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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1925, p. 8

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NESTLETON Miss Betty O'awald,, Lindsay, -was a recent visitor with Miss Mabel Jackson.. .. Mrs. R. C. Jackson who lias recently become Grandmxa has, gone on1 a visit with lier daughtcr- and grandson, Mrs. Henry Sefec and son, Detroit ... .Mr, n Ms T. F. Wright, daug-hters hizaan Annett arnd s'on Elon ofý St. Cathar- ines, recently visited Mr. Peteri Wright ..Mrs. Payne and sonis of Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Jas. Gordon, Sr. .... Basebail miatch between Nestieton and Blackstock League teamis on Saturday evening, score 10-5 in favor of Nestieton..i .Week evening meeting at weeki in charge of choir -when a good miusi-1 cal prograin was rendered. Rev.! Thomas Wallace of Newtonville, oc- cupiedl the pulpit on Sunday when1 about 70 b~oys from St. ChristopherI Cam~p under the leadership of Mr. Baker and1 assistants attended ser- vice_, Mr. Wallace g-ave a very in- structive and appreciative talk miost- ly directed to the boys onsuces taking the various letters as a key to some word whicli promotes success in if e...Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Jo s- eph Philp, Hamilton, and Mi. and Mrs. Robert Philp, Burketon, vîsit- ed Mr'. and Mrs. R. W. Pbilp, Nest- leton Station ... . Mr. John Samlis and Mis. Eiel Taylor, son and daughter, visited Scugog friends on Sunday. Property For Sale OAKPiALE FARM-106 acres, 11 acres1 pine and Tardwood, brick bouse, splendid gàrden, 55 acres crop, abundant pasture, drilled welI and windillii, close to Ponty- pool on good road. Possessionx at once. M. M. Gibson, 'Whitby. 28-3 COTTAGE FOR SALE-Walton Cot- tage, Newcastle. This le a very pleas- antly loeated cottage with large garden, young fruit trees also a building which could be used as a garage. To be sold at a reasonable price. Aîlply to' Mrs. Mathew Brown, Glenwood Cottage or box 75, Newcastle. 28-8w FOR SALE-The home of the late F. B. Whltlng, situated at the Forks of the Scugbg Road. This property la in ele-1 gant condition; conslsts of good bouse and four acres of landi with abundance of fruit. For particulars apply at resI- dence to Mrs. F. B. Whiting, Bowman- ville. 23-tf Administrators' sale of valuable farmn, one mile east of Bowmnanville, 175 aecs, unfailing supply of water' younIg or- chard about in f ull bearing fronting on Provincial Hghway. For particulars apply to Dr.'. .Dickinson, box 186, Port Hope. 29-tf FARM \YITH TIMBER FOR SALI:- Maigpifîcent block of nearlytenyfe acres original virgin timbjer, part of one hundred acre farmi, on main road near Bowinanvllle, County of Durhamn, near railway station, in mnidst of rich agri- Cultural and apple district, fine subi- stantial lbrick dweling, good bjarn and outbuildings, sehool lose at hand. Aly Dr. Neil Colville, Orono, Ont. ý- 109 acres, lot 1, con. I., Darlington, "'Spruce Grove"l, on whlch are good stucco house and outbulldings, good stabllng for 35 head cattle and 9 hiorses. Elxcellent lay oain soil, underdrainied, 12 acres of young ozrchard .omagil o bearlng. Two good wells. Sitluatef on TKingtn Uoad (Provincial Higlway), inidway betweent Newcastle and B3ow- mxanvile. Will sell 100 acres separatel if deslred. EIasy termas. Appy toi W. H. Clemence on premises or Dow-. manvifle, R., & 4. 