)R $A L-Bungtlow on ,t with seren rOOms and Lera convenienceo, 1For fur- rs appîx to Mm,. Edgar i M2W. box 477, I5owgin- 15-tf -A very desarable Iuld- vess side o! Elgin Street, 1R. Bridge, and adjoining Ntr. William Hislep. Aay Cer 'wll be accepteS. Apply & Co, LtSI., King St. E-. phone 15. 112-4 - acres la Hampton, a Souch,1 irhten Up î Suit Easter If you're nat going to have a brand new suit te step into the Easter Feshien Parade you 'can at leat bave the old suit madle ~to look like new. Just bring it to me early and bave it tuoroiy cleaned and press- ed. Then yen can step out with the best of thenm Easter aierniag. WB KNOW HOW J. T. Mollon TAILOR Oae Doox, East of King St. Y Former Shop Bewrnanvilie E aster Cifts The Prettiest of BEADS EAR RINGS BRACELETS BROOCHES BAR PINS WRIST WATCHES bIAMOND RINGS FANCY COP4BS at exceptionaIly iow priees whick, will inean a qui0.k clearance of these broken lunes. These specials are oni display in our window. Anl early à~etion gives you at mueli better cboice.1f Alex Elliot Phon~e 207' JEWELER Bowmanville RESIDENCE FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE Th.e undersigned off er for sale the Mary J. C. Bassett Es- tate property at the corner of Home and Temperance Streets. The hous cntains eight rooms with ail modern conveaiences. For further particulars apply te The Toronto General Trusts Corp'n.,. Toronto 14-2 Ail accouis able before coilatS alter1 ever fer umag Bewmazyille. yý me are p)ay- hllpaid ac- vill be bandeS 15'-1w* Lost or Found LOST-Car aumber 269-052 east of Bownanvifle. Reward for retura te F. F. Morris' Store. 15-tf HORSE LOST--Brown b eavy horse wi1th four wbilte legs and white spot in fatce, 16 hands, near Newcastle on Tues- dlay, .Aprl 7th. Rteward for rettun to Polie Station at Newcastle. Ji-il For Sale or Exchange FOR SAL,.E OR EXCHANGE-On Lib- erty and Concession, an eight-rom brick bouse with one acre »of land with fruit trees, for sx roorn house, sniali lot or ne land, centirally lecated. . 13. ?inch, box 97, pheno 364w, Bowman- r;ifle. il-tf READY FOR SPRING WORK? Peter Martin & Sons, Elgin St., North, Bowmnanville, wish te notify the public, they are prepared te do the following kinds of worls: ce- rnent walks, floors, bloekçs, silos, posts; plasteriag; aifl kinds ofrnsason- ary wovrk frorn roof to cellar; aise s.hingling; teamiag; pioughing; ash- es and debris remeved. Now that yeu know sorne of thie work these men do give them a phone cali at 206r5, write orr ail, et aboesad- dress. Where estimates are re- quired they will gladly f urnisih themi free and without obligation on your part. Get your order in early for things are sbaping up for a real busy seasen. Distance makes ne differ- ence. They býave a car. 12-t Notice to Creditors IN THE _MAT~TEP r"he Estate o! ,MATRY AMNELIA MOlCLUTNG, late o tbe Town o! Bowmanville, la theCe- ty o! Durliam, NW dow, (deceased NOTICE us hereby givea pursuant te the Statutes i l that behialf that al creditors and others haivig daims atgaiast the estate o! the above aanied Mary mla McClung wbio died on or about tho 16tb d1ay o! December 1924, it the Town e! New Toronto la thc Couaity o! York, are required te send bý posi prepaid or deliver te the undersiga- ed, Executor of ithe Estate e!f the saiS Mary AelaMcClungead, on or before the 9tb d'ay o! May 1925, their namies, addiresses and full particulars of the-ir elainis duly vendeS.,I and the nat- uire o! the securities.' if anv, lbeld by thenm Iandater tlie-siS th day o! ay12,theý saiS Executor wlll pro- ceed te distribute thie arssts o! the saiS deesdamong the peýr.sons enliied thereto), baring regard only te the dcaimns of wicihheshiah thea bave notie, and the saiS Executor will net be liable for thte said assets or any part thereof te niny persons e! whose cdaim hIe shiall net thon have hiad notice. DATEILItl 2ndl day o! A-pril A. D. D. G. M. GALBRAITH, 611 Lumsden Blg., 'Toronto, Executor o! the Estate o! M'Varýy Amelha AlM'Cun,Seceased. 