J3OWMANVILLE, APRIL 9Vh., 1925 -AUNT clIVES MORE ADVICE1 Repor S. S.N p tp' n N-. Long Standing Asthrma. Many have suffered so long fromn asthmna and have tried so many ýso-called remiedies they think that there is no rc-ai help for themi. They 3siou[d read the letters received by the man- ufacturers of Dr. J. D. Kellog-g's 'Asthmna Remedy from hundreds of cases once as desperate as thef r own. THERON S. MOUNTJOY Even in long-neglected cases this- Phone 20r23 famous preparation brings prompt Let Us Worry For Vou We are specialists in the line of repairing ail makes of automobile and radio batteries. Bring your battery in now and have it put in first~ class condition be'fore the Spring rush. We have the equipmnent to give proper and efficient attention. Agents for Prest-O-Lite and Exide Batteries. Fisher' s Battery Servce (Formerly F. W. Kirkendall's Shop) Moffatt Garage Bldg. Phone 248 Bowmanville Wvitk*the Cream Ikft in! Kýeep a su,,ipply7 Ir, your pantry Free n>f-lecBoo- Write àhe rdn Co. Liniited, otel This very afternoon coming V o the Jr. 1 office, we met a lady -who gave us a Florercý very pleasant snmile and oth:ir evi- 66i, Ha2 dence of recognition, but we have Sr. 1 no conception of bier identity. Fui- 6 8, Fra ther aloag the street wve passed an- Jr. 1î other lady and ecknowledged her only Rundle' ta flnd that we did not know lier. inb What are men to do? The headgear L e wis worn by ladies chalenges iduntity fa S. I many cases. If ladies would thoughtfuliy recogaize men a rod Jr. 1 or so before they meet il, would sie Bia, help some. Here is Aunt's advice 62, Ed. about being passsud urnackriowledg- 12. ed: Priai It is a very unpleasant sensation nie Kus Vo feel that we are noV recognized but Bli by someone who, we think, should Hazel1 have known us. Very littie can Figul be comrpared tQ the bitter hurt of *-.. beiag slighited or cut by acquaintance N or friund. When those whomi we know pass us by and codlly ignore our greuting, or feigaý ignorance of oui prusence theyý deeply injure oui feelings. The Beau, best plan is Vo give themi the bueeft for Mai of the doubt, rather than Vo fret Sr. 1 about it; try and imagine tJiat they 'buiniE may not have ruemrberud you, or Gay, FE seen you. J Foiget hem and think of the Petersu time when an almiost stranger gave Montgo you a frfeadly smnile fa a crowded Brown, street, or ainother whoin you diCd not ersen, recog-nize yourscif gTeeted you. son. Thus wili you bîing up a balaince, Si. Il or compensation foi the slight you kîns, expeiieacud the other day. Brock, 1V is strange thet no matter how nec, I many pleasant experiences we ob- Noiiiiai tain they neyer seuin to linger in Jr. E oui minds as do one litle iii that vail, E we mi'ght encounltur. The pleas- Hielen ure we speudily f orget; or perhaps Walter, we take thuai foi granted as if we amis.V4 are quite sure wu aie enlitled Vo ail Mis,, thiings that are good and that it is net nucessary Vo give hem a second thought. Class allet slghtor wongRiznucli But The sui s 1s gtorwoigber, H, rankies just as if Wu could neyer Gueld~a dleserve such treatmuent-as if wu Kinssis are so populai, sa splendid and won- neck, E derful ourselves that no onu bas a Si right to dare pass us hy or cause Sr. 1l us a Jar or pain. WAlVla Perhaps littie humility wiUl help, Jr. I- asa iave Vo a soie. Just hink sery, B that you are noV su g-reat after al Boss Bý that your popuaiity is noVt su gua- Jr. 1 uîslly 1knowa Vo cause you Vo bu suo lsý Wi readiiy iecognized; and