NE U ALG IA- H UA MA.IL 104 FOR GENEnOUS BAMPL&U Teaxpletons, 122 Ki-x Wct Toe-nto 20 M1NINUTIES ?sat's aIl. Twenty minutes siter taking a ZUTOO tablet yeux headache wili be gane. One of tisese littie tablets-safe' rellable and hariese a% sod-will stop any headachisn u20 minutes. Or, btter till, tal-in whea you feel the. headache comning o, a ZUrFOo tablet %vîli ward it off-ssip It in tise budl. COMPARISONS Diamonds anid charcoal are essentially carbon yet their values and usefuiness are as far apart as the poles. So it is with Scot tf: Emuls ion Many imagine that al ails are similar, but when the Usefulness of cod-liver oil is compared lt ail other fats, the difference li value is as far apart as comxmon1 charcoal anad diamronds. Scott's Emnusioxi is cad-IL liver ail miade pleasantly available to build Up those who are rundown or weaýLIl Scott & Bowne, Toronto. On., U3-27 Cook's Regulating Compound A tafe, reliable regulaing W-- edi ine. Soid in three de- grees of strength-Nço. 1, $1; No. 2, 33; No. 3, 85 per bo. S4)Boldb y ail druggîsts, or set pýrep td.on receipt of price. irec pamphlet. Âddress: THE COOK MEICIN ECO., TUBONTO,ONT. Form-eriyWiidsor>) BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and onIy the. best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARELE 1 employ no coretery caretakev. as agents preferring v'o sel mur own goods tlhus saving the. purcliaser tii. agent's commission. A caI rlctd F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmanvinet Phone 326W Boxu 94 W O 'S PIOSPHOD[NKEI' 9 Me Great English Prepizratii)u. * Tojnes and nvgorates the whoe *nervous system. mnakes new Blood i od Veins. Used for Nervous fDebility, Mental and Brain Wori for 15 SoId b i» iadrugpisis, or îmai led in plan .Pkg.orectipt of r iicuNe,.' pamiphîe mailed BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 2nd, 1925 Peteiiboro expects Rîngling- Bras. and Barnumn and Bailey comhined circus an July 4th. Mr. Thaonas Whalley af Tooeontq,, bas purchased the Meaford Mirrar froin Mr. A. S. Thurstan. Mtir. Whalley form-erly owned the Pemn- brake StandaTd and Dundas Star. :Bolicaygean Independent-"The happiest hamnes are the ones Wher the dog anoazes bei arethe fre place, tihe kids play m-aatrles ithel middle af the kitchen, and wife sings as she g-ets the tea". Miler's Warmn Powdlers wark se effectively that ne traces ai worms can be faund. 'Ple pesta Pass away un the staals without being perceptible. They make an entire and clean sweep of the intestines, and nothing in the shape of a worm can find lodgnient there when these pawders are in operatioxx, Nathing cauld be more thoraug-h or desirable than their action. YOU are flotj EEU experiMent- UE. lng when YoTu use 1'Dr. 1E >ZEM A Chas"ýS Oin t- tim s. t relieves at once a.nd gradu- aiheals the skinSmp1ebozDr Chn'sitnt fr eei admentiiotais api nd z e stamnp for postage. 600e. a1 e!r rýIaI5D ae -C. Liitud, lror ana.Baeo&C. FUL 0F ACRES AND PAINS 1Toronto Mother Founcd Relief by'Takiig Lydia LPinkhanm'a Vegetabk Compound TIoronto, Otarie-"- Ihave ieund Lydia &. Piukham's Vegetable Coin- pounid a splendi 'd mediclnc to take bef ore and sitar confinement. A smali book was put lu iny door one day advertlsing Lydia E. Pirlinmedicines, aud as 1 dîd not feel at ail well at tis*tio1 went and got a bottile ai Vegetable Coinpa-und rigit away. I soan began ta, notice a difference lury getieralhiealth. I *as full aif aches and paisseý at tise turne and isugt ad every complaint gýoîn9 bu (entruthiully uey yaur mnidciue eartas1ydidme rpod. i c~anmi wlll spek igly f tand 1knocw- t wlll do ether womess good who aealk anmd afllugif they vill ely gveit a fair trial. Lydia E. Pinkises'A L"'r Pille weleôuse ta use My lete If yo-u thiak it will help any ose. '-Mrs. I-Le-RY WFIsOW'OOD, W Queb.c Street, Toronto, Ontario. Tise expectant m rneisor uise if se cousiders careffully thia statensent ai Mr.. Westwood. It iebutcre of à great insuv, ail telling tise saine stay- benl- fîilrGsults. Lydia E. Plukkisai' Vegetable Com- pound la espeeially sdapted for use d'ur- în>g tisis period. Tise experieune aoftiser waruen who haire found tij me4iciue a blesoiug la proof ai its great merit. Wisy not try it now yourself? c leand" ri Nervoums and n ent" Mrs. ri. Chevalier-, Belle Rver, OM.,wrts "For ight years 1 sufetred froin despc)ndeInýy and nerv;ousness. Sometunes 1 couki flot sleep at niight for worr1y ing and the next <~ dy1 wouId, be ,so tired that my Il work was a burden ta me. 1 be- vs gan uingý Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and can say 1 amn now en- tirely riieved of the nervousness from 1hc used ta suffer, and ____thinga ckdq not .warry me as they used ta. 