________________________ s s sFree MIr. Mlexandér Bradley, R.R. No. 1, C.rp, Ont., wrfte.: . I suffered from galli stones. NLWBOX and commenced taking Dr. Chase's Kidney-LÀver Pilla. 1 feel safe ini saying that these ~ pilla completely overcamne the trouble, as it is sorne years since ~'~er* '%f44' 1 was aflicted in this way, and ~'I~4,È#~ I have flot 8uffred from gai1 ntones or even backache since. I have also found Dr. Chase's ~ Nerve Food excellent for heart trouble and shortnezs of )ir. Chase's JQdney-Llver Pils . a box of 35 plUs, Edxn&nson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto HF-AD andFr.dmf mPai BRONCHIAL aloaRAZ-MAN Capule Neurigtoi iomlbreathing. Qilckly Th,>Ouanxd, Of Canadians have foiind that hoking, gasPing and m~ucus T.R..'triv quickest and surest relief frQm ini branchia tubes. Gives Pain. T. ..acst directly on th,feoisons tbst s of restfal sieep. Cotai h ast Thný7e, ccta degeon u or habit.fbrmixng drags. inends*fie %Sil 10c. for gaerou tia )x at drug stores. San~d5c. foàr Temp1etono, Torot. rial. Templetone, Toronto. $1. o ati 5OC. Hdce M aLumbago SIZE pal.s RANTEED RELIEF Rl-j4«i DNES du a sturay sor niormal >n the riglit .ent in thfe activated housanda by into strength rds in vitamins tonic that en- ýrowth. n h-elpa rA jr child iI 2athfül. L Ont. 24-28 .egulating Comnpound Dici PAECO.. 'g Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the beat grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 e5floy no cexetery uaretakersý as agents Preferrîng to seil My Owsv goods thus aaving the purchaser the! agent'a commission. A cati solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprieter Bawmanvjlla P*hone 326W B ox 4 * The Great Engish Preparation. z Tores aud Invigorates the 'whole nervous sytem. mpaýKes new Blood lu oid Veins. Used for Nervous fbility, Mental arîd Brain Wo'frry, DepneeLo.ss of Energy,, Palpitation of the jeatFi[L emoy.Price $2 pe. boX.3 for ~ Si yaldugtor ai su plai pkg. u.ep tpieNwprpl' nie ' ce.z *oý v tý iv CO.T . Oiý Use This Clubbing List The Canadian Statesman will be clubbed with any of the following publications for 1925 at the follaw- ing prices: Globe...............5 Mail & Empire........... .$6.50 Toronto Daily Star...... ... $6.50 Farmers Advocate.......... $3.00 Chrisýtian Guardian .......... "."o Christian Herald............ $4.00 Delineator ................$4.50 Ladies Home Journal . ....$3.00 Saturds.y Evening Post....... $4.0 Family Herald & Weekly Star. $3.75 Week-ly Witness......... .. .$4.00 Canadfian Home Journal ..$. Farni & Dairy............ $2.50 Fariners Sun........$8.50 Maclean's Magazine......... $5.0 Canadian Countryman....... $3.00 Do rlot suferanothierda ti Itching, Bedn rPordn Piles or Hemforrhoids. I, sFurgical op)erationr rquired. Dr. Chase's Ointmeýnt 'wil leve yyu nt once and afford lasting benefit. 60e a box; anil deulers, or Edinanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free. BETTER IN EVERY WAY After Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's VegetabIe Compoundl Ingomar, N. S.-"I took your medi- cine for a run-down condition andmiward troubles, 1 had pain in m» right side so bad at times that 1 coul not walk any distance. 1 saw about Lydia E. Pinkhai's Vegetable Compounid in the newspapers and have taken five bottles of it. . arn botter in every a u you can use niy letter ta help. te womer. " - Mrs. ALVTA M.- PERRY, Ingomar, N. S. Nerv'0us Breakdown Relieved Toronto, Ontario - "It is pretty hiard ta explain your feelins in nervous troubles. 1 feit low apýirlted, had pains in niy head and eyes, a ways crylng, and did flot warit ta go anywhere. 1 do knitting and fsncy work, and I would get irritable after a f ew minutes of work. 1 have been in Canada five years and have iseen thiia way ever since I came. I arn taking Lydia E. Pinkham i'e Vegetahie Compound and I leep better and it seems ta make me est, and 1I must say 1 arn feeling more jolly. 