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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1925, p. 8

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Notice to Creditorsi IN TUIE MIATTERM0F TIAEF, 8TATE Q1OF Mary ÀAnn Fletcher, lte Of the Town of Dowmnan ville, in the County of Dlur, Nvidow. cdeceased. NOTICE IS HEPREY GIVEN p ur- suant te Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R. S. 0., 1914. Chater,ý 121, tha-t al eredlitors anid others having dlaim-s or de- mnands atgaiiit the estate or claiming any ixnterest therein as heirs or otherwise, of saitd Mary -Ann Fletcher, who died on or about the l4th daîy of PEebruary A. D. 1924, at the City of Toronito, are req-(uired on or before the luth day of July A. D. 1925, to send by post prepaidl or deliver to the udrind The limpeiral Trusts Comipany of Canadla, Administrator o th,-s said7Mary Ann ithr hi Christian naines andi surnamesý,ades ses and descriptions, and full particu- lars in writing of thir dlaims, a ta- nient of their accounts ind the nature of tihe security, if ainybel(d by theni AND TAKE -NOTIC'E tat afte-r such lest nltioned date the sid 1Admninistrai- tor will proeced to dist1ibte'the ss of the said deeaed1migt ,hepar- ties entitbed thereto and of whoin the said MAdministrator Ji,,s notice, and hv lng regard onlly to the dailims of \which they shail thien haý,ve notice antii1hat the,, said Administrator, will not r-e hable for the said aissets or anly part the-rof,ý to any person or persons of whose daiýms notice shsll not have beenreevd y theiniat ithe time of such distribuition. DATED at Toronto, tis second daiy of Junie A. D. 19)25. TH4E IMPERIAL TRUSTS CMAY 0F CANIADA 15 Richmond Street West, Toront. PUB3LIC NOrICE Notice is hereby given that sou or persous destroying tree public property or causing dis ance ou the village streets wi deat -with accordiug to the By-. of the Village of Neîwcastle. TENDERS FOR ROOFIN( Sealed Tenders for roofing the castie Public and Iligh Sehool wili1 cevdby the, desgndup 1to dJay, June lSth. Tendlers may bep for stee apai r oden si Stte ma11:terial andgrade. The I or any tiender not necessarllyac rurtiher information mnay be rec fromi 23-2 Sec'y.-Treas.Necse U. F. 0. MEETING Providence Parnners' Club mieet ou Tuesday eveingil, Jun et tho home of TMn..sud Mrs. R,, Osýborne. Mrs. Laws, Secretaï die U. F. W. O. will -adcless mneetinig. Ladies are requeste bing thein baskets. 0. R. Bragg, R. K. Sriua Presideut Secre- l i s DLeninox :& Trebilcock, 7 ý:ý- ue.BLACKSTOCK Toronto, its Solicitors hierein. 23-3W Mr. WmVr. B. Ferguson la sufferng frein a severely sprained ankle hurt on the uîght of the sevene electnical MEDICAL tori, May 22ud. .!Mr. George Mc- ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. Mio. Laughliu sund wife of Toronto, visit- Graduate of Triniity Univerlty, alàso ed Cart-wnight fnieuda over thewe- of Royal College Physicianis, Edin-ý end ... Mn. Normnan McCurdy sud burg. Specialty-Diseases ()f wem- Mn. John Rutledge visited fnienda on an'd eblîdren. Office-Panrker's in Nestleton. Blackstock baIl teamn Block, Newcastle. play at Poutypool on Saturday eveu- îng, Jiie 6, aud ut Yelveonj. Julie J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. 