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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1925, p. 8

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"B" COMPANY ATW#.NTION!, The Durhamn Regt. will go to Cam~p at Warc's HIill, port Hlope, frmJune 9th tLo Jul1w- 7thl. "B"ý Co. of the Regt. recruted frorn this district, under the commlfanld of Maj- or W. J. Hoar, wiII leaive Bowman- ville on the mnorning of June 9th. 1'ay, rations aihd quarters supp!led For fiurther particulars see]MaJor 'oror Capt Warmica. Butier & Co. Trade Auctioneers 76 ,YORK ST. TORONTOý We are instructed by The Trusts and Guarantee Comnpany Limited Trustee, to off er for sale, en Fi, t a rate on clie dollar, atl oui, warekoomis, 76 Yor1 s t., Toriioto, at 2.00 o'clock p. m., Day- lilht .S3aing Timie, on Wednesdav, Jane -, 3 the stok and fitpres belonging to the estate of BOWMANVILLE ,ONT., Consisting of:- ý1eI. cu's Frni shings ...... ........ 573:1, Mens Rayto e Clothing. 1307 ,store Total ... ........................ ', 2.,2.6 2 TERMS-Oe-qna-rter ,-caýsh at tOmei, of -sale, balIance, in thirty andl slxty days, secu~red to tlue satisfaction of the Trustee and bearing ntrest at 7%. Stock and inventory nay be 'seen on thec premniscs in Bûwnanvillp, 3une lst and 9_nd. Inventory niay also be seen at the office of The Tru 'st-, and Guarantee Conpany, Limlted , '02' Iay St., Toronto. D. B. SIMPSON, K. C., Bowntvi!le, Ont., Solicitor for the Tru3tee. $25.00 Present For You! To celebrate our Twentileth A,ýnni- versary we iare giving tie fabo've present to the first twenty iirolling in the folin: echianhcal Den- tistry, Brick1ayinaý, Garage, Work, Battery and We1dOiig. Write Hlemp- hills Ltd., 163 King St. W., Toronto. NEWCASTLE CIURCEES Presbyterian Churcl, Rev. George Mason, mnister. S.unday services: Newcastle il a. ni. Newtonville 2:30 ., ni.--Co{mn-iiiunion Service. Preparatory serice Friday at 8 p. mi. Methodist Churcli, Rev. E. B. Cookie, Pastor. il a. iu.-Mornin.g Worship; 2:30 p. m-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evesuing service. This is Temiperance Sunday being the On-1 tarlo Prohibition Union Field D)ay. Anthenis by the choir. Solo-M'ýr. M. FI. S ta ples. Rev. S. G. Rorke, Petexrhoro.. gave an excellent address at the May ses-. sion of Millbrook MijnisteriaIl Asso-' ciationi on "The Nature, Purpose and Function of lrayer: Wbat it means anid what it inay be poss ible to do with it". t was wý,ell handled, anid showed careful study and was get ly enjoyed by those pressent CARDS 0F THANKS Mrs. John Bartoni and sonr Douglas, take this o)pportunîty of thiiý'ung the churches, societies, nei!ghb'-irs and friends who gave such khid as- sistance and beautiful floral' offerings in their recent sad bereavçnrient, Mr. anid Mrs. Geo. 'Strong, Ennis- killen, de',ýire to thank ail tlir neighbors and aIl others wýho came to lheir assistanice last winter wýith- gifts of furçfiture, lothing, mioney, etc., when they lost all their belong- ings when their home was buriied. PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR CO. ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the an- General Meeting of the Stock- holders of the -Port Darlington Har- bor Comnpany will bec held at the office of the Comnpany, Port Ùarîing- ton, Town of Bowmiianvil).e, DiiAMonl- day, the first day of June, 1925, 1 at the hour of four o'cloekl, inthe after- noon for the election of Directors for the sýaid Comipanxy for ensuingi year and for transaction of suCh businesýs as niay corne ýbefore thc m3eeting. J. A. MeCIelIai, Secretary. Dated at iBownianville, Mday 14, 1925 M.anid Mrs. Geo. Browývnhill, Tor- onto, spent the holiday witli Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. BUYw.)SEED CuO R N AT Hampton Mill We have been fotunate in securing Grac-e No, 1 Government Tested Seed Corn, Rennie Seed This is the very best money can buy and price is riglit. HAMPTON MILL FLOUR The demand for our Flour is increasing. Try a bag of XXX Pastry Flour also Royal Flour for bread. We also have a stock of Western Elour. They fflease others, and are sure to please you. C. EDGAR ]HOR-KNI Phone 129-r6 llamptoil q "Neyer too Late' Vo Mend", - May be a very good maxim, but "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" is mnuch better DO% 'à-N'T"i Let your Home, Outbuildings, or Fences get too, bau before trou commence to look after tbem. We shall be glad togive you estimates on Liru,.iôer, Pine, Hemnlock ,B. C. Fir and Cedlar. Shingles, B. C. Red Cedar, and Quebec White Gedar.1 Ruberoîd Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building Paper. Ten-Test Fibre Board for insulating and wall board. Cernent and Lime Searnan Kent Hardwood FlQoring a specialty. NOW is the time to put in yoùîr uext winter's sup- ply of Coal ai-d Coke. .Our Watchword is SERVICE Cali and see what we can do for you. King St. East Oleie Phone 15 Bowmnanvillij Holiee Ph-âueit28, 274, 214 The Newvc,%act1e IndcfpgeridenIt- THUTRSDAY, MAY 28th., 1925 NEWCASTLE Miss Edith Hick, Toronto, la vis- itiug ifriends la towi# Mr. Luther Argaîl, Oshawa, was in towu over Sundsy. Mr. and Mrs. R. Walton snent the holiday in Cai-np'bellfordl. Mr. Harold Laking- spent the holi- day -witb, friends in Orillia. Miss Ruth Hancock spent the holi- day,- with fr-iends in Toronto. Mr. F. W. Boweu, M. P., was hiome fromi Ottwwa over the weekend. Mr. sud Mrs. D. VAlow, Oshawa, visited in tonýý,n over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brittoni spenti the holiday with friends in Torýonte.. Mr. sud Mrs. CurtisHal Torouto, speut the holiday at Mr. J A. Smlith's. Miss L. Bonaithani, Bowmnauville,1 qspent the weeku1d with bher brother, Mr. S. 13onaLhan. Mrs. Ida M. stinsofo and daug-liter, Miss Frances, were holidlay vt1stors at L r. George Eilbeck'sý. Mr .A. R. Wynio, Hainil1ton, is vis- îtiug witti ber parentsý, Mr. snd Miýs. D . J. Galbraith, "Chestayuie". Mr. snd Mrs. Geudron sud Miss Fraifees Stinson, Toronto, were guests of MVr. aud Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck. Mr. sud Mrs. E. T. Brittaii,Mr sud Mrs. H. J. Ragea, Toronto, z-pent the weekend -with mr. sudMrs.John D9ugias. Mrs. Courtuey, Miss G. Courtney, MIr. George Watkins sud Miss Irene Leaian, Toronto, were holiday visit- ors ait Miss Janie Singer's. Mr. and MNrs. J. H.IL plw Tor- onto, visited their son Harold sud bis faniily sud also bier uncle sud aunt, Mr. aud 2Mrs. Geo. Grahani, Third Line. Mr. sud Mrs. Thomias Simpson, Cowanville, were aiso holi- day guests of Mr. sud Mrs. Harold Vanu-plew. Obarlie Robinson, younger sou of Mr. sud Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Pion- i eer Fanm, felu dowu the cellar stairs and broke bis arm between the el- bow sud shoulder. H/e was taiken ta Bowmnanville Hospital wberc it was found necessary ta take au X- Ray af the fracture be-fore setting. Descendents ai five well-knowin poinear familles sud athers ai alder citizeuis of Ne'wcastle and residents ai Clarke sud Dar1ýngton ou ships well feci a parsonalinterestlu i the death sud sketch ai a fariner11 Clarke mil at W'oodiordl, Grayt Couty-Mr. Williami Fligg.