1 have great faith in in your medicine beeause af what it has doue for my husband's- sister and she recommehlded it ta me." -Mrs. A. SMITrH, 10 Burlegh Avenue, Todmiorden, Toronto, Ontario. Ail dr-uggists seli this dependable med- icine, and womnen siiffering from~ these troubles so common ta their sex i3hould Oive it a trial now. This greateit of skin reme ieswil remove those ain afflictions that havemnade your lite a burdea. That initoierabije itchling. bulrnlinlg aud iscomnfort wýill disappear unde tIsa magie(of thF iiesv md It las lheaied musuycases pro- nouneed bopele-.Ba sd -illreacli yo., rCaSe. Thefrst $1.001 bottie relieves yoen or your ,oiey back. Try D. D.,1D, suap, too. Jury & LovelI, Druggists BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 9th., 1925ý CHÂRLIE ARMSTRONG'S PICNIC (Continued froic%,finst page) I tvied ta get every man~ and wvoman there ta miake a speech, sing a sang or do someting. 1 fou-nd that tirey were just the saine as f al1 back home and thpat you could nol get sane cf thern ta even stand up. But there were quite a lot who did and space wiIl nat permit me ta tell of but a very few. 1 note John Allen who is a man up in the seyenties and wvho is mavnied ta thre late Henry, Odell's daugirter Emima. John 1I tink was borain Darlington aven on the town hune and a son of the late Richard Aluln. 1 tink ut anc time John was a -mem- ber of eibirer a Methodist on Bible Christian Cirurcir st Providence. At any rate hie semred ta have had practice us a speaker at somie of the old time revival meetings aver thre, as John surely has nat f orgotten ha-w ta talk. I neyer knew "t F rank Stut~t was au oratar before, but ire centainly can talk too. Then we hîad the two Hughes boys, Ed sud Fred, sans of aur ocwn Gen- eral John of Bowmanvilfle, and thiein speeches searned ta just rmake au Old Durharn Boys' reunian camplete, for 1 felt sucir a reunion cauld hardly ire just night witiraut Dr. J. L. af Tor- onto. I do know now tirat we had twa of iris nepirews with us that were no discredit ta thair UncleJi. 1Inmust sîso mention one lady in particular-I .refar ta Mrs. Cicero Gamabis'y, a daughter af Rev. Wil- loughrby wýho was stationed at Omano ut ana tume sud preached in Vie Christian Churchi. Rer father must have given her a real training as she certainly knows how ta talk, I timnk 1 have uaw, ýMn. Editor, mientioned enaugh naines ta satisf y yau that 1 amrnont exsggerating about this function sud that your readers -will feel tihat we had a neal picnic. If there be soma wha have doubta about it, my friand Frank Stutt took sanie sheets of papen sud had ail the grown folk there sign their niames sud açldresses sud I have ail their signatures sud enclose a coipy which -will perraps be inter- eýsting ta yau. 1 can'-t close Ibis wiVthout meationi- ing tw-o worthy aged ladies wbo were thare-one 82 sud thea other 86 yesms of ae. I refer ta Mrs. John Beer sud Mrs. John Smale. John Smnaleand Mrs. Smale lefI Orono wheu 1 was a boy and went ta Kansas. John Smala was related ta the Smiala family aI Providence and I remember when ýa boy Bill Smaleand I walked over ta Smale's la Darliugtou sud on aur way home we gat in s pasture field of Carter Bl'aclcburn's sud milked lava cows aven there. Say Mr. Editor, did you aven take hold of a eow's test sud aquint mflk into your moutir? It beats any suckîng bottle I even uscd when a baby. That was one tune when Bill and I got aur fili af miilk, and a braud -tirt was not watev- ed. Califomnia mnust agree witir1 bath Mrs. S.male and M-ms. Beer as they ave the srniartest of any tLwa ladies I even saw et their ages. Frank had -a kodak with hini and mnuat have taken a dozen difl'erent pictures and as soon as Ire gets thei printed, he is gaiug ta send ana or t-wo of thse best anas. If they de- velop meal good he inteuds ta have -uts miade and send them to nie so that you could publish thn in The Statesman. f We left for Houston the day aften tie picnic, s0 have net heard froin i hm at tinre of writing, but as seau as I da will write you- Ta-day Mrs. Armstrong sud I ara iu Dall-s, Taxas, sud will stay here ai few days and thea go on ta Pniîngleý's in Kansas. Ah bhein- well we should bc hamp wrçthln thre naxt tan days, -se f any of your readars are intenested n any ocf tisese naines all tirey wili bave ta do is came dawn ta thre Ariin- strong Store, Orana, and 1 will cen- tainly hae glad ta answar any questions. Charley.