8. . Our boys lest their flrst hoame Tionor graduate of Triuity UllivèrsitY gaine on Monday, May 25, te drain Fello'w of Truity Medical College ne-anet ivas--Nestleton. The boys Licentiate of the State Univers3ity Of looked quite neat lu their uew uni- New York, Matriculate of the Poa9t- forma of bIne sud white. Score 11-4 Graduate Medical Sehoel and Hos- Sna'shwr eldte pitl o Ne Yrk nd elow f toDgrain, hsy sud gardons splendldly Toronto Acadeniy'of Medicine. Office... The daughter of Rey, sud Mra. -Mrs. McNaughtoii's Reidence. J. E. Griffith, B. A., had lier tousils Newcastle. Hours-8 te 10 a. im., reîpeved recently. She is doiug 1 t" 3 p. m nud by appointinent, niceîy.. Bowmaunville beys certain- ly did put up a good gaine against the Blacksteck tean on Moud'ay, Je o May 25th. Wliat was laekiug i lu J don bthside, was imade piif, H ighland Coal Ca ewgaine baci bers te semar. . Lt. Charles Venniug aud Sergt., B. is th bestgrad of A- land leave for military camp at is te bst gadeof Aa- ortHope on June ,ý via Bowm~an- thracite Goal mined in the ville. Blackstoýck baltearn have United States these two stars are abset.... Con- A trial order will Con- Lewis Swain and Mr.and Mrs. Oscart MeQuade on new arrivah ... ýMn. 'vince you. Johuaton Pair underwent a senlous operation fo<r appeudicitis during the in înght of the soyons electnical stemni Qeo. uam ieson,.at the hein oof his soni-in-law, Mn.- C. Parr, Ahi hope for a speodyt Newcastle Ont.revry It looks to us as though it is about time to preserve your PINEA PPLES We have Oranges, Banania8 and other Fruits also 1 a full lime oie Groceries, H. S. BR'ITTOIN Baker & Grocer Newcastle "Neyer too Late to Mend" May be a very good maxim, but "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" is much. better DoNq' T Let your Home, Outbuildlings, or Fénces get to bad before. you commence to look aflter them. We shall be glad to give you estimates on Lui,16er, Pine, Hemlock ,B. C. Fir and Cedar. Shingles, B. C. Red Cedar, and Quebec White Cedar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building iPaper. Ten-Test Fibre Board for insulating and wal board. Cemenit and Lime Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring a specialty, NOW is the time to put in your next winter's sup- ply of Goal and Coke. Our Watchword is SERVICE Cali and see what we can do for you. McCleiIan & Co., Lim ited King St. East Office Phone 15 BowmanviUa House. Ph-nf,t28, 274, 21J j F<Th IN wcasle rideend~pt THURSDAY The June 4th mUTrTTDQI,cI- TA TTTXsT, iA41 - 1 ne')U communicants were ýpr&eent. The evening service took the fori of a special service for the A. Y. P. A.. several of the young men, Messr3. H. and D. Gibson, R. Ciowther and R. LeGresley assisting in rea-ding- the lessons a;nd prayers. Rev. E. R. Jwmi-es, Rector, in an earnest and thoughtful address stressed uecessity of high ideals amit the putting of God first in the individual as w'ell as theý national lf e of the people. SHAW'S SCHOOL Providence Farinera' Club met in Sizaw's School hous on Tuesday evening, May 26th, 'with Presideut Otto Bragg in the chair. Th~e feat- ure of the meeting wam the orator- ical or public speaking eontest, con- ceived, planned and encolaraged 'by Preside-nt Bragg himself. Six coin- petitors took part, three young- lad- ies and three young gentlemen. Mýisa Florence Ashton spoke on (Jo-opera-l tion and Co-operative Societieî ; Mr. Ross Lane on The Causes and Cure of Rural Depopfflation; IYis s Dorothy Allin on Sprnying in Ontar-. io; Mr. Hïsrry Crydernian on CanaIs; Miss Grace Bragg on Immigration; and Mr. Gordon Ashton on Pioneers of Ontario. The judges were MNr. W. C. Parsons, Ebenezer, Mr. M. J. Holman, Reeve of Clarkçe and U. F. 0. Counity DIirector, aud Mrs. Chas. A. Wight, Providence. Mns. Wight lu annouucing the decision of the judges, voiced the suggestion of ait three that in such eontests it would be better if the contestants did not take such big, heavy subjects, but chiose somiething simpler, use more originality, and get away from the recitation inethod. The awards were given to the third yonng lady -speaker, Miss Graee Bragg, aud to the first youug gentlemnan, Ross Lane. Each was presented with