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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1925, p. 5

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Why Auto Insurance? Here's the Answer:, Looking U'rough a Toronto Daily newspaper on Thursday last hete are some of the headings we observed which tell their own story: '"Auto on, Fire" "Veteran Killed .by Auto" "Minister Jnjured by Automobile" "Motor Truck Runs Down Woman" "Auto Owner Must ,Pay $ 12,500 Damages" "Auto DriWers Arrested Fclowing Mishap" "Wife Meets Death and Hlusband Hurt in Traffic Mishap" INSURE TO-DAY Don't put it off. YOUR acident may occur the next time you are in your car. For Ail Kinds of Insurance Consuit J. MASN &SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville PIANOS FRED MITC,"HELL Bowmanville Poure Maple Syru The genuine syrup shipped direct from 'Quebec. You'Il smack your lips for more after you try it. Goes great on Pancakes, custarçi or Pumpkin Pies. Try it with Johnny Cake or Hot Cross Buns. Oh,.- there's lots of ways to enjoy Maple Syrtp! IMPERIAL GALLON ............$2.50 QUART J3OTTLE ..................... 80e Quart, Without Container............ 75c FANCY BISCUITS HALF PRICE Just fresh in, too, assorted, regular price 35e lb but by special arrangement to seIl 2 lbs. for 35e for one week only. GENUINE IRISH GLADIOLI BULBS Jmported right from the famous McCready gardens. We've only a limited quantity and can't get any more this season. Colors: Soft Yellow, Lavender, Pink Tinted White, DepRs, Niagara Yellow. , e oe 50c, 40c, 35c DOZEN New Garden Seeds Arrived This Week Bowmanville Editor's Note-Last waek we pub- lished a very interestiag addrass :broadcastad frorn staâtion WEAF, New York, delivered by Charles C. Greein, Prýeside-nt af Green Adver- tising Agency, lac., 450 Fourtb Ave., New York City. There is so rnucb real huin-ani interest cantained in Mr,; Graen's talks that we are sure thisi week's addiess will also appeal ta_ miany of oui' readers. I have been requested ta talk up-1 on the ail imiportant subject 'of "Local Markets, Local Stores and Local Newspapers," and how theyý are related ta national advertising. I feal quita certain that mest people realiza the real service they reeeiva tram thair local merchants and local newspapers. You kflow that the marchant who advertisas in bis local nawspapers, bringing ta your attention the best marchandise he haý ta offer, la rendaîing a dis- tinct service ta bis commnunity. You can rest assurad that tha a--d- vertising merchant is a thoroughly responsibla merchant. The f act that hie advertises in bis local news- paper la evidenca that lha untder- stands and appreciates the value ai national advertising, and carrnes the goods you aiso see advertised lai national magazines and niatropolitan newspspers. Hie not only carnies the kiad ai gooda hie can safely advertise, but hie knows tha-;t tihe iniost satisfactary merchandise for hlm ta seil bis trade la the merchandise that la asos back- ed by the guarantea of the national advertiser. The tbing that bringa you back to a local store time and time again is the reliable and persistent advertis- ing af that merchant. Atter ail local advTertising is mere- ly a niatter of mskîng friends. Wbea your local nierchant uses space la bis nawspaper ta carry an interasting advertising message, bis greatest hope for that message is that it will miake more frienda for bis store. An advertiser nmust, fint ai ail, niake and 'hold trienda, because what are customners sitar ail but frienda. The good will of the local news- paper consiats of friendsbip for that paper. People wbo enjay îaading thair local newspaper naturally feal fiiendly towaîd that paper and ltsý adrertisers. The greateat resuit icdvertising can accompiisb is-that af making more friends--more pleased and sat- isfied customars. Advertising becomes very persan- al and very Icaiied when it is pac- ed or the basis of building frîennd- shipsa nd fer bringing about more intim-ate relationship. Every local adveitiser who bas' something af beauity, af service, of convenieince or comfort ta seil would like ta corne ta eacb of bis custamiers peîsenaiiy and tell hlmi or baer about bis offaings-but that