15-? TENDERS FOR DREDGING SEALEDL tenders, addlressed te the una- dersigned and ondlorsed "'TenSer for dredgiag, Bowmanrllle, Ont.," ecas[ the case may be, will bc recei9'ed until 12 o'clock noon, Frlday, Aprîl 17, 1925, for, dredglag requlred at Bowmnanvllle, Cobourg and Toronto, la the province e! Ontario. Tenders will net be, coasidered unleas masde on thie ferms auppled by the De- parûmeai and accocrdlng te the condi- tions &et forth therein. CombineS speclfication and ferai e! tender ca be obtained on application te the undersigned, aIso et theoffices ef the District Engineer, Equiy Building, Toronto, Ont. TenSers mnust incluSe the towing o! the plant te and fromn the work. The dredgesaend other plant whlch are intencded to be used on the work shal have been duly registered la Canada at the time o! the tillng o! the tender with the Departameat, or shall have been built la Canada after the fillng o! the tender. Each tender must be accompanled by an accepteS cheque on a chartereýd bank payable to the ordeýr o! the Minlter of Public Works, fer 5 per cent of the coatraci pice, but ne cheque te be for lesa than flfteert higdred dollars. Bonds o! the Domîinio o Canada andS bonds pf the Canadiaa INational.Rellway Com- pany wlil also be taqeepted as eri. or bonxds anS a chequeý If required te mnake up an 055 arnount. By Ordier. S. E. 'BR1EN. Secretary. Depai-iment ef Publi c Works, Ottawa, April 7, 1925. 15-21 LOCAL AND OTHEXWIýE Solne articles a rd4rwded out. Pair eye plassea 1found. Enquire~ at Statesan Office. Miss Bertha Hawley and Miss Eva Westlake, Oshawa, recently visited friends here. Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy, Hamnpton, was guest over the wekeend of Mrs. Chas. Williams. Mxvs. John E. Elford, Biackstoc,, bias been visiting- friends in Oshawa and Bowmaaville. Mx. and Mrs. Chas. H. Fleteher, Toronto, Sundayed wvith hier sister, Mis. Emily Roach. Mrs. Perey C, Gouid and babe, Windsor, ,isited ber mother, Mrs. W. Gibson at Balrnoral Hotel. Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Robins were ia Toronto Thursday attending the funteral cf Mr. Tholby Archer. Mx. andi Mrs. Fred J. Spry and family are leaving for Acton where ha bas purchased a~ butcher business. Miss Grace Williamis, Toronto, is spending Easter holidays with ber sister, Mrs. H. W. Lapp, Centre St. Mr. and Mms. W. A. Bain, Toronto, were gueste of ber parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Wm. Tre'wia over t'he weekend. Mrs. Win. Jackman whe spent the wiater with lier grandc-dn,ýugbter, Mrs. James Burgess, Toronto, bias return- ed homne. Don-'t miss tbe Domestic Sale la St. Paul's Lecture Robai on Thurs- day, April 9th. Cerne and have a cup of tea. 14-2 Mrs. Geo. Sniallwood and Mrs. T. A. Cassidy, Toronto, receatly visited their brother, Mr. N. E. Gould who is in poor health. Mx. Albert Couch, Montreal, was in~ town Tuesday visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ceuch, and ether relatives here. Mrs. 0. A. Sharpe, Hailton, Mrs. Caniexon and Mr. Everett Potter, Toronto, receatly visited at M.W Diagrnan's, Scugog- Street. