HAMPTON Reeent visitors.v Mis. Charles Launaid and Miss Elsie visiting reLatives in La Pierre, Michigan; Mi and Mis. Sheppard and Miss Shep- pard, Toronto, at Mi. GBaroi's; Mi, -and Mrs. GClbait Wilkinson, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mis., Eldon Trull; Miss Noa Weiry, St. Catharines, and Miss James at Mis, T. Pascoe's; Mi. S. Gilbert, Mi. and Mis. Culbait, Minden, at Mr. Frank Stonbouse's;- Mrs, Chas. Hastings with lier father, Mr. E. Gîfferd, BowmanvIlle; Mi. Chas. Stonhouse, Mr C. Hastings and Miss Crace Hastings at Maple Lake; Mis, W. L. Mason, Oshawa, at Mi, B. Feiguson's; Rev.' and Mis. H-unter snd son Douglass at Mi. C. F. Çorden's; Mi, and Mis. John Col- ville, Jr., Mis. Joss. Clatworthy vis. iting Mie. S. W. Ruse, Oshawa, who is quite ill; MiLs. A. Croat and childrein, Toronto, and Mis. A. Me- Neil, EHaydon, with their sister, Mis. Herb~ert Stainton; Mi. and Mis.,E. Elliott, St. Thomnas, Mi. A. Allison, Peteiboro, Mr. and Mis. Howard Reeves, Mis. F. Flood, Port Hope, were guests of Mr. andi Mis. Thos. Elliott; Mi. and Mis. Cea, White andi Miss Ruth White spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto; Mi. andi Mis. J. C. Lsngmaid, O-sbawa, -Mr. and Mis. Arthur Langmaid snd Evelyn, Zien, were recexnt guests of Mi. and Mis. George White; Master Wesley Dicksant, Taronte, is hldy ing at Mi. GC Lai'; Miss J. Hop- kins andl Miss E. Wilsonbolme, Toi- osto, bave been. visiting the Misses. Mabel and Edna Car..._.Mi. andi Mis. Taylor and ses Teddy, Rev. Thomnas MeReynolds snd sons Tom- my and Charlie spent Sunday at Mi. W. H. Cay's¶ý D~o't talk scaicity of fruit when Mr. Henry Lathieipe, Liberty Street, pieketi 2,350 boxes ef b errnes this year off 52 square rods"of ground and still pickin~g a f ew, BOWMANVIILLE; JULY 2Srd., 1925 Why Farncr _11 uyad TUse PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL BINDER ÏWINE 141-E Plymouth Cordage Company makcs only mwine of the .1 hghes quaity ad or that reason, they place, their guar- antee on each tgso the user may knowT he i s etnexcl wh~ h pas orwhe -lbys Plymojjuth Ç3Gold Medal Twine. Every bi is -urned"to b(2 of the aver'age length of 650 feet ta the pound. Il: is Twine Service rather than twine thlat you must buy. The price pet pound iý not' 50 important as the number of bundies each pound w tie and the amount of time saved through smootli-wortç1hg twine that is uniformi in size and quality. Buy Plymouthl Gold M,'edal Twine and save moneyl It is mnade in Canada When you buy Plymouth Ciold Medal Binder Twiý,,ne you flot only buy the best, but you co- operate in keeping -a Canadian factory busy SoId by RICE & CO. PHONE 66 BOWMANVILLE BAKER'S SCHOOL, Report ef S. S. No 19,,.Darlington Jr. IV to Si. IV-* George Mill son, Rets Cari, Donald Harris, Ina Cari. Si. III to Jr. IV-Wesley Yellow- lees, Doiotby Harris, Doris Milîson, Harry Farrow. Jr. Il to Sr. II-*Gladys Yellov- lees, Howard Milîson. Si. 1 ta Jr. II-'Martba Varnun. Jr. 1 to Si. I-Wanda Varnum. Jr. Primer to Si. Prime-Doiotby Wornnacott, Mary Stiong. Marjorie H. Collacott, teacher. MAPLE GROVE Mis. Cîook and MIrs. Rook, Toi- onto, visited at Mrs. F. S'wvallow's on FiAday. .,.. Mr. and