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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1925, p. 5

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-What's the Flealth of Your Family Worth? MORE THAN ANYTFH1NG ELSE ON EARTHI Modern Plumbing a Health 1Measure SCientitic plurnbing is one of the greatest heâlth measuraes, ever planned for the bene~fit o& mankind. You kftow that the health of your people is wcorth more to you than anything else mn the world. A cheap job is too often dear at any price. We recommend and instail only first quajlity materials and employ only first class wor'kmen. Personal attention given to ahi con-, tracts. Greenaway & Efiott Heatiuw Eprts andI Consulting Engine.irs King Street East Bownmanville Phone 18W Hatching bSea-Lsovn Podltry raising is a most profitable anid pleas- ant occupation. As a sie lune the chicken bus- iniess is a money maker. Uatching season is about here. Be prepared tgive the chicks a good start. First three weeks is the critical time in chick if e. 'Start feeding "them H-0 Steam Cooked Feed which is predigest- ed. This f eed, gives wonderful resuhts. ' Thon there's Chick Grit and Chick Charcoal, and lots of~ other supplies we have in stock for poultry. L 1LOWERS! PLANTS! When n'eeding Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Potted Plants or Wreaths give us your order and it will be giveu prompt attention. PHONE 186 ALLI1N BOWMAN VILLE Br"Adale Nurseries Catalogues Are Ready THERE'S ONE FOR YOU Phone or send us apjost card and a catalogue wil be mailed immediately. No nee<d of buying elsewhere when we can supply everything needed in Plants, Ornamental or Fhowering Shrubs and Fruits at very at- tractive prices. Brookdale Nurseries -Phono 7 Bowmanville Bjuying on th'e instaliment Plan PURC-HAJSING. comm-odîties by paying ,,a dollar dow.n and a dollar a wéek" Las gro'wn into great pppu- larity. O-ftén thé object purchaséd is wora eut beforé it la paid for, and thé. purchas-er continués te pay. Buy youself a fortune on thé mastall- ment plan lby piacing réguar instahl- -méats cf your éarnings in a Starid- aid Bank sevings accouat. Thé mioaey is always available for use- if réquiîéd and theré la no e dprie kciation, but eccruiag interéat as tmé gees onr SEAN DARD BAN . BOWANVLLEBRANCH-H W. Lapp, Maager Branches also at Newcastle, Newtonville, 2o shawa j j ..Pulling Up the H "Main 5 Editor's Note.-During thé winter rnonths wée have enjoed many ableé addresaés and entertaining miusical1 proirgais over thé raio. Stationt WEAF cf New York, as benr broacating a séries of talks oni "Âdvertisîng and thé Public" by1 Cjharles, C. Green, President of thé e Green Advertising Agencé mIc., 450i iFourth 'Ave., New York City, déal- ing 'with preblées, romnance and ad-i 'Ventume of 'thé great dramna of ad-t vértising. MIr. Gréen throws thé spot lig}it on advéîtising and thé W influence it bias wielded la bringingi about mnoderm habits and conditionsý in ai wey that, -\%e féél certain, wilh interest many cf our readers. Youa folks have Aîlheard cf Maini Street,, or Thé Publite Square, that 'busy spot in smahl towins where alI thé big things happén. TMhe famée of Main Street is national. 1Thé rétail stores on Main Streeti occupy thé best locations. Théy payi thée highest méts and do thé mnost1 business. On Saturday aights t1hey are open Ilaté. Thé town folks go down te shop, somne walk up and dù-wn, whilé otherra stand on thé corners, or at théi curb; tbey enjey meeting othér folks, and tahking about théir néighbbors. Main Street is thé centér of ife. It is whére thé old town pumt-p flrst be- came popuhar. Ia the éarly days it had a rail fencé along it to kéep thé stock on thé street; latér, hit'chiag1 poats were erected by thé tow.ýn council and h6ëal stores. Tbéy weré provided for thé faimers, wbo bitch-1 éd their teans cf :herses théré e + mnake mud bole aloag thé cumb, while thé farmers traded eggs and butter for caicoes and coffée. Try and, fiad a hitching post to-day. Lo- cal stores have f ouad othér -ways te bid for trade, but thée icha post once played a big part. Main Street bais always béén thé town's heait-heat. Everything worth wvhile bas happened hère. Speeches by piesi1denfé, governora and con- gressmlen, circus parades, band con- certs, Fourth of Juiy clehiationsý, Unche Ton's Cabin paradés, public auctions, stréet faî rs, peanut and pi'ak lemnonadé standls, runaways and aîrests-éhl thé civic coniédiés and tragédies have la ime bea played upo4n smalh town's stage-f"ameus as- "Main Street". 