Down Corne The Prices at CL 5'ýU E IVE'rS' &StoeDkwReducî*ng Sale i c c C. CLARK, Sal'Ies Specialist, Toronto, Ontario Cle,.aring C laude Ives'Footwear Stock wjth a Veritablie Riot' of Cut Prices throughout the stlore 1~ K 1~ 1~ I a la Sawmle- Commences At - v Q iM#% «L9Jm LL Every pair of Shoes in the store bas been tagged witb a new price that will change tbeir quarters in ea h -rry. WHY? We are greatly over-stocked ; ail during last year we carried a far heaie stock than usual; our last Faîl goods did flot arrive until very late; Our Spring and Summer Gooda ýre now here. The con sequence of this being, we have far too much stock on baand it must be reduced in a hurry. We have decided to talke'our loss nôw. Therefore, this Bargain Event. , In order that the goods migbt be marketed and the sale conducted in a ýbusiness like way, we have engaged tbe services of Mr. A. C. Clark tQ do> the selling. His orders are to reduce the stock regardless of price, proit. or kcost nateing into coflideration it is the sain tbing thot you would do if we traded places. It is the only' co mnon sense thing to do.. Beautif 1 New Easter Eoôtwear at Less Than. Cost At MEN'S HIGH GRADE OXFORDS Now for a reai good s-hoe, wve bave bunched about 6 Iihies of Men's Black and Brown 'Good Year Welts Iieavy Sole Oxfords. These shoes were bought to seli1 at $8.00 te $10.00, ail sizes and a big variety to Pick from, to cIeaoe at MEN'S OXFORDS AT $3.98 Men's Brown Oxfords, stitched Flexible Soles, just the shoe for the coming season, ail sizes , also an- other line in Blac-k and Browýn Lace Oxfords, al sizes, w,,orth $ 8.00, to go $3.98 MEN'S REGAL SHOES $4.98 We bave a Brown and Black Blucher, also a Brown and Black Lace Shoe in Regal in fashionable lests, these slioes are regirlar $8..00 and $11.00 shoes, tliey go at $'4T.98 LADIES' STRAP SHOES $2.98 Ladiles' Patent Strap Shoes with Milltary Heels and Low Heels, aiso a line of Kid Strap Shoes, these are extra value, lo-w heel at $2.98 LADIES' OXFORDS $2.98 Ladies' Black and~ Brown Oxfords lin Sewn Soles, low -medium heels $h2.98 LADIES' HJGH GRADE SHOES rhiis lot consists of our New, Spring Goods just ar~- rivedl and were bought to seli at around $8.00, but e -are going to ]et them go during the sale. 8U different styvles of strap shoes, ail leather and al sizes in every line, and they go at one price ~$5.98 L.ADIES' STRAP 1$'UMPS AND OXLFORDS $3.98 ladies' Veýsser Shoasz and other wel1-knowvn makes, Ibout 12 different kin'ds of up te the minute Black ard Brown Strap Shoes, differept. styles all bulked togathýer in oe Big Lot te go at $3.98' i I s i LAD~IES' OXFORD$ Ladies' OxfQrds in Brown Calif Leather, Military Hes good year weited soles, aise in Black Caîýf Skin, Regular Price > for these shoes were $7.00 and $8, eut t1bey go CHILDREN'S SHOES AT98c Chiidren' ' Vici Kid Button and Lace Slioes, sewn leather soles and heels, sizes 4 te '7V2. Valiues up te $2.50, ail te go at 98C CH-ILDREN'S BOOTS Chldren's 'Vici Kid Lace Shees, stout sewn soles, values up te $2.50, sizes 4 te 7,2,ta ga at x$1.48 LITTLE CENTS SCHOQL SHOES, $2.28 -We have btunc1ed about 6 limesý of littie gant nd youths shoes all to-ether, values 3 te 5, ail te go et $2.28 THE SHOES YOUGET AND THE PRICE YOU PAY The shoes are among the best on the marhet--every pair good enough for us to guarantee-and our guararttee isn't a mere "scrap of paper" as our customers know quite weIl. You take Your pick of the stock as it stands. We're flot offeing you a lot of odds and ends. We have a few broken lnes bQund to have-but not many. SolidI leather footwear, every pair persornal- ly selected for our regular trade here., they'd $111 a book but for every one on this page we have fifty at the store to match it. ItIs Your pportunity Your opportumity to stock up inu season- onable and good solid leather footwear at very substantial r-educýtions, We tolerate no misrepresentatons-ever4 article and every price is exactly as we tell you. The regular prices are on~ the, boxes on' the shel--ves, miarked plainly in the ordinary way. The sale prices are on tags on the shoes. There's no "ýcan-iouflage". We know only one way to do business and that is to play "square". In our early business train- îng we e taught try to fool other people aind you only 'fool yourself. MEN'S BOOTS $2.k98 Meu's Blac~k and Brown Balmor- ai Lace Shoes, mediumx and pointed toeý, goed year wielts., shees macle te sel at $8.00 to $10.00, Out they go $2.98 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES $2.98 This lot of Boys' Shoes are OdIds and ends, brken sizes, but al sizes i aIl the lots_ $p2.98 INFANT'S PATENT STRAP SLIPPERýS $1-38 Tflis is the popular Kewpie K'-ewPs Cushlioni Sole Patent 1 Strap Slipper with non slip soles; sizes 1tote5 $1.38 sies 5 to 7 Y2 $1.68 sizes 8 to lO)ys $1.98 sizes i1 te 2 $2.48 The'Home of Cood Shoes O 5 Bowma~vi»e $1,98 H I q -' ~-tlI NURSES SHOES $1.78 Womien's Kid House and Nurse Shoes. These ehoes are miade of Dongola Kid with one strap, sewn soles and ruibber ýheels, nice coif ortable hoiuse silQe or for nutirses ffear, to go at $1.78 Men'3 Semi-F'ine ShOe, suitabie for light work and absolute comfert for cerne lhaving ne teoe cap an. E Fitting, these are henestly worth $ 7.00, Vo go at MEN'S WORK SHOES $3.48 Men's strong Work Shoes in Black and Brown Sewn and Serewed Soles, solid leather with and without caps, to go at $3.48 MISSES' LACE BOOTS $1.98 Vici Kid and Patent Leather Lace Shoes, se*'n Soles, broken lunes but aIl sizes in the lot, te go at -MISSES' SHOES $1.48 Vici Kid and Patent Button High ,Shoes for Sciiool Wear, se-wn soles and Regular $3.00 Shoeo, to goat $1.48 MISSES' OXFORDS $2.48 Misses' Patent Goltskin Oxfords, sewp soles, real *smart wear, aisei Brown (Jalfskin, Regular $4.0>0, ail sizes il to 2, out they go 1$2.48 CFULDREN'S STRAP SHOES $1.68 In Patent Leather, also Brown Calfskin, a real smiart Spring Shoe, Regular $3.00, sizes 8 te 0 s to go, at MISSES' STRAP' SHOES $1.98 In Patent and Gun Metal, broken sizes, but ail sizes hli the lot, sizes Il to 2, to c1eaý nt CHILDREN'S S-HOES $1-98 Vici Kid Lace Shoes, Cewnv soies, real good school shioes, broken, lines but alI sizes in the lot, sizes 8 to l10 $ .9 M-M-MMIL L id i Bowreanville