TO Writeyouraddress plainly o,-n thiscopn Pin a$1 si)billto it andi Mail dire Ctor c(aila The Sbates-ýman Office, omnvle Name.~ ..................... Aiddress ........ ......... 10w about sendiAgsa weekly remiier to that relativeor fniend -whoas ,ýleft towa? You are tee busy to write anuï oc- casional leter, let alone a weekly ene. The home towni paper wiM be sent regularly each weck anywhlere in Cai- ada ta JauaLy1. 926, for $-0-ls thai 3 cents a week, A NOONTJIME NOTION A lot of folks Wh-oare partiular bouttheir - glass f Jolinsnih Pur milkat teir oonday lunch. Why don't youl? * DlivredFreoli Daily CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN- - You cin beieve r Ior tbut a suit w7,ell ke-pt cranydoes, add te appearances. Ït doesn't cest mucb te have your clothes clane lad pnessed regularly. Lots of nmca have u press3 tleir suit fcach week. hy neot yen? 0f courise, wVe ecan fit yen fcor a newv suit if you mus have one, Jo Ti. Motllonl TAILOR Orle Door, East King St. E. of Former si Bowmuanv. Too Busy to Bake? During the busy housecleaning season many housewives are having us assist them by doing, thieir baking. It's a good idea. Why not let -us hielp you, too? Wagon will cahi dIaily, 60c Chocolates f or 47c We now have a fresh assortment of k-ard and isoft centre chocolates, regular 60e for 47el. Try aq lb. anid you'll be back for- more, Weddig Cakes a Specialty E AT CO RBlDiE TT'S B RE A D weP. Corbett Bakýer arid Confectioner Bowmianville GROCER'Y SPECIALS 1e sure to get my Special -Prices for Gruceries bef-ore byig We Save You Mo"(ney. i& Io The 14t Newcastle readrs haveenoe very mucjh the interesting budgetsý of iiev:s and genenal information whi-qh have becna appearing the last f ew weks, from the Lake Shore section. Thie historical review of the Union Suniday School was of special ini- tenest. Quite ýa number froni the villag-e attendcd the anniversary ser- vices oni Sunday and found,, them helpful and inspining.l- The school and g-rounds were nkeat -as a pin, flewc-r beds dulg over andgrsai raked dea tasa capet Thle first game of thieNeasi pl-ayed on the Co-mmunity Green D;Î,imond uonMonda-y afternoon b-1 tween Senators, -aptazined by Wil- bent Grahami and Beavers, cnptaine(d byý Aihi utlcr. the lte inn 12 rnunî,s to 4. Reeve Dr. J. A. Bt er holoffrs a ýsilver cpto theý inngteuai, ofclyopened I ('ý1(Ithe san's eries. JPrrnipa Y>l C.F.I Cennomn ncted as Upr, Next gaiýe Pf * iday atenon if *er schoo. Eveybodycometoenor aethýe bos Ili CLARKE CONSERVATI VEý tion Of Cl r e T w s i , w ill tanimal metn in theý Or' IIIl, Orono, on Saurday, Mvay at 8 O'cloc-k forelcinof ofil a n d o h r b s n s . L d e cone. A. A. Martin, H Rowlan Secretary., 1ce]r-s wel- -4, lest Rev. E. 11_ Jamies had' busines tie C ity. Mrs. Win. Jamieson visitej awa friends, Mr. C. R Carveth was ini Torc on Wednesd-ay. Mr. J. W. Bradley is the firsi rep)ort "oaosup". Dr. Farnclrmb attended Provin Board of Health Convention in o nto. M!iss June Ulw Chicago, is itig her graidmoterMr-,.. Uglow.1 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B'ýown, 1 onto, spent Sunday at their Sumi cottage. Mrs. Bý. S. Mclntosh and Mrs. Scott Hwr anotoreil to Toro on. Friday. Mr. ;antd Mrs. Samuel Brag, Il vidence, spent Sunday with'Mr.E Mrs. E. C. Hoer.,' Mr. Perey Gfibank' is home ti-e sunimer terni £rom Queen's U v-ersity, Kingston. Mïaster Erie Gear hcus transferi ihis Position froni Mr. Mýatchet's; J. Anderson Smith Co. M.J.McKeevor, Oshawa,1 b 'eeni visiting her sister, Miss Pe Cobibledick and other relatives. Miss June Uglow, daughter of t ]Rte Dr. Malcolm Uglow, Cicago, visÎting ber grandJmotber, Mrs. JO Uglow, Mr. Eic e San. Toronto, cal 'on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce Friday on his way home froyn Pi exboro. Rupture sufferers consult Speci. list at Balmoral Hotel, Bawmanvil on Monday, May 4th. See adi elsewhere. Mir. Norman Wennacott. Picke