Telegraph Delive ry If you have, an town frien( wish to se: Florist's1 livery is a ession to suit. rther particu] apply to VSi ýa Estat id to whom. ýnd flowers, Telegraph aspeedy th e De- a rdC J. Jackman' & Sons ýta Phone 80 Bowmanville -I Special Sbale of Chintz Wallpapers at Ilc Per Rol Cnt out Border te match 4c Par Yard Chintz Bedrooni Papers in W~ Rose Patterns in soft shaè -mauve an~d grey gTeen and grey. aniy bedroomi. IOUT WHERE Oea .W. James Tript lnstalîlm4 Ir, seeking i best route te U founid peopleé sanie course. S, tion in Our Oeî transportation National Rai1wý the C,,uiadiani both cases the - "f -e 1'. or rose Suitable W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstore aze 1 do not Helknes bu charactera travelling. gers gives direction.1 the Car I k- n ew. T tien I spiec Sale & Crydernian 's y and share in the You should visit while selections are ALL VOILE DRESSES EXACTLY HALF FPRICE SUMER I&RESS GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES ALL LADIES' COATS MARKED ONE-THIRD OFF LBargains in Men's Suits What an opportunity to get a good reliable Summer Suit in Tweeds, Homespuns andi Donegal. See this display~ of Iven's Suits in our window clearing: $29.50 'Suits for ...................$22.50 $27.50 Suits for-................ ..$1 9.50 $26.50 Suits for ... ................ $18.50 BOYS' Cotton Suits Real HIeavy wearing materials, good enough for Sunday wear, ail sizes, colors, blue and khakî, and plain khaki, gQod val- ues at $2.90, now marked at.......................... $1.75 Boys' Jerseys, short or long sleeves, size 30, regular 50e for ýertsen ison tea-nis areg lina, ups: ears Agô Pos I THE CIVIC AT USly t( .6 ic Finals Les' oso if, ii,. e. . . na- CONSOLATION .as Whitby Port Perry Ing, Greeriwcoo4 . 7PurkÊy........ 12 1-ikeview Port Perry -Wýirer , ........8 h~r0d 10 Lme BowmanvAlne Whitby Air D4............-lean stonu ..13 10- Thistles Bowmanville o-Cbath..... ....1 ý0 Mitell1... Il ý37. B3owmnanvifle Oshawa * en Tilleyý,.... ....... $ý Younfg ........ 18 àin. TOshawan Oshawa . 1 Thujnpan IlDetenbece,-1 S Peterboro Port Perry olFox......... .......aneie 13 1r Port Hoýpe Bowmianville niy Whitby Bewmalivllle ïes Flukber . - . :*.... 8 EiIiott......... 21 Por4+Perry Port IHope ,ari- MeHloull........14 . nes Bunting (Port Hope>. a, byeý ald S'cond Round r1y Purdy..... -.10.le W-ilker ........9 ýn Vanstone ........ 5Mitel...16 ýjCh Young..........IDetenbeck ...14 Lon Cfirnegie .;,. 6 Oke.....1 Elliott......15 Rosevear... 7 te; Buinting ,,.,,8 2Eobbs...ý.....19 Whattam..... G~ordon ..... - 9 he Hopper (Cobourg), a bye. he Third Round ow Purdy...... Mi,1tche]3 ,..-10 Detenbeck. ,......5 Oke......18 ier EMott..........S Hobbs-.'..ýý....0. ii, 1Robertson ..ý......9 Swanaon . 10 os- Fourth Roun~d Purly.........1 7 Oke.......7 1Holbie.........16 Whattam ...10 Swanson--a bye. N obT s Flfth Round .ob ..13 Purdy........-3 as Swanson-a bye. )Ifl- Finale ýad, Swanson , If,16 obbo........l M.' HAVE YOU BOOKS THAT YOU CAK SPARE? Ameng the good influences thafr Menierial Institute seeks to throw around the liveaý of girls and boys, and mothers, tee, who are given a two weeka' sunimer holiday at th« Freeh Air Canip en the Lake &oiro, ia that of good books. While mnuch of the time at Camp is given to gaines ýaid the more active pastimies, there is tre fer rfeding seJ But how shall they read excepht they have a book? And what a fine op-. portunity te help a geed cauise whev your ahQlvee and cupboaoe4 are al- ready tee funll. The ITstitute would greatly appre- ciate gifla of books for the Crumip Ubrary-.beooqs of btegaphy, his- tory ,nature study, peetry, faiiry tales ,picture books for, the wee toti and ttoriea fLor women, girls and boys. Could it net ho made a shower? Books may be taken direct te the Camp, wzhere visitora are wel- cocue at any time, or left 4t the oiIce of "The Statesmnan". LLES LýTD., swhere we wa .la that we're P, Fotic Llmited when ina a i Come, t, (Ceontlnued -ol Sah 5 room ýne aci R SALE e, -2 incuý andci Wyan X~ TIM d - 1 At Coucli, tne store . . . . er - 13 1