DAUGHJTERS AND MAI _ I'I -+ n' 1TnR~I kMENTION -r-- 0F NGLAND A Most enjoyable evelhînc waa spent on Thursday, June 25, -vher. a. surprise of about 80 viitimg offi- e&s and rueniers, inlididng the Di)stict Dceiuties of Oshixia and Whitby, was spîung UPO!i Lodgc Duihams No. 28 of Bowmin ville, by Lodge Enipreýss of India, Oshawa, and Princesa May of Whitby. After tic business and inspirimg and inteîesting speeches by thc vis. itiug officcîs were madc, an Ideai social evcing was spent with iccita- tions, songsanmd pianfortep~ solos be- ing rendeied. Refreshmcpts, in- cluding ice creain, were served by the visitinig membeis, 'wlich'brougIIt a. vciy pîcasant evening u ic is , 1 'xitir ad..leu i l ilo>1H I tý£ As our readers know we seidom publiali a -sermon owing to laekz of space but this week wc arc giving them a chance to renad a sermon for t-%wýo good reasons. Fist, because thc man who delivcred this address is a native of Duîhaem County, brother of oui venerable citizen, IRe v. W. C. Washingtom, M. A., and secomdiy and miaily because of the maciy good points amd sane adice and helpfui thoughts and suggestions it 1ontains. Wc hope cvcry reader will answer for hiiiseif and lierself mny of thec questions cotained ini the address. Pecihapa oui older icadeis will re- n-iemý-ber the preacher better as Rev. Aiomzo R. Washington of Solima. tory of ILouge Luîrsam rfo. 28 to a GOODYEAR WORKERS' PICNIC close. Mra. J. Herrimg i Wortiy ____ President Lodgc Durif, and Mis, Scarbaro Beach Scene of Lif e and A. A. Moses, Woithy Sccretsiry. Joyful Day at Annuiza Outing. Goodyer amnuai outing to Scar- BLACKSTOCK boro Beachi Park ou Satuidqy, Julie 2.0, was a great day's fun especially Anglican amisiveiaary services for tic kiddies. So miany of tie, werc well attcnded Sunday withi Rev employeca and theis' famiilles wet Mr. MacNarnara, Toronto, preaching. that extra busses had to bc engaged On1 July bt 01cm Major giri l mmdand tieIat bus te icave tic park mcmn'a softball teani play Blackstocký for Bowiniavillc left nt iuigit, girls" mmd me's teainircapectively; but the rnajoiity of tic people ai- aiso a basebaîl match Janietvil!e vs. îived home betwecm 9 mmd 10 O'ciock. Blackstock foIowed clby a tea amd Tic day was fine amd wirm with grand concert at ni'git by Ionie Maie a cool breeze foi tic bomieward Quartette of Ministrels. Journey. Mnny took ticir owm Iu a closely contested icague gamle cars whicb -was a great ielp te tihc on Satuîday evenimig oui boys held big niotor busses. tic fast Yeiveiton teami to a .1-- The park to tic Goodyear people tic w\ithi the fiatÉ 5 inninga scorcless. waa free, tiey oly had te show On Juiy 4til at Puiple Hjill, Blac- ticir badge te tic geatekeeper. stock play Hlomeydmie, an exhibition fil tic foremoon tlie place was game in aid of tic Orange Hal ie te amy cmud te enter amd take building fund ........ Many of Ourinluamy of th i iecsiows that were people attended tic fumerai of Mis-. openied for business, amd tiec on- John Sanieils at Nestleto .... Mr. Sequenice Wns ticre were sonie N. S. McNaily and Mi. mmd Mis. Joa. tiousands lu evidene aimd te tiose Forder visited friends ut Bancroft. froiclire it waa a red letter day . ..Blmckstock sent d owa a piclc up in their young lives. teani amd lest te Yeiverton last Fil- Wbem tic sports werec afied it cjay cveuing at a garden party- wms imposisble te corral tic Good- 8-5. iyear youngsters and hst part of tic prograni wns abandoned for a SOUTHDARLIGTON more conveient season Yieaier SOUT DALINTQN homne, wiici will iikeiy be in .tic Agricultural Park or tic Hligh ~Report for June of S. S. 3, Dar- Sehool grounds. Eingto : -A game of softball was playedl »Jr. IV-*Edward Foley 77, *-Fler- betwcenm a teai of girls frein thet cuce Beunett 76, Joseph Kusi 60. Toronto factory amd tic Bowrnian-S Si. II-*va Foey 85, *Leah ville plant, but oui girls werc mot Bell 78, Frank Lame 41. lun it wltýi th e city siassica. Jr. III-*Waistei Blieldbutrn 89, i MAtcrwards tic Dunlop girls mmd1 Ethel Hopips 59, Greta Lame 58, Dor- tic Leaders thie girl n uBlue and otiy Rundie 56, Lewisi Rumdle 43,, 1tic Leaders lin Red gave as snappy a( tFreda Attîce 39, -j'Bloss Camplieli game of basebal as eue could wisi, f 34. but the Biue won eut. Tic plary- Sr. Il-*Ronald Love 85, Bilcen ingl of tiese gýirls wms a reveintin Mopy50. te tic visitera from tis place as fair Jr. II-ýFlorece Folcy 81, Bes- as softball playimg gees.c sie Blackbhurn 68, Editi Daîziel 6.)6, One feature of tic day's doinga Gordon Camipbell 61, J-Norai Wood -,vs tic splendid dancing by a muni- c 14 J. 1-WnleGbo 7 A, ber of youmg girls, wlici took place c Jr, ~..*Winie ibsn 9, * in uthc large Baud Stand, uni te sina Kush 94, *Anmie Kusi 83, Wui- tiose who were se foitunate as to e ea 'bur Blackburn 66, Eunice Lame 58, lu that part of the grounds at that o Hazch Hoppa 54. 1tme it wms a fine exhhiition: H-igi- a P'r.-Bohbbie Gibsen, Lily Love, land. drauce.s, Spanisi and other n- IG Hazci Roberts, Bermice Roberts. tionalitica. 5~~~Hoeur; -Fiîlue;Figure. A prograni -was given Of musical ElmOe eentg.mibcrs in tic afterioon mnd'c Extra specimil values ln Mcn's cvcning- by Shera's Theatre Orchestra eJ Bathilg $uits. Couch, Jeinston& which was npprcciated by tiose whoa Crydermam. heard tieni. Towards evcmimg tic different t WEDIGbusses began te load up for tic re- V( JUNE EDN turin îourney. We have mot hiea.rd Gillespie-Edgerton of! amy accident dusrng tic d ay te - mer tic plleasure of! tic Occasion., e Andre's Pesbycria~ teSeverai tow7napeopie took, a trip c St. nrw rsbtra Chuici, t Summyside, and in tiat westend %À7hiVlby, attrilctvely decorated wsth 1arausemient parki centre, tic Tfoi- rune flowers, wns et 3 o'clock ýounte Daiiy Star wms hoat te inn- S Satupclsy ns!terne on, tice scemie of dreda of the city chilîdren who were0' a ery pretty wcddimg, whcp Misa havingeue greet day of sigît-secing A( Eimma Ethel Miay, eldeat daugiter iid pléasure. Takimg it aIl areuud a f Mr. and Mis. Gee. Gillespie, it wms ccrtainly a chiidrei>'a day luni Whitlby, becamie tic bride Of M-i. Toiento mmd remimdcd onIe os!'ticer< ohmi Herbert Edgertom, Wiitby, C. N. Exhibition inluthat respect. ' iii ecenid son of! Mr. mmd Mis. Herbert _____Si A]dgcrtom, Bewnimmwville. Wi Tihe cerrculeny was performred by