Mrs. Macklin, Cobourg, are visiting their daughteî, Mis. Samn Snowden... ,Miss Edythe Sainis bas îeturned borne after a pleasant visit with friends at West Orange, N. J., Miss Dorothy Peaîe ieturped bhome with ber for a visit. . .Mr. Ei'nie Laird an'd Miss Edna Croyden, Torcinto, spent Suniday with the formei's paents, Mi. and Mrs A. Laird. . . Misses Marioiy Stevens and Vers Wood aie visiting fiiends at Sutton. ,Mi. Raymond Snowden, Peteiboro, spe$t Sunday at home. . .Miss Dorotby Metcalf, North T'or. onto, is visting her aunt and uncle, Mi. and Mis. H. A.. Farrow ... . Mr. and Mrs.s W. H. Harper, Toronto, spent the -weekend witb Mi. and' Mîs. R. L~. Worden. Tbey also vis- ted the Kent Rose Gaîdens at Port Feiry on Sunday, COURTICE .Miss Ev-a Souch, Bownianville, wss guest of Mis. G. F. Annis over the weekend... Misses Jean and Eileen Wight, Providence, have been beli. dayiing with their cousin, Miss Flor- ence Coutice... .Mîs. Roy Nichols spent Sunday with ber mother, Mis. W. Chartran ... . Mi. and Mis. Chas. Webster and fsmily, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. A. F. Rundle. . ý.. _ Miss Frances Hancoek and Mis Hazel Rundle are at C. G. 1. T. Camp, Lake Coucbiching, for ten .... .... Miss Fanny Yates and ber brother, Toronto, are visiting ati Mr. Archie Miir's ... . Services. on Sunday weîe well attended. At theý morning service our, pastor gave s beautiful sermon on~ "Are y-ou dils- couraged"? One eeuld rot listen to the tlhoughts -presented without being inspired and the touching andi impressive way in which the speaker dwelt on the subject made the pies- ence of thbe M,,ster seain very ne ai. After. the sermon M~r. Silas Éiekell Who witb his,,mother~ is visiting at Mrs' Ehi Osborne's, sang a veiy ap- propriate solo in splendid voice ....* Oui Epworth League beld a pienie at Hanmpton Park on Monday. Save Your Money Thursday, Friday & Saturd ay' WEEK END SPECIALS Many lines to clear the above,~ three days at a big reduction. We don't want to carry over any summer gQods. Thýerefore we are giving Our' customers real bargains i Under weair, Hosiery, etc. Read our spçcials as listed below. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 98c A. une of Men's fine Shirts in neat stripes, blue, fawn and mauve, wortli up to On SALE 98c EACH MEN'S FINE SOX A splendid line, regular ly worth up to 45e pair, in plain shades of fawn., grey and black, ýout they go 4 PAIR FOR $1.00 BOYS' SPORT BELT Leather lined, a novelty belt worth 7'5c, ON SALE 48c MEN'S KHAKI WORK SHIRTS AT 79c Splendid for this time of year, ON SALE 79c EACH BALflRIGGAN SHIRTS AND PRAWERS Watson's best niale, ail sizes, Regularly worth $1.00, ON SALE 79c GARMENT MEN'S BRACES AT 38c Heavy Braces, regular value 50e ON SALE 38c MEN'S STRAW SAILORS With the new balloon edge, :fancy bands at 20% DISCOUNT OFF MEN'S 2-PIECE SUMMER SUITS For warm weather, in f awn and grey sha(Yes, in fancy lustre and linen finish. Reg. Up IX) $15.00, ON SALE $8.95 HEAVY BRACES AT 69c Reg. value 75c, very heavy and extra quality elastic, ON SALE 69c BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Regular 75e for 69e another line of balbriggan Shirts and