again, that Si. 1 othurs are eually popular, and pas- slbly ,uperir Vo you in some ways. Barber, Do noV huarilil-feeling against the Cocirai offenders as that wfIl noVt help me.t-. Cochrai ers at ail. Thure are se maayv ex- Pi. cuses ta make for them-a slip o1 Walter memory, thuir owa business Ify_-irs man, 1,v absorbing ther mind, and such den, Jc like. ith Essi We"ust noVM aem mona;nsou of mole his; look the best side of such siniail eveats and believe thu best of uvery onu. Thiat is t'le bust way ta check a desire to bu frutful Te and niserabiu over things that aie FTe really not niecessary, when thuere are oet s0 iany bigger thiags lose at hand 1îst., w that concern othurs as weil as your- Aftur t f piogii 50DO FACTS ABOUT CANADA1 "73000 Facts, About Canada" isý famnous aýs a rich storeùouse of in- fiorma,,tioni about thie Dominion. It is the production of Frank Yuigh, Ihe recogaized authorîty on this country as writer and lucturer. The 22ad anual edition is out for 1925, aadi will, as fa former years, bu ýwulcomied by anl appieciativu public. FiftyI ch.lspters-from "Agi.ricultùire" 'o "ýYukýoal"-inceludle asesries of strik- ing facts presented ia a cri*sp, terse, f orm that faýstens thumn on the mid ' The 1925 issue contains mnuch aewi miatter, fncluding a striking coipnr- aive tablIe of oui national growthý during the quarter of a century sincu 1900. The book may bu secured at leadiag deaiers, or by sending 35 cents to 71he Canadian F'acts Publishi- ing Co, 588 Huron Street, Toronto. HIe who would know Canada will flad this wonderf ul littie book a muas Vo that end. 1- The Mail and Empire says that nighit Colonel Cuirie toid a city audi- enIce that "4.4 bheur s but the tbia udle of the axe," and that J. A . Mc- c ausiand said that "sooner or laVer you xiii geV more than haV".' These two muembeis, haviag found thatl huy have -more influence wfth Premi- ier Ferguson than 34,000 ulectors, hâsve reason for "Vaiking big."- Toronto Star. SOUTH DARLINGTON 'i-t for Easter and Match of N(-. '3. Dalington, figures de- IV Class-.-*Edward Foley 77, ce 1 enneti 73, Josýeph Kushl ie1 Love 66. I.*ehBell 86, lys Foley; ak Laxie 49. 111-Ethel Hop-ps 71, Dorothy c67, Greta Lane 64, Bloss )lï 56, Walter Black~burn 53, Etundle 50, Freda Attîee 1.7. I1-Ron.ald Love 67. I-'Floruncu Gay 93, *Bes.. aclburn 88, Gordon Cainpbell ithl Daîziel 61, Norah Wood ner-*Winnie Gibson 93, *Ai ish 80, Aloysius Kush 76, Wil- lackburn 59, Eunf ce Lane 37, Hopps 14. ires denote percentage. [ouors,. Miss Ruby M. Bragg, Veacher. COURTICE ort of S. S, No. 8, Dariagton, rch, names fa order of mucrit: EV Class-Edith Balson, Sc<e- Essery, John Wilkins,Vea ergus Kinpaman, Jack Cornish. IV-Mona Kinsinan, Howard p, Beatrice Allun, Myrtie omrery, flrry Gay, Gordon Williu Bickle, Kenneèth Put- Mildred Broek, William Ever- II-Gladys Bickle, Annie Wil- Douglas Courti ce, Gladys Claie Courticu, Wiiliu Riîz- Kenneth Essery, A.nhiu Muir, Ln Walter. II1-Jack Gay, MUarion Tre- Eva Courtice, Walter Shortt, Wilki ns, Cleve Kinsmnan, 1-azel r, RoEbert Courtice, Nora Ad- ierna Found, Geraid Peturson. Clara E. Wiliamson, teacher. Junior Division ;II-George S'hortt, Dora k, Wilfîed Brown, Loi-na Bar- airy Bickle, Elsie Courtice, iTriiablu, Robert Barber,' Elva an, Mary Konopacki, Alice Riz- Bernice Gay, Curtis Gearing. I-Doris Trimbie, Sadie Allia, iTrinibie, Edith Allun, Mabul rFlorence Wilkins. -Talhert Gearing, Eldon Es- Bruce Muir, Marion? Gourtice, aison, Claude Grahanl. IA-Irenu Nichols, Max