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Echa-on-dstonie, 'MissDig n and Miss Elihel 1Pou- pard nmotored te St. Catharines Sun- day where they visited relatives. Mr. A. A. Outrarn of Port Hope, bas secured the contract for the re-1 pairs te the east pier at Cobourg. The work ealîs fox an expenditure of about $12,000. Deaiestie Sale ia St. Paul's Lect- ure Roon Thursday, April 9, of hlomne-rnad. coôking,, useful articles, cnt flewers. Mfternoa tee and pro- gramn frea 3.30 te 6.30 p. nm. 14-2 Mrs. V. A. Galbraith who h'as spent a delightful winter in Ka- sas City, Kant., it the homie of ber son, IMr. Malcolnai Galbraith, is re- turaiag to ber homne ia Torento this week. Mrs. S. J'. Henry bas returned freai a visit witb her dnughbtei, Mrs. Staia- ley Eiliott, St. Catharines, who3 with her cildren accornpanied ber hone andi are spendiag the Easter bell- days here. Mrs. Thomas Hughes visited bier sister, Mrus3. Kvere)tt Richards, 15 Yonge Street, Oshwa, on rlday and called at Oshawa Hospital te sec ber niece, Miss Madeline Richards who is recoverilfg aicely. Regular monthly meeting and so- cial of Rowmanville Seldiers' Club wlll be beid la the Club Roorn on Tuesday eveniag, April 14 at 8 o'ciock. Ail meaibers are requested te attend and briag an ex-service man witb theim. Miss Fie. Hoar who bas been en- joying several weeks' holiday witb' Dr. and Mms. P. H. Keese, at Latana, Fiorida, is bomes. She enjolyed lier visit immensely but thiaks Canada and especialiy this part of Onitarie is good enougb for everyfbody. Mr. Geo. W. McLaugblin, Osb- awa, who bas just zeturnied froni Florida was lu tewn Mehday look- ing up the naines of persons buried in the Presbyterian burying groadc at Enniskillen where Mr. MeLaughlin purrposes erecting a suitable zemor- jal. Ail who have friends or rela- tives burled thiere should et once senti full'information te Mr. James Stainton, Enniskilleai, or te The Statesman Office. Wanted WANTED-Boy's Eicycle, 22 framne, rriderate. phone 318, Bowmaville. 14-2 WA N T E-Experlencecd girl for liouse- .work. Country girl preferred. Apply WOOD-In Or( te Mn. and Mrs. F L YI n ]Bi, V-END RI CKS--G-ARDINER--Mt Sn nybrook Farm"', on Wd Msdy 1 1ac 2-9 95. by Rev. J. WT. Down, -5r. Jh r7rederick Hlendricks, Treýnton, and Miss Eîma Ane, laughiter of MVr. ai, d Ms. B. F4. G1ardiner, Tyrone. WOODLEY-COLLACOTT-A~t "Fair- view Farmn" near Tyron, by Re. .. WV. 1-Down, on Wednesdlay, April 1,12, Mr. Caec Wilbur WooleïY and Miss Gl_î Hvln eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Collaoott. McGAH EV-PEARSON-l1n Toronto, on Thursday, April 2, by Dr. W. F. Gra- haut, TEva, youngest diaugliter of MVr. and Mr.Fred Pea2troïi, Toronto, and Mr. 'Ross Wright McGaLhey, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. McGahey, Lindsay, DEATHS SHORTRIDGE-At Columbus, 'p'l'ri 1925, Thomas Shortridgge aged 73 yas Interred at Eldad. K ER R-In Brussels, on Mcond y, April 6, 1925, W. 1-. Kerr, editor of Thile Brus- sels Post, in bis 70th year. GIBBONS-In Toronto. on Frilay, Ap-j ril 3, 1925, Samiuel Henry Gibbonis, dear.. !y beloved hiusband of -Marion Washing- ton Gibbons. WICKETT-Ât the residlieeof ber son-ln-law, Mr. Parry Lobb, Mariposa, on Sunday, .Aprill5, 1925, Mrs. Wm. H. WVickett, aged 78 years. Interment ln Little Britain Methodist Cemetery. ROY--Suiddenly, on Thursday morning, April 2, at Cooksvllle, William S. Roy, beloved bhusband of Aimna Thqmpson, and son of W. J. Roy, Beý,thes4la, aged 45 years. Interment at Orono. IN MEMORIAM In lov7jin emory of Williamn L. Oke, dearly bjeloved husband of Emina Halïrris Oke, Enniskilleln, who departed this 1f e Aprîl 5, 1924. one year bas p)assýec1siac(e that sad d(ay God called the one we loved away, Iorgt hl, no -we neyer will, As years roll on we love i hm still. Sleep) on, dear father, they worlt is o'er Tbiy willllng handas will work no morn it wa-,s God's will we*ll inot omplaînu, But hope someý day to mneet again. Wl! e and Daiughters. ln loving mnemory o! f las Greenarway wý,ho died April 14, 1920. FivS, years have passed and still 1 miss yo , Never phall your menwory fa~de, Loving thoughits