-See It o-bituary in this, issue. It The Gleauers S. S. Glass of girlsj held a maost enjoyable meeting- with program, gaines, eats suýd stunts at t.he home of oue ai their niemibers,J Miss Minnie Pearce last Tuesday evcingi-. The girls regretted veory mucb The absence ai their teacher, ~ MIrs. N. L. Richard, Who was inat- tendance at the deatb bed af' her father, the laie A. A. Gansby. Mcthodist Congregatianal ineet. iug report mention of Miss Dun- reath Dudloy's report ai the Junior , Leag-ue was iuadvertsntly omitTed. She gave a concise but vivid a- cauuit7ai the year's activities of that youthful aud vital organisation. Th-e Junior League is certainly a ten- mslent group sud under the super- c nteýndency ai Mirs. (R/ev.) Cooke is making good use ai every talent,' r Pupils aif No. 9 (Lockhart's) c School, accoutpanled by their popu- ar teacher, Miss Valma Neal, came out lu Mr. W. H. Gibsou's truck sud car on Friday aiternoon ta sec the special series afi noving picturas, which, bowaver, could nat ba shown. a Nevertheless thce ecursion was sot 1- w'ithout its jays, for Mr. Gilbson wbo h with members of his family persan- r lily conducted thbcttip, troated the h o'hole. party tasaie af Brittou's ( fiuest ice creani. ,, Rav. J. A. Con\ulansd Mrs. Con- n neil, former Newýcastle' residauts,. passad thraug-h town ou Wadnesday. hý 3oth are euijoyîig splendid beath s but repart that -Miss Clarissa l.s jmt y recavering froni a sevenaoperation Iý for appandicitis and Misa, Constance h s conined ta bospItai with a broken -%i imib received wbile skiiug lest Win- e er. Their nunierous frienis inu(l Newecastle wisb thein a specidy re- f covery fromn their sevora affiiious. t. A good representation ai New- T castle cîtizeus, bath men aniidj womien were at tbe meeting ai the P )urhani Brauch ai the Ontario Pro- b bibition -Union, held lu Onano on Vedrpcnedsy airnoon , May Otb. j s '0 f I i I t i I I 'I t i S t 5 dent by the toue ai ail the reiarks P the tenipen afi te speeches arid the a genersi spirit ai Wednasday's b'g dk m-eeting- that the drys mnean fight. 4C Disappointinent awýaitcd the school c; cblîdren sud grawn-ups at tlbc Col"- B, munity Hall last Friday aiter»nub, awing to the iset that the reLls hold- P ing tihe filins ta ha baiwn iu canuec- i tion with the Empire Day Exar-1 ciscs waeeaifthse vroug size sud1K style ta fit tlbc ststioary pawens ~ mnoviug picture machine lu use iun thse HaIY. Thcw-ýrong reae1s had 0 beau sent; but tie disappointtient g: is oulyeray for the usans-ing Ig couipttaas aiready taken st.ep.a tc ta s ecure tbe filmns on the proper 1ms roda ýýfer use here aud. ilsereen bj them luinthe near future, probably Ir ou Friday aiternoon, Juna 5th. An Jý invitation wlibe axtendcd toa nl neiglbaring1 rural seboals as wýeliaýsM tise Neiwcastle schsools ta tiew thesa eduiceIiomal, scenk ansd industrial M films. S NEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bevis and Mrs. Wmi. Hunter, Toronto, wýere guests of Mrs. Chas,~ Coulter. A report of' the greai; fauiily gatheriing and ýcelebration of the CinIa Weddiing ofMr and Mrs. W. C. as-o, t-their homne on Monday evening, May 25, will1 appear next week.: .Mr. and Mrs. Russell Golswill and children, Toronto, Mrs. S. Sculthorp, Port Hlope, Mr. sud Mrs. Normran Willhiams sud Miss Mairjorie Seamian, T-orouto, w,,ere holiday visitoi-s at the home of Mr. sud XMrs. W. H. Pearce' Mrs. CoIwill