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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1925, p. 10

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______________________________________________ q , ïiw SM» FAREWELL TO, BAN!ÇR J. Scott Montgomery and Farnily Honored. Thé warm, stauncith eart of eld Newceastle, wýas ceeu e t its very bet last Thursday evening witen her citi zenis gatihered witË o'neaeacord in ,the Comimunrity Hall to bld a fond, faeelto a famiIy, which, during a littîs over 'five years' residence, huis ueasured up to the very highest standards of citizenship. Here wais a community gatheriug comprising clergymen, doctors, farinera, fruit- mien, gentlemen of leisure, clerk, lairrmecitanice, railway 4nd p'ostal officiaIs and schoolrn'aste1rs-, wihtheir lady f olk ail met togetherý for ope comnvron purpose,to so titeir genuine regard for, Banlçer iMontgoirery and f anily and to pres- ent, tiein wlth a parting gift of friendsihip. liere were, tee, representativeF of some of te earliest fam--illes, in the vicinity, long before Newcastle haçi a name of ciarter--the Eilibecks, Fosters, Giàsons, Rickards, Wilnleots, Wlbrid,-e-families wito have been actively associated -with the life of the comimunity for auywhere from 75 te 120 years. These wito by birth or inheritance cani daim o be citizens of no mean city, had corne te pay tribute to a citizenship which thougit of only five or six years' standing was generous- ly acknowledged te be equal Vo thie best. Other worthy m~embers of more re- cent acqisition, as James, Corbin, Might, Cookes, Cannon, were also there te show titeir appreiation of the MUontgorçery qualitièa of heart~ and mind. And, indeed, tihe whole funetion froun beginning to end was a splendid exemplification of the commnunity spiiti. Althougl1 't lad its inspiration ini a ingle idea-o give te Montgom-, erys a worthy good-bye-it took, the f ormi of a most enj byale sociable event, witiit comimunity siaging, songe and instrumçental music, speeches, and lunch of ice creani, çake and lemronade served on the tables laid eut in banquet forni and at -whlch tite cornpany sat during most of te evening. The hosts and hostesses, seated at the head tables were th.e menibers cf te managing comimittee of te Hull: Thte Reeve, Dr. J. A. Butler, Mr- W. J. Ricitard, Mr. A. A. Colrwill, Mirs. Geo. Eilbecki and Mrs. J.C.H - coel, with Mesdamies Butletrckr and Coi-wili and Messrs. Eilbeck and1 Hancock..11 Mr .Montgomery bas been' te ua~- salarieçi secretary-treasurer of the cormnittee frei the, very first and on hic and lrs. Montgomery'e and Eet- ty'e arrival at the Hall, Dr. Butlter and MNr. W. F. Rickard -met themi at thte door and acompauied tieteio seats of honer at the itead table. But things -,wereu't doue ila a br- ry. Newciastle Orchestra Withi its two neiy young nenbers, Mr, Gor- don Ketchuin, drrame, and Mi-ss Nora Cowvn, saxaphone, played a ýnun-ber of pleasing selections and also ac- eompanied te several rounds ofý singing, conducted by Mr. W. F. Rickard, former chaimaian of the Board of Education, now councillor and nmmer of the Hall Maniaging Committee. Dr. Buter calier the niumbiers of the incidentai prograin, consistiug of vocal quartettes by Mr. WT. F. Rick- ard, 1Mr. Hloward Allun, Mr-. (Rev.') E. B. Cooke and Mis -. Maso'n; solos by Mr. Howard Cooke and Mr. Robert Walton . duet by Mrîs. (Rer,.). Cooke and Mrs. Wm. Jsnieson and readinig by Mr. M~ R. Pearce. About midway in the prograni Dr. Butier called the comipaniy'e atten- tion lu a citarscteristically neat speech ite te main purpese of the gatiteriug, and titen preseuted M4r. Montgorriery witit a haudsoinie leather Club Bag complete with fittings, -Mrs Montgomnery wibh a French Tvoly Bedroom Lamp sud Miss' Betty with a cuVe littie French Ivory Clock, af- ý,-r whicit the whoie compaary aro-P and sang iteartily "They are Jolly Good Fello'ws". Mr. Motgomtery akcep4ted the gifts in words of deepest feeling; but words could nt express the t' aniks and appreciation of Mrs. Montgomery, daugiter