28tf OBITUARY Mrs. Mary Gritce Hockaday, Solina SMrs. Hockaday was bora in Devon- ashire, England, on January 18, 1852, the eldest daugliter of the late Wil- L ian and Margaret Martin Colwill .She came to Canada with lier parents Lat the age cf three years and the fam-ily settled near Solina., - er youtli was spent in titis neighborhood and on Decenxber 31, 1874, she be- came the wife of Mi. ?Frank Hocka- day wlto was also born ini England. The.y tenained in the vicinity until thie Spring of 1882 when they m-oved to a fari north of Enniskillen re- maining there tili the spring of 1895 when they took possession of a farm on the "Middle Road" now owned by Mi. H. E. Rundie. In the Spring of 1905 they came back to Solina having purchased tbe faran, lot 24, con. 5, foriimerly ownýe by tbe late William Werry, Sr. Ini the Spring of 1921, they Il the faim to their son, Sidney, and m,-ioved into the village of Solina. Mis. Hockaday was in failin.- healtit for several monthas. She died on Saturday mnorning, July il, surrounded by ah lier immediatýe rel- atives. She lias lived an honeat, industrious and exemplary life. She leaves a sorrowing liusband, a son Sidney, a g-randson Ernest Hock- aay, two daugliters, Elizabeth and A'urilda, also two sisters, Mis. T. C. Oszborne, Pickering, and Mis. Johnr Challis, Bowm-anville. The funeral took place on Monday, July 13, to Bo'wmanville Cemnetery, Rev. W. W. Jones, a former pastor, officiated at the house and at the grave. The attendance of rel'itives, ,fiienda and neig-hbors at the funer- ai showed the respect lield by those who knew lier. The mnany and beautiful gifts of flqoweirs also atr testeci the kindnesa of so many and inceluded :-Wreath-~Funilýr; Spray -Mis. T. Osbor~ne and Mis. J. Obal- lis; Wreath-Mr. and Mirs. John Cliallia; Sprays-4Mr. and Mis. W. Westlake, Eldad Aduit Bible Class,, Mrs. S. Sliortridge, Miss M. Ho. garthi and Mis. R. Pascoe, Mis. J. Vice and Mr. Alg-einon Vice, -Mr. and Mis, Bush, Mr. and Mis. H. wilcox. , The paîl bearers weie: Messrs. W. Westlake, J. Westlake, C. Sot ridg-e, N. Leachi, J. Kîveil, J. D. Ho- gartht Flowei-beaiers were: Messrs. W. R. Westlake, R. Westlake, H. Chai- lis, H. Cowling, J. Baker, A. McKes- sock. CARD 0F THANKS Mi. Fratnk Hocka-,day, Solina, and al the meriibers of the famihy wisb to convey to ail their frîends and neiglibors their most sincere thanka for the many tokens of kindness siiown during the long ilînesa and the death ofl Mis. Hockaday, also for the many beautiful floweirs. Sliaws Schooi trustees have eagag- ed Mis Beatrice Bragg as beacher for next year. The tiood Qualiiy of Material We Use-Is Only Surpassed' By the High Standard of Workmanship Displayed. When Aided by Prompt Service it Gives Yo u the Best to be Haâd. We are always giad to furnish. estimated costs on ail contracts for Plumbing, Steamflttinig or Tinsmithing, Greenaway &.. Elliott Heating Expertsanad Contulting Engineer.s Ring Street East Bownianviile Phone 18W The 'Porcupine Boot Motoriats who require a blowv-out patch or have a -week spot in a casing, should use the "Porcup-ne Boot", It will add hundredg of minles to .old casingsanad give ailsolute protection frons blow outa. Carry one in your car for eînergencies. Spe- cial low pirices now in effect. Our Accessories, Tires, Repairs, Motor 011e and Gasoline are ail of the highest grade and Teasonaibly priced. The "cheapeat" in the long-run. Try our service. Mof fatt Mot or Sales Ltd. MeLUGHINAND OLDSMQBILE DEALERS KING SRE PHONE 248 BOWMAN VILLE The NewvcaeLctli& IndiepEcndetcnt Peace Celebration at Belleville- THURSDAY, JULY 23rd. 1925 August 1lst to 8th Inclusive NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Coninemoiating 110 years of A e ______ ______Peace between Canada and the Unit- wil d Misa Greta Osborne, Toronto, la Mis. Camplin of Unionvilie, lias Newcastle United Churcli (Piesby- ed States. The greateat cehebra- on guest at lier uncle's, Mr. J. F. Os- been visiting lier d.laughteî, Mra. terian)-Suniday service at il a. n. tion of its kind ever lield in Canada. Sun( -borne. