-For Sale or Exchange .Ln--LE OR EXCHANGE-On ib- erty and. Concession, u igi -oo brick boupse with oe eacre ot aud wî,vt1h fruit trees, for six rloom bêtise, sj1uai1lot or no land, eeatrally locatd.B Piuclbe, box 97, phone 364w, Bowinan- ville. lt-tf Property For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT- Hiouse, garden antipolty ouse rif d- simed. A-ýppIy \W., W. Dickinson,Co- cession St. E., Bowmranville. ' 131-tf FOR SALE-A very dsrbobid ing lot ou wvest side' of ElginSret nortb iof C. P. R. Býridge, naud doig property of Mtr, Wtilam Hislop'.. Anyý reasonabie off et wili be acceptedl. Apply- to MeCiellan & Co, Ltd., tCig st~ ., Bowmanville, plione 15. 1- HELP WANTED Wainted, persons to grow Muhroenms for uis il Spriug <andSummenr. Com ience at once,. Far1 'upwards of $25 weuekly, usi!ng waste space in olut-hoises, shieds, barus. root-hoiuses or ceilar11S. Lighit, lesaitork'for eitber be. I-j luistrated h)ooltlt andd particulars sent anywbere for stampj. Dominion Mushroomi Co'y., Toronto 'AÛC'fON SALE Theo,,M. Siepion A\,uctioneem,-,, as recelvetd instruýéi1ois to sell by auction on th9e p'ernises ~l fTYRONE al fthe household eff ects of JAMES McCARTNEY on TUESDAY, APRIL 7th as follows: 1 Peninsular Range; Sicleboard; Extension Table; Kitchen Chairs; Bods, Springs andi Mattresses ; Lamps; Disbes; Buggy; Set Single H-arness; 1l'/', H. P. Gas Englue;, Quantity Luniber; Set of Pulleys;- 150 feet ', in. rope; 17 foot Ladder; Lot of other articles too nuinerous te mention. As Mr. McCartnè-y is giving up housokoeping everything Sale at 1 p. m. Term..-Cah Royal Theatre BOWMAN VILLE Wedie.day-Thuraday, April 1.2 Jack Hoxie in "The Back Trail" Fday-Saturay, April 3-4, "'Hem Temporry Hiiubnd" WthSývia flreamer, Owen Moore "Monday-Tu"lday; Apil 67 "Feet of Clay" Witih Rod LaRodque, vera Reynolds, Ricardo Casrtey, Juila Faye, Theodoro Xosloff, Robert Edeaon and Victor Vareoni. Froin the story by Mar- garetta Tuttie Wednesday-tbhursday, Apiil 8-9 "The ire Patrol" With Anna Q. Nilsson, Madge Bel- lainy, Johnny Harron, Charles Mur- ray and Bull Montana RESIDENCE FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE Th~e undersigned offer for sale the Mary J. C. Basstt Es- tate property at the corner olf H~ome and Temperance Streets. The house contains ight roouts with sal! modern conveniences, For' further particulars apply to The Toronto General Trusts Corp'n., Toronto 14-2 BOWJ'dANVILLE. 'APRIL 2nd, 1925 BIRTHS MURRAY --u Toronto, on Wdedy March 2-5, 192ý5, to -Mr. and r.S.Mr ray, ia daughte r. EDM,\ONDON-In ]Bowmanvill, Marcbi 2,12,to Mr. and Mrs. Cliarence C SM ITH-in PBowmnanville flosital, on Monda, Marh 3n,125, tb Mr. and rs A. L ~mtbRaglan, On)it., a son. MFTCALF'-In BowinanvilleHopt, onuSlonday, Marchi 30, 1925, to Mr. and Mris. Brue iMelcaîif, Darling-ton.i a son. jSINGER-O)nMac 7, 1925, Vo SMr. and Mrs. W. G. Sne,12-0 Ab St., van- cutver.