Betty aud himneelf for al ite mauy kinduesseesi titey had received frein itiesof1 Newcastle, even bef ore titey arrived iu te village, until titis present' tinie; and now happiness was liuig- led with the bitter thougit that ou leaviug this commiiuity for ,nothter, plet t-ant associations, itappy relation- chipsý, kindly companionsýilps of the Brantiford Roofing I5 BEîST B3Y TEST Accept no substitute-"Just as good"-insist on Brantford Roofing which is cheapest in' the e nd. It is the highest quality of roofingý manu- factured-shingies or roils. We also recommend Brantford Cernent for roofs and Rtoof Paste f'or holes. See us before doing your roofing. MASN& DALE T1he Popular Hardware -Quality and Right Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville TheN wc1 Iriepie'nde rit THURSDAY, APRIL 9Vh. 1925. pyRANT-FL1NT P40TOR SHOW Mr. Wmi, J. Challis, local dealer for the Durant and Flint automobiles reports a most successful and satis- factory inotor show held at Hately's Garage Saturday afternoon ýand eveniug. The grage was convertedi into attractive show rooms for the occasion hein,- tastily deconated with c olored streamers, The display consisted of a hand- somie Flint Sedlan, Flint Touring, Durant Sedan and Duran1t Touring Ca rS. Many compliimen'tary re- mrswere heard of the smart clas- sy appearance of these popular cars and splendid performances they miaiçe. British. Amierican Oil Co. has an attractive display as well as ',he Exide Battery Co. Lakeview O0rchestra of Oshawa,ý, a soetette of young- musicians dielighlted tule large crowds both, afternoon and evening, with popular jazz selections. Am-iongl the memibers of the orchestra were noticed tw,%o sons of Albert Cox i rmerly of Bowmanville, also Andy Moffatt's son. last five or six years must necessar- ily be severed. Hie had beeni told hy those high in authority in the Standaîrd Bank that in coming to Newcastle, hie was comilg to a sup- erior place, a long establisheçi comi- mntwhere birth and breeding ýounted. H1e had fou-nd as he had become acquainted and iiingled with the people a,-nd Iearned the true imeanring of gethatdcitizenship, hat hila informiants had not told the half. Mr. Montgomery's reply was greet- ed with prolonged applause, after whIich the program of song was con- tinued and theri the chairmnan an- nounced a publie speaking contest wvith Mrs. Montgomery as judge, and certain gentlemnen to be called upon to say just what they thought of the family so soon to leavTe, as ths par- ticipants. Rev. E. B. Cooke, Messrs. A. A. Coiwill, W. F. Rickard, J. W.Br- ley did exceliently in this contest, bringing out the fine traits of char- acter of our departing friends. Be- idsbeing first and f oremiost a b anker, a financier who possessed the esteemi and confidlence of the ~nd aurrounding country, I1w had fouad or made time to help in many worthy causes. As secretary-treas- tirer of the School. Board hie had dco- nated the first prize-$lO for H. S. Entrance History-ever g-iven in thel Pub-lic School. His example has been folkvwed until now tihere is quite a long, list of prizes offered an- nually in ail departments of the school. H1e had served with mtarked ability in the municipal council for two years and ncow for a year and eight months lie had placed his trained rilid ai-d secretarial aiilittes free of charge at the disi)osal of the Hall Managiag Committee and in the in- tere-s of the whole comimunity. 11e had given much help to the Horticultural Society of wflhich l'e wvas an auditor. T1hen titere were hie associations with more liitedl oreanizations as the Bowiling C 'lub and the Masonic Order, hiaving- been hopored by his bretbren of Durhans Lodge A. P. & A. M. with election te the W. Master's Chýair, Mr. Geo. Jamieson's speech came list and la the judgment of miany was worthy of a special prize. It was in a mï-ost locular strain, with a goll- vein of truth running through and easily discernible in a strata of fic- tion. 