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke. NtýewtonvUIelle ,~rebyteria).n at 2:30 The "Toronto Scottish" Battalion cert Dr. and Mis. Arthur of Toronto, .Mis. Harry R. Smith and baby P-. iMi Rev. Geo. Mason wiil preacli (in kilts) witli other miiitary units A .are speniding a foitnight witli the Helen Marie, of Utica, N. Y,, are aubject "The Narrow Way". will on Saturday nght, August lst., Plo dMse re.Peve.visiting bier parents, Mi. and Mis. at the Fair Grounds, put ou a sliam pr Mi. and Mis. Newton Cobbledick John Robinson. ateilsrin techwfrSa, fand family, Kirby, were guLes-ta of Rev. E. B. Cooke and lNr. Clar- BURKETON by experienced overseas soldiers, Belli ýfM.adMs on .Cbllc neAluin motoied Mis. Cooke and who will go "'0ver the Top" as our îng f M. ad Ms. orn J.Cobiedck nceboys did at Vimy Ridge, and put on Sun( ,v on Sunday. the young ladies who are attending Piarple Hill Schoo! Report: other military features. "T~oron'to Tl General symnpathy la extended to Summiner School to Buiheton on Moni- Entrance Vo Higli Scliool-Fern Scottiali" is the anoat attractively hiave eMr. and _Mis. E. C. Hoar, King St. day moining. Henry, Viviaa Johnston, uniformed battalô,n ia Canada aad 'the e East, irï the dheatli of Mis. H'oar's fat- Bro. W. F. Richard, D. D. G. M., Jr. 1 Vto Si IV-Thomas Mahaffy, will be accompanied by twb 'banda. ci hier, Mis. Samuel Bragg of Provi- P. W. M., of Durhiim Lodge A. F. & Mary Henry. The Battalion lias the champion Tug- Tl dence. A. M., wlio by virtue of lis official Si. Il Ito Jr. W,-Viola Mahaffy, of-Wai Team and the champion Soft midi, .t Mr. and Mis. M. J. Holman and Position bas been attending the 7Oth Alice Johnaton, Tony Sobanaki, Mae Bail Tears of Ontario, and willi liso rides d daugliters Gertrude and Lillian annuai communication of the Grand Gralianm, Douglas Taylor, Evelyna participate in the military and otlier.iiig. Newtonville, attenided Mill Street S: Lodge of Canada in the Province of Cowling (iecommended). erents Monday afternoon, August muai gS. anniversary services and -weie Ontaîio, îeturned fîomi Haihlton Jr. II to Si. I1-Boitbie Mahaffy, 3rd. ofa eguesta of Mi. and Mre. W. F. Rick- vithi Mis. Richard at the end of the Melrville Henry. Tenotsilu eilatssi ih wr,"h rne.\ýeeh. Last year Bro. Rickard was E. Mae Bruce, teacher. Temat ilîful eriaîttsin nigahal l. aid, "The Grange".appoiated by the Grand Master ofAercwilnttinyuecia- T Mr. and Mis. W. C. Allia and Mis Ontario to the Commîilttee of Gen- ternoon and evening-, and at niglit terni J. G. Richard and daughter oral Purposes and hoe lias now DoBeil tlie Pire Wizzard wiil ride Groi. eMiss Florence Richard, Bownn- brouglit new lionor to his District TYRONE NEWS thîough actual electrical fire in nlid ust k ri ville, Sundayed with Newcastle hoe1 odean0t1Nasle hv air. The two Wyants will make ba911 -frienda. and attended Mill Street S. ing been apone'n aitno Congratulations to Miss Mac Gar- you laugh for 3 hours every day. addit S . anniversary -services. the very important Comm11ittee of diner on obtaining firat-casas honora oralatItentinl ah Mr. and Mis. Devlin and Mis. Benevoience. Mir. Richard is to be in ail lier final exama for A. T. C. M. Tegoa neraina ah Wade races attended by 1-0 yachts from W WidOtta-wa, weîe weekend viait- congratuIated on bis energy and on- Garden Party unde rauspices If Canadian and UnitedatspraPb orswih M. ndMis L R Sîathsiasan and steady upward ad- the Bible Ciasa will be lield at Ty- will