ý B. C., a dlaughiter, (Mona Ja. urEaRGEArchz8,0.itilOn.,and Ms.l GEOrGg-AtISmi,_2tbelOn., nMst- J. Franklin George, (nee, Catberine War- na) aaughter. lmARPIAG ESil JEWELL-SADLER-In Ohwou Wens.y, March'25, 1925, by. ge-v. OW DeMille, Miss Ada Sadler, St. Catharineýs1 and Mr, Thomas Sidney Jewel'l of ÈEasti WVbit by. DEATHS BERRY-In BDowmianville, on Wedues dIay, April 1, 1925,, Nellie,. »loved 'vfe of M'ýr. W. J. Reýrry, aged 48 yearé. Funeral from the residIend'e'of ber broher-i'-lwMr. IHf. H. lling, Queen Street, 1on Frildaty, April 3rcl. service at 2:30 p. ni. Cortege to leave aI 3 o'lock for Blowui-tanville OCemet ' cy. MAGU , R E-In Orono, Mvondlay, 'March 1925 EPJS7 , daughbter of the 1late Jolin Magulre of ULfford. Interred at Orono. WILKINS-Ir. Darlington, Marcb .29, 1925, Liirft Margueite. yotxgest duhe Of MP. aud Mrs Alex. WlTlkihts, aged 16 years4 58iuontbs. HYN DS-Suddenily at 'ber late, resi- dec,1087 Bathur~st St., Toronlto, on Mar-eh 26, 1925, Rose, beloved Wieof Lamuel Iiynds in bier 59th yeaýr. NCHOLLS-At ber residlence, Rdu treet, Port Hlope. on March 2th., 192ý5, Agnes Jane Parsons, blvdwif e of James Nichioils, in ber 7thi yesr. JC'HNSON-Irt Picton, March 23, 1925,1 Cyn hia A Johnmson, wif e of the late Hlerberit AM. Johnson, in her 74th year. Mother of Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Wliattam,. Osbawa. MeGI LL-.&t tbe resldence of lber son- iu-law, Mr'.FH. R. T)earborn, Columb ous, Marcb 2'7, 1925, Mrs, )Zlarboi'n McGill, wife of William Me-Glll of Oshawa, iu ber 822nd year.1 FUJLLER-A#.thtle residecne of ber sis- ter, 'Mrs. Jas. MCeln Whitby, on Saturclay, March 28, 1925, Margaret W\iglt Widow of the late Amiassa E. ller, Providence, Darliugton, in ber 6th yea.r. Interred ln Bowmanivlle. McCULLOUGH-At tbe Sanitarim, Fort Qu'Appelle. Sask.,, on MVlarcb 8th, after a long illness. Pearl MeCnaliouzgh, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and ~Mrs. Donald McCiulloch. Enfield. 1,uieral private, Thursday., April 2nd., at 2 p. m. from residenice o' ber, br<ter- in-law, Mr. S. J. Storle, 291 King Street, Oshawa. kEADY FOR SPRING WORK? Peter Martin & Sons, Elgin St., the puiblie the~y are prepared to do the 'folowiing linds of work: ce- ment walks, floors, bloclks, silos, posts; platering;, -all kinds of mason- ary wlrk trom iroof to cellar; alsl3 ýhing1ing; teaminug;',pliughing; ash- es 'and debris reiuoved. N.w that you know soute of the work thiese men do give thexh a phonoe all at 206r5, write or çýall at ajbove adi- dress. Wbere estiiuates are re- quired they will 1lgladl furnisih theini free and without obligation on your part. ,Get your order in errly fLor things are shaping up for a real busy season. Distance makes no difl'er- once. They have a car. 12-t Lindsay reports for month of Feb- muary, 13 births, 7 marriages and 8 deaths. Mrs. J. Ferris, Oahawa, was ser-1 iosl brned while attending a bon-, fein the yard of hmNo~nlw A. M. Germond. She wýas taken to Oshawa Hospital but died a few orslater. She wsas in her 75th year, was born in Cartwright, but; ~had lived in Oshawa nearly al herl life. She is survived by one daugh-i ter, Mrrs. L. Stacey, Toronto. i The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day T.H. Kçnight'"s Store News BARGAINS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY FRESH FISH FOR GOOD FRIDAY Good Friday will be Fish Day. 'We -will have -a good supply of fresh caught fia;h. Why net buy fish thh't are tak-en care of properly, the saute as you look after any othier food stuff? Sugam ,10Elbs. . ..................ý. ..75c H. P, Sau~ce, large bottie . . . . .......... 26o Holjbrook Bath Brick, Reg. 10c, 2 for 15,e Pea Meal Boneless Back Bacon, haîf or whole ide .. ............... .31c lb. Figs, fancy stuf, 3 Ibs. for ............ 