ing-, visited llis inother, Mrs. Wanr coU aind Mîr. 1H. E. Hancock's ov, the weekend. Mrs. Uglow has sold bier stol prolxerty tu Mr. Kelley of Oshaw howill remodel it and conivert S1ILto a drug, store. lis Hlonor the Judg&hý-leld a speci court here Tùesd.ay for settiemei of soie domestic diiferenecs-ca en1larged for, a week. Mr-. and Mrsi-. W. G.Hay and fan iile, Torontre, vitdthefr Boltc, Street Cotage. Newcastle.on-thl Lakçe, during the-weekend.' Mrs. Brittain and children of To onto, have been spending sever dlays at Dr. Geo. A. Carveth's Co tage Newocastle-on-the-Lake. Mr. Percy Tuif anid'Mr. G. Sibrei the Misýses Hl. Pand M. Tuif and MXi Miýuriel Tobin, Toronto, wcre -weep end visitors at Mr. Fiank Branton' Hortieultural Society have secure some twelve hundred trees froni tii 17orestry Farn, Orono, rwhich, the htave planted in -diff erent parts of tà Our ol.d fricnd, that prince o miusicians, Dave Morrison, Bowmar ville, is giviag our orchestra som 'Instructions in preparation for the" big concert. Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson an, fasniil, Oeshawa, speat.weeken'rd wit bis parents, Councillor and Mrý John Hl. Gibsonl, Boltonl St., 4eu SUmmer cottagers andc visitoi fromn the city 'of >Toronto ,a.d else where are now coming week by ,ce] in ever increasing numbers to on, popular lakceside retreat, Newcastle on-the-Lake. Fienies on the bec werc a feature of last weekend. Mnl. Albert Wragg, Starkville, oi Sunlday wVhenl just oppositeMn. ,J Douglas' somiething went wrong witi the car steering gear and it turnec turtie ini the ditcb. Fo rtunatelý none of the occupants was injurec but the car looked a bit the worse Miss E. M. Sanderson, our forme, esteemned H. S. Assistant,' staye> 'over the xveekend at Mrs. John Rick- ard's, Church. Streone a from Queen's Unversity, Kingston, to ber home ini Wroxeter. Hl hosts of Newcastle friends were gl9d to have the privilege of meeting her even durîng this brief visit. Greatly pleas5ed to se several of Soliia'b estimable and good-looldng yo(ung people ici Newcastle on Mýon- dyevýeing aittenii-ding the present-a. tio-n or "Homne Ties" in the Coni miunity Hlall, Hnving taken parts in the same play la thein own comn- miuity they satisfied a natural cur- iosity to sec how others did it. Any. way, Newcastle friends werc glad to see theni and hope thcy will corne HOME TIES CLEVERLY ACT] Le, A good sized audcience represe 't. ing awd range of territory witný sdthe presentation of "Hm VTE er- iii the Comminunity Hall on Mond a-. -eeigbclever dramiatists of t 7er YugPol' Le-ag1ue, and as -W t c fhappyý boy eatiag a speci-Ally c >e licioous formi of chocolate, it eau ti va, ly be sanid that nealization xas ev it betten than anticipation. Home Ties is a delig1htful play ial foutr acts, requiring 2 1,L bouar, i was tnutbfully and synipathetical ~epresented througbout every situatii and every incident ici bo)th lang niand sinler details. )a The secne is laid ici a well-to-i Sand eodnd country hon q where live Martin Winn who h sore and grievous ncnories of ft tionate sister, Aunt Melîssa, aýnd h Sdaug1hter Ruthi, innocnt, sweet ai f air, just 'rcturaed from, boardhi ', schlool. s s Lenl Evenett a youi cfarnier, is in love with Ruth and s- favon *Tith bier fathier and aunti. L( di and Ruth are old sehoolmiates, gron% eu up togethen and hierein consist son c,' Home Tics of e very srn natur he Harold Vincent, a New York dlnd a iodera Rono lias fasciniatE Ruth and appears to be winniiig ,hi -ay froni the old Home Ticsý. 