is imasbe because tbare are too xuany people he mrust mreet and talk ta. Sa lie buys space la bis local news-1 paper and attemipta by, pietures and type ta tel], bis staîy. Hua whole aýbject la. advartising is ta place be-1 fore as many people as possible ati one tune the sanme sugg.estions about bis off ais. The local macirchant isý the conneot-1 ing link between you awnd ail the wonderful merchandise offeus which you rend about in your newspapers and magazines. AIl goods sold through stores are sold locally. The manufacturer whose goods are distri'buted throug- out the country looks upon bis field as a national field, sud regards bis problenis as national problam-s. Iu oaa sense bie is riglit, ,. but aýl bis goods are sold ta coininunrities ai local consumis groupeci about locall stores wbare they do thair buying. The manufacturer's greatest -taski is ta get bis goods inta t'he bornes of' the final consuis, aud this work has ta be dona by tbe local deler- the dapartment store,' the dry goodas store, the ding store, the grocary store, and s0 forth. If these local points of distribu- tion-4ai1 hlmi, the manufacturer will fail too. Therai are, the raally big figure la the national distri'bution and sale ai goads of ail kinda is the local marelihant. Hla i the big nian lu the whole industrial field ai sot-, ivity, thaeiast important link iin m.eý ob.ain of busýines;s. Tha manufacturer who spenIs hundueds of thousands ai dollars ta adveitise bis goods to you absolute-ly depends upon tha-wlllîng, active co-_ aperatiuionfai ie deaier. The manufacturer uses many good advertising mediumns. He uses the magazines, posters, sitreet car eards, and new-ýspapers. He has found in recent years that of ail mediums' whicbh le imist use in oidei to be successfui, the local aewý,spapeî is one of the most imi-porant. Thbis is true because the local pape-r is publisbed but for one pur- pose-to serve the comniunity in i hiiuh it is published, to tell ahl the news of tniat comniu:nity, and to be so publisbed ind edited as to coni- mand the 'confidence and gain atteî.- tive reading on tbe pait of the larg- est possible numiber of people in theý coamunity wbich it serves. 'National publications, excellent advertising mediumus as tbey fie- quenitly aýre, cover a wide teiritory and cater to a wide variety of in- terests. Their editorial matter is general and not localized. t is the home newspaper w,ýith 1its diroct, specific attention to borne af- tains a'nd bomne news that is suie toi be read and enjoyed by the famnilies it serves. t inot axly brings to its readers t'le niews of the -world but 'the ne-wsî of the people down the stireet andl around the carner, and those are the miost interesting tbings in the worldi to ail of us. The maanufacturer uses ne-ws- papers frequeatly to teýl you about, bis goods. Hie can not in lnost cases tell you w,,here to buy tbern; lie tells yon that they are on sale in good drug stores, or grocery stores, or dry goods stores, and that is the only inform-ration hie can give. If that is ail the informnation you bave you do not know wbetber or not your druggist,. your grocer,' ori your dry goods storie bandles tbe pro duct you want ta buy. This is the reasen wby the local merchant -who, as we have seen, is t'lie big link ini the chain of mier- chandisinig, should advertise freely in bis local papers. Just as hie sup- plies the necessary mierchandising link lie sbould also supply the nec- essary advertising linl<. t is gratifying to note the lar~ge number of retaileis who realize this fact and it is greatly ta be hoped that Vhiose who do not use t'èi ocal papers regularly and wlsee the light and adopt that wise and profitable pia.ctise. The retailer' who uses the colunins .of bis local newspaper carelessly or infrequently las nissi'ng a great opportunity.