* Those Who Were Pi-osent Mm. and M1,rs. John H. Allen, 234 Eurek-a St., Redianda, Calif. L. E. Turuer sud Pamily, 30 S-i. Valen-cia St., Alhambra, Calif. C. Jean Turner, 30 Sa. Valencia St., Alirambra, Calif. Mms. John Beer, 1233 Arlingtan Ave., Las Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. H. Geo. Beer, 1233ý Arlinglton Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Mi~. Stanley Geo. Beer, 1233 Ar- liugton Ave., Lsa ngeles, Calif. Esther Beer, 1233 Alington Ave, Las Ang-eles, Calif. - Muriel Long-, 1231 W. 8th Street, Las Angeles, Calif. Jean Meai, 2227 Wirittien Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., Mms. W. L. Long, 1231 W. 8th St, taos Angeles, Calif ý. Jiack Patter, 1231. W. 8th Streetz, Los Angeles, Calif. Mv. sud IMns. Frnk L. Smnala, 5_9 Aunera Drive, Riverside, Calif. Mi-S. J. H. Smala, 5! Aurore Drive,, Rivensida, Calif. Mr. snd Mrs. M. Wi. Scott, P. 0. Box 973, Lankerslim, -Calif W. L. Long, 12-31 W. Stir Street, Las Angalesý, Calif. Mary Stewart, 5927 Sa. Figuenea St., Las Angeles, Calif. Mr. sud Mrs. C. B. Marsh, 2227, Whittiar Blvdl., Las Ang-eles, Calif. Emma Scott, P. 0. Box 973, Lin- kershimr, Celif. Graca E. Mersh, 2227 Wiitticr Blvdf., Las Augeles, Calif. Mr. and Mns. H. E. Pninglle, 1217i Papeete St., Wilmington, Calif. Mn. and Mms. C. E. Garnshyb, 25thj St., fJplands, Calif. Mn. and Mr"s. C. G.Anstn Orono, Ont., Canada. Mr. sud Mrs. Fra-nk Stutt, RIed.- lands, CalUf. Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Frost, 1516 N. Virgi' Ave., Hollywood, Calff. Rahert Frost, 1516 N. Virgil .Ave., Hollywood, Calif. Edna I. Ren-wick, Amethyst Ave., Mentone, Calif. M. C. McKinley, Amethyst Aye., Mentone, Calif. .Frank S, Long, ï635 Seville Aveý., fiunting-ton Park, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Barker, 16-1 Castle Reagih, Riverside, Calif. Edgar F. Hughes, 16413 Gardner St. Las Angeles, Calif. Flred M. Hughes, 2206 Louella Ave., Venice, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leith, 301 W. 8th St., Riverside, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Beer, 438 So. Chicago St., Las Angeles, Calif. Elizabeth W. Beer, 438 Sa. Chi- cago St., Las Arigeles, Clalif. H erbert E. Beer, Jr., 438 So. Chi- cago St., Las Angeles, Calif. Herbert~ E. Bignaîl, 22:22 Rogers St., Las Angeles, Calif. Marian E. Bigniaîl, 2222 Rogers St,, Las Angeles, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Bignali, 222 Rogers St., Las An~geles, Calif. Richard Field, 225 Blond St., Red-1 lands, Calif. ACROSS CANADA AND BACK $325.00-A 21-Day Tour linelud'ingi Ail Expences. Under the personal supervision of Professor Sinclair Laird, Dean of the School for Teachers, MacDonald College, P. O., QuLebec, a apecial train will leave Taranto Union Station at 2.15 p. m. Monday, JuJy 20, 1925, enroute to Victoria, via Canadian Pacifie through Port Ar- thur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Re- gina, Moose Jaw, Calgary, Lake Louise an*d Vancouver snd thence by steamer across Puget Sound to Vict- oria, the famous Canadian vesart. The return trip wlll be via the Okanagan Valley, -Nelson, Kootenay Lake, Windermere Bungalow Camp, by motor from Windermnere ta Ban-fT over the 104-mile new y complet.ed Banif-Winderrnere Hig- way wýith stops at Radium Hot S H- inga, Ver-1 milion River and Starrni Mountain Bungalow Camps, with a fuifl day at Banff, EdmontonSaon, and Devil's Gap Bungalow Camnp, Kenora. From Fort William ta Port MýcNico)lI by the C. P. R. Great Lakes steamers and by rail ta Toronto -, 1 corp- plete tbis interesting and varied trip. While appealing primarily ta [eachers, the taur is open ta anyone desiring ta go. Trhe train will con- sist of the miost modern equipmi-ent. rhe cost is for one persan offly' oc-C cupying a lower berth. Proportion-a ate fares from aIl points in Easternd Canada, The charge includes rail, steamer snd sleeping car fares, hotel and bungalow camp accommodation,o neals, sight-seeing tours and il A descriptive booklet giving c~e-r tails of the tri p wiII be gledly mailedh upon request to Dean Laird or any Canadian Pacifie Agent. As the party is limiteci ta 150 it la advisable ao make reýervations early. 