be the laigest yachting event M. 1 Longwood. Mis. Simi's miother, Mrs. vance ina Masonîy. Ho made a very roue, on Monday, Auguat 3îd, Goodl ever hehd in Canada, August 5th., 6tli Comi Brya, accompanied thers on theiexýcellent District Deputy and de- suPfier, sports and miusic wiil be and 7tli. arte ien ttw on Monday moin- served the promotion accorded himi. provided. Particulars next week. 30-t ein t ttw ________ At the Young Peopie's League Mr.George Warren and son Chas. NTDCUC meeting on Thuîsday oui- President Swift Curont, Sask., are spending NTDCU H continued the reading of "Barbara ,lie sumnmer witli Mis. Warren's S. S. ANNIVERSARY Wrh. Telaerfrtaee-ALFI mother, Mis. W. T. Bonathan and ing, _Mi. Stanley Payne, took charge Gi-ad with bler liusband's people, Miuss o. Second visit of Uxbridge Business of the splendid progîan y oui 3rd of R Warren and Mr. and Mis. W. F: Men's Bible Clasa to Newcastle, in Vc-rsduM.~.Woly burg. * Cowan. conneciore wdthtMiMrSt.CUnitedlon Cowan con- netionwith ill t. Uitedreading "The Broken Melody" wvas e Detoctive Wasn. Greavea of thue Churcli S. S. Anniversaîy proved so nicely givon by Miss Hazel' Hodg- ll *Toronto Police Force, Mis. Grae great an attraction that at the morn- son which was f olowed by the Bible P icnicBlc andchidre, Aber, Jm adreares ing service the whohe churcli auditor- readling. Mr. Wiii Smith and Mi. a rn, îe rs. G m y'7 P i was filled, gallery occupied aud, Clarence Woodley favored with aumHorn taea h aefrto-ýek.D-seats pae nase oaciio violan sehection; topic, "The Christ- I pP es icci tae the ae for twoh weeke-d date the largo numxber of people Who ian Solution of Social anld InidustrialS "le ie with Gr ave senite eeen came, as on the former occasion two Pioblema" waa splendidhly taken by New lis fmily.yeaîs ago. Uxbiidge friendsaraîived Mi. Russel Wrighit. Piano duet by_____ Gradi Mr .R. Lovekin, Kilcolman, sus;- by motois Sunda'y ingood tinte for Miss M. Brightweil and Miss B. Bige- pital tained a heavy loss eariy hast weh the morning service andi in considera- low was mauch enjoyed. Mis. FL NAKIN M whecn a team of liorses driven by tieon of their long drive ,vere served Cairns made a strong appeal foi a PATES, CUPS AKN M H{ary Kilpatrich were stiuchý and a iglit lunch on arrivi in the Bible gýreater appreciation a'nd lovýe of goo O ES AL LTS Newc killed by a passonger train ân5Cnsro. Temrigsrieper mu h ng leof itf levl cosingner te . P R fritsaw the largest attendance of S. S. the present day. She rocited some station To-wn Lino, sud the wgnscholars for some years. They fil.flirwnpeyadawsec- Paper Plates, 5 and 6 l.~ with hey rack waa smashed to pieces ed in from the S. S.,1Roonis, clasas- tions froan the works of other poomas. 5c per' dozen and haîneas totally ruined by-chass witli their teachers in We ae soy torepotite rather charge and occupied the wliole front Recent viaitors at the Parsonage: DrnigCp. ...8orS serions ilinoas of Mi. Howard MAli, of the churcli for several ýseats back. Mrs. (Rev.) A. McLauclin and whýo has been suff eîing the past two 1Mr .Thomaas G. Gold, teacher of the childien of ICeene, are spending, a Table Napkins.....0 for 10Oc weeks 'fiom bladdeî trouble. An1 clasa, deivereti aesot inapiring ad- eek with lier parents; Mis. H. Hiol- St......5 e Soperation wuihl prolbably be necessary1 dresses morning sud evening. Hoe adhsrtre oEtrrz e uigI, suad the hoats of frienda of Mi. and; was accompanied to Nerwcastle by the' compaued by lier siter, Miss Flor- Mis. Allia wishi him- a comiplote sud Clasa Orchestra of thrteen membeis, once Down; Mi. sud Mis. A. E. Hol- Wax P aper .. roUas for 10e speedy recoveîy. In