sud children are stay- ing for aî longer visit. Thlere wýas a very large influx (f visitors, formier',,rsdetrelatives and friends from Tï and other large urban centres ini;o "Newcasýtie The Neait" for the holiday seasos-, near-ly every home havirig its quot-L of guests. The po/pulation of New- çcastle-on-the-ILake was increased four-f id uring Saturda-y Sunday anud Monday. NEWCASTLE S .0, S, ATTEND CHURCH Mýeniibers of N'ewcastle LdgNo. ,16, Sons, of England, accomiipa'died by brethreu of Wellington, Wolver- luampton and N'ewtou Lodg-es, miar- shalled by Bro. Geo. Gaines,' and wearing the pretty blue regalia of the seciety, paraded froni their lodge rooma aand attended di vine seýr- vice in the Preshyera CucSn- day nioruing, Mny l7th. - The church was fllled to capacity, brethiren of the so;eiety occuspying thýe front pew.s of the centre section. Ser-vice iu Methodist Chu/rch was canq~lled, perinitting pastor and peopTle to attend this special service iu a sister 'church. ; Rev. George M'asori preached a iuost heIpful sud constructive ser- riob on "i,,lh-vays of Life", taking as bis tex sa. 62:;10, "Go thrpugh, go throug-h the Gates; prepare ye the wvay of the people; ast up, cast up the high-way; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people". Rev. Mr. Mason eularged upon [saiah's -f- euent rueta.phors a-nd ejuxi- lies likening lijýeto a high'way, and earnestly counseUled bts hearers to so ay out, bild and maintain the hili- ways of life that their children and t/heir children's children ight travel n ease, coinfort, happinessand safe- ; y. There was nmuch food for ;hought in>1all the preacher said,' ;hought that should lead to better plans of action ai; this presexxt tijue. .Rev. E. BWtCooke oQfered tbce open- ung prayer. I Bro. Hlar4ld Allun of Newcastle Lodge and Bros. Reg. Sutton, W. Reid and C5olin Taylor of Wolver- haiupton LdçI.-e asststed, the choir iu eadîug the cangregational sîngrng and also contributed two inspiring quartets, one being t'hat aid favorit, "The Chiurch in the Wild 'Wood", ung in pleasing hanmouy wltbout organ accarfbpaniment. -.After th~e service the brethreu marchieti ack to the Lodge Roos ehere they, met for a fiew minutes with Worthy President E. C. Hoar an the chair and voiced their appre- cistion, of the good sermion, the prayers, the sciptur~e resding, the music sud the courtesy of the hurch officiais. LAKE SHORE, CLARKSE Aithaugis the veatlhr ii cold grasà nd hay cropa are eomnug eu rapid- l...Mns. Alf. Mitchell who hrake oer arma eat ber home iu Naivtonvilie cecently is at present stayiug -witbh er son, Mn. Clarence Mitchell... Cattle are out on pasture again. Mr. oseph Couison bas bis usual cample- ment ai stock an tbe C. P. R. ranch . .. Mr. Wu. Lake bas comnpleted a lrge cisteru ta pvcrcame water ýhortago lu tise dry penlods ai tbc cear.. Dr. Mc Culioch af Onono, the M. H. O. ai Clarke Township, made ois aunual visit ta aur scixool ast %.e.k... . Emupire Dayý was dully ne- aoguized in aur sebiool. A f uil ay's pr'ogram -%was carried ouit. In hei aiternoon six ladies ai tbc sac- Lion attcuded viz : Mesdames Hoimes, .one, Rowland, Heudry, Allun sud fayues. Thraeeai the ladies tok art in the progrnim wheu caliad aun y aur youug- chairuisu-Master Bob) Ieudry. Tise feature ai the pro- 2rani wasý a quartat "May God Pre- ýerva Tisce Canada", suug -b-y Misses Della Wilson sud Olive Jayues suad Nasiers Ernest Wc7lh sud Jack E[aimes .... .Miss Myrila AIlin is un- aer the doctor'a care.. Our basehaîl aoys