'This social and long to be remiei-fi bered evert was brought te a close by the whole comipany forming a circle around the spacioue rooin, joining hande and singing with fer- vor "'Auld Lang Syne". Thus with many a handshake and many a part- ing 'word of gratitude, goodrwil1 and friendship, Newcastle bade a -teluct- ant good4ýbye to Banker and Mrs. Montgom~ery and to bright, dainty, vivacious little Betty. Banker Montgomery shipped bis furniture Iby truck on Wednesday Iast to his new appointment at- Lake- field. The Salvation Armny held amet ing in the Recreation Roomns, Coin-1 munity Hall, on MIondIay evening but owing te the short notice the audi- ence was simaîl. Besides the usual service they put on several vocal and instrumrental numhbers which wýere exceptionally ,' well rendered and were much appreciated by those present. W, M. S. TEA AND CONCERT The W. M. S. of te Methodiet; Churci will hold its annual Thauk- offering- tes on Easter Meday even. ing, April i3th., lunte S. S. Roomen. Supper of bot meat pies su-d etiter delicacies will be served frein 6 te 8p. Im. Good mixed prograi, iucludiug miesiouery exercice by twelve ladies; Mrs, (Dr.) E. B. Lancel>', Toront, will give an address; orchestra lu at'Ltendirice. Come. General admis- Sion 9-5c. NEWCASTLE Miss Sadia Bennett le visitiug lu Toronto. Mue. Frank Bennett visited friands in Toronto lasýt week. Mr. R. W. Gibson, Oshtawa, spent te weekend at homne. Mus. R. B. Alin we are soru>' te report continues peerly. Mu. Sutton has aken ev-eu 'ils diuties as Manager of te Standardl Baunk houe. Miss Edus Rickard bas roturned homne after a pleaiant visit with Tor- ente friands. Mu. Harold Vaniplew has purchas- ed] s nice driviug herse frein Mr. Norme White. Mus. J. H. Titom, Toronto, le spending a few days wt her sister, Mu-s. S. McLaugilhlin. Dr. S. H. Corbin wes called Voü hi nome iu Winnipeg ewiug te te er- ions ilînezes of hie fatiter. CongratulaViens are in order Vo Mr, sud Mus. H.. C. Beushban on te birtit of a beautif ni baby girl. Mr. Fred W. Cowan was coufiued1 Vo te bouse for te past week vith a severo sttack of grippe ax*ld brou- chitis. Mr. Frank Bennett bas rente i te Kenefick 1bouse on George St., aud will movo thare te first of te meintit. Mu. Wilson McManus bas me-ived into bis Beaver St. dwelling and ls being sncceeded àt Belme-int b>' Mu. Ken Crs>'. The Statesman will be sentV Vo a uew subscriber frein now until Jau- ,uary 1, 1926, for $1.00. Leave yonr order rat Post Office. Mu. D. H. Taylor bas dispoeed of bis splendid farmi at Ceutreton, sud weut 'dowu thora ou 'Monday ast Vo comlplets aranigements. Mr. sud Mus. Wesley Heard have movad down frein WhiVb>! nte te farn just vacated b>' Mr. Lord. We walcomne thernite te viciait>', Mu. Heward Bowen ha-c taken a position on a large fruit sud poultry farn nea:r Port Credit sund moved hic housabold affects ast week. Mis;s Irene Baskerville of Toronto, wýas homne over te weekend sud re- ceived a visit frein heu friand, Miss Leýurs Stephens of Cowauville. Dr. Waltou-Ball and part>' spent te weekoud at te Doctor's sununer astate, Harise Lodge, sud held te inaugural dinuer of te 1925 secasen. Durhtam Lodge, A.. . A. M., at a e-pecial meeting ou Wadnasdsy eveniug, April lst, presentsd Bro. J. Scott Montgomery wiVh a Past Master's Jewel. Messr's. Greanaway & Elliott, Bow- mauville, ware lu town Monda>' put- tmng up avetreugiting for Messrs, Caswivl, Cowan, Beekerville and Heur>'. Ail are weIl pleased with te werk doue. Mu. Cordon Ego sud Mur. Kenneth Fraser of te Brookhin Public Sçhool tsaciting staff, aIse Mu. Cîsue su-d Miss Dorotit> Allîn of Providence, were weekend guete of Mur.and Mus Norman Allin. Board of Educatien ou Moudayý eveiug appoiuted Mu. S. Jose sud Mu. Thos;. Moffat, delegatas te te annuel convention of th-e Schýol Trustaes.' snd Ratapayers' Associa- tion te ha beld in Toronto, April 14, 15 snd 16. Neig-hboriu*g farinera bald a boa duriug Thiureda>'y, Frida>' and Satur- day of lasV week sud im-oved meet, of Mu. Jehn Lord's fain sund bouse- hold affecte down te te farinon te Laite Shore, Clarke, witicit he bas rented fromn