the meantimie Mis. Gold, officiated as pianist thru- land, Yaîher; Mis. Tamiblyn, Orono; hind friendsansd neiglibois are loo- )ý-out the services. Miss Brownis- Mis. A. Mitchell, Nowtonville; Mis. t ing after the more urgent farim comjbe, alto, aud Misa Greig, so HI. Hoopor sud Mr. sud Mrs. R. Mi'. sud Mis. T. J. Armaton, Members of Orchestra were: Mr. for a fine day on Satuiday -for oui * é A lien Toint, uddaghtî is (r.Geo McGuire, leadIer, Mi. Wm. Hamn- Sunday Sdhooi picnic on achool lawnA Poyntz, Victoria, B. C., were -weeh- ilton, Police Magistrate of Uxbridge, ----.SericenetSuda oni Big 20 Bookstore eudguets f D. sd Ms. altn-Mr. T. C. Nichols sud sou, Mr. Ly- - .Mr. and Mis. J. H. Muttonat- Bahl at Harris Lodg-e. Mr. Aria- man Nichola, Mi. Audrew Page sudteddheWgticcatsaa strong'is great grandparents wer sou, Mi. Grant Page, Mi. R. H. Gold, on Tuesday .... Several from liere among the earliest settiers of York Mr. Blaney, Mr. Ted St. John, Mi. visitod the Rose Gardons at Port Township where they settled about Harvey Gould, Mr. Frank McDowell, or n ud" .Ms > a-Ni 1807, directly noith of the village Mr. Benson sud Mi. Byron Wiliis, à1rleyis under th2e doctor's care... of York, now Torouto. Armatrong Bianey aud Mr'. Ted St. John woreMa.HM oetsOsialsben___________________ fam-iili as been in possession of the also accompanied by Mrs. Blaney caling on, old friond . ... Miss Flora original grants ever since. and Mis. St. John.McoersOhaalisetne Mis. (Rev) E B. phesud The evening service saw one of homle accompanied by lier friond, dauhte Elee, issEdn Rekadseutbled in the history of this churci. delMis. Mercer sud amily sud Miss W h c;LL Y Miss Marie Selby, sud the three re- The whole auditorium and gallery Gjraco Virtue, O:rouo, visited Mr. i pieseutatives of the Yoang People 'wî txdt terflla a aci nsd Mia. Wmn. Virtue.... -Mr. Har- I League, Misses Marjorie Clemence,wtlexrchispadiniesu ry Osborne sud Miss Allie Osbiorne,9 Marin Ahin nd inni Peice re entre aisleýs, so great waa the at- Cannington, sud Mis. Bliach and son R C IE- EA --B atteuding- Summiner School utBb raction of the Uabiidg-e contingent.RoOa-od oted utote PASTRY-CHOCOLATE&' osgon i oh big ag-aîn Teîvstsdwoesae evc Collacott picuic on Saturday which -O T DRN S Sohool Matron. The party mot- of sc, oand om-suîc srice~ was lield at Mr. Lorne MeCoy's sud S F DRN - ored to Buiheton on Mondlay mor- 1- ee n ceibdb l remaiued for a visit -with Mi. sud ing sud eutrained with several other menee n hrae yalWho Mis. Levi Skinner... . Mi. sud Mis. Brrng or send your order delegates to their destination. lheard theman sd ingled witli thena, J .VruHmtn iie for long years to come. Witlih j JpVeur-upoviiedbs it will receiVe prompt attentic Mis. Harîbuit of North Battle- mission of the editor we c.hai-h gîve sistor, Miss F. Virtue ... . Miýss Flor- for, Ssk, i vsitng lir ousna souxewhat fuller report of services once Scott, Oshawa, visiting frieuda good value. ford, Saab., isJsiti lrs cusin, tnext week. . . . 'Little Miss ireue Johnson is vis-I cms Stepen Jose. Migns Hurbuitting at Mi. Fowler's in Catwight. . came oier bfiothM Hign IstweekALE Mr. sud Mra. A. W. Aunis, Leva, IL C wli ie rerthr, M, Hey aewhe ALMLoine sud Adeinide Sundayed with I . 3 I hasg te ain souned of they arthe r e ot o .S o ,D ri g o frienda in Dubarton. M is. Au ais I h &D I'ocIi dauler suda sot nytlear t oaten.Rpr fS . o ,Drigo:sd Adelaide remained for a visit. Bkr& Goe Hoe woa ratmnyyar1g Entrance-Johu Cator. Jr. IV ... The regulai montlily meeting of lived sud conducted a biacksmith to Si. 1V-Earl Fowler lion, Sidney f~WmnsIsiueat ais sloponNrt Sret Te iOe- Elcomibe. Si. 111 to Jr. 1V-Miýer- Aid met at the home of Mrs. \W. ty waa afteiwards boaglit by the eta Mintz. Jr. III to Si. I111.