Nicoh- 'iilie Nichýols. IEASTER Lord, this glorious Easter miorning1 May we know Thy power, divinoe; MUay Thy lgt our lives adornýing Evermnore upon us shine.. May w ýe sue that vision giorious Whf ich f8s meant for vvaLchful eyes; May wu live the Iffe victorfous, Mýay we sue Thy rising ise. Risen lifu in Thee possessing, May we Thy great love proclaimi; MJay oUr lives be made a blessing, May we lorify Thy naine. Thy gruLt life in us unfollding, I F or Thyseif our lives employ; May we triumph in beholdîag D1ays of resurrectf on joy. Tc, Thy people grant a vision 0f ail 1f fe in Thee restored; May thuir faith bucome fruition la the presunce of their Lord. In our spirit and behaviour Make us what wye long to be; Show Thyseilf the risen Saviour Whiflu al tribes give prafse to TheeýT. Watscn. Ridg-etown, Ont., 1925. TRIBUTE TO CANADIAN BEEF A. tribute Vo the excellence of Canadian. cattie thaV are shipped to Great Brftafn appears ia a recent fs- sue of the "Revfew of the River Plate", publfshed ia the Argentine RepT.ubîfc. The Ganadian cattie, thel writer status, are flnfshed on girainl and their flesh~ is of better flav'our than Argentine aifalfa or grass fud cattie. The Argentine's beuf, ài points out, has a splendid appear- ansce, 'but it does not equal in thick- ness or flavour the Canadian grain fed bulloeka. WHAT EXERCISE DOE5- FOR YOU Farmers and their womien f olki need scarcely. bu urgud Vo aku more exurcise. Thuir daily duties the yuar round provfde al the activities Nature ruqufres Vo keep thuir bodies- healthy. Thousands of people in i cities, towns and villag-es di e annu-1 ally years before hey should firm eatin.g too iiuch and exurcisfng tool little. What we eat would not s0 m-uch miatter if we did noV est imore tha-ii Nature really ruqufres f- sus- tenance of oui bodies. Whunn at-! urA groiývth ceases. oui bodie s doi noV require nearly as much food as durfng the g-rowing and deveiopjing period. We fear that too fecw people pay attention Vo this physio- logical fact, but go on eatingfr more than they should. D r. W. J. Scholes lias wrftten many good articles on how to liv to a good old a ge and keep youthfll. On the question of dafly exercise he hsthis Vo say: When you exercise, the muscles underg-o contraction and relaxation, the heart beats fasýter and harde, the, circulation is inraed and you breathe more raridly and deeply. If thé exercisu happenis Vo bu strenuous enouagIi veaieîsdre McClary's Sunshine Furnaces Are SoId in Bowmanville By GREENAWAY & ELLIOTT uircmez-ts lr, ini pro- your homue f fuel. De he comfort Ried Clover Alsike Alf aif a WhitLe and Yellow Blossom SWeet Clover Pbie Tree Timothy wihich wve are off erïing at reasonable prices. Cail and see us. Buldig aera Lumber Lath Shingles Cernent Roofing We are in a position to look after your re- quirements along this line, and furnish estimates for ail kinds: Hiardwooc1 Flooring a Specialty McCilan & Co., Limited King St. East Office Phone 15 Bowmanville Hoiise Phones 228, 274, 218 are sold on a heat-guaanteed basis because they aire built te the~ specifications of blCUiry9s Reatfng Englaeers. These meni have made a lite study of the. re of warm air heating anid are availahle to you through McClary's dca]c pcrly installing ydur furname Bave the. Conufort n4i">enmdaM of the Sunshine Funnace guaranteed to heaty under ail weather conditions, with any kind o Take No Chances Wkth Tour Rome Have proper hcating arrangements so that th an>d health of your farnily will be assiired-