a richly bound volume of the po-etitai works of two standard poets. Busi- ness occupied a part of the time, and interveniug nunilers which were very much appreciated were the selectiona by the quartet, Messrs. Otto sud Wallace Bragg, Mrs. R. J. GilI and Miss L.eta Bragg, and the soprano solos by Mrs. R. J. Gi. Providence public sehool accoi- panied by the teacher, Miss Alice Werry, and quite a number of resi- dents of the section motored out te Shaws asat Friday afternüon and met the local bail players iu a liv'ely gýaie of base bail in Mr. Wmin. E. Gilbank's field, east Of the bouse, Mr. Milton Wight, Providence, um- pired the gaine which was witnessed1 by several Shaw's reaidents also. Shaw's won by 26 runs to the viait- ors 18.j Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton-: Dean Friands :-We, your relatives asud friends, have asseumbled bore oni this the twenf loth auuiversary of your -wedding t'o express te you our mat hearty congratulations. 1 u spending with yen a sociable, eveuing oe deaine te re-cail tIhe nany 1pleasaut meuries of twenty years age, aud te nenew the flaure which cousumnated lu that avent, the au- uivensary of which we uow eeIebrate. We aise wish te unite wlth yen iu oxpressing gratitude te s beuigu Providence for the bountiful aud manifold blas3singa which have been showered upon yen, sud lu the fer- vent prayer that yen îuay long be spared te celebrate 'wtl our fanrily muauy more auniversanies of thia your weddiug day. As a token of our esteenu we ask yen te kiadly aacept thls sot of China as a memeuto of thie ýoccasion. Signed on behalf of your frieuds _-Mrs. H. J. Babctoek, Ivina. F. J. Wight, Bort Jewell. At the riglrt instant Mrs. Hl. J. Babcoak lifted thre covernug which had concealod thon sud displayed the hauidsomo set of dinuer dishas sud teapet extra. Mn. sud Mmi. Ashton gratefrrlly tlankad the dou- ons and expressaçi their appreciation of their kiudly thoughts sud good wislres sud iuvited ail proseut, to con-e again sud dine off the ne-w dilînen set thoug'h presunaibly uot ail a tth esama tiine. Excellent con]- gratulatony sud oulogistic speeches were made b'y Bey. J. UJ. Robins, Mn. Geo. P. Riekard, Mn, Thos. C. Bnragg, Mn Thos. Treleavon of Beaverton, Mn. J. G. Langmaid, Mn. Herb. J. Baibeock, Mr. W. C. Allu su-d othèrs. Miss Edua Riekard sang saweetly "Love Seuda sa Gift of RoIses" sud Miss Grace Bragg favor- ed with a piano instrumentai sud aise played for the slng-ing of "Blest ba the tio that Biuda" Miss LiI- han Ciemeuce read lettera of greot- iug aud remembrauce frein Dr. sud Mrs. S. G. Clamnence, Victoria, B. C., Mn. sud bin. Robert Cleence, Toronto; Mn. snd birs. H. G. Martyn, Strtaford; Mn. sud Mrs; J. H. Camp~- bail, Whiteýwood, Man.; 'Mr. and Mrs Lawrenceansd John Ashton, No-w Westminster, B. C. Folloudung this cerernouy Bey. J. U. Robins penformed the rites of baîptisun upon Mn. sud Mns. Ashtou'sl youngest son Roy., The boys havlg fulfllled thein f arnily obligations ut the tables sud othenwiso, ne-w applied theinsýeives te a Victoria, Day demonstratioli of their ioynlty te the Empire sud hav- Ing combinad drein flnewoýrks ne- sources, treateà the assemblage te a fine pyrotechuicai dispiay. 1 tper- es on turb- Àii be ,-Laws IG New. be re- puit in ofe cf to NEWCASTLE CHINA WEDDING Mr. R. Crowthers is with Toronto 1 Mr a.nd Mrs. W. C. Ashiton Ce!.