25e Royal Yeast ....................." c5 FLOOR WAX 43e LB. Did you ever stop to think that a lot of Floor Wax cost a lot fromû advertising? Buy Star Wax-best value on earth-1 lb. full weigh1t 43 . 5oap-Su7rprise, Cold, P & G, Comfort, 10 Bars 58C Shelled Walnuts, halvels....... . ... .49e lb. A Jelly Powders, Pure Gold or Sheriff'ýý, 3 for 2",( Luxille, 3 for.............. -.......3Oe Pim-eutos, first cboicé, Spanish sweet' red, Re-ular 20ec, Special ................1lie Gillet's Lye, 2 for ,..........25e TOILET PAPER F'ull '~ lb. roll, Spescial at 4 rolîs for 18e Fleischman Yeast.... ............ 4c cake Roman Meal, package ....... .......... 29e_ Pure 'Mat Vinogar,' large bottie 23c, 2 for 45c ln sinaîl bottie 14e, 2 for .............. 27c Pure Creani Tartar............... 34c lb. Libby's Sour Kraut, egular 25e for 19e '2 for 35C SMOKED PICNIC HAMS Thursday, Friday and Saturd~ay this week we will have aspecial price on Smoked 'Pienic Hlauts;, short shank for 25e lb. ~Fels Naptha, 10 bars ...........4 Kipper Sniacks, '5 for........ -........ 27cý Shoe Blacking, 2 in 1 or Nuggett 12,c, 2 for 23e Dol Monte Spin'ach, reg, 25c, Special 2-9c, 3 for 60e Prunes, very uteaty, 2 Iba. . ........25e Macaroni, long package or' ready eut 2 for 25c BAKER'S CHOCOLATE 1½ lb. cake for eating, pure, mgular 2-5e bar, Special .................2 for 25e I - LOCAL AND OTHERWISE iString of poaris founti. Enquire at Statesmaa Office. Pete_,rbomo and Oshawa citizons are ag-itating dayýi,ýht saving. Miss Sylbi-ýl Burk h'as accepted a position in the Royal Bank, Toronto. 3Mrs. Chas. Willis, Toronto, is vis- iting hemi frienti, Mrs. Wm. McýIRey- Mrs. W. B. Pollard spout the weenrd ith relati-ves at Port Perry. 41,044j Canadians have retur"îed from- the United States in past elcen ut-onths. MmJ. Jay Post, Coibomne, spent the weekend 'hoee with M4r. Gordon Pearce. Miss Gladlys Jackson, Oshawa, was weekend gue'st of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Courtice. Mrs. Wml. Ca swell, Clarke, is vis- iting Mrs. Robt. Greenfield and other reélatives, IMrs. Milo Logan, Toronto, spent the weekoend wivth hiem aunt, MisasH Emuti-erson, O'dell St. Messrs. Normran and Ernest Bot- treil Lud Miss Edna Bottreil, Tom- onto, spent Sunday at homne. Don-'t m-iss the Doutestie Sale in St. Paui's Lecture, Roout on Thurs- day, April 9th. Corne and have a eÙp of ton. 14-2 Mms. Leig-h Mallory and daugbter Ha"rriett, OÎshatwa, wero guests ýof Mrs. W, Leigh Mallomy "The Firs" on _Monday. Dr. Jamtes L. Hlughes, Toranto, was in town Tuesday cailiug on bis brother, General John Hughes and other frienids. Womren'- Hospital Aux-Iiiary will bold the regular utiontbly meeting ou Friday, April Srd at 3.30 p. mt. Ail mnembers attend. Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Bradbuma, Jan- etville, celebriated the 25th anniver- sary cffhihor wedding day. They were pmesented -with an~ addoeess and 'a mantel dlock. Mrs. W. R. Cole and Mrs. J. T. Bmagg wý%eme in Port Hope on Monday attendipg the funeral of the forai- er's siker, and the latem's sister-in- law, Mms. James Nichoils. Mrs. Thos. Byam, Stouffiville, vis- ited hem sister, Mms. J. T. Bragg, Carlîsle Ave. enrotute frout Port Hope where she attended the funerai of hem sister,-in-law, the late Mrs. Jas. NicholUs, on Monday. Mm. A. N. MeMilian who meturned last week froin a tbree months' trip in the West ladies and British Guin- ea was guest of the Rotary Club at its Friday luncheon. He gave a very intemestlng and descriptive taflk of the places visited and miade special reference to the trade possibilities Canada hans with these countries. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hynds attend- ed the funemal on Satumday of bis sistem-in-law, Mrs. Rodse Hynds, wife Samuel ynds, ineinher of'the ecoin- posing staff cf The Toronto Tele- gramt, who dieti suddenly Thumsday at the f auily residence, 1087 Bath- urst St., aftem an ilîness frout heamt trouble, aged 58 y'ears. Her -Lus- band and two sons, P~erey and Charles Hynds, survive.4 Mm. and Mmrs. Albert Norton of Buffalo, N. Y., in their new Max'well Tcar, Conductor Ransoni Norton ni C. N. R., Toronto, and Mrs. Robert bCleverdon and daughter, Miss Olive Cleverdon, East Toronto, were re(centi g-uesta cf their brother and Fster-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Norto;n, "Hiliside Villa". Capt. Norton ought to be a good man at the vwheel for lie has certainly served a lon1g tii-e and is atili going stmong. The menmbers and staff o>f the parts departutnent at the General Motors made a presentation to Misa Gert- rude -MeMullen, a valued eutployee w,,ho se'vered connections with that offlice on Saturday. Miss MeMullen bas bem nployed at the G. M. C. office for the past five years anid wiill establi*sh a business in Torpnto in the near future. Mr. Gillott and Mr. Howitt, on behaif of the depurt- ment pmesented Miss MeMullen witli a beautiful silk umbrella and scamf, ihbe ecipient replied with a f es weI'l chosen words.-Osbawa Re former. Miss MeMvullen is a daugh. tom cf Mm. and Mrs. Autos MeMul. ion cf Toronto, forinerly of Kendall lamp afftem wlA-iieuh ail joined in sîngl- in- "For 1-e.,s ga jollly good Fol- ow.Thie rocipiont -was completely takéit by surprise but made a feel- ingly anld appropriate reply. Tbe ebairipan and Rev. C. C. Washington, 'B. A.,, added soine very kint me- marks, after' which a very sociable time was enij'yed by ail. LOCAL AND OTHEKWISE Eastertide is next week. Miss Maron Van Neat, Toronit, was weekend guest of ber aunt, MSrs. M. A. Jamnes, Lorne Villa. Mr. Geo. Claphami, Hamilton, spent the weekend -witb bis d.aughter, Mrs. W. J. M'orrison, and lis son, Mr M]\rs. Geýo. P, relanToront, motored hoeeand sp)ent StunIday wvithb hiemrahr Chief Jarvis. Mdiss Malïrtial Ja,-rvis retmnd ome with ber foria short vst Mm. E. W. RZunie, Park Road , t- ten.ded tl.e funeral of his unele, the laVe Mm,1 Fredemiek !Rundie, FExet1er. Ho aiso visited relatives . in Exee ndSt. Marys.-Osihawa Reformer. Miss Imene Pawson's mnany fres are congratuiaing ber on winaing $5.00 'sud honorable mention itithbc Enton Dressm-aking competition i Clasa 1 for dress w,,ool or silk of miaternal. Bowmianville Rotary Club is hold- ing- a G"raýnd Masquerade Bail in the Coni'utunity Hall, Newvcastle, on Eas- ter Monýday, April l3th. Guests are exppctedI to appear in fancy cos- tum-es. StraVhdee',s 6-piece Orchestra, Toronto, will furnisb tbe nmusic. The meeting of Tbe White Shield Club vwill ho 'beld in St. Paul's Lect.