have re-orgauized sud arc pre- aring for s busy summer. Practices ire held evýery Tuesday sud Thurs- sy evaulng ou the green soutis oi 'Smiliug Bob's" ... . Under the sup- ýrvisiou, ai Divisianal Road-Msster aert Samlis aur local highways have )eu mucb imtproved. Our ronds )romnise ta be the chief dataurs dur- gil bbc concreta construction ai thse 'ingston Road . .. . Aîten saeing the za ai Shaw's anud Croaked Crack ýchool grounds ona cannot balp te- flg iuspnesrsed that aur sh'al rounds are taa souali. Larger ,rounIds would be va'ry acceptablc othe children and cijuld also ho isad cvenîngs-by aier citizens for nisabaillsud such games. Miss. reue Baskervillk spet thse Victoria ay ai, 'Pome . . .. Mrs. E. Tronapkins pt tba holiday at S. Pa'wil's... .osem Rathieeu Wilson sud frierd and nr. James Mofl'at sud fauuily sapent 'unday at Mn. C. Wilson's. METHODIST CHURCH, NEWCASTLE A congregation that filled cvery pew in the auditorium oi the Metb- odist Churchi greeted R/ev. F. HI. Mc- Intosh, B. A., B. D., of Lindsaiy, on. Sunday e-vening. H~e took for bis texts, two apparently couitradictory passages: first, Jacob's prouuncia- tion of despair, 'Ail these thingsý are ag-ainst Me" Gen. -42:36; qnd, secmnd, Paul's words of iaith sud cheer "And we 'Know that ail! tingis work bc- gehefor good to thieux that love It was a well reaszoned, thouigbtful sermon, full of i ait;h, assurance and enliouiagenient. A ma1ie choýir s.ang two patriotic anthemns, l1ed byi Mi. W. J. S. Rickard, and Mr. J.! 'arb.rick, R/ciai, in his powverfulý baiss voicee thrilled thie coulgregationi ii rendering of "Laudf of H1ope n ud Glor"-; sud 1again htrrUed hji1 hearer's heartIs to deepest love aud. emlot,'in as lie sang thaýit ,0 Weil loved hymu, "I heard the VQo"e af Jesus _Rev. Mr. Mlnitosii wis uotored to Newcastleý froni Lindsay by Mr. T, H. Stinson, Superintendent of the Caiubridge St. Methodist S. S. Both g-entlemen were g'uests at the Par- sonage duringo their brief visît boe.e Although 1Mr. W. J. S. Riard was the musical leader of thie choir, it niigbt be said that there was also s patriarchal leader in the person of Mr. Geo. P. Richard, hiniseif, five nephe-ws, one grandsou sud two great-nephews hein- a part of the orgsnizatiou, while bis nie,,e, Mrs. E. C. Fisher is the organist. The League indoor picuic whicbi wss to have been held on Mouday eveuing was poýstponed owiug to other holiday avents on the sanie eveniug. I FORMER 'CLARKE MAN DIES AT RIPE AGE On Wednesday mornîug, May Gtb., daath raiuoovad one ai the early set- tlers of St. .Vincent Township, Gray Coumrty, in the persan of Mn. William Fliýgg lu Ais 83rdyear. Ha ws bora lun Clarke Towudhip, Durham,ý County, lu the ya 1842, being sýecond son of Benjamin F'iigg sud Caroline Vincent. Hea spent bis boyhood sud esrly manhood days lu the viciuity oi Neweaýstle and aiter his noarriage ta Miss Mary E. Mid- dleton, aid est daughter oi the late Mr. sund Mrs. Henry Middlaton lu 1867, bu witb his young bridé went West ta reside in St. Vinocent sud sattled ou the farpi on whiçb he bad rasided contiuuously till his death. Always ai a quiet sud retiring dis-, position lie wss a great haome lover, aud bore his long and painful iii- riess without complaint, Iu religion be was a Mathodist, baing a noamber ai Woodford Meth- 3;dist Churcb for many years. 