1 r iefiirs of the hea,,rt bc is easily o wthteold and on with the new. Aimat Wayne, Rut-h's friend fro 4th1e city is charming and coquetthç d ith keen intuition beyond -,j hyc'ars. Josiah Fizzard, ucibrel mender; Mrs. Poplin vitjh vuriot ilis and syniipto-ns, whlo is WOOe a;idl woa by Josiab, nnd Lindyv Jan, r5 a da rkY nado-l-okput ahune - ancc of humnorous ingredients ini th !l p lay. r "Hcme Tics" niight bhave been cal -d cd"Al wLil that ends -wcll" o .h 'Love's Labor NOT lostl' everythin turns out so satisfactorily ici th en d. An approî4niatc inotto fa *Josjih Tizzard would be it is neye L oo inte to înend". i Wc sha,11 not go into funthen cie T tails howýevcr. Everybhody likeq LHome, Ties; liked father and klini 1 hearedAunt Melissa; awýect Rut] ýand daùzzliing Almau; honest L-i ni s h stnig young anodpensis tent Josiah an~d dean Mrs.' Poplin and bakiaewitt, goo>(d-n-aturei 1,Lfidy iJane. iiIf you would enjoy a god pla: dweml given, r tke the first 'opportunitt that cornes yvour %wny -and see'o Tics npresented byNccse Youný - Cast of Characters. Lenad verett---L. Crydenni-an. hlarold VnetAcîadGlenney 8Josiahl Tizzard-Ernesýt Gilbmik. -Ruth Wînnt-Lillîan Colw%,iIl. -Aient MlsaFoec aknt; AIrs - Poplini-Lilli Cemn. LîndyJane-eariCobbledick. Prccsof Mndy veing .twere 1close to $90.00, $40.00 of whhgoas for hall renta]. -Nc-wcastle orchesr played before theo play sdb tee sets înaingthe spare tine p4,, very pleasanmtly and It the close, led the sig ,g of Go-d1 Save the King, "Homie 1Tics" wiîlbc pnesenîted Ini Bownianvilîe Meýthodist Churchý-, Mon- day, M-ny 4th. S(,e--adlv t. Suaday w-,vek a maatle of s now sevoral inches la depth covcred -alý tlhe gro-urid; cuttere and slcIhs wereý O-ut; citizenis wcrc buLsy Clearing side- wals; itts and warm 'raps woe ach in evidence; Sunday }Ïast grass everywýhere was richly grýea; citi- - z ens had eut their laývns and donce consierabe garcnia. Mci were goigdaout la thefir shirt sîceves; dlandelions pennly everlastings, dog tootht violets, hepati-cas and rnaay gandenfows were ini bloorii. Fnl- day an Sa'turday ý,familles :and their visi-,tors began to sek the cool shde o thein verendlahs and boys wih iiead hook and orwerle itngbeside stresîs,, catcing fish. Peo1ple wýerýe picaikn on the beach, A seve» days' oclr 'c, ~trial order will Newcastle nt con-1 Is ici ncil vis- T~or- imer S.J. onte and for un;- rZed te has 'anl the ohn Iled on) et-L ai Lt dLe LI ion -do las 1e le his md me r ýe lr er Ila Ele il >X Pre-gid jOIRCH-àESTRA JCONCE RT A Rich Music-al Treat An etetanîatofrareexeî lence is being providcd forz the people of NcweastLlc and a eigh- 'boring cýentres on the evecning o-f 'Wednesday, May 6th Ma COMMUNITY HALL when the Neweastlc 20-piece Orchestra will renden a prograrn of entirely new and distinctÎve mnsic assi-sted by Mr. Duncan Cowan, Renowned Cornediau and Baritone and Mi3e Beatrice L. SmitIh, interna- tionally celelwated Accordeoniste, Pianiste and Accompaniâte Orchestra DI)rcetor-Mr. D. orsoBowmanvillc Admission. Adulta 50c; Children 25C. Do-ors open at 7:30 p. mi. Concert begins at 8:15 P. ci, BE ON TIME-COME EARLY. Sasrcscrved. without extra char-le at Bonathaa's Store. Plan opens Friday no-on, May ljst, NEWCA-ýSTLE CHURCHES Presbyterian Cunc!h-Sujnday ser vices:- Newcastle Il a. m.; 'New-, tonville 2 :30 p. nm. Rev. Geo, Mason wihl*1 preach. Methodist Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Peastor, Il a. n.-Morning Worship. 2:30 p. i-m-Sundiy School. 7 p. i.-Eveniag service. Recep- tion of new pirenibers followcd by Quarterly Comn,,union Service in the mnorning. Yeu are cordially invit- cd. Official Board meets on iTue- day evening. CLARKE JUNIOR FARMERS TIhe Cla>rke Junior F>drmcrs' li- proveinent Associatiý held its an- nal meeting ond election of officers ia Council Cîhanber, Nwaslon April 2st. . F. C. Patcrsoci, Agricultural Represcatative, Po),rt Hope, was present to give a hcelping hand. Election of offlice,.s resulted: Presi- dent-Ewart Clemence; Vice dlo-.l James Brown; Secretaury -iesuer-- -Etic Pearce;. Directors-Gordion Mart-in,, Clarence Alini RossLae Lawrence Crydermnan. Plans were laid to hioldtia stock judging practice contîesýt in lhe cicar future pr6bably on Tnursday,,ýi-,, May 7th. Association -will endeavo~r to ar- range for a s g t s e n d c t o a motor tour in June, route- yet to be deterrm in cd; 'a trp through West- ern1 dntario and a visît to Jack Miner's bird sanctuary aýt Kingsýville being It waýs cecided a suflicient rinber having signified thieir Wvilinigness To enter, to conduct an acre-profit field crop comipetition with miangolds. The winner, th-e young man showing th e greatest net profit per acre, is awardcd a two-weeks' free coujrseý ati the O. A. C., Guelphi-, next wijnter. Necwcastlc Orche3tla, a1waysý at your ser-vïie, now invites you to n fiost-,cass e-ntertainment of its iwn.