drawers clearing at 69c, GARMENT BOYS' KHAKI BLOOMERS AT 98c This is an extra good line of bloorers, regularly worth $1.50, ON SALE 98c WORK TROUS ERS A lUne of Men's work trous- ers, heavy quality tweed, worth $3.00, ON SALE $2.59 Our stock is ail new and ,purehas ed at a big discount off regular price. That's why we are able to give our customers real values at exception- ally low prices. We invite you to our store. Directly opposite BankM Every article in the store of Mob. trIc ristgusrantee'd t ieb Phonen, 61 ' eG lc-ls eatistaction. ia r. SOLI-NA Recent visitorsa Mr. and Mrs. A.! J., Reynolds and Miss Edna with, Whitby friends; Mr. -and Mrs. Hil-, ton Hogarth snd daughteî Edna, Ot-. tawa; and Mrs. Anderson, Oshawa, Mrs. Thonmas Eascoe and Miss Mar- garet, Mis. L. T. Psscoe and Misses Marjorie and Edith, Hampton, withý Miss Mary Hogarth and Mis. R. Psscoe; Misses Lena and Lyda Tay-ï lor, Honora Werry and Margaretý McKessock are attending Sumimer School at Bobeaygeon; Mis. Bell, Mr and Mis. Jamres Bell, Mrs. Hands and Miss Laura, Scarboro, at Mr. A. J.- Reynolds; Mr. H. G. Argute had bis family all home on Sunday--Mîs. Arthur Gibbons anid Miss Vers Gib- bons and Miss rene Argue of Toi- onfto, Mr. and Mrs. Claie Thomas,ý Miss Marjorie and baby Renneth ofj Orillia, Mrs. Hughes of Branipton;1 Mr. Jack Reynolds, Toro>nto, spentr the weekend at home; Mrs. Sain C.ý Rundle, Maple Grove, at Mr. J. T.1 Rundle's; Mr. and Mis. A. E. Jen-j. nings, lMrs. Arnott and Master Fran-1 cis Wotten at Toronto; Mi. and Mis George Hardy and Mis Beitha Oakwood, Dr. George 'Hardy, Ed- monton, and Miss E. White, Bow-1 p-anvillte, at Mr. Isaiac Hardy's; Mr. Maurice Baker hsa been holidaying with bis cousins at Bethesda aild Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes H~ardy, sons Gordon and Charles Lindsay, with their sons Haîv7ey and! Isaac; Mi. and Mrs. James Macken-1 zie, Columibus, at Mr. J. T. Rundle's;- Mrs. Elmer Wilbuî and Gordon with, friends hore; Mi. and Mis. Fred, Hardy and Miss Irene, New Tor3in- te, Mis. Knight, Misses Lela and Ruby Kn1ght, Oshawa, Mr. A. Har~dy, Hampton, at Mi. Harvey Hardy's; Mi. Joe Reyn>olds, Bownianville, spent the weekend witb bis inother, Mis. Jîohn Reynolds; Mr. and Mis.. Sulas Williamis with friends at Valen- tia; Mi. and Mis. Haîry Phillips and I family, Toronto, at Mis, S. Short- ridge's'; Mi. and Mis. N. E. Wrigbt i and fainiiy st Blackstock; Miss Mai- guerite Wright, Enfield, and _Mi. Ed1_ gar Wright, Kedrôn, spent the week- end at home; Congratulationsto Mi. P. J. McKessock on conplîeting bis examinations at Toronto Normal School for bis Fiirst-Class Certificate. Solina Wèmen's Institute. will hold its AnnuaIl Garden Party on Mr, Walter Ciydermniais lawn on Wednesday evening, July 29th. Sup- per seived frein 5 p. mi.. At x o'clock a football gaine will be played. At 8 p.rni. a good piograni will be put on *by Mi. Fred Perrin, a popular comedian of Toronto., and Miss, Maijorie Garland, Toronto, elo- cutionist. Music by Taniblyn's 5- piece Orchestra. Admission: Aduits 40c; Children 20c, Big s-ale of Dresses greatly re- duced in prices staîts t is week at C.pucb, Jobnston & Crydernian's. Excise