- -frieuds. brate Twenty Years of Mar-eied Life. Mrs. E. C. Fisher was in Toronto recentîy. On Monday eveniug, May 25th., t Mrs. W. H. B. White výisitedl Co- about six score relatives aud friends bourg friends. froni Oshawa, Bowmanville, Solina, Mrs.J Ulowvisted er roterNewcastle, Beaverton sud the section Mrs J glo viite lir bothrrouind about paid a surprise visit to E. B. Neal, P'oit Hope. the homne of Mir. and Mrs. W. C. Ash- Reluctantly we are holding over ton, Lot 1, B. F.,Drgo, "Lake- Newcastle churceh services. view Farn", and joined the bride Mr. Lorne Thomnas has gone te and groom of twenty years in the Rochester, N. Y., for the sumamer. celebration of their china wdig Mr. aud Mn. Johin Tuif, Torouto, By a previousiy coucertedl plan. the Sundayed with -Mr sud Mrs. Frank guests began to arrivea 'lc fBranton. and wvere receîved at the donr by Miss Muriel Bradley is hmefron two lovely gazelle like mnaideus, MViýýs Wroete, Trono, n(jothr wst-Lots Turner and Misa 'Mabel Jewoil Wxn oiets.ooto n thrw~-and .given a most hospitable and er oi. E iizo i , gracious welcom-ie by M nad Ms Mn.E.A lmponan gand1- Ashton' aud their family. Orle ahl dteistes Truondreg. t fimnportant eveut of the occasion w-as Di-thessDmud the ovening ieal. As ech sepan- Duigtepast week the Senaton)s ate contingent of the great family and tire Beav4ers have eachwo a gatherngg had broughlt along a god gaie. The Stars sre still iu total ly supply of provisions, the pan:tÏy1 eclise.bail taken on the appearance of au Presbytenianr ChutrchNate abundantly stocked wholesale bouse3 Il a. in. Newtonville 29:30 p. i. Bey of ready made easail a large sud1 Geo. Mason will preach. Subject- v,,aniedl assortîneut. Iu the cosy Week- Day Religion. dining-room suad big fa.ri kitchen Mýovip Pcturoe Show for school tables wene laid and sproad with a childrn will be held lu Communuilty lavishuiesa.s that. kneav no exhaustion Ral uFnidaty, June 5thj,, at 8 p. In. under the skilled mnanagement of Ail are welcome-uo admission fee. Mrs. . E. Jewell, Mrs. Thos. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Atkinson and Bragg and Mn>s. H. J. Babcock, ais- sou Joe, Jr., Toronto, called on Mnr ters of the bride Beautiful sprays sud Mrs Robt. Gibson, Dr. aud M-n' of rlchly red. carnations adonned Farucomib anid other fnieudas hene ou "each table. While the tables were 81-1 i CIa prepanation, the boys aud girls Sunday.worked up keein appetites iu the en- St. George's Church-Rector, Bey. joynrent of a gaine of bail in an E. R. James. Trnity Sunday, June opeul space iu the orchard. As &th. 11 a. mn.-Moning Prayer dusk camre on Mrs. Fred J. Wighlt, and Holy Communion. 2.30 p. ru. niece of Mms. Asbtoûn, sumimonied the -Suudany School. 7 p. ru.-Eveu- guests to tes lu order of seuiority ing Frayer. aud family relationship. Miss Edus Rickard and Miss Lillian, Clemreuce Mr. Wellington Foster sud sister waited on the ibride's table, and Mrs. Mrs. Wmr. Mclptosh are on s trip Eber Snowden sud Mis"e Leta to Pacifie Coast to be away three Turner, Florence Ashton and Mar- months visiting friendahin Victoria jorie Plunimen waited ou the second and Vancouver, B. C., Seattle, Wash., tabl e. And se for nearly three and other western points. lb&urs the festlvities went merrily, on, the places at the tables being elear- e Mr. sud Mrs. Geo. Warren mud ed aud refilled four or five tires. 0 Mr. sud Mms. Glover sud four Eeyn haviipg feasted, Mr. W. J. cblîdren 0f Toronto, have rented S. Roieadbigcoe hrmn Gate Hlouse lu Anladue Glen froni asked Mrard eing chos hnmane Dr. Farucomb for the sumnimer sud s-eated in the presence 0f their f the latter have already arrived. guests lu the large living-room, Mrs p The main resideuce of Camp Cep- Ashton weaning a lovely bouquet of n per Beech with its f rcsh coat of pink sweet pes, Mr. Rickard hap- c paint and other improvo-nients ne-w puly and apropriately oxplainod the o preseuts a veny bri-ht sud attractive why sud wherefore of ths faniily ne- t] appearauce. It will soon again be union, speal<iug iu highest ternis ofi t] L~hecenre o muh hppyjoyus praise