reading places sucii a big strain on the human eye that optical assistance is imn- perative. DO YOU KNOW THAT YQUR EYES ARE RIGHT? Ou busy Optoaetrist, R. M. Mit- chell, cati tell you. 'Have Your Eyes Exaiined R. M. Mitchell &XCo. Druggists and Optometrists Phone 92 Bownianville Nîght, CaUls 280 or 232 INSRETOwD AYv Don't put it, of f. Your" accident rnav occur the firat time you are out in yuur car. For ail kin~ds of Insurance consult