stamps are not requ4ked on chequies, postal notes or money oi- ders' for $5,00 and under. GREEN & CO. 302 BAY STREET, TORONTO Phones: Elgin 2718-2943. Governmient', Municipal and Corporation Securities. We Buy: We Self: aptiLife Down Town Pealty Cosgraves 3rewery Durant c. N. R. ineoîne Ontario Eiuitable Mlortgage Discount Re-nuac Muitualt. Finance Toronto Casualty Toronto Finance Western Insurance Traders Finance West Grocers Pref'dl Sterling Trusts Ail bidls and offers subject to change ,n price, or wthdrawai without notice. We wili suppiy quotations on anly un.- listed*securities not quoted above upon' application. 30-1 llj9ve and Take," Sparkllng Comody, a Chautauqua Feat~] ENNISKILLEN Siunday School pienie on Friday afternoon, July 24, in Elliott Park, Hampton. Ladies please bring dish- es, etc., with baskets. A real goed turne is anticipated. Wednesday evening's League ws opened by Mr. Frank Doîland, Presi- dent. Afteî devotional exercises Miss Mary Wallace, 3rd Vice-Piesident,l took charge. Serîpture lesson was read by Miss Edna Lambo. Tapie -was ably taken by Mi. Frank Dor- lsnd, "Hie, too, was sBoy", was esd by Miss Alhice Mark. Miss Muriel Moore i'eideîed two piano solos which were gîeatly enjoyed. Miss Lilian Wallace read "Neighbo)rs", af- ter whieb Mis. Gordon Jeffery rend- ered a beautiful vocal solo. Miz- psh 'benedietion closed the service. Sunday evening Rev. E. A. Belk- nap's theme was on "~The Gýreat Assize--The Laýst Judgm-ent"-Coi. 5:10. We should always be pie- pared to meet Christ oui Great Judge. By helping oui fellowmen we are serving- oui Master. Recent visitors: Mi. and Mrs. Middlebîook and Mi. and- Mis. Roy Middlebrook and little Mets, Toi- onto, at Mi. James Bradley's; Miss Viols Cherry, Scugog, guest of ber sister, Mis. Gordon Jeffery; Miss Veina Pethick iwith Miss Mary Lane, and Master Clifford Petbick at his, grandmother's, Mis. John Pethick, Newtonville; Miss Phemia Hall witb, ber ,incle, Mr. Win. Hall, Myrtle; Mr and Mis. Orr Jeffery and baby Clemi at her aunt's, Mi,&. Carpenter, Bîûw- manville; Master FÊýyd e>ethick guest of bis sunt, Mis. Fred Ander- son, Bunker Hill; Mi. and Mis, John Slemon witb their son, Mr. Herbert Sienion, Toronto; Misses Luella _Stev- ens snd Gertie and Winnified Oke, Town, at their homes; Mis, J, B. Smiith bas returned to ber homre in Picton. .... . F. W. O. Werry, Toi- onto, is holidaying witb bis nephew, Mi. Gordon T. Werry and nieces Mis. J. R. Ornxiston and Mis. L. R. Ashton. ... Mir. Clarence Myers andI Miss Alberta Campbell, Arygle, Mr. David Kay and Misse(s Eva Sanderson and lys Hamm, 'Toiýn-to, visited Mi. Adami Sharp's. Double, -ila Day -oùble Day DJolar. ay Day 2 DAYS ONLY 0F WONDERFUL VALUES AT S. W. MASON & SONS This is the big economy event of the nionth,, Wonderful selection of ail wanted summer needs. Thi-9 is -what you have been waiting for Every woman will appreciate the real money saving opportunity thiS sale affords. Shop early for best choice. Just two days at theseun heard of prices. Frtday-S'atmurday, July 24-25 Two Childreu's Coats, three Canton Dresses, and two Misses' Tricotine Dresse. Wateh the windows Dollar Day. $1.00 each P~our' only