will ever lin -r Around the grave wherée , , ire laid. Becyond this world 0' changes Far beyond this world of careý 1 shail find my missing loved one la our Father's mansion fair. W'if e. In loving inemory of Pte. A. F. Xilng, No. 745409 2nhd Batt., foriiierly 116 Batt., lll in action at Viiny ll4dge onAri 12 , 1917, aged 2Ileyéns and 21 mont hs. Vour last faiint wiispdr w me sboutlci lke to have heard, To breathe in your ear just one loving word, Only tbose who have seUffered are able to tell The pain of the ]heaiL "in'loat saylng farewell. May the winds of beavèn blou 0-hl O'er that sweet and sacred spot Though sleeping la a far off landi Dear one yTou are not forgot. Sleep on D)ear Frank and. take your rest They miss you imost who loved YOu best. The suen-rt string of memnoryý's harp i, sadly touclied to-day. Foxldly remembered by Mother, bFather, - Sisters sad Brotlhcr§- Eggs For Hatçhinig EGGS FOR SALE-White Pekia Duck Eggs and White Wyanidotte eggs, Mar- tin's special breed. Apply te Mrs. 01- secn, "Wiltshire Farm'", R. R. 5, Bow- rnavllo, phone 181-r5. 14 -tf 'EGGS FOR HATCI-IiNG1-S. C. White Leghorn eggs, cockerelr :ame from England. 13 eggs for 75c. Also lay.- lng strains of Rock eggs, 15 for 75c. F. W. Allia, E.. R. 1, BowmÀllville, phone 237-32. 13-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-Single Comb Brown Leghorn, direct from lilverlay Farm Stock, world's recod ~in laying contest, oaly $1.50 setting; 5 very choice cockerels at $3.00 each. R. H. tilling Rt Harry Âllin's grocery store, Boew.man- ville. 13-2* EGGS FOR NATCHING-From, Sing1t, Comb iWlite Leghorns and Barred Rock from Ottawa Experimental Farrm, brecl- to-lay birds, bea,,vy winter layers, also aý limited1 numiber of baby ehicks for April and May delivery. Will take your e ggs and hatch them for yýou by the hiiudred or setting. Inquire for prices. il. H. Pearn, box 3.3 Bowmnaaville, phorne 304W. i-w HATCHING EGGS-Pure Bred Barred Rocuks, heavy laying strain, direct frorTi Guild'sý best pen. 13 eggs 75c; also pure bred Pekin Duck Eggs from Tor- onto and Guelph wianers. il eggs $1.25. Seed pàtatoes, twenitieth century great yielders, good keepers $1.009 per bag or 10 bags 39.00. Apply Richard Sander-. son Tyrone R. R. 1, phone 320r1t3. FOR SALE-Eggs, Chicks and Cock- erels. if you are thinking of setting your incubator try a batch frein P good layiag strain of bred-to-lay S. C. \V. leghiorns, or order sôme baby chicks. Juist a f ew for sale. B3etter order now aand not be disappointeil. We also b1ave somne cockerels for sale. Prices reas- onable. Call Fred W. Battie, phone 219rI, Bown'anville R. R. 6. 12-t Baby Chicks For Sale EGOS FOR HATCHING--Baby Chicks.1 -Weddlaî nery ai bo res, iesmnan 14i-tf -HOR-SE FOR SALE -Good strong work horse. Applly te E. S. Clark, ScugogQ St., Bowmnanrille, phone 257. 1S3W. FOR SALE-Clyde Mares for sale cheap. Apply Frank B. Rundle, R. H., 2, Bowpianville, phone 176-21. 15-.w' ORGAN FOR SALE-In good condiî- tion. Very cheap for quick sale. Mrs. J. T. Hooper, Cburch St_ DowBnimanrille-. 12-tf BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Creamn wicker baby cprriage in good condition; aise go-cart. Box 496, Bowmanvijteý. 14-tf 50C71 PLOW FOR SALE-Cockshutt, singl,;e furron', footligbt, riding plow, aearly aew. W. H. Brown, Maple Grove, _Bow,- mnanville. 15..lw* POULTRY FOR SALE-Onc S. C. W. Leghorn Cockerel and ten laylng pul. lets, "Ferris Strain", "Bred to Laty"' Phone 12j. 15 Iw* WOOD FOR SALE-Mixed dry wo for sale, big cord for $10. Mrs. Osn "Wlshr arm", R. R. 5. Bowiman- 1ville, phoe 181r5. 14 -t! CARS FOR SALE-One 1921 Ford Tmouring with starter. Oae 19211 dhev'. rolet Baby Grand, Sedan; one 1923 Stari &edan. Thiese cars are all la good con- dlition. Apply A. W. Pcad King St. E., Bowxinanvllle, phono 185. 