DARLINGTON DOCTOIR IN KOREA ist Jie Rey. Mi. Davis, Fenielon l Iafo vhiha Mr. Robert Nicholson, Osîaýwa, 'Jr. Fournd Planse Weekly Clinïcs In a,, lmayed tic. wedding im-usc. Dur-1 Korean Out-Points Po ng thc sigming of the register, Miss Dr. Nenmlan Feumd, of Bowmian-_ )ûrotby Agg, sang vcry swcetiy ville, a miedical nisinary of the 'Because". The bride entered tic metiodiat Episcopal Chiurer of tic h eslaming on thc mini of bier United SUatesIctdlKngu atier mmd hookcdcirnim in a K' orca, is planning te erg-anize a ,Tt, rJite satin weddlng gown trimmed numiber of climicsaut eut-points le- icý Vith silver beadîs, ici white tulle yomd tie city lu whicl ibeia s i,ý i ail fallimg graccfully froni a wreath leadq1aarter7s, accoiding te a report BI ýf oranige bloarsonis. Sic cariied a mmdc te tic Board of Forëigp Miýs- cir hower bouquet of Oplhelia roses mdsiens 0f the Metbodist Episý-Copal faý lies of tic vmley. Misa Ethel Churrhinl New York City. arý luiba-,rd, Toronto, cousin of tic There are six main ronds leeding - ride, waa maid of bomor mmdwrm ntKogu The plan is te sýelect c dress of Biickduist satin witb bat a village wýitli a cburi about five t rid -1-o'a tet match. Missý Elsie Ed- tep, imiles eut mlomg mach rond md ýerton, sister o the groomi, wanohd there cîhulcas on regular scie- A nidesmaiid mmd worc n g-own of ulease otint tic, people os! tic R] ,union, pimk geongette crepe , trilII_ý-ombuntiysidc may depemd upen tic Or cd with geld lame mmd -weuore n black place te bc aervcd on a regulai date G mce bat. 'Boti carriicda)vowr yitiir Dr. Poumd orhils Korcan t ýouquet of pînk carnations amd assistant. This a n experilent lun Do iýaidn-ilaIr ferin, Two wimsorne lit- niedical out-stations whic iba prob- FOI le fiowcýr grs sisters Os! the bride, ably mot bemu tîicd on amy etiici Ouý se attcnded tic bride, bti wear- mission field. Do ig pîmk satin dresses tri-iirned In a recent itimerting trie os!pi'] îti rose bucis ai-d barricd a baýsket aout 200 miles lu ti' tcriltory Su fswcet peas and lilies of thle valley. Dr. Fpund discovcrcd m'mny sinna'iltir( lie groom waa aupported by his villages w h i., bsesrvices were very miil rnthcr, Mr. Joe Edgertor, New Toi- ,weione. Going- frini village te m n( nto, and MVr. Norman Gillespie nnd village lhe p;rforimed many 'miner- r. F. Hunter actcd as naliers. and major operatieus, most of! tlhenilse] 1 At the close of tic cerelony, tic having te lie donc lu tic street, lie- a appy couple was presoutcd yitbi a dause tiliie was no elimie te wl,îci "T eautifuil Bible, by the officiais os! the patient mugit bie taken. Uc litt le cinici, tbis bcimg the fiast carried aloug -with hl1 w lreW Dtiphe to be miarr4ed lu thêý chuici boxes os! medicime and tiey wýeie pu] ie it became tic Cemtinuimg Pics- practically ecmpty wien lie retuined Wlc yterimnu Ii.ch. te Kom-Ju. NE, The rm' git to ]bisbride was T'&, F -rd a brthr ofMi.W--,111 ' a t s tl 'I j]n wi of Ti b, on îa be t by a] M r h th at ha ai th( dri sic. Ahl hope to hear th-ese l ,a ,d- r sing again. Mlrs. E. C. Fisher diai iyed the pianio a-companimemts. e'nd CARD 0F THANKS06 1re Sj Wiii the friendp a.nd neighbors of 