'T:.'s Ointment also re- Iieved me cf eczrma on my arus, a -1 nibohe e efor three years.M7 house Is never wvith- etit Dy. Chases Medicîines." 60 e tF. a bnz oft 80OpilIfI, difaou ats ,4Ld., Toronto Tt is learned that aiter au hour's discussion, -wisiclh waa enlivenied b-, thse iraukeat kiud ai commenrt or tise German armamnents situationi tise Council reachied an agreei-4-eiit to draft a reply tatie Germa'In notes expîessing tise Counicil'a esîneat cde- sire that G'e7rmanv anteLau N s THE PROTOCOL 13y Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver Col.orad'o, We are rerinded tisat a group a: so-called Constitustional Socialis leaders in Europe, made up princi pally froin British, Frenchs, Belg-iasi aud Czechoslovakian Prime Minis tors, gatisered at Geneva in Switzer lansd, a. little whiie agao, and in thc niaie of the League af Nations, pro. posed a Protocol, or first draft t( tise covenant ai tise League, tisat wa! cýonsidered in tisis western bornis phere sud elsewhoý%re as revohitionari in a revolutionary ago. StilI th,, matter was well spoken ai aud soi- iousiy cousidered byr mauy. Thse Protacol praposed ta grasl tise nettie by tise sting and rojoctec hali mneasure. Thse dacumeni pl'anued to establish right away, e reigu ai law in international poî tics by declariug aggresslve war i crime, and irazuiug mies for ttie en- force-esit ai tise uew iuteruationa« againat ail guilty parties. Arbitration, security, disarma. meut, or,. as put by one ai the frai ors: "Peaceful settlemneut, mutua: protetion, limitation aif arma- ments". As anotiser leader pie- seuted it, tise, protocal proclaimed that: "Peace ta-kes precedeuce af Justice, because justice can oisly came muita ber own in a condition ai as5sured peace". It was au ho)ur af pure idealian. Japanese represeutatives at Gen- eva succeeded lu iujecting tise fimst discordant note. They introdueed a ticklis issue of einigration and immig-ration into tise business. Ac- cordingly, a proviso waa inserted lu tise protDol, tisat ou. sucis a ques- tion an appeal could be taken irom tise rsiling aitishe World Court ta the Coun-cil ai tise League of Nations. Tise Japanese matter isas given Bpraisites lu tise Uuited States Son- ate, au excuse for blocking action on American adiserence ta tihe World Court. Iu Europe tise scene chýanged also, Ramsay Mcflenald'a goverumrrent was deieated, sud au appeal ta tise vot- ors broue inl a Causorvative gov- orument tisat was net very idealistic, an-d did not go very mucis an tise f oreign policy efforts of its lntmed- iate predecessors. Iu addition, tise Britishs Dominions including Canada, did net take kindly ta tise protocal propositions. Australla taok stroug exceptions, while tise United States governinent was not officially represented at tise adoption at Genieva, aiftise Pratocol, it nover belleved tise matter would cane ta a good ouding. Tise Protocol provided, that upan ratification by three great powers iu tise Councýil aud ton other powers, plain quosbers oi tise League ai Nations, a disarmaineut confereuce would be iseld ta carry ont tise main, provisions of tise protocol. Wise- acres predicte-d at tise time tisat the proposed conference wauld not ho isêld, but 'tiat a continuation ai tise Washsington armamneut reduction canfereuce would take its place. Now it la made known tisat Great Britain caunot accept tise protocol. TIhe Baldwin gaverumeut is playiug close ta Wasising-tou. Not ouly titat, Downing street must have its ears ta the ground ta liaten-in ta tise Antipodes, sud acrass tise