1 I was heré Medicfae shows, with gaseine torches, banjo players, sing- ers and conjurers tliriléd thé towni f ol'ks. Entértalaméents cf ail Iiads were piovided. A couple from thée country wéré provided. A couple fromi thé country weîe puiblicly mai- ried on thé Court Heusé steps. Thé local mnerehant donatéd a, compiéte hûuýekeeping outfit. This widehy advertised c eremyony filled Main Street te everfl¶wing. You reinemr- ber that. But it is net thé saine old Main Street it uséd te be. It bas oheang- éd gréatly. It seems te be more dignified. It séems te be spruced up. Farmers ne lenger hittýh their teains hère. gitching-post wars be- t'ween thé town fathers have ended. There are ne miud hioles or ruts te fill up. Yen rémember thée ld mud hoies? 1 Thé gasoline enginé chug bas ré- placed the snort of thé scared farim eh'ot.r1se. Rows and re<ws cf 1late model automobiles are paîkéd againsit blhé cuit whéîe once stood mud-cov-ý ered wagons and weaiy teames at horsé-gnaavéd, iickéty poats. You wouldn't know thé old placé to-day. Yèterday's custenris, manners, vèhiclés and noises beiong te yestér.. day. Thé old watering trougir is gene11. Evea thé fancy imon, fou-- tain for watering herses bias disaýp- peared. Ini its place is a snappy lookin1g traffic cep. Th-ing-s are net iké they 'uaed te bé. Soeanèw, mysterious force bas pérformed a miracle on thé minds ef thé folks cf Main Street. Soeénéw spirit bas breathéd up- on thé ifé cof this old thorouglifare. There is a néw power at work be- hind thé, thioné of business activity. 1 asked an old storékeéper what it wýas thnt hed changèd thinga se, and lhé said "Oh, thèse f olks, arc gitin' ne'w fangled ides, and higih- falootin' notions about things". 1 put thé saieéquestion te a Young merchant and hé replie&,~ "New ideas on séhing through Advertising", Advertising is thé aiew forcé that on thé thé4arés on M!ain Street la smaîl tewns and country ever. Thé boys and girls in thé small town get thé samé dramas and aéw picturés as thé beys and girls on Broadw~ay. Motion picturés havé standarized thre vision cf oui peope. r. 1* ~ i-nWMýANVTtt1. APRIL 2nd, 19251 - ritclu-ng r'osrs on i-- __-__----- MAKING~ THE HOME Street"ATTRACTIVE Thes chngesin he tougtsTndy sutroun4dings with Flowers anid These hange in Veineog Help to Make a Housse More habits andi customns of Main Steet Inviting and H-omnelike. f olks are the resuit in the changé in 1____ the stores on M\ain Street. The old Bowinanville H orticultural Society corner saloon, where tlé -boys filledi started out on its 1925 career with Up onl Saturday nights, has bneenl hg aims and ambitions to placed by,, another kind of illngat lea4 a mi-enibefbrsgip of 300 citi- station . Gasoline is More powerfi ens, hold Meetings éirery montli and ia 'an engine than liquor ina mnan. endeavor to miake home surroundings Gasoline-a dvertised in the local More beutiful and Bowmanviîll 'a nei(wspaer--a-s boosted the value of more attractive çoi-mmn-unity in which the lot where once stood the saLoon. 1 to live. But like most Ne'w' Yeaî's Its modera golorful signs a nd at- resolutions their good intentions have tractive litlhographs are more pleas- tnot been carried out as hoped. igto théeye than /the old free luci inbe n wikysga So f ar the society has less than lý-,chsigis ber ad hisey igs. ý5 -meiibers, which is the required Be'autifully wifdoeed candy shops, nuniber neédéd to obtain the goyernl- and red-fronitéd cash grocery stores i ent graxit. Is the society s1ding have jumpéd inte the shops left va- down the tobaggon? 1923 member- cant by thé old baî-room. TYhese sbip was 207, 1924 was only 136 stores feature displays of delicious and so for this year théi total is foods safe in healtri giving qualitiés. 