of tle pnaniy admirable pereon- P lif e wheu the grotvps frein Torontol al qualîties_,of Mr. aud Mrq. Ash- o seeking fresh air sud changes be- ton sud thein estimnable family of ti ,in te arrive. fi jve mauly sontsuad their charming sj 1 daughter Florence, just blosioming _'U On Whitsunday, May 31st, a cor- inte omoaphood. He then ealle.d o porate communion of the A. Y. P. A. upon Mrs. Kennetb Gox, who read ai. wa hield at 8 o'ciock, when thirty the follerwiug address: M He Pol 6V( neg in HU ten 'J Me Sm anc Au AsI ens Sta and Ait lac( sp:ý and Sta W. mi Mi ga h ii liss the AI! lac4 Beý Tor Wlý Mns Bne sai Bno AUCTION SALE Saturday, Juiue 2th-Mr. W. M. Horsey 'will soîl by auetion the pro- perty knowu as bis late residence ,west of Vanstone's Mii Pond lu ýhe towu of Bowmauville, eoualstiug of 24 acres on which are a brick, rosi- douce sud a uew brick stable, well feucad, good well, about 120 fruit trees sud a lange quantity of nixed wood, eonsiatiug of cedan sud other ,Wood. Nover failiug streain of water. For particulars apply te thre owner. Sale Rt 2 P. n. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. FRIDAY hme 5th June 6th SATURDAY Ihree Uays of Unusual V alnueâ A Store f uli of prices that speak Weeks of preparation enable us to put on sale reliable gaoods at unheard of prices.. A splendid showing, of other need.. ed warm weather uines on display at our store, during these three days. You can save on these b ccinî, early. jThose in attendancýe at the Shea's Theatre Orcheýstra Concert Fnijdaýy eveniug, May 29th, iin Com--munity IHall -were nichly newanded for thleir tine sud expenditure. Mr. Fred- eiîck L. Culley, Dircètor of the On- cjmstra whrich is now commenjciiu,ýg iýts third consecutive season at Scai- boro Beach la a son-iu-sw of AMr. and Mnlr. Frnk Bennett, George St., sud it was chiefly thirough th-e ,-in- strumentalIity of thlein daiughte,, Missý Sadie Beninett that Newcastle folk, were all'orded an opIportun-ity of heaniluthieir owu village ths noted erganization of talentedmu- clansý. Their progran w-as of splen- dEI vaniety with abundance of bighit, suiappy mus;ie as well as-;the sedatoý sud sentimnental. There was soe- thing te please everylb-odly asudthe houns sped awý-,ay iu a. whirl of musieý, uniceasing excýept for a few mîiutes; interniiisîou. A num-ber of th e artists used tvowe sudthiree instru- ments; as the \compostious required. For instaniice, ouae would pla-y a fluite, saxophone and clanînet, sud anothier would substitute on occasion ia Cboe. Indeed, thýere were several intenesting featunes about the in- strumnentation. Ernie Bruce, versýatile novelt ' mnusician sud general entertainer, was accorded rounds and rounds ,-,of applause sud was hailed with dIelight every tme lhe appeared -with somne uew instrument, bagplpeýs, basa saxo- phone, haud-sa-w sud sevoral othens sme of a character, unknown te most of the audience; but hoe broughbt forth unmnistakably good music froni ahl of them. It was fine. BRIGHT YOUNG' LIFE CLOSEID F'aces Everetir 5tvens, Enniskillen Whiile the Sudl Schqel Festival was beiug enjoed at Enuiakillen on MIorday, May 25, an undoreurnent of sadness pervaded the festivities,. A Sunday School pupil, Frances Evor- ett Stevens, aged 13 yesrs, eider son of Mn. aud Mrs. Hoiward Steveng, had passed awaY that nîorniug. For six weeks ho lad been cou- fiued te beli-first witb rheumantic fever ,from which ho suffered much pair. Aften a brave struggle Of nearly five weeks, ho was ain est ne- covered, sud joy in the anticipation ýf bis beiug once more weil, filled .e hearta of the auxieus oee& But, tey were doomed te disappointint. Pneuinonia suddenly developed, au- )thon auxieus nine days foflowed aud Iaen the end