14-tf FOR SAL.E-2 good second hand wag- ons, one wlth higb wbeels and the other medium, with or without boxes; 2 second band meowers, one in extra good condi- tion. Apply S. J Henry, Massey-klarris Agent, Bewmanville, phone 232, or 13. 13 -Sw" Nursing Mrs. Nellie Perry, Materaity and, 1Practical _Nursiag, box 374, Bowmanrille. jApply at reýsidlence o!f r F .Ster- ens, Ontario Street.143 The St. MAargaret Memorlal Hospital complete course la nursing, Graduates Traininig Scbool (Episcopal) offers a comiplete cour'se tanurinsing. Gyaduate-s are eligýible for R. N. degree. Attractive nurses' home on grou.nds. 46th & Butir Sts., Pittsburgh, P'a. 14-3 To Let FOR RENT-The Argue Frone riile north o! Solina village. Plowing done. Possession nt once,. Apply to Ed. _Milîson, R. R. 1, Eniniskillea,, phone 2111,4. 15-1w HOUSE TO RENT-Corner Centre sudi Concession Sts.. 7-roomed brick bue town water, furnace, electric lights amd baýth room, lJý acre !and witb small fruits, harn. Apply Jos. Pattinson, phone 27,Bowmanville. 14-tf FARM TO RENT-160 acres, lot 5, con. 4,Drto, about 50hce çok al1e Land, balancepatue plent 'y va t c and sae Ter'is aIse abIouIt 80 appIle tIrees and peur r eaIl imter fruit, alsc0 'wo o 1 for Iuse b0bose.Pos- session at once. Jamesé ,Vel, wa- BUCKEYE Incubators and 'Brooders WI LL INCREASE YOUR POULTRY PÈOFITS Poultry makes big profits and sure profits for the man or woman who goes at it right. We are showing a complete line of Poultrýy ssupplies We SeIl at Mail Order H4ouse Prices Asic for the new Buckeye Catalogue RICE & CO. Opposite Post Offiee Bowmanville E aster Costumes of Indi'viduaIiy There are no mediocre costumes at C. S. Mason's Personality Shoppe. Choose the one which suits your mood, your purse, your personality-you know without question 1that the style is authentically new. For your Easter needs visit this popular shoppe this week. Stii They Core- More and More of These Glorious Coats and Suits THAT ARE CAk1RVIG OFF THE HIGH-EST HONORS THIS SPRlNG Charm of uine, fabrie, color and design, are no- where joined in more perfect harrnony than in this ex- tensive collection of Coats and Suits. They are expert- ly tailored in Charmneen, Tricotie, Poiret Twill, Kasha, Flannel or Bengaline, ,vith Frocks of Printed Crepe, Satin-Faced Canton, Flannel, Bengaline or Brocaded Crepe in colors to match coat llnings. Imported Kid Gloves The very newest witb. fancy icuffs, shades to match your apparel at $2.25 pair. We cordially invite your inspection. C. S. MASON Th-, Personality Shoppe Phone 161 Ready For Eastérj You wifnd our supply of fresh andi cured meats just what you will need for Good Frida-y and Easter f estivities. Gunrn's Maple Leaf Smoked Hams, whole or haif 35e lb.' Swift's Premium Smoked Hams, whole or halif 35e lb. Home-madie PurePork Sausages ..........25c, lb. Phone your order. We deliver in town. G. A. E-dmnondstonie Phone 21 Bowmanvillle T.H.Knight's Store News BARGAINS FOR THURSflAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY GARDEN SEEIS 5c PACKAGE We are going to seli Garden Seeds, this season's new seed, regular 10e pack- ages for only 5c package. First corne first served at 5c package. Corne early. Starting Tuesday morning they will again be 10e package. LAWN GRASS SE<,ED If you want , lawn grass we have sorneth-ing extra nice. ORDER MANGEL SEED If you have flot left your order for mangel seed with us eall US up anld book your order now. Yellow Leviath an or Giant White Sugar Mangel, in packages 45e l1b. Yellowr Leviathan or Sugar Manigel, in bulk, 35e IL WHY PAY MORE FOR GOOD FLOUR Pastry Flour, 24 lb. ba......... $1,10 Bread Flour, 24 lb. bag ........$1.'D Bowimanville 1