61. Thé attractive package has replaced li was thought geniera1 interest the old cracker barrél; and ail other would be aroused by holdig mortlrly adve'rtiaed foodsa re off ered in sani- meetings. Only one public gather- tary package s-cle a --clean fromi ing bas heén held and it wças not the factory to you. Jarely atteénýded. Advertisiag bas brought the puib- The loc al sboiety had better invite lic beauty parlor into existence. The eveir memibers from Newcastle Hor- girl 'who parades on Main Steet hias ticultural Society te addréss their learned to wield thé p)owvder nimémbers when they might divixge and lip stick withl the same ch thé sac.r. of thé success of their aess as thé girl on Broadwvay. socety. Did you notice in last weék's Dru_- stores have deserted the col- Statesman the report of Newcastle è)red light era--and now trim théir Flowér Show? Woadérfizl succéss windows wvith quick sehirs-Made from every standpoint! quick by ýadvertiésing. Théy express Thé develomnent of oui greatést the fulfilîmént of big selliag idéas. ~natural resouce-thé human unit- Thand -the making of his surroundings Thé harness 'shop has given way mra ognid hol éth mi toat cesi soe;hrehe tion of every tboughtful and ambi- ing shops to garages; the old one- to' aaisy h aua spout soda fountain to a mirrored tiieoucs C haiéanc ase rvcecfthé parlor for refreahmnents; the barber Respartmt f h InteneSiceor. h shop of vieious g-ossip tô the safitaiy eatn .th nri. luxury palace foi men and women S5<iniii wil 5odf be hère, and wii4i bobs; the old calco stores to twith it plans that have been dévelop- womnen's re-ady-to-wear shops; tin ed for the cultivation of the farm shops to electric and radio accessory or gardén will be -put into effect. stores-ail the résuit of printed nies- Thèse, of course, are aecessary and sages of éducation and enlhghten- require by far the major aimeuat of mnent. Thé old coal oilI amp is be- atni ing put out, just as the old "gasohune But *.,hat ef the homeé? Are the tcorch-lighted political processionl no homne*groutds 'to benmade attractive? longer thrilîls Main Street. Thé surroundings of the home aie Tlhe changing of the stores bas an indication of the taste and tidiness biouht reatcb~ges ntp théof the people who occupy the house. broubt rea chnge ino th cWhat adds more to the attractive- homes. What bas happénied to th ness of home than a few flowers or olldtime, aever-uséd parlor or best vines, witb beds and walks laid out room? To-day the living r'ooni i as one would like to see them? the radio concert hall, the niic box, salon,, thé place whe'~ re üun . he writer once lied bis atten'- those modern inventions cf enjoy- tinelet two photograp4hs. O5ne ment, educational advancmen- was that cf a hous-yu would inot those advertised things which "people esie to caîl it a home. Thé sur-' buy te usé and enjoy. roundirigs were aaytbing but invit- l ng, ani thé building bor'é al thé T'hé store windows on Main Street rinarka of néglect. The théi phioto- aie channels for moviag advertised grapb showed a house where the goginto thé bomnes. The stores grounds wére tidy, a few flowérs had with modern kitéhén equipmnent have been,. planted, and morning glories fihled kitchens witb. modera labor 1 weré trained up the verendahi to saving devicés; are keeping them, provide shade. This picture showed spic and spap, cleansed, and scoured a pridé in thé home krounds, was with soapsan~d censels pure and invltiag toelthé boy or girl wb9) might helthful for the housérwife who 'be icoming te visitt hé old folks and r'eads ad'vertising messages. was a conifor'tand crédit teo those Thé great béait-béat of thé small et home. Thé bouse was a homie. town is thé home town newspapér Both photographs weré of thée saine of o-dy. t gtscloe t it pep-bouse, but one amily muade a home le' tbrough persenal and local -items. wieteobe,1ddýo ae It is tihe pper ofth f olks nt home. Contentmerit and happiness la thé Small town daihées and weeklies homes of 'her people are absolute éxert a powerful influence to-day: lan iecessities if Canada is to proapéri thé old days there were ne pictures and develop thé naturel résourcés of news events~ as wé\- havé to-day. with which nature has so bountifuliy Thé space fiiled with caids and hersé providéd her. A little care and sales is now used by national adver- attéetion to thé home grounds wilh tisera. work wondéîs. Modéra équipment, linotype ma- hin- e yp ae aké edthéo As a vermicide an excellent pré- amal town néwspapèracrdte tffé publishing business. Thé ohd paration la Mother "Graves' Wormi boiler-1.late -patent i iExterinator. It bas savéf the * *~ e~' ~lives of countless ebildién. Withi its modemnéwspapers and radie, Main -Street is living. 