'I late Mis. Thos. Peters, Hamptoni, diar ptthe grateful thankss of the 1, t miiy for thelr ldniess and gifts 608: flowers to deceased. Daugliter (>22ý iSons. corr m. màýtIL& d~eidn C, JULY' 2nd., 1925. The Nýewîcý r THURSDAY NEWCASTLE Mr. Wmi, A. Lake, Jr., had a successful day's fisblng at Rice Lake. Misis Lena Clark, Ric1hester, is vis-1 iting at hier brother's, Mr. Merkley Clark. Mrs. W. L, Burnliam, Cobourg, is visiting lier daughter, Mrs. D. J. Gibscrn. Miss Hilda Gibson attended the Huil-firope weddiýng- Wedniesday,, at CGrimisby. Mr, W. H-. B. Chaplin las re-miodel- Iing his barns and putting in h-ay forlk traeks. Miss Firancis Thorne, New York City, bas been guest of Mrs. D. J. Gibson, Hazel Dell Farmi. ~Mr. Dircktson, Toronto, -wvs a guecst of 'bis son, Dr. R. 0. Dicksoni and family, s.ui-nmiering- at Barkum Hall. Miss Lillian Smnale, Sauît Ste Marie PublieSchool teaching af bas been guest at Mr. W. C. Biack- burn's. Farmers are busy in hay harvest- ing,-somIe cutting- and curing- eithier sweet ciover, red clover or alfalfa which is ln ineceasingly popular crop. Ju-inior Leaguers, acco.mpanied by thieir Superinitendent, Mis. (Rev.) E B. Cooke, hadf a jolly timne Saturday afternioon, pcnc in nthe -Misses Thomipsoni's grove. Mr. MUcKee, Cobourg, accomip-iiedi ,y Mr. Gurry and sister, Miss Mary Gurry wvere weekend guests of his brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. Singer and e niece, Miss Janie Singer. Postponcd general meeting of WVest Durham ArutrlSociety wiii be held on Friday evening, July Lth,, at 8 p). m. ( staindIard time .1 Please nlote chiange mn date.S Farmers who drew loga to Mr. C. J. Thornton's saviw miii, Orýon-o, hadl tie satisfýaction of dîawýing 'home orne nice loads o~f lumber, thie lin- ised prodluct of the m-1iii. Miss -Myrtie Pascoe anid sisterb Einn, Mrs. Kiing and Mr,:. Warîng* ?,oronito, came to Copper Beech C Camlp on Saturdayv and got rea1dy , for the first consignmiient of Freali ,lii seekers who cameMod-8h iothers anid childien. Mis. Wmi. lHuter was hostesa r ,ver the weekend to lier son, M1-1i. Joe [unter, Mis. Hlunter and two f -hildren, B_-elleville, Miss D)orothy,7 arof the same city lis also visit- V7 ilg lier granidmrother, Mis. >Hunter y- it whvIose homne other guesta av cep Mr. and Mrs. PercyRasr ind M-s. Wni. Hlunter, Jr,., and son n Th4e afternioon ten at Mrs. S. Boa-n lai on Sattuîdaly was inoat eýn-j >yblc affair extending w eli into thie pc ýening1. About si:xty guestýs, ladies,1e:ý id gentlemeni, wre present. During ci, ie funetion _Mus. Fiank Braintpn Iid( Misýs Edna Rickard favored wIthle iraI solos ani Misses Raye Deline, M inniie Pearce, Marion Rickard, 'ý 'iinnifîed Rickard anid Phyllis Clem.. Si irce each in turii regafed thosýe pies-f nt witli pianio selectiors. MIilI Street United Churcli Sundcaym chool wijIl h l aivcîsary services iSunday, July 19. Uxbiidge Ault Bible Class whirh proved sucb delîglit and inspiration at the ani-Pl ivcrsa-ry services two years ago 'bas gr, spon-,ded graciously to an earniest vî7tation fîom thýe local Sunday vT e hool Board and will ag-ain be here lui th s-peakers, 1 orcestra and