Dr. Farucom'b. Mu. H. C. Allia le te bc coi-ý mented on hie efforts te -give Nw c,.astle people a good orchestra, Ou Saturda>' eveuing ha presented s compn>' of fifteeu inusicians sud daigited te large audience aV te Picture Show wit t Vieir splendid mueic. CELEBRATES 8OTH BIRTHDAY Mr. W. Hl. Peiirce, Ne-wcastle, hav- ing on April 7th, reached the 80th mile-stone of if e, hie brothers of Bowmianville sud Darlington and their wives, bis sons and daughters and grandchildren theugbýt it well te celebrate the occasion in corne suitaý,ble sud memnorable way. Se about 6 o'clock of the fine Spring evening, by pre-arrangemeurt, there arrived "th"The Maples" Mr. a-nd Mrs. Gea. A. Pearce andi Mr. Jamies L. Pearce, South,, Darlington; Mr, aud Mrs. Ira F. Pearce su-d senrs Henry and Gordon, Bwavle Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickardi and fanrily, Shw'; r. sud Mrs. H. R. Peare sud fsmily, Newcastle; and Mr. and Mrs. S. Scuithorpe, Port Hope. Wheu the cempany had g-atheredi in. the large drawing reom w ith Mr. sud Mrs. Pearce comifortably seated, MJr. W. J. S. Rickard read titis ad- drees: Mr. and Mrs. W. Fi-. Peerce, Dear Sir -Wyour brethiers and sltrs, sonse and cdaughters and grandlcaildlren ara gathered Iheýre thia e-veine gte commemor- aVe the Soth aïnivt-rsaiY ry aiour brh dlay. Truily, Father Time lias dlealt graelous- ly-ý with yen, for in addition Vo the tliree-score,-and1-ten yen hatve beeKn per- m-itted Vto add another hif score years. Onlyý a fewý of our friends are allowed Vo attain sitch a good age- and inany whu do- are compullud Vo feel the infirînities of age while you, we are thankfil Vo eay areý weilancl look able Vo eter thue ide. we tLrust, for a good whil, yet to -As we look baok over the years.. we eeVerthiat you have hiad your ditli- cultiees and ups and downe luni fe, but y-ou have eovercome ailland .ve knowv the saine kind t{eýaveoniy Faïther who has supprVe ye in the pat wifl be u- cient for the days that are to corne. Wyour chidren and graxidchildren. mighit(do wefl Vo copy your eapeini rnany Vlgs-your nioderate dijposltion, yýour good hiabits, and yuur interest iii il that pertatue Vo honte snd church life. As apleasant remem4brane Vhs birVt- day w al0 ou Vo acceli Vhs calle and MUrs. tlc)Vtseawers, hoping that you will i.),, phred Vo enjoy each oiter's compau,,iiionshilp for mnauy more years. SigneS by those recsent on this haprpy oectsslon:-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce. .Mr. anidâIrs. Ira F. I ùearce, -Mr. James5 L. Pearce , t r.and imrs. 1H . .Pcuarce, m r. and frý. W. J. S, c 1\d 1 r. and Mrs. Sari Sculthorp Gancilrn Mu. Jains Pearce titan presýented1 Vite hanid6oibie silver mouuted cane te hie brother; Mr. Ira Pearce pro- seuted a lovely bouquet of tulipe te Mr.Pearce sud hMr. Ge. A. Pearce th-en- brought forth Vo the astouish- ment of Vte Octogenarlan a beauti- f ully iced -Birthday Cake surntount- ed eighty mnulti-colored candles, many of thuei ftamiig witit a soft Altr Mrt. PFrce lied recovered frein hies s1rprise asud thanked théh deuore f or titeir kiitdly thougitftul- ness, everybodfy sang wlth gusto "He'e a joli>' Gein Fellow." The aduits then ropaired te the dIiniug-ý rooin d te young-er folk te te breakfast 4room and par-teok of a sumiptuois birthday supper with ice crVam sud fruits for te climyax. The birtitday cake witit ite 80 light- cd canles itdorned the centre of te dining reoom table sud when iV was c ut everyoe was happy te receive apee. The rest o the cvening was speut iu conversation, gaines sud imusic. Mr. W. H., Pearce is te eldeet con of te laVe Mr. Heur>' Pearce sud hic wioFauny Tyler of D)arling-ton. Their four sons-William I-H., James L., George A. sud Ira F.; their teuu graudchildren, ai-d their sixteen great--randcitildren descended rzom thei, are AI livinig. NEWCASTL.E JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEAGUES MEET Methodist S. S. Roin on Monday eveuing was te scene of a mrerry gathering of Senior andi Junior Leag- uere. After their custocnauy open- iug aud