new Spring Coats, fullY lined, miade by North- wsy, guaranteed in every tway - Dollar Days $7.50 Seven orly Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chene and Velvet Dresses. These garnients are perfect in every wsay, to elear Dollar Day. 85.00 each Twenty only real English Heavy Weight Broadcloth Dresses. This lot off er an excellent assortinent of shades and sizes. These smart dresses rsold îegularly at $ 7.5 0, Dollar Day. $5.00 Another rack'~ of very sinait Dresses, consisting of Silk Broadcloths, Charining Fsney Crepes and Bilhieý Burke Wassb .Dresses, ormerly prie- ed at $12.50, Dollar Day. $6.98 One dozen only Waistz made of Dim-ity, Broadcloth and Knitted Crepe, regular priee $3.50, Dollar Day. 81.00 each Sixty only House Dresses mnade of Chambray, Print and Gingharn. This special purchase of these smiart ser- viceaJble dresses offer a fine collection of sizes and a good assortment of sizes. Dollar DaY, $1.00 each Twenty Only Cildren's Straw Hats, smnart shapes, well trinimed and individua! styles, regular u~p to $3.75, Dolr Days $1.00 eacli Two dozen only fin~e Waists, Crepe de Chene and plain and striped English Broad- veloth, sizes 36 to 44. Dollar Day. $2.95 Kiddies' Sox, silk and cot- ton, all colors and combina- tions, but flot ail sizes in every cOlor, regular 50e per pair, Dollar Days 3 pair for $1.00 Another lot of Kiddies' Sox, dark eolors only and al Cot- ton, regular 35c, Dollar Day. 2 pair fox 25c. Six hundred yards of Nor- mandy Voiles, rewest pat- terns, finest materiais, guar- anteed sunfast and washabie, regular 715e per yard, Dollar Day. 2 yêl. for $1.0 Holeproof Hlosiery, silk plat- ed over lisie, 4-ply toe and beel, all shades, al] sizes. Dollar Day.i $1.00 pair Italian Silk Hose, black, brown and white only, sizes 81/2 to 10, regular 75e pair, Dollar Day. 2 pair for $1.00) Ladies' White andi Colored H&ndkerchiefs, regular 15e each, Dollar Day. $1 .00 per* dozei' Women's Undervests, weli miade, regular 35e and 45c, Dollar Day. 4 garmets! $ 1.00 Unbleched Factory Cotton, regular 20e yard, Dollar Day. 6 yds for $1.00 All Linen Towelling suitable for tes towels and roller towels, good width, free from dressing, regular 30e per yd ' Dollar Day. 5 yds for 81.00) Special sale of Ginghanis, a large assortinent of colors and patterns, regular 25c yd Dollar Day. 5 yds fer 81.00 Hesvy good sized Englisb Bath Towel, very absorbent, -regular 50e, Dollar Day. 3 towels for $1.00 S. W. Mason & Son Phone 106 Dry Goods ýnd Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Bowmanville M '4 "Give and Take," uproarlous cornedy sueess by AaSron offrn, w.iicb ieeently ýhad en immenseiy popularNe1w York rua, vwUl be onie of the big featuies of the eomUDf DoDmilou hzmuu Tho story of the play centeis around a wealthy c toru#a ftfri4lt 0,e whohg gn pi: Iii developlng a business for hie son, uto, wheu ien h 4 bslesQ deocac" lan. Most ainusing andi unugual siatton, tgta t* ihïu ü' by resistible play, which wil ha presenteti by a cast o0f NI#W fOIk estoe BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA AUGUST 4 TO S. SEASON TICKET $2.50 1 1 "Give and Take," Spark% Comedy, a Chautauqua Feature - 1 ::E --71