came. His; yeung ;pnit "wiuged its flilght" te GoIu Uonday inomuug, My 25, a )'dock, aud Frank weiut homo te ha ind siug with the angele ferever- nore. "Frnk's" vary ceenysud most ,nsolfish disposition mraide hlm a uneral favorite. Ho had a desire ai- ays te be 'agreeable sud te pîease. oe wual espe-ciafly gifted with a fond- us ansd an aptitude for slinging, ossossing a sweat voice. He did verythiug-work or play-with a eacy alieity anrd an .uergy that iado hlm a leader among bis youug liends at sebool sud ehuewhepe. Thre funeral on Weduesday te lamPtOn CemoerY wam Iargely at- ýnded. Tihe service w.. eouducted r Rey. E. A. Behknap, paetor of the Tnited Church and Re-v. Gso. T. eKeuzie, Yarker, a former pagtor. 'The pall.'hearera lwere Wilbert nith, Milton Staluton, Harold runt, Kenneth Lamib, Fini. Stainton .d James Spny. The floral beârere were Madeline ':int, May Lamrb, Auidrey Donland, mie Oke, Doris Griffu sund Alice ;htou. There wene many floral tributes sl1uding: Wreath frein the fauiily; *eath, Mn. sud Mrs. Enoch Stev- s sud family; spray, Mr. James tainton; wneath, the Pubflic Soiool d teacher; piilows, -Mn. sud Mrs. 1bort Stainton, Mr. and Mra. Wai- ce Stainton, Mnr. KarI Potter; tisys, Mn. aud Mm., Will Staintoxu ýd family; Mn. aud Mrs. Herb. tainton sud family; Mr. sud Mrs. FH. Moore sud family, Mn. aud 'iâ. Fred Smith and famriiy, Dr. sud xs. H. Fenguson, Mn. sud Mns, Ed- ir Staplesand the Sunday Sehool ssgs. Deepeýst sympathy la extended te ýparents, bis sister Lawella, aud ,brother Gordon, -who feel thein ss very keenly. Those frein s distance sttending ifuneral included: Mn. sud Mre. 1brt Stainton, Mn. sud Mr,%. Wal- ce Stainton, Mn. asud Mrs. Elmoer yd, Mn. sud Mns. Arthur Steplens, uroute; Mn. aud Mrs. Chas. Rie, itevale; Mrs. Joseph Fenguson, rs. William Brout sud Mr. Wilmot ret, Uxbridge; Mis E. Cruick- anks, Poterboro; Mr. Fran-k R. rowu, Bo'wmauvilhe. Two huudned yards of 811lk Peu- gee, good heavy weight, sud of close even weav, Regular $1 yd. Sale Pric e 69C Ydà Gingham Bungalow Aprons A REAL VALUE GIVER No.XB2O-Ladiesý' Gînighami Al\-l-Over, Bungalow Apron, niade freiin gepd quajlityfac check sud plain giughiamsf, in a nice asseltinent of Blues, 'Pîik3 sud Helios; mi-ade with oee pocket, belt-strap ou ba ck, tape bound at neck; neally a bet- tan quality than the pnice Lin- plies; a lino usushly aold frein 95e te $1.00. During thlis Sale each Wonderful collection of beauti- ful Suininer Dresses at se-nsýibl)e pnîcos, Silk BProa'delothe, Cotton Bnoadcloths, Rhodien Crepes, Vol es, Mauy Novelty Mtnas Cotton Cropes, Linieis,. Make it youn business te see, tny on sud exam-ine these(, dresses. The sizes are very complete, pleunty of larg-e eues sud lots of Style tee. These Washi Dresses are priced frein 2Z98 to $27350 Wo are always glad te be at ýrour service without urgihg you te buy. Priuted Broadcloth Dresses made extra lange sud rooîny sa host of ciever individual styles. Thunsday, Fniday, Saturday, Very Special $2.9-S Womeu's AIl Cotton Hose, extra heavy spliced tees sud heeLs, iu Black, Browu sud White onfly Sale Price 25c a pair Well mnade Woel Crepe Skirts with a camnisole tep lu the popular shades of Grey, Brown, Sand, Black sud Navy, a special purch&se enables us te soul thesýe at $3.98 Boys' Printed Shirt Waists, No. XB,3O-Mýade frei goo'd quality printed shirting stripes in best sun-fast an~d tubfast ina- terials, band at w~aist, and bu-- tons and buttonholes, butto,.ed 'baud culi', 1 poeket, attached soft collar. Sizes 12 to 14. Reg- ularly sold at $1.15 to $1.Z5. During this Sale, each 89C ..,,- ' .