Atlantie. But irom tise strîctly Europeau situation there is grave question wheitiser tise tino is ripe ta introduce tise revolutiauary measurea propoaed lu tise protocol ta tise League ai Nat ion covenant. Wisat ai Gem- M'a ny ? Wisat ai Russia? They are not members ai tise League ai Nationis. They would not be bound by'fise pratocol. Hlani- lot w%,itisout tise Prince sud tise Gist! What ai tise Russian-Japanese pact that bas upset a number ai plans lu Europe? Then themo la tise United States case. Tise latter refused ta enter tise League of Nations as it wa 'ith ts protocol as part ai 'vtise covenant 'ai tise LeagUe, it would ho mor e than diflicult, if not whisly impassible, ta secure tise assent ai eithser tise Wiie House or tise Sonate ta Amieiicarn acceptance. Sa tise Socialiat castle la tise air, erected at Genecva with sucis acclaim a few montis back la dissolving intaý tisin air. But, nevertiselesa, irorn it somethiug was gaiuod-a mucis dloser approacis was made ta tise dreami ftise poct for a brallherhood- afi man, ouly auci tisinga cannot be nshetl. Tisera was wisdom lu Lloyd George's qepigramniatic waruing at tise genemal coniemence longy beforeý 'THE WAY 0F THE WORLD The editor gaes on week after week boosting the town and coni-. munity and advocating the doctrinýe f af tradiing at home. Thie local busi- ;t ness man pats the editar an the ý- back and says that's the right idea; il tell it ta 'em. He then refuses ta ý- help support the paper with isad --vertising and calmyly senids ani order eta anoather print shop f or a supply ofa stationiery. Funny -woiid, isn-'t it?" sAUNT KNOCKS A LOT 0F US Saine folk believe that if a per- son tiinks hie is going ta have saine ailiment it helps a lot to-warçl getting it. Further, if hie reads the usual Psymiptams af the dis-ease in a "doctor Àblook" he is sure ta thin'k ie has tthein. Not only wamien and girls get these. ideas juta their heads but -men are fully as foolish if nat real- 2ly mare so. Aunt knocks a large - bunch ai us in this week's letter:' Ytou are encouraging a very fool- ish idea. When you have aches and pains do net run to a book on ail- moents and study out ail thie differ- ent symptoiris. Il you are gqing ta *da this you will soon beoome a hypo- c hrondiac, a nuisance ta your.5elf and ta everyone else. Books an diseases are useful, and needed too, but only ta those w-ho know 'how ta read themi. There ia always something that balances any evil, s-ýomething that will offset even the most ai apparent dangers. If you do) pot sunderstand haw ta look for this factor you will do your- selfl, or others, mofrýe h>arm than good in reading up symptoins an different kinds af si'ckness. Yau should be healthily level- headed, read only for enlightenmient and rot for thse sake ai comparing yaur feelings with those ai saine pe- culiar disease. It is very harinful ta do so. 1 I once knew a young girl voho al- mast b.camne a consumiptive just ie- cause shle read treatises ispon the dread sickness and at the saie time visited those who she :knew% were in the consumptive candi ion11. She was fortunately oage ut of hier fearfulness by her owvn people whenevër she coughed or coümplain- ed. Had they sympathýize-d it would have ied bier morbid ima1gina-,tion and possibly brought ou fatal resuits. Ifyou can so ea.sily thn yourself ill, you miuat tusr about and think the opposite-that you are well. If "OU feel sickly and miserable, read happy books ta brighten your mmj.d and so take your thoughts irom your- sef-and do not study whatever conlplaint you fancy yois have. 0 f course you will take reasôn- able precautions against co1dsý also remedies-but, for everyoine's salte 'believe the beat oi yourseef. l'ide those books rigbt naw lifyou don't know% how ta read tisen with- out thinsiing youself sick, andi when you iieed advice sek it front your doctor. Do snot listen or encourage toa m.uch pity or sympathy. It is very7 valuable given lunnall doses -and atc tihe right time, but served too bounti- fully it is devitalîzinig. Look at everythinig that la bright and jolly and deterininedly turn your back arn thinga