> The newspaper wbich goes into the homies of bis cistoniers inay not be as big, as pretentious, or as band-; sýomely printed as sanie other pub-1 lications, bute it does reaeih tie people1 upon wvhomtr he d'epends fôr trade and tbey do îead it.1 The local nierchant should not use1 newspqper space just ta tell where bis store is anid ta invite tbe patron-t age of bis neigbors-hIe sbould give tie news of his store, tell then wýhat he bias ta sel\l la the way of season-! ajble, woitby nierchandise. When people conie into bis store hie is aleit enoug-be bas pro-in- ently displayed an inviting assaut- ment af bigh quaiity, beavily adver-1 tised goods, and lie takes every pas-ý sible opportunity ta caîl theiii ta the attention of bis customers. This is good business inside the store and it is also goad business out.side the store. The local newspapeî g-oes to hua- dîeds, peihaps thousands, of farnilies who are interested la knosing where tbey can buy -what they waat to buy and willing to listen ta adviee as taoi what they sbhould buy. The local merchant who uses the local paper and wbom the ultimnate consumer off advertised products sbould patronize is the marchant wbo adveiiss Th, tact. that he advertises shows liha le is a pro-1 gressive, enteirprsing, ambitiaus miiercha-,nt. t shows that lie undeistands ind is using the greatest knawýn aid taý business gîowtb and prosperity. tl shows that bie bas a- store and go(odsj of wlhicbha is proud. t shows that 'lie bas the dasire to serve you weillsnd ca;rry la stock the kind af goods whicb will please and& satisfy you. t sho'ws that, he ap-1 prec-iates the fact that lbe sonie-j thing mnore than a miere storekeeper. Th e eperience af the retail mer-j chant riglht here in~ New York during the pressmen's strilýa, wban naws- papers wera nat circulated ta any1 extenù, proves the point L want 'to qaiçe. New York mierchants bad ta sto)p aidvertising and tbey sufi ered big losses, because they could not reacb t-he public with their messages. What was true la New% York la truela ay ,awn rTcty. oc1 Local Markets, Local Stores and, Local Newspapers WAIT toa long before baving- your bicy- cle ovarhaulad and repaired. Good îoads will soon be here and you will -want your bicycle ready for use. Now is the time for us to do youî work. Oui puices are reas- onable and we can guarantee yau a good job. Let us have your bicycle. H.arry Aluin Bicycles, Radios and Accessories Bowmanville FRr,R. EOLEY ENTERS INSURANCE FIELD Appointed District Agent for Niagara Peninsula at St. Catharines. A recent issue of the St. Cathar- ines Daily Standard contained the followýýing itemi whicE will be of ini- te'rest to many of Our readers: St. Catharines will1 be pleased to, 1welrome as a citizen Mr. Fred R. Foley, To.ronto, who cornes to take up residence here and to open a branch 'n the 'Niagara District for the Commnon-wealth Life and Accident Çnsuratiee Comçpany. M . Foley cornes to us highly re- cosnmended as a business man of sterling chairacter and 'one interested in the actiOities of the cosnimunity social and frateraal. The Commonwealth Lif e and Acci- dent Insurance Company which lie will represent is one of the yoixnger comipanies, bealthy, vigorous1 and progressive, with mnany very attrac- tive policies that shouîd appeal to Our people. One of the directors of the comtipany is Ikt.-Col. F. C. McCordick, and several of oui lead- ing citizens are stockholders. We bespeak for Mr. Foley a cordial wel- corne and for his company sabundant success. The office wilI be in the W idicoiimb Block, 98 St. Paul St., St. c atharines. In the advertising colurnns of the saine issue this announicesuent ap- pears: "The Com-monwealth Life and Ac- cident . Insuraice . Conipany-Head Office, Haq-nilton, is one of the strong, aggressive young conripanies, organ- ized at a timie when life insurance is' gininig trernendously in popularity. Its affairs are safely placed in the ba-nds of experienced officials and has a splendid record of tangible accomiplishmients aieady to its cred- it. Watkch this space for our~ mes- sages to the public each Tuesday and Saturday". Mr. Foley's legion of friends in the old homeland of Durham County wish Fred every success in lbis neýw businesýs activities. * APRIL WEDDING Woodley -Collacott A very pretty and quiet wedding took place at the horne of Mi. and Mis. Harry M. Collacott on Wednes- dJay, April lst., at il a. Pl., when their eldest daughter Gladys Evelyn- ne, was united in mmarriag1e with Claience Wilfred, only son of Mis. Euretta Woodley and thie late Rich- aid Woodley, both of Tyrone, On- tario. Their