«LHelen Prao-ededyateinoon, July laVe Sani. C. Moore. Mi. Hurlburt's McDonahd hon, Leslie Welsh. Si.. II alshonAfer enîn exrcies father aIso built the brick h'ouýe now to Jr. III-Marian Honey, Doris Col- somo vAeri ptnin eecss wa owned by the Misses Drammonti. lacott, Rosa Richards, Olive Morden, tsact eryimpNewtatblesinare to be Among the mny visitors to New- Brt Foster. Jr. Il to S. l-Lorne aiste. Nw absartoe castle oCator, AcfaeionYoofgMiJr.St-LilyHarveat Homo Tes; also a web of a « t o United Chi-ch S. S. Aun'versaiy Ctr lrdYun. r -iydiali toweiliig. The annual Aug- were :-Mîl. sud Mis. Wes. Glenney, Mordenansd Mar'ie Colacott, equal, ast tes in connection with the Iu- Pontypool, at Mn. anti Mis. Howard hon. Si. Pr.-.Jolin Poster. Jr. Pr. stitute il to be witlidiawu until the Glýceue's;vDMis. Sydney Venlon sd (a)-Willie Darcli. ThelmnaLittie. hc sno en eaireti sud re- son assa t i u Ms o-Jr. Pr. (b) --Helen Morden, ILila reopeuisnof te Comuuty pj aid Aliin's; Mr. and Mia. Richard Welsh. Loeld h hide aeavET THIS STORE HELP TO Woo, Oon, a Miasd Mis. W. Neil S. Stewart, teacer neesigpoasofogsuYOJ H LI N. Buckley's; Mi. sud Mirs. Arthur readinga which was, very mucli on- ,M. Hardy, Bowmaniville, with Mi. GENERAL CONTRACTING joyed anti deserveti much pi-aise. Des he. . . .$. sud1is. 1-sn-Alia;Miss -di.1Pter aîtno&, wn I I IDrum Head Religiouis service 1be held on the Armouries Lawn Sunday, August 2nd., and on iday evening a Sacred Band Con- twiil bc given on Victoria Park. £ddresses will ho delivered by ,inent speakers front various És of Canada and the United tes on the Court House grounids, leville, at 10 o"clock eaelh morn- dnring the celebration, except Iday. 'he various fraternal societies 'been invited to participate in cel ebration. .ere wiif be historie pageants, ,vaya, ferris wheeis, spectacular s, parades, street dancing, daîîc- in the parks and else-wbere, c, games, sports and other forma amusements. Seven daye and ýta of pleasure and profit. 'ere will bc 7 evening and 6 al- won performances at the Fair înds, Wedlnesday afternoon, Aug- 5, Peterboro vs. Belleville base- league game will be played in iion to the other attrations, Gen* Sadmission 50c. VC. Mikel, MayorCara P., Chairinan of Entertiimn amittee;. Hope McGinnis, Asit Secretary. MEDICAL -RED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. NL luate of Tiinity University, alto Royal College Physieians, Ediu. ý.Specialty-Disesses osf wom- and chiidreu. Offlce-Parker'a Ik, New,ýcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. or gradunte of Trinity, University ow of Triuity Medical College atiate of the State University of rYork, Matriculate of the Poat- ate Medical School and Hos- of New York sud Fellow of the ato Academy of Medicine. Office rs. McNaghtou's Residence. ,astle. Hours-8 to 10 a. Mi,, 3 p. m- andi býyappoiutment. Jeddo ighiland Coal sthe best grade of~ An- hracite Coal mined in the United States *trial order w411 Cli - vince you. eo. Jamieson ewcastle Ont. rI IUNS- 5S-IcI )-ET( cto thi on and TC ,eed -CAKES- 'E CREAM C. tis store where ci you wili get Newcastle 'g Needs EQUIP YOU FOR )AY )0 to $8.00 per pair Brown with Crepe )0 to $6.75 per pair 3'to $4.50 per pair ....................................................... .......... $1.50 per pair ........................................................ ....... $1.50 to $20.00 ail colors of Shoes, d1 Mitts th PreparationE MANY THINGS ilLL BE Pr.EASELD ,VICE e Ivés Bowmanvile 'I r

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