devetional exercises, Misa Dunreatit Dudley, PresidcenVt of the Junior League, called upon 11v, 7E. B. Cooke te act -s echairmran dur- ing the ver>' finely preseu'ted,( pro- graini with witicit they procýeeded te entertain su-d surprise te Young People'e League. The prgrincn- sisted of Vite f ollowing numibers:- Choruses, "E ster Belle"- an( HarkI Hrt";Choruses, grî irs -Look Ou't1" sud " ,u-aBye" Chorus, boys: "Reoiin at te TOI)"; Vocal duet, Fred Butler sud R oy, Joues: "The Crw" iano duet, Dor- con- Geo. Jamieson Newcastle Ont. NEWCASTLE Ci-URCHES Presbyterian Citurcit, 1ev. Geo. Mason, minister, -will preacit Easter sermons on Sunday. Newcaistla lia. in.; Newtouville 2:30 p. mn. Mr. Howaý,ýrd Cooke sud Mrs. Cee. Houey sang lu duet ou Sundsy even- ing in te Methodiet Chuircit, that lovely sud inspirational composition "O Love Divine, AI! Love Excelliug". Easter services at St. George's Citurcit on Sunday: 8 a. mi.-Holy Communlion; Il s. m.-Morniug Prayer sud Hely Communiio n;29:301 p. m-.--Suuiday ScItool; '7 P. ni - Evensoug. Cood Frida>': Services 10 a. i..sud 7:30 p. mi. R ev. E. IR. James, Ractor.. Methodiet Citurcit, Rev. .P, Cooke, Pastor. il s. in-E te Message; 2:3 0 P. n-i.--Sunda,,y Scitool ;7 p. m.-W. Ml. S. service. Auiteme b>'te cier. Ladies' Quar- tette. 11ev. Dr. Lanceley of Tor- ente, will give te Eaeter messagý_e In te moruîug and addres ite W. M. S. iunte eveuing-. Mr. Arcitie Glenny couducte ite Methodiet Sunda>' Scitool lest Sun- dlay in absence of Superntendent Cýrahain whoseafaïther, Mr. Cee. Gra- harn continues lu a ver>' precarious condition of healtit. Mus. W, J. Moore conducted te imou titi>mis- sionary pregrain, quita a nuniher of te girls sud boys tak:iug part. Mu. Cordlon Ego, Brookîja, gave a most iuteresting talk on hie visit te a Sun- diay Scitool et Ports-mouth whiere the learned eaciter of a clase of young nien ceuld seasi thirteen languagas. There were -vety-twý,o nationl- ie-S. Thte teachar usad thirteein languages lu succession and te w-hole twenty twvýo mautibers under- stood thýe message as soute of tenu kne-Yw uotiter lauguage besides teir own. In te Methodiet Suuday Scitool RooiSaturdy afternoon, te Mis- sion Baud iteld its aunual concert, bazaar aud tes canibinad, under Vh? ver>' sble supervision of Mrs. J. E. Maâtcitett. Thte prograni was opeuad by two instrumental solos hy Eileen Cooke sud Minvnie Pearce sud s piano duet by Douothiy Rickaud aud Nellie Garrod. Titese were follow- ed by the main feature of te pro- grain, a cantata or song service an- itIed "Jess-ica's" First Prayer". The entire Baud toot- part in te silugiug whlile Miss H. Mason read the lu- ervening paragraphesud Miss Mur- iel Bradley preided at the pianio. Mrs. (Rev,) EB. C<ooke preseuted Miss Hilda Rowland witb a if e Mernbersitip Card, te gifV of M'iss Exnta Row-ýlaud, witicb was accapted wit a f ew wall-spoken words 0of Viauts sud appreciation. Twe boôths, hýone-mnade cooking sund candy were presided over b>' Minnie Peauce sund Altitea }Ieuning sud Tucker Coucit, Elleon Cooke sud DorotÀuy Rickard, respactively. A ver>' pleassut after- nobn was closed by te sarving of dai 'nt> refreshmeuVs by te girls. Jeddo Highland Coal is the best grade of Ani- thracite Goal rnined in the United States McLaughlin-lt bUic h E addsI these improvements to -Dtrance to rear seate 4-eprupho stery ~Ik I~1n D-116 GROCERY SPECIALS Be sure to get my Special Prices for Groceries befor-e buying. We Save You Mo-ney. H. S. BRITTO^N, Baker & Grocer Newcastle For Your E aster Suit or Over- coat Don't Fail to Visit This Store . Over 200 Suits to choose frorn...$15.00 to $35.00 Boys' 2-Bloomer Suits .. ......... $ 8.50 to $12.50 Made-1to-Measure Suits ..........$2'7.00 to $50.00 Cornpletd uines of Men's Hats, Shirts, Under- wear, Neckwear, Work Shirts,, PaiRs, Overalis, etc. Corne to the store that saves you rnoney on every article. S5. G.CHARTRAN i door west of Bell Teleimmone Office Bowmanvill.e Phone 26 os A trial order wîll vince yod.

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