- ure Rooni on Tuesday, April 7tb. Election cf officers will take p lace. Ail utenLbers please attend if pos-, sible and bring your biallot. A dog by-lýaw bas been passed in a western Ontario town ilnposing a fee cf $2.25 for maies and $4.25 for f emales, and prohi'biting the unuing at large of dogs between sunset and sunrise. MAPLE GROVE S. S. Anniversamy June 21 and 22. M. Alton, near Lindsay, visitad at Mr. C. Gmaam's last week. Misses Viola and Dorothy Ste'vens spent Sunday with Mrs, E. F. Hart, Osliawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott and son Lee, -'owvn, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. G, Freeman on Sundlay. Mr. and Mrs. N.,oble Meticaif at. tendedtilhe funeral of theim cousini Mrs. Etta Hall at Enniskillen on Friday. Mr. andi Mrs. L. C. Snow,den, son Bob, Mr. T. J. Cole, sponit ýund-ay witb their cousins, Mr. and Mýrns. John McGregor, also their uncle, Mr. John Lee, Kedron, who bas been sick. Mr. and Tiflrs. R. L. Worden, Mr. and Mme. John H. Munday, Mr. and Mils. E. W. Foley; Mis,-t-CaPower attended the funeral on Tuesdày of Miss Laura Wilkins, Salem.~ , Mm. and Mrs. J. D. 'Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. R. .R. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday, Jr., Mm. and Mms. Truman Power, Mr. and Mrs. A. Buirgess; Mrv., and Wood, Mm. . R1L. FE . W. ~foey attended the f uneraion~i Sun-. day cf I&s. Dearboma McGill, Osh- awa. Annual business meeting of the Sunday Sehool was held on Tues- day ovening, Mardi 31st when the foliowing officers and teach'ers were elected: Supt.-T. Sno-wden; Asst. do-H G Freenian; Secretary-Clff. ord Swallow; Asat. Se'y.-Ivison Munday; Trasure-Tmuman Power; Librarian-Reta Power; Asst. do- Camapbell Grahami; Organist-Mrs. Noble Meteaif; Asat. do-Ednia Swallow; Misîcnary Supt..--Mrs. A. Laird; Cradie Roll Dept.-Mrs. F. Swallow; Secretary Home Dept- Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Teatchers: Adlult Bible Class-H. G. Pro eman; Asst. do-H. R. Foiey; Wîdle Awake Cias -M.A. Laird; Assft. do-Mm. J. 1D. Steven-s; Busy Workers--Mrs. W. J. Sncwden; Asst. do-Mrs. (Rev) C, C. Washington; Interinediate Girls- Mrs. F. S'wallow; Asst.'-Mrs. A. Laird; IntermediateBys . T Power; Asst.-Lloyd Sno-wde.n; Jun- ior Primary-Ross Stevens; -Ass.- Edua Swallow; Primary-Mrs. Sain Sniosdea; Asst.-Mms, L. C. Snow- don. On Friday evening, March 27th., about 45 member-- of the Aduit Bibie Clasa cf Maple Grove Suniday School met in the hall to eleet officers anc couduet genemal business. Offi,çemî electod weme as f ollows: President.- John Snowdea; $ecretary-Ross Stevens; Asst. Secretamy-Mrs. C. Grahami; Treasurer-Miss Rota Pow- or; Audlitoma--Mm. F. Swaliow, Mr. N. 1, Meteaif; Teache--H. G. Free- man; Asst. Teacher-H. R. Foley. Baby Chicks For Sale ;EGGS FOR H.ATCHING-Babtly Chiicks, Whitet Wyandottes S. C. WhiteLeors Clark's St-rain. Let lus hatch your- chioeus Weareinstalling aI Wtsh- houie Mammoth -800"-inlesectionulu- cuhat, or. \Will lhave ea imrited lameo-unt of space, for taklinig yourow eggS 10 hatch,. Order now. P11(ne, 38W or write -W. 1-1 Carruthers, R. R. 1, Bow- manville.ilt-tf Farmers' Attention GAS ENGINE REPAIRS-1 arn pre- ,pareýd ta do adl kiuds of gais englue re- pair work, elîher ai home, or lu the country. Drop a card or see B. Furbjer, 28 Liberty St., S., Bowmauville. Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER WANTED-One capabjle of handling a certain amnount of Clerical work, aloug wibh stenograpliec duties. State experience and salary ex- pected and when at liberty to commnirce wrork. Apply bjy letter ouly lu own bandwvritiug t) Goodyear Tire & Rubber Con. of Cnaa irnited, Bowmanvllle, Employnient Depaýrtmnent 1-tf To Let HOUSE TO RENT-Coruer C'entre and Conc(ession Sîs., 7-roomed brick lbouse, towuj- waîer, furnace, electric lighi-t and bath rom. m, 1 acre land wlth smiall frufits, b'aru. -Apply Jos. Pattinisoit, plone 257J, Bowmrauville. 1-tf FARM TO RENT-160 aicres, lot 5, con. 14, Darlinglon. a:bout 50oacrs iok able land,banc pasture, plenty ate aInd sae There is also about80 aipple trees and pear trees, al wiýnter fruit, also(,edfor use of Ibouse. Pos- sessioni at once-. Jame1ls Veait, emn ville. 11-tf Nursîng The I. argret emoialHospital Trainoing School (Cpiscopal) offers at cmplejte course in iiursing. Gradualiotes, are, eligiible for R. N. deýgree. A\ttracive nurses' homne on grouuds. 461h&Bu1e Sts., Pittsburghi, Pa. 11-3 Mrs. Nellie Perry, matomnity and Practical N'ursing, b'ox 376,' Bow- manville. Apply at residiencecf -Mrs,. F'. N. Stevens, Ontario Street 43 Articles P or Sale FOR SALE-Wedding cake bo<eVs, we-%dding stationery at The Stateemalun Office. _TlMBER FOR SALE-Square imer a framne 30 x ý4. PR. R. Stevens, Bonwim- vill e, phone 175-, 14tf HORSE FOR SALE-Good strong work horse. Aýpply to lE. S.Clr, cuo St., Bow'nianville, phone29. 3ýw BABY'S GO-CART FOR SALE--n goodl condition. Apply Mris. Fred C. Martyn, Ontario St., Bwavle 41 ORPGAN FOR SALE-In goodï conidi - tion. Vry'ycheap for quick saie.M, s J. T.Hopr Church St., B owmeunvf111.. 12-tf 15ABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Cream wicker baby el rriage in good condition; also go-cart. BO iý4,96, Bwavle 14-tf 5c WOOD FOR SAL-MI\ixedc dry woodI for sale, big cord for $10. Mdrs. Olisen, 'Wiltshire Farm", R. R'. 5, B3owmaýn- ville, phoe 181r5,. 4 I FOR SALE-Brighit Bay Cyedl C'oit.ligible for registration, rising years old]. $10. Lt. G. MaýLck1iin, phone AUTO TIRE FOR SALE--$"() bu), a 33x 4 onminion N-'obbjy tire tube and rim), leverlleen 1use'd. Apyto Norman S. 1. James at States.man Office. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE-irishý Cober,'ornets, Kno-xall. Godsuimpie. no bligbit, No, t tatoes. Apply John Dorland, Burketon, phone 195t,23. 12_3*ý COWVS FOR SAI.E-Young Grade Dur- harn Cow, just renewed, caîf at side,, aise sever'al other gond cows for sale. Apljy to Silas Fositer,Man Point, Darling,- ton.132* CARS FOR SALE-One 1921 Ford Touring with starter. One 1921 Che- rolet Baby Grand, Sedan; one 1923 Star Sedan. These catrs are al lu gond con- dition. Apjply A. W. Pickard, King St. E., owïnanville, phonie 185. 14-t'f FOR SALE-2 good second haud 'wag- ons, one witbi highi wheels and thje otheri medium, with or without bon4'es; 2 seonmd baud imowers. one in extra good condi- tion~. Apply S. J. Henry, Mýassy-flairris Agent, Bowmuauville, phone 2'32 or 13. 13 - 3w" Wanted WANTED--Boy's Bicycle, 22 frsme, moderate. phone 318, Bo'wmaville. 14- WORFK WANTED-Housework wanted by the day. Apyto Mrs. Walter Sith, Chureb Street, Bowmanville. 