11 e wa-s a Libaral lu politics. Tha f unaral on Friday, May 8th., froin bis lata residence was very largely attended sud showed tibc high esteem in wlicb he was held lu the canmnity. The service wss cou- ductad by his Pastor, Rev. W. H. Surinrerell ai Woodford Methadist EJbursb, assi8ted by Rev. John Rogers of the Friends-an old sud iiuch esteemed fniend af Mr. Fligg sund fanly. The floral tributes wvera beautiful sud nuzuerous. He leaves ta moun h is las bis age d widaw and three cbildreu-- Mfrs. David Silventhan, Sydeubami; John H. af Niuth Lina ai St. Vin- cnt; sud William E. on the aid homastcad; aiso, four sister-, sud brothers-George E., Tarouto; Mms. Alfired Gifford, Barrie; Mrs, Joua- than Gardon, Thornbury; Henry, Haswardean, Sask.; Mrs. Warren Trickey, Toronto; Mrs. Wellington Saunders, Albert E. sud John D., all ai Meafard, MEUICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, alîo of Royal College Physicians, Edi-n- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- cii and children. Office-Parker'aq Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. HIonor graduate of Trinity UniversitT Fýellow of Trinity Medical CoIleg-ý Licentiate of the State University of ',ew York. Matriculate of the Posî- Graduate Mediosi Sehool and Hos- oital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office --Mrs. McNaughton's Residence. \ewcastle. Hour--8 to 10 a. m., 1 t-~ 3 p. m-. and by appointment. Jeddo LighIa'nd Coal is the best'grade of 'An- thracite Coal mined in the United States A trial order wil vince you. con-1 Geo. Jamieson Newcastle Ont.1 I t1 looks Vo us as though it is about thne ts preserve your t PINEAPPLES We have Oranges, Bananas and other Fruits also a full in~e of G3roceries. H. S. BRITTON, BkT& GocrNewcastle Ilt i. Too Busy to Bake? -Durinig the buisy housecieaning season many' houseWives are having us assist them by dog their baking. It's a good idea. Why not letu help you, Voo? Wagon will caîl daily. 60Oc Chocolates f or, 47c We now have a fresh assortment of hard and soft. centre chocolates, regular 60e for 47e lb. Try a IL and you'ii be back for more. Wedding Cakes a Specialty E A T CO"R B E TT'S B RKEAID W. P. Corbett Baker and Conifectiotier -% I Bowmanvillet Clearance Sale of Mlisses'an Women's Spring Coats AT GREATLY REDUCZD PRICES Malce This Your Opportun<ity to Buy Your Spring Coa.t at Wholesale Price and in Sonie Instances Less COATS ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY CROUP 1-Special purchase of high grade French Polo Cloth, Cameline Velour and Polaire Coats. Each garment is fully lined. The col- ors are Suede, Green, beautiful Greys and Cocoa. Every Coat bears the label of Northway. Sizes 16 to 44 in the lot. These Coats w-vere priced at $2 5.00. On Sale Friday and Saturday $11 .95 GROUP 2-mported Tricotines, Poiret Twills, silk lined, in Navy Blue, Black, Cocoa, and the iighter Brick shades, regulariy up to $39.759 On Sale Friday. and Saturday $25-00 Saturday Morning Speciai, Six Only Beauti- fui Coats, Crepe and Silk Lined, made of the finest Polo Cloths obtainable, regularly worth $30, On Sale Saturday Morning $15.00 Women's Guaranteed Color Fast and Sun Fast Broadcloth Dresses. Twenty different styles, ail sizes, On Sale Saturday $4.50, $5.50 and $7.50 We are now showing a speciai range of Sum- mer Fabrics, Cotton Broadcloths at 75e yard, both in the plain colors and the popular stripes, Voiles in innumerable patterns, Prinitect Crepes, Printed Siiks, Fugi Siiks and Innumnerable Novelty Fab- ries. S.W. Maon&bon Dr-y Goods Pho'ne 106 and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear J3owmanville I il

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