1 know of oeé small town of 1,000 homes with 800 'radio sets.' This is an indi'cation off thé market for radie sets and equipment in aniall towns. 1In thé old days bargain sales dom- inated thé wiadewvs, but te-dlay it is thé na-tion-,lly ndvrtiséd Elnes. MVain Stret is to-day an important out- let fer advérti'seç goods. Thé mianiu- fatrrwho oe looks this wonilér- f ully prolific market is shutting- hia éyes te .his biggést rsales epportu- tiès. National adveitising. is mlakingi salés on Main Street ju'st as it has built wealth la largée itie.s. Just as an electrie current ligiîts up Main Street at nig'ht, just se hes advertis- ing enligbteaed its teownflfolks. It bas changed habits, élevatéd thé standards of living by kééeping ie- f oie people thé messages that they should possss the.béttei and modeirn thinga,,cf 1fe. Thé oid gasehinie stréét lights will flickér ne miore- with a tura of thé switeh Main ,Srt ita nGreat White W.ay. Thé lèctrical iighted show win- dows of thé stores on Main Street are thé veicés cf national edvértis-1 ers telling people how~ to improeé their looks- and their homes, hew te live btter and get maoré happi- neas out cf 1f e. "MAIN STrREET" ba s bécome "BROADWAY". Don't forgèt Main Street in ytDum Advertising becausé "Main Street" neyer f orgéts thé messages sent eut te its 'people. Thé St-atesman is $2.00 per yéar la Canada, payable iut edvance; $2.50 othérwise. It Will Relievé a Cold.-Celds are thé cemmonest ailments cf man- kind. end if neglected nray lead te, s'éioua conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011 wil mlleve the? bren- ehiaI passages of inflammation speedily and thorougly a nd 'wili stmêngthen tbem aist subsequesit attack. A.nd1 as it easés thé in- flammation it wifl 'nuualy stop thé coug bheeause it efleys thre irrita- tlien la the throat. Try it 'and prove it. Phone 153 Bowman ville il ltpays fo use MARTIN -SENOUR WOOD -LAC STAIN for 'Furni-ture -FoQrs & e>Oo k Write to Head office, More&I rr Fre Bokef-t HMNE PAINTING MADE E-ASY SOLD BY W. H. DUSTAN Bowmanville PIANOS~ FRED MITCHELL Bowmanville Nothing Suceeds Like Success Qood conditions or badl, DOMINION STORES continue to grow. New stores are being added weekiy. Sales continue to grow, consistent low prices for quality groceries the reason for our success. There is a mnoney-savinê DOMINION STORE near you. FINNAN IIADDIE 2 LES. '29c FIJiLET HADDIE 20c LB. SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE4lb.O MARMALADE es5 9 TO ALQUAKR BGRANDPALMOLIVE ÀAMERICAN CHOICE rLAi'4vI OATS TOMATO SOP HRMP DTE BUTTER LARGE PACXE-T KETCHUP CPSHMSDAE Qutart 2ls 3 23e 29C 25c 4FoRý29c 25ce 1.3 PINE PPL SINGAPORE 2 TINS 3,5 ,VïTORyTEAý RICHMELLO 79e CROSSIED F1511 CEYLON ad ASSAM 'b ARDINES f 1R ( 1TEBEC N .O9 ~ kf U L 5i LARGE tAIYIPQuart BOTPL TLEL otti 38 iST0Ro-S A G1ROWING EVERY WEEK. 3 ASURE PROOF 0F SATISFACTION 18 u 1 ré. ý 1, ý , - 'n - -JL - - ý ý Aiberta Coal Here, We have a limite d quantity of Alberta Coat for sale from one of the best mines in the West. Order now and be sure to get a supply while it lasts. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND ROOFING Give us an opportunity to supply your needs for Roofing, Cernent, Gyproc and builders' sup~- plies of all kinds. ORDER ANTHRACITE COAL NOW Anthracite operators anticip ate a general strike next Septomber. You will therefore be well advised to order your next wintdr's supply of bard coal now. ORDER LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE COA, ,J. A. HFOLGATE &u'nSO"N' -1

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