that are sadl and gloosny, then you will feel you are1 net hali as sick as you thought. t Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' Echscetrie Ou l i so simple in applica-1 tion that a child can understand the instructions. Used as a linimente thse only direction is ta rub, andf when used as a dressing ta apply.1 The directions are so plain and un-a mistaksable that they are readily un-a derstood by young or old.1 of Nations, at tihe saine tinte layingP the greateat stresou the need ofa universality in its membership if theP League is ta attain its highi purpose.e 'This would seem ta settle the fate1- ai the protocol-tihe two greatest ý warld powers _being againat it. But ý the League of Nations is leit ta op- erate as before the Geneva protocol conierence. DR. BOPd I DR. RITE0 ANCIENlT HtJSTORY v ~~-'day Tarounto Globe has v '-Ir îigist b-aud corner -11c-'~ niews iT,0,a pisenoni- i~~~ nn -- T its is;up aof Marois ~gdespstcis appearod -ý 'tereat t a msy ai mi-'su trembliug, butý - ~ Imira, CainxllliorOd r ~- o~wbicis have aecured - - ~ icnl Tie Gbobe's o-have nothin g ou - 'V o~e~ijt coutilbuttiou - 'ftise wonders ai ru- Y>' afaim one mile woat >1 h -wassettled ln 1779 lv -vývekiu ai Cork, Ireland. - me it bias eilways been NEWCASTLE FLOWER SHOW c full descriptive report ai this flo',ver show wasu given in aur last issue. F!oil.awing is the Prize List: Calla L-ily, best specimeu-Mrs. Mathot iand 2, Mrs. Moise. Shamnrock, best specimen-Mrs, Moise 1 and 2, Mrs. J. R. Fisher. Pimi-rose, best specimen-Mrzs, E. YC. Beainan lanud 2, Mrs. Moise. Primiula, best specinien-Mrs. Bea- mari, Mrs. Matchett 2 an-d 8. B31egonlia, be/st s.pecimeu-Mrs. Robt. Melntosh, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Moise. Begonia collection, 3 different var- ieties-Mrs. C-hais Law, Mrs. Moise, Mrs., George EiIbeck.- Tulipa ,best specinsen-Mrs. Mat- hew Brown, Mrs. Elbeck, Tomi Brown. Tulips, collection 4 bloomn-Tom Brown, Mrs. Brown 2 aud 3. Hyscintha, best specimeu, white or crea-nrt-Mrs. Brown 1 and 2, Mrs. Matclsett. Hyacinth, best specinien, pink- Mrs. Bro-wn 1 andi 2, Tom Brown. l{yacinths, best specimien, blue- Mrs. Fred Fligg, Mrs. Brown, Tom Brown. Hyaciutbs, best spe-cimen, yellow -Mrs. Brown 1 and 2, Tomn Brown. llyacinthis, best specimen, purple -Mrs. Brown 1 andi 2, Mrs. Cobble- dlick. Hyacintss, best collecti"on, 40 cal- ors-Mrs. Brown 1 and 2, Mrs. Chris Law. Narcissus, best pot-Tolu, Brown, M*rs. J. E. Matcisett, Mrs. Brown. Daffodil, beat pat-Mýrs. Fligg 1 sud 2, Mr. Fligg. 'Geraniu, 'beat specim-eui-Mýrs. Wmi. Thomas, Mrs. Matchett, Mrls'. Frank Allun. Geraniu-nt, any other variety- Mr7s. CobVLIedick, Mrs.Frank Allun, Robt. Crotisers. Aspadestra, bestspecimen-Mrs. Beanlan ,Miss Wilmot 2 antd 3. Palm, best specimien-Miss WIl- maýt, Mrs. Law, Mrs. Bearnan. R-abber Plant, best specinen- Floyd Butler. i.~eatn m fFern Plunioa, best specimen- Miss Wîlmot, Mr. Gea. Rickard, Mm. Eilbeck. Fern, iauy aVier variety-MIýrs. Jackson, Mrs. Beaman, Mrs. Chas. Hancock. Coleus Foliage, best specîmen- Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Fligg, Mrs. Bea- mran. Collection ai House Plants-Mr-à. Eil-beck, Mrs. Beaman, Mrs. Cabble- dick. OBITUARY Robes-t Steen, Tosronto Another aid Newrcastle boy, a mentber ai her very earliest and mose resqpected families, passed away ln Toronto, Mprch 20 lu tise persanl ai Robert Steen, son aifVise late Robert Steen ai Newcastle. Tibe au.bject ai tis brief obituary was born eighty-three years ago lu a house a n thse Base Lino, west side ai Miii Street near where Mrs. MeLé-ad's housse now stands. Robert Steen, isle elder owned tise land isich is uow, Dr. F;arncom'h's orcisard ho- Vween Mill Street and tise old mill pond flats. Tise Base Lino west ai Mill Street has long sisxce been clos- ed. Mr. Steeu's fatiser bouigit 'ie farin now owued by Mr. 