pastor, Rev. T. W. Down, officiated. The bride wtho was given away by her father looked pîetty in a daîity dress of honeydew satin faced crepe and cairied a bouquet of Arnerican Beauty Rose Buds. The bride îeceived niany usefuli gifts among theni being a cheque fonthe, groorni. After sîg-nÎng the register the guests assembled in the dining roomn, -whexe a suniptuous dinner was ser- ved, after which tbe ihappy couple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes f'oi Bowmrianvillk Cania-, dhin National Station on their honiey- inooni to, Gorrie, Windsor and other western points, the bride travelling ini a navy blue poiret twill suit with bat to, match . On their retuin tbey will reside at their homne north of Tyrone. GOODYEAR TIRE CO. BU$Y Another payrnent of deferred divi- dends on the pîeferred stock of the Good(year lire & Riubber Co. of Canada, Liniited, is being m~ade in conjuniction witla the regnlar divi- dends On boiih the pîefierîed and prior preference stock. This annouacement is contained in a letter addressed to the 2.211 C.>n- adian shareholders of the com-panity by C. H. Carlisle, vice-president and gener1al înanager, who states that for the past six months of the current fiscal yeai the conipaiiy's production bas exceeded that of any sirnilar per- led since the comnpany bas beean ini business. Operations are carried on to full capacity on a 24-hour day oasis. Lt is also stated that wbile miarginis of profit are excedingly smsall' the profits for the pastsi months are g-reater tIian those of the sanie period'a year ago. STAN DARD BAN K 01 F C.A BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Br.anches also ai Ne'i*castle, NewtonvilIe, Orono, Oshawa A restful night on Lake Erie Makes a pleasant b'reak in your journeyr. A good bed ini a clean, cool stateroom, a long 5ound -slevp and an appetizing breakfast in the nmorning. Steamers '*SEEANIIEE"-"'ClTY 0F EýIE"- CITY OF BUFFALO" Daily Mezy lat tQ November 15th Leave Bu«aki- 9!00 P. M. ( EateM (Leave Cleveland-9:O 1P. M. Arrive Cleveland *7:00 A. M.j Standard lime j Arrivie Buffalo -1-.7:00 A. 74. -Steaqmer "CIiY 0F BUFFALOI'arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for C edar Point, Put-ia-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and other pointa. Askvur ticket agent or tourist agency for ticketa via C B U Lne. New Touircs Autoniobile Rate-$7.50. Send for f'ree sectional puezzle chart of The Great Ship th, Greac "-.ip "-ANB5Ead sEAýDBLE"'- 32-page bookiet. Lerigrh,, 500 feet, The Clevelandn& Buff'alo Transit Co. Bcdh 98 feet CleveandOho 6 jches. 7a,7$5,"-t' GoolTont"L FIFTYI L!fEJ WhenýSI*ck You Cet a Doctor WHEN YOU WANT Good Sanitary Plumbing CALL GREENAWAY & ELLJOTT PLUMBING, HEATING AND TINSMITHING Estinmates and Advice Cheerfully Given Special Delivery In Country We are now deliverinig bread, buns, cakes, pastry, regularly through Darlington Township. IPhone and have truck cail. HOT CROSS BUNS GOOD FRIDAY Order them for delivery Thursday 25c dozen NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Corne in any time anid enjoy a dish. JACOB3S & HILLYER The, Candy Shop Suceessors to Chrîstie's- Bakery Bewnianville What Do Your Guests Say? ARE THEY IMPRESSED OR DISAPPOINTED 'WITH YOUR HOME? Most of >us become so accustomed to our sur- roundings that we ]ose sight of the impression our home is making on others. Otherwise we would give more frequent consid- eration to the decoration, of our walls. You'll be surprised at the wonderfuî improvement you can make at small cost by decorating with SPRING WALL PAPER The new styles have just arrived. Corne in and see them. We are showing epecially this week papers suitable for any room at 10c PER ROLL See Display in Window W. T. ALLEN 'Big 20" Bookstore Bowmanville Phone 65 Against That Day The iablad years ofai suient Egypt's fulliness sud famina-the stiikiag lassons f ound in ather bis- torlo factsansd natural lite processas establish saving amiong the f unda- mental Ia-ws upon wbich Nature niakas bar sure ifictmaunts. Followv your natural parsoual instinct to "lsy hy. lu store" by addiag regiuar instailmeuts'ta a savinga, acceunt lu the Stinîdard Bank,

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