výcal- Le s. Everyonc who heard theni be- ,r las oftien expressed a vish for dei other opportunity-nlow thie op- trc rtunity is comng. sis in. LADIES' AID FESTIVAL of' The very exc ellent Progr, am huîsday eveniing pîoidd y Ld e 'A-'id Conmittec, Msae E. C. isher, W. J. Moore and Franki ranton with the strawvberr-ies amiDe 'ýam_ wais a succeass in spite Of 1un- mi ivorable weatheî. ConitribuLtig wi btists -were Mis. R. J. Gil1, Bow-ý thë anville; Ms S. W. Suttoii, New- _te;Mrs. Hlaîry Rowe and daughi 'Dorotliy, Orono; Mixed Quartet ter Mcssýrs. W. F. Rickard and Haýrold c ;i ORONO ITEMS 1 rom The News of June 25th Strawberry Festiyjal at Kirby «July 5th nind 6th. Pr. and Mis. Patterson made business trip to Brantford. Great croýwds attÉpndad sale e late Edua Fowler on Satuîday, Annual garden party of Unit( Chuich Friday cvening, Jïuly 3rd. Mi. C. B, Wood of Standard Bar staff is on iolidlays at Mýidland. Miss Thelma Martin lsaet Pete boro Hospital to train for a nuis, Màrs.ý Charles Cunimgis, Toront. visited Mi. and Mis. John Rickab: Mis. L. Paterson, Bowianvili visited bier niece, Mis. Peter Laina( Miss Viola Gilfllan enjoyed a vjý it from b er college friemnd, Mis Stinson. Miss M-ary Somnerville passed 2n ycar exama in Arts at Toronto Uni versity. Mis. Wr-n. Maguaire, Bowm1-anviik( la, at lier brother's-in-aw, Mi. Jaý Mag-uire. Mr. Joe Willianlisom arrived ir Toronto from Cuba mdira expecte( in Oiono. Mis. J. E. Richards is in Toronts with lier daug-hters, -Mis. Moat in( Mira. Duf. Orono Canning Factory §tarted caaning peas lest week amd expeci e good run. Mi. Percy Lawîie and companmý were at Rire> Lake and had rccoid] day's fsig Mr. A. S .Touiee amd dauliter, Vllsi ElXma, miotored do-wm from Toir- an1t o amd visiý(,d his sisters. District Orainge Lodg-e of Clarke wili attend service at Newtomville Sunday, July 12th at 3 p. mi. Fricmds of Mi. Ralph Stutt, Sr,-ý wili be plcased to learm of bis mach mnprorved condition of health. Mi. Loule Junker had a pain- ful accident at Creunmery-heavy block of ire dîopped onis tocs. MisMary Davey and Mr> Roy Coipisli hiv:in conipfleted their term-i tr Peterboro Normal have ietuined iornle. Mi. and iMis. Peîcy Lawiie haive retuîmcd to Detroit ýand Mis. Bar- stend, Toronto, is flire with lheT atdher. Mi. H. E. Milison who lias a i- ci(' fox faim liere ls bt ah bhis oung pupa fîomn pawrasites im the )oW"ýl s. M\eýsrs. Elgin Scymiour and Ken- ieti Ganisby have taken positionsi i Harry Alim's grocery store, B'ow-i nanvil'e. MisMryKnox amd Mi. Pier- oint Arstromg pass'Çed 3jrd yeas%ý cma et Tor onto, University, fori-1 ýrwiti honora. 1( Mi. Rod Mray is imoticiand sie two sisters, Mis. -Mdimmis amd ýlis. McLean of Eldon, viaited ticir ister, Mis. D. T. ln Mi. aild Mis. W. H. Spry and mîily of Sit. Tiomias, visited at L es- ard. Biliy <nonduets a fioursishbg cant business of bis owm. Pupils and teachers of Crookedi reek and Stark-villc schools held a ionir at Cîooked Creek srihool rounds on Monday aftermoonr. Miss Hlilda McCutcheom, Central elcphome Office, la with is.Cum- iing at lier sunii cottage nie ir sfroy, Lake Siýmroc onhody. Miss Christine Waddeil who -un - erwent a critical operation ut Mon- c,ai, lias gome, acýcomlpanyimg lier stcr, M(rs. Millig-an, to iirhom'e Cmigary, AiVm, Mi. Robeit Wamnani took a car Estock to Toronto amd was taken 1,mud is oeepogited to bc, in a nous condition. His brother, Jas. ent to the city Monday. Friday evcning, July 3, -Miss Coin eFoe, Eiocutionhirýt, Toronto, mnd r. Ccýcii Lyneaýs, Baritone, Toronto, Il1 be the chief entertaineis et le Garder) Party liere July 3rdl. Mvi. TPhos. Vinson la ivitli is ais- r, Mira. M. L. Travelhielire mmd ýpecta to spcmndà a day in Bowrnan- le renewîmg acquainiltances of old Iper Canada Furniituic anid Ba1id lys. Kiîby anmiveèrsar2y serviecs-are on iy Sti and 6th. Rer. W. H'. mîgo, Bowmanvilie, will p ech !I. laie by Sunldayu Scbool Choir. 'Mon- ly a strawberry festival will bel 1d and Miss Slecp, Osiaw,do- Whom could yo-u seli today? -by Long Distance Thene, have beeni startling chaniges in selling methods ini the ma-t t-wo y Nrs ew wmsof fnha ciles- tomners, ofgetting at every po»Uibl bTerare beng de- vised every wveek,. Obstacles are bking brushred aside. Presenit day buIsiness,, to secure resuits, turni te]Long Distance as Yits uil id. Wc arie-now hiandling con- sideiably over o ne imillion LonigDistanice caî,ls amonth for p ,)e110e w ImSt have an aniswer immandiately. Tbey realize that tic average letter resta s mcas tic aver- age Long Distanice messaLge. Whom could yeucl ,SCoday by Long DýStasscc? I _________________________ Picnjc Supplies, PLATES, CUPS, NAPKINS TOWELS, TABLE CLOTHS Peper Plates, 5 and 5c per dozen 6' i .,, ST. GEORGE'S NEWCASTLE The Address Presented to Miss on PhoeIe Brock, B. A. aThc report of the piesentation to Miss Brock that appeared on New- ofcastle page at wcck wes in type be- fore thc address reachecd this offie, hiavimg been sent carier in the wcck d by oui regulai correspondent. This'k the address tiat wais rend Ik by Miss Beatrix S. Mclmtos;h, tlic presentation beimg rmmdc by Misa r-Aresta Martin: e. Dear Miss Brock:-Wc, the mcm- ), bers of tic Womien's Auxîilaîy amd Y. of thc A. Y. P. A., and other, mem e, bers of St. George's congregation ~.hav;e met biere to-iighit to express to syou our i nccre regret tiat you are 4ab out to leave us. For tic paat year you have been ssociated wý,ith ASt. George's congiegation amd have dtaicen a keen interest in tic various -departmcmts of oui ciurcli's work, fiast lu tic choir from whic-1 you shave scarcely ever been absenit and whcîe youî hieip bas been appreciat- ed, amd youî voire been tic mneans -i of girving- pleasure to us ail; againi, in (1 the Sumday Sciool wliere you have been au invaluabie assistant and to 0tic support of whici you have moat 'gemerously cotributcd; also, as - President of tic A. Y. P. A. te which - society you have given freely of your spare tune amd active intereat. For thi cheerful amd willimg -ser- vices in ouri*cuîci'a -work, se un- stintimgly given, we wisli to extend to you oui icarty thanka. We sn- cercly regret that ltitue lias coej wlien thie se pleasant associatiojn have to bce sevcred. Wc asic you to accept tuis gift as - a mark of oui appreciation amd re- gard, amd wc wisi you bon voyagej and ail future happimieas and sU(rces, ; in your 11fle work. Sigmcd, R. A.