14-1 MAN WANTED-Experlence5 farm) band 10 to work on farm. Apply ta A. E. 1Belîmaýn, Kingston Road, W., lowmanRI- ville, phone 367J.1-t Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR SALE-White Pekin Duck Eggs and Wite Wyandotte eggs, 1Mar- tini's special breed. App)ly to Mrs. 01- sen, 'Wiltshire Farm", R. R.5, Bow- m'avilUe, phone 181-r5. 14-tf EG(GS FOR HATCHING-S. C. -White 1Leghorrneg'gs, cocrelýe IrPane f ram England. 13 eggs for 75c. Also lay- ing strains of Rock eggs, 15 for 75c. F. W. Allin, R. R. 1, Bowmanville. phone 237-32. 13- tf Brown Leghorn., direct from Everlay 2'arrm Stock, world's record iu laying coutest, only $1,50 setting; 5 very choice cockerels at $3.001 each. R. H. Dillinag at Harry Aluns grocery store, Bowman- ville.133 EGGS FOR FIATCHING-rrom Sin,_e Corfbl White Legbiorns anild Barred Rlock; froni Ottawa N prienalFarm, red to-lay birds, heavy winter layers, ailso a limnited number of baby dicks for April and May delîveryý. Will take your eggs and hatcli thiemlfor you by theý hundredi or setting, Inquire for prices. il. H. Pearn, box 36, Bowmjanville, phýone FOR SALE-Eggs, Chicks and Cock- erels. If you are. thinking of setting your incubator try a btatch1 fromn a gondJ ILaying strain of be-olySý . (\V. Leghorns,1 or order sonie baby cbicks. .ust a f éw for sale. Better order uow and not be dlisappiointed. We also have soute cockerels for sale. Price sre- onable. Call Fred W. Battle, phone 293 Bowmainville- R. R. 6. 12-t Victor-ia Building Phone 62 Bowmanville Bacon and Eggs for Easter It wouldn't seem like Easter if you dlidn't have plenty of B$acon and Fggs. Well, we will have an extra choice lot of Bacon for sale as well as quantities of strictly fresh eggsq. Then we xviii have plenty of Smoked J{ams, and other Smoked Meats at reasonable prices. Besides the above, of course, we will have Beef, Pork, Veal, etc. r Wilbert J. Dudleyv BUTCHER, BODWMAN VILLE EASTER FASHION PARADE Every Woman Will Want To 'Be In This Gay Dis play Fashion is kind this Spring-and our assort- ments are unusually comprehensive, permitting, ample scope for the expression of one's personal tastes andl preferences. Coat styles may be per- fectly straight of line, or gracefully flaring-they may be plain, or elaborately fur trimmed-or again, they may be almost masculine in their tailored severity,- or flourish, more f eminine charms with a reckless liberality. Yet ail are authentic-all are fashionable. In fact, styles neyer seemed more attractive or desirable--cacli mode seeming to gain by contrast. Onie cannot do better th'an choose NOWV- whlle 'displays are at their height of vaity and newness. Ladies' Coats Are Priced As Low as $13. 75 PURE SILK CRE1>E DRESSES Ail new shades, specially priced for quick selling at $15.00. IMPORTED, KID GLOVES The very newest with faifcy cuis, shades at $2.50 pair. We C'ordially Invit~e Your Inspection C.. S. MASOrN The Personality Shoppe Phonle 161 SPECIAL 'Where Yo Tailored Twleed Suets To Buy.M *15.75 'Two variouis 'I Bowmanville (ou A~re Neyer t4rgedi Nliere You Neyer See >Garments Alike. Appetizing Foods From the choicest of temin.'-.g appetizers to the well knowrn old reliable groceries you vili1 find in our fresh., stock everything in the way of good provisions. So reasonably piced[, too. FULL LINE 0F 1925 Garden and Field Seeds Bla.nchard's Chick and Caif Fcods Goods Delivered W. G. N ELLES 'CO Groceries and Provisions