'H. R. Pearce. Mr. Steen leit Newcastle about sixty years ago aud worked lu a piano shop iasTbhe Heintzmayi Co. It is said that ho veneered tise firat piano made in that way in tisis coun- try at a timo when it was almoat imi- possible ta socure experienced artis- ans ta do this work. Like other mnmers aif'tise family ho was an expert witis tools and a gaod wark- mlan. Leaving Toronto, Mr. Steen went ta Caliiornia sud did well in gald mlining. Last year ho camle bpmre ta retire and bas sine~ lived wsith his brother, John Steen, Mi- l:and Ave., East Toronto, wlhî1ere ho died. He paid a visit ta NLýewcastle Last ,summner anid called an a few oid fionda in company with is brother John and other memlbers ai tise Steen] farnily. Tise funeral cortege arrkted hy i-nator front Toronto sbortly before noon an Mouday, tise romai'ns being accompauied by isis brothers John, and Samuel ai Muakoka,, sdha, ïiephews. Robert, John aud Ed-1 I 4 .Beautif ul, Durable, Ecorwmniical Beautiful because it embraces the 'exqisite naturai grains of hardwoods, anid displays them ftom a polished surface without artificial coloring. Durable btcause the toughness of the wood and the excellence af the milling kecep the, traffie on the surface, moving an the wax anly', rneyer wearing the flooring. Eçonomnical because it costs le6,s than any other flooring, first, last andi aIl the time. Prices for ail kinds of flooring submitted upon application. Local Dealers.' McC'Iellan & Co.e Ltd. IKing St. E. Bowmanvî1le S E NI . N- 1<E Nr -tF~ ~C? Q Q FL Q R N in tse Lovekin fa-milly. Six genera- tions have carried on the work ai tloir Irishs ancestor, sud have inclin- dc mare ta fruit-gra'wing tisas auy, otiser cîss ai iarming. At tise presenlt tino thý,ere la ou tise -axm a pear treo pisuted in 1796 which atill beara ita annual crop ai fruji, a ecord, we cdaim, wbic ils not ta be despised. Tise preseut awuerorfathie faim aýs in bis possession s ciap pipe 'rougi over iroin Ireland by is ,reait-great-great-grandiather, -whose an wss tise fiast whsite child boru in >urisam CouIsty. T-lie I5smuly lias lways held tise distinction afiiumvi -g hi its numnber Magistratea ai J. P, If- suy ai those places ciaiýminig a 'place in the sun" dan match tis'e re5- ,od ai tise Lovekin iamily, Nwat le xvill be pleased, but surprisedi, ta esi ai it. No matter isow deep-rooted tise ar-.n may ýbe, it must yield ta Hollo- ýay's Corn Reniaver if used as dir- b, L b- 9 s hi e( Use This Clubbhing List Thse Canadian Statesman will be clubbed with auy ai tise followlng publications for 1925 at tise follow- ing prices: Glo)e .............$6.50 ,Mail & Empire.......... $6.50 Torouta Daîly Star......50 F-armera AdIvocate......$3.00 Clhrîstlan Guardian .......... $4.00, Christian FHerald.. .......... $4.00 Delineator.............$4,50 Ladies Home Journal..... .O Saturd'ay Evening Post ....$4.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star. $3,75 Weely -Wituess...........$4.00 Canadian Home Journal. .$3.00 Faim & Dairy.............. $2.50 Farmers Suni- ....... ...... $3.50 Maclean's Magazine.....$5.00 Cauadiau Countryman....$3.00 Canadian Poultry Revlew ... $3.00 Part Hope expects te have paved ,streeta Vhissyesr. -Clean up sud rail your Iawns ne-w. iu a iew weeks tise lawn suower willl ho again in eommmfin FACTS ABOUT TEA SERIES-No. 1 e ao, aS a IVe T eo Tea first became known in China nal 3000 years before Christ. ln that country tea was greatly prized, both for its remark- able qualities as a beverage and for the almost relig.ious cerem-ony attached to th-e drinking of it. Up to the sixth century, tea was used only for medicinal puirposes.. Even in the seventeenth century it <cost $25M0 to $50.00 per pound. Ail tea caddies were constantlyr kept under lock und key. Today when even fine quality like '11SALADA " co8ts less than one-third of a cent per cuip, it ïs not surprisind that the consumiption of tea is increaslig, tremen- dously. \~: é c, -'J - i .4 i qveelalSts in diseases of 5kla, Bionat. Nerves, Biadder and Speciel AMl- ments of men. Que vtslt adv'lsable ; if Impossible, sýen(d istory for free opinion and acd- vice Qulestion iblain nd book on dtsises of men free. Consultation free. Medcine fflrnlsbed i tablet form. Hours: 10 a.m. 'ta .i p., kandf 2 to 6 m. Slindays, 10 a-Im. to 1i pD.. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 2 Toroato Street, Toronto, Ont.