*Jme, Prleidet W. A. ; J. E . Matcliett, Rector's t Wardem; D. J. Gibson, Peopie's Werden; Hanuai Farmeomib, Organi-I lat; Beatrix S. MeIntosiý; R. LeGres- lcyv, Ser'y A. Y. P. A.; E. R. Jms Rector. in rcsponding Misa Brock feelinig-1 ly tlianked those wlio hidý thuail shown their goodwiil t,9wardl lier. Duîing tic evemîng a solo was remdered iy Mis. F. Branten and a duet by -Mis. Jarnieson and Mis. Howard. After a happy social tirneli refresbmcints were scrved and ticI cvcmimg fittimgly brougit to si, close 4 by the siniging of tic hymu "God beI witi you tili wc mi-eet agaîn" and ticei National Anthem, amd thie Beniedict- I ion pîonounced by tic Rector. j Big 20 Bookstore1 i Jeddo Highland Coal is the best grade of An-. tliracite Coal mined in the A trial order 'ill vince yo. con- IG eo. Jamieson Newcastle Ont. INVESTORS f A very exiceptiomal opportunity la offered to a linited number of investors. Big dividends as sured. Apply Drawer B, ]3ow- maniville. 27-3 When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRYr-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store whý1'ere it will receive prompt attention and you wili get good value. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & GrOcer Newcastle 4; I I -i V~ MEDI1CAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D.,, C. à& Graduate of Trillity University a1s of Royal College Physician, di burg. Speciaty-Diseases of Womý en and chlidien. Offce-Pa fir' Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univîersity Fellow of Tiity Medical Coliege Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matlriuateo f the Posi.. pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Mediejne. Office --Mis. McNaughton's Residence. Newcastle. Hors-8 to 10 a. M., 1 to S3 p. ni,, and by appointment. Dîinkiug Cups .......S. for 5c Table Nsapkima....3c foi tloc Outing Sets..........25e set Wax Paper.3 relis for 1.oc W. T. Allen S. W. Mason& Son "THE H-IUSE 0F VALUE"y We venture to say thýat our large stock of Summer Dresses present the miost outstanding values; th-.e smartest styles and the m-ost com- prehensive lot of beautiful fabrics it Is possible to off er at prices that are truly re-sonabie. Styles illustrated show the slenderizingu effect of Dresses styled by Billie Burke featurini-g: Broadcloths, Linons, Voiles ,Rayons, Printed Crepes., Crepes Romaines, Wash $ilks, Bedoras, Ginghams, in ail the new shadeà and the newest styles. SPECIAL OFFER 0F BROADCLOTH DRESSES In many styles, coloirs and ail sizes 16 to .16, $2.98 S. W. Mason &bon Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 BownianvilleJ LAKE SHORE, CLARKE S. S. No. 2 Proaiiotioni Examina-ý tion Resuits: Jr. iV to Sr. IV-Eînest Weicli 83, Renneth Wilson. Si. 111 to Jr. IV--John Hendîyn 81, Bella Wilson 72, Jack Hliles 66, Biliy Rowiý7and 65. Jr. 111 to Si. lIlI-Annabelle Hendry 76. Jr. Il to Sr. II-Ruth Hoimes 68, Olive Jaiynes (sicli), reeconmejndedl Pr. C-Alec Hlendîy, Neta Allun. Pl. B-Allan Clark.ý Pr. A-JIohn Mitchell, Floyd Pow- ell. AIianý A. Mairtin, teacbeî.