HMOU is pure, Try it. en GREATER LEAGUE 0F NATIONS JBy Cha. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denvr, Colorado. Under the pact betwýveen Great Britai2n and France, which must be extended, however, ta Gerimany andi ather states of Europe, the League1c of Nations becomes a meal world-Z power by reason of the faet that under the broad plan envisaged in the present understandings, the League is ta be the repository of the pledges ofth nations involved, and2 it will rest with the org-anization to i see that they are fulfilled in spirit.c Firsit af ail, the FeaLr-Thoughi't is t ta Ibe exercised from France, if thisc can be effected through textual, t 14 a BAKERY tried Moir's Chocolate Puzzle senclosed with each bar. Tells edan Car, a Pony, a Bicycle, or a Dcolates. Get one to-day, JACOBS & HILLYER The Candy Shop ssors to Christie's Bakery Bownxanville state occu- id ar- fonod .urther German ag o ciffers ec. 'abroad in whicli the later i (v e is t o b e broughlt produe erecognition to the For t s an equal of the in the the League of Na- not on a requisite-, as we -wards ?oialte'd out, dlue to set thi lismi of econ amies, nient1 ane of the main grain Iless chain. ibe nie be European neace mark; YOU NEED TI LTIONI CH-H. CNewtonvi home- BAN K V. Lapp, Manager le. Oron, Osaw unrest miove, ut to- remnrrh the ex- PIAN-OS ker's Qual ity Meats ulUU must have a n( )eCause ail the treý Bowmanvîlle ice. KNOW E4 -ought ,S anE ASSORTMENT large and growing bus been built on the founé -Service. irom -Lac Gerinany il scheirn muset be . ntie, 'iu JuteLvb<, Anticipated 's pretty hard to knqwv just what to serve ais these hot days. But if you corne to our nd see the host of appetizing things to eat, rnmany cases ail ready to serve, you wiil find oblem easiiy solved. peaking of prices, too, many of our eustorn- us our regular prices are equai to and often han so calieci "Speciai Prices". et us MIl your next grocery order and be- con- ,of this fact. W. G. N E L L'ES CO 0 . Groceries and Provisions a Building Phone 62 Bowrnanville E-Ieaxduar itersît Ail Garden TOOls, viz: [n possessiîon of the coast l entions have mnade the E im ne]. a narro-w creek, and iSea itself has been narrow rthe new agreenient, Bri ntees protection ta Germj st an aggressive combinat )wers. -As bas beeri thec the Napoleonic wars, that is tL'le balance a1 power,-ý name!e.sete rror mind a)nd ail for thec uplift SIcno Detter. Sweý,cet and p alat abýle Mother Gra-ves' Worm Exterini-ator is sc- iceptable to children, and it does its iw\Tork- surely and promiptly. HOW ABOUT A TOWN PXRK? This has been a m-ooted question annunlly for many years. In The Orono News the Bowm-tan-ville scribe Scarcity of Coa With a general coal strike facing Canada and the IJ. S. cornrnecng next September we have been urged by our sales com-pany to iml3ress upon our customers the real need an'd import-ice of ordering their next winter's coal immediae. We pass this information on to you and suàgà that you act accordingiy. Lowest prices for ca for the year are now in effect, so that it willb econorny as well as forsight to fill your coal bins in April. We handie only higli grade Lehigli Valley Anthracite-in ail sizes. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND ROOFING We are fully equipped to suppiy at the lowest prices ail kinds of Builders' Supplies including Caniada Cernent., Gyproc, Asphaît Rooflng, etc, J. A. HO%.LGATE & S"ON Phone 153 Bowrnanville INSURE YOUR AUTO there are 1the situi lonas are insi ,le ili'LI 1iiJ)li4; 5an bce seen in beehive-in a ,i imta the land that Germiany mjhpi the nat E ýT C., Y SCREEN ON & lardwas. -Quafly ite, this is now mtiement and hangedl, sa *aissured for ai] consequence, t I be ýuseci on tlie west of Mrs.' Chyst- t ie's residence. Chances are thatà S not muelh more shipping- will be danéi from- the harbor, s0 naw is the tie ta get busy with somecthing ti-at will be a' eniefit to the town and a pIeaiý- ure ta the patrons. With a reg-u- i, ar bus schedule no reason w%ýhy it ewould not pay, if the fare was reas- Sonable. We understa'nd since witing the fabove that Rotaria'ns, Cham-ber af Commerce and Town Council, have taken hold ofI'the job and intend putting t through on a proper bus - mess basis. Somne citiZens ha ve offered work wvith teanis to do the levelling necessary, and ut is said a long Jlease of the property can be had. May it soon materialize. Sunday la-st there were dozens of autos from far and near parked promiscuously about the grounds and ntany people walked down for the cool breeze. Freedom froni Asthma. Asthnia is ane of the most distressing troub- les, suciden in its attacks' and pro- long-ed in its agonies. Frequently many things are tried, but nothing seenis to give hope of relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asth-nia Remedy is flic one help which can be depended up- on. If you have tried other rne dies vithout succeses, do £o ai. t get ai once a package of this uni- formly successf-ul preparatin You may be the rnost exacting driver-but circmstances and the other driver are beyond your control. For Ail Kinds of Insuiraiice Consuit J. J. M ASODN 8&cSO0N Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. TE., Bowmanville Niu~ FrRED MITCHELL ,171