~i;, ~ e- S.W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville 4 y ýt Very Smart Styles in Umbrellas TWO SPLENDID QUALITIES9 Both numbers come in several sýtyles of handles with heavy cerd arn hang-ers, celluloir4 ends, with white aud colored tips. You must see these te appreciate thorn. No. XB318--Good quality black cotton taffeta top, la a regular $&50 value. Durng Sale each $2.29- No. XBU9-Madle wlîth extra fine quality silk mixture cover, a superior unibrella througheut with silk case.. Regulariy Worth $4.00. Durng Sale esch $2.69 Infants' Muslin Bonnets A WARM WEATHER NEED FOR BABY No. XB21-Made frein a very flue quality sheer mnuslin, nicely sbaped, euihroidened turned ,back edge, with cohored ribbon sud beading -with lace frill, two long muahin ties. These coure in sizes 13', 14 sud 15 inch. They usually seli for 60e or 65c. During this Sale each 39e Socks for the Kiddies AT AN EXTRA LOW PRICE No. XB22-Kiddies 1/2 -hength cetton socks, made of fine Mvaco yaru, especially geod for its wearnug qualities; (perf ect) goods) turued dowu top, seani- iess feet, in a large variety of colors, sucb as-Shut;ter Green, Cadet, Peach, Maize, Helio and Sand. Sizes frorn 5 te 8 36. Regularly sold at 30c te 35e. Duxing this Sale, per pain 17c Boys' Play Suits SPLENDID NUMBER WHICH WILL SAVE CLOTHES No. XBE23-Msde frein good quality olive kbaki colored dnrili buttoued at back, uicely tnim- iued witlr red drill on peekets, belt sud ineck; double sewn on seana throughout, two poekets, iii sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 sud 6 years. A negular $1.00 lina. Duâring thka Sale each 69c A Real Boys' Brace STRONGER THAN THE ORDINARY MAKES No. XB24-M-ýade ,freinsplendid ýuality of elastie- we4sbiug -witli solid leathon ends, strong matai baclc. This lan a unusually streug brace sud wil stand the wesr, made iu diffeent cohored stnripes. IRegularly priced at 25c. Duniung this Sale, per pair The Latest Styles in Umbrellas FOR SUNSHADE OR RAIN No. XB17-The ne-west thing ia Ladies' Umibrellas, a splendid ass-ortinent of new style handles wýýith heavy arn cords, short celluloid ends -with white and colored tips. The eover is made of good quality cotkon taffeta; you would usually pay up to $3 for this. During this sale, each $1.95 Boys' Underwear ATHELEIC COMBGINATION STYLE No. XB29-Made from nice quaiity check tiainsook, well miade throughout, elastie gusset at back. Iu sizes 24, 26, 28, 30 sud 32. Regular 90c value Special per suit 69C TIlURýSDAY, JUNE 4th., 1925 SI-IEA'S ORCHESTRA CONCERT English Broadcloth Blouses, Regular $3.00 value in White and Natural shades only, Sale Price $1.95 Extra Special for Thursday morning. Ten only Woren' s Polo Cloth Coats, fuUly lined and of the very smartest 'styles, Regular $19.,5 value, Thursday nlorning while they last ________$7.513 Mercerized Lisle Socks %4 AND 3% LENGTHS No. XB314-Kiddies' Mercerized Socks, a manufacturer'% over- inakes (perfect goods), com- prising 94 lengths in liis witha plain legs and colored tops, and colored legs with striped tops and plain colors; also plain col- ons in fancy derby rils, 34 length, in sizes froin 7 to 9 36, 136 lengVh in sizes 5 to 8 'A_ Regularly soid fromn 45e to 55c. During thig sale, each 234z Cotton Huck Towels AN EXTRA GOOI) SIZE No. XB15-Size 18 inches ,vlde 41y 36 iuches long, muade of an extra good quality fine cotton huck, bar striped border with hemmed edge. This size and q'uality usually sold for 4i5c. During tihs sale eac.h 29c Men's Summer Soek Opportunity ART SILK AND LISLE COMBINATION No. XB16-Drop stitch effects, mnade in good quality of art silk over lisle giving both good ap- pqarance and wearing qtiali- ties. In colors grey, -audi, ibrown and black, in sizes 10, 1036 ýand 11. Regular 50c, while they last. During this Sale per pair 1

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