ý See advt. Bowmanville correspondent t±o Or- ono News ask-s, after refcr-ring to re- unions of Durliamites Ii Toronto, New York City and California,, "Now; when on ths old boys and girls of Durh-am subject, isn't it about tire that we shouldl have a reunion ini this town 'net onie day 'only but several, Satuiday, Sunday and Mon- day at'the least, and no doubit with the past experience ia different parts of'the- world, the prograin and entertainnieiit pui; up wvould fetr sur- pass any preýviouis meetings. We hopeto sce it materilize". IV ýcý m Vf or m 0,2 he 0! ra ot ey is te: ài 0 ln 1ý1 el nc Iti rs W irý 'e el tif le. cb in i . ti, ad ly A e . Eýr ýd k- ty n, Ai%. W.--,ICKARD Phone 185 King St. E. Borwmanville i i 1 s- ;11 ýy Le n d y n r 0 e s e s 1- 1 a i wmanvill~ Phone 26 'I Jeddo PRITTON; lcn2ný- STEAM-COOKED Highland Coal is the hest grade of An-l thracite Coal miined in the United States MIEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, alis of Royal College Physicianz, Edin.. burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- cci and eblidren. Office-Parkccr'a Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M Honor' graduate of Trinity Uýnivrsity i Il'llow of Triniity Medical. Collego, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the POSr,- Graduate Medical School and Bos- pital of New York and Fellow of tii. Toronto Academy of Medici n. office -Mrs. McNaughton's Residence. Newcastle. Honr&s-8 te 10 a. M., t tii 3 p. ni., and by appointnient. jCHIROPRACTIC The following are a few o« the ny ailiments Chiropractiea adjusting-s r pallralsisofspneroulestroeiat ad hen pAni forma ffnrvtouble, heatandaches weaknesses, rheumati-sm irnand sciatica, digestive dîsorders highI blood pressure; lana ciroulatory troubfles. eatwe-akness-ý esadgoitre. Dr. Durwin E. Steckley Of BOW- manville Will make residential callg, ini Newcastle, Moaday, Wednesday and FnPiday. For an appointnený phone l41Ji Bownianxillle' 32-t il, 1 7-1 2OhCentu ry Tailorn g and Top Cut On English LUnes Incorrect styles Aii( aeapproved b i well diessed n i pleasing shades char- 4 ~ acterýistic of Spring and .4 -Vof that dependableiI quality and fineta1r ing which their 20th Century label assures. *> For- the liard to fif' tiur specïIal custom made X service, on a six day À-Savesthe Lives of Baby GI'icksj Harry Allun, Grocer Bowmanville, Ont, l' & a Wwvw Tfl S beaUtiful five-pasfenger Sedan whilh awel 2amnazlng sale. lancrease of 72 per cent Iaat yns- is $105 les.i price. The. same igh quality and complte equlpment are main- talned. The Overland foisr-door Sedan is now flot only the. "Word'F LoNest Prced four-door Sedan withm slldlng ger tranmIsson"but la the. World'a Greateat IValue. Overland's original "23 bg-car Advantages- continue te be cnglnee»ed into this splendid car, as into the entîre ,Overland lhue. BlUges power-di.c clutchý-exti.a large, remoyable aile, shats-verîzebraes-comorcbîeTriplex Springs -. bg ecDomy-are only a few .4 the advanced featurea that are making Overland such an outstandng succen-. Comïpettive, deaers and salesmen everywhere are qauestlonlng whether WilIys-Overlan9 eau continue toi produce such re-magkabe. cars t suchremrkalow prices. But let WIlya-cverlaud wrs->y about that! l' S. G. CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephone Office B >wmanvillà