14-5b DIR. IE flR. 'WHITEI spec4ai sts ln disýeases of Skin, ]Blood. Ner',esfliladder and SP-ec: ial 1- moents of nmen. One visit adrIsable; if im"possible, send bistory for fr'ee opinion sud al vice Question blank and book o dis;ea ies of mon free. Cnutto free. Medirine furnished i tabt forni. IHurs :10 a.m. ta 1 p.In., zsud( 2 ta 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. te 1i pon. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 2 Toruato Street, Toronto> ont. Would flot be Without Zutoo Tablets At An>' Cost Mr. A.. O. Norton, thé millîonsire jack Manufacturer, oft Boston, who re- cently died, was a great "<booster"~ for Zutoo Tablets. He stiffered froni headachea front chlld- bmod and wlien he ffund Zutoo Tablets ,,le these headachea lin a few minutée .-Mia bad effect, he began recoin- usendlng them to hia iaxily and frieends. In an unsolicited letter, Mr. Nortonsyç hi closng: 4"M y f 1n uetheîniwhein ever needed wlth 1qal ed eutIhave f te- quently g-iven them .ta frienda wliowere SUffering from Headache amid te m,-,t falled tagive quick relief. I alwa"s ca-rry Zutoo Tablets iiin y gri p on tl 'ýtd and WOULýD NOT LPî,WUiTIIOUT THEm AX ANy COS'- gM cènts per box-at a-il dealers., ORONO ITEMS Froin The News of April 2nd Nr. Orine Gamisby ,,,as delegate Mr. F. J. Hall has loat a work horse f. an inflammation. ta the Ontario A. B. B. Association -which met in Toronto an Saurday.j MUrs. C. G. Armstrong arrived homie Wednesday evening fram Cali- f ornia. Corna disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Rernover withaiuü leaving n scar. Mn. Jacob Cobbledick attended the funemal of bis sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Nicholîs, at Port Hope. Mr. Albert E. Webster, Cobourg, ai-d bride have been guests af Mn, and Mxs. S. M. Billingas. Mr. Otta Coathamn, suffering with inflammation iu his eyes went ta Toronto ta consult a specialist. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Williamn- son, forinenly of Chicago, now resid- iug nat Miami, Florida, have been hall- daying ini Havana, Cuba. Peevish, pale, restiess, and sickly children owe their condition ta Worms, Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminatar will relieve them and ne- store health. The new amioke staek erected at the Waddlel Flux Factory is a steel pipe 57 f t, high and 24 in diameter. Mr. F. J. Hall and Ctupt. Eber sup- erintended the work. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baxter and Mrs. Little and twa chîldren m-otor- ed fromi Toronto and Sundayed with the latten's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morgan have myoved inta the village from their fari at Kiilby, occupying !the Cut- tell residence on. Princess St, Mr. iMorgan will be emnpl.oyed on tie Forestry Farn. Cuts and Bruises Disappear.- When suffering froincuts, scratches, bruises, sprains, sore throat or oheat and any sirmîlar ailment, use Dr. Thuonas' Eclectrie 011. Its healing power is well-knowu in every section of the coma-nunity. A bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Qil should be in every medicine cheat re'ady for the emergenlcies that may always be an- ticipsted. ,Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Sleep, Kendal, txnnounce the engagement of their youngest deughter, Mary Lena, ta GliienR. Kerby, eldeat son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kerby, Chathami, wed- ding ta tLake place quietly in April. We had the pleasune of a visit on Thursday from RPev. Aadrew Me- Lauchlin of Keene, former pastor at Poxitypool, ou bis neturn froini Ty- rone where M1rs. MeLauehlin is with her mrother, Mrs. ( Rev.) J. Wesley )own, who is critically ill. The 011 for the Athlete.-In mub- bi»g down, thre athlete will find Dr. Thornas' Eclectric 011 an excellent articele. Lt renders thre muscles and snewýýs pliable, takes the sorenesa out of thein and stmengthens thora for strains that may be put upon themn. lt stands pre-emineut for this pur- pase, and athletes -who for years, have been using it can testify ta Its value as a lubvicant. Thre final group in the series of Social Eveninga4, Methodist Church, put up a unique and entartaining vrograi Monday eveniug, the uis- uai order beillig raversed, Opeiling viit "Good Night Ladies" sund end- ;Ig with the cýhairman's address. The unýrboinet Sues sang 'the chorusesý with their faces ta the -wall and a nake-up of. false faces tosvavd he tudience. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, lead- ar; H. J. Souch, chairman. Poceaeds 8 0-50. Certain morbid conditions miust iat in the stomach and intestines ,o encourage worms, sudl thay will or ýstas long as thesa morbid con- it~ions permnit them ta. To be rid )f themn an(] sp'ave thre chilcl suifan- ng, use Miller's Wormi Powders. hi-ey will cýorrect thre digestive in- -gularities by aastnoying thre Worms, ondition-is Èf.vorable ta wornms will [appear, anid the child will have no gare suffering frnnm that clause. OW-COST TRIP TO PACIFI C COAST The Tour leavas Toronto July 911., 1Cd you cannot aiford jta miss il. lll inform-atiain, fumes, etc., can be ýcured vith illustrated booklet fromi 1. . Bryson, 44 Silvcnthorn Ave.,, varnta, Martin Kerr, 4 BeulaI Ave., Lailtonl, or any Canadiani Nation-il ilwgys Agent. 15-2 YACTS ABOUT TEA SERIES-No. 2 T er"oduc'tiîonT If the Chinese, who first discovered te, had realized the p,)ssibilities of the tirad- and hadýC studied the nature and requifreý- ments of the plan~t, China might stili be the Iargest tea producing country. Cen- turies of neglect, however, stunted the growth and caused the quality to deterior- ate. In the mouintains of Ceylon and India, tea was found to flourish. Scientific methods of cultivation and manufacture were introduced wîth remarkable resuits. Now the finest tea grown in the mwrld and by far the largest quantity cornes from these counitries. "SALADA" is maiuly blended frorn fiavoury India and Ceylon teas. lipays to use MARTIN, -SENOUR 10OYo PURE PAINT & VARNISHES FrFvtMs -Fo&oeFr etySurf ce Write to Hoed Offie, Moo#reaJ fbe Free Bookiet HOME PIAINTING MADE EASY SOLD aY W. H. DUSTAN Bowmanville leldRoôts4-Manyels E'VERY Fermner and Stockmaun kaô__ the - jtjvalue ofthte Mne s~bd ule and a inllJc producer and in the main- tenance of touerai good health. Rennie's tested Northrn gwn Seed wifll yield rimrkably large Crops of wzll formed rmots of hîgh nutrïtive value and excellent fecediug qu.ahty. WC higbly recomnd thelA folloudng var (elles Io al Growers isba destre thie best. Rennie's Ciaut Half Lotng Yellow Rennie's Perfection Main- -math Long Red Rannie's Glatit White Sugar Rennie's Ideal Order Rennie's Tesed Man gel Seed from ySur local dealer, or direct from WILLIAi EL I EIL LIMilTÉ D Cor. ADELAIDE and i4RvIsSte£. TORONTÔ If you cannai obiain locally, , please wrile US. giving gour Dealer's address. Rennie's Seed Ananusi-the suost complete Canadian Seed Catalogue -free on request. a I l1lad-achc Pain Tootliache- Colds Neuraligia Lumbago Neuritis Rhumatism AýCCCept onfly "Bayer" packa,-,ge which contains proven directions. Elaudy " '-Bayver" boxes of 12- taiblets. Also battles of 24 and lýO0-Lruggilsts. Aspirin io thse tradfe mark (registeredI in Canada) of Bayer ManIIfacture ofMooet- aciestr o Salyila cidcetySalicylie Acid, ".S. A ,v). iWie it is Weiliknown that Aspirin means Bo,,yr manuLfacture, to aslst the pubic against imitatio>ns, the Tablets ef Bayer Company will hsatme e witb their general trade mark, tiV Se oyer Cross." AMý