1925. THE But if w15e leisure nt be suel editoriais by tiiat ýn preaclier Dr. Rc ,pn Leisure ba.sed cor he Comimission U was presanited to on Christian Poli ind Citizenship cern e have a Wall any room or h )j store. Jus d look theip ovei m lOc -01 1925 DESIGNS ;o carry a fuli lina of Varnishs-everything the home. Prices arel 351. B. A. ýNotary ds for zale. c, King St.,' Phiones: Barristars, Soliec Publie,E Conveyancing and G of Law. O ffie s:: South, Oshawa. Phc çenant, B. A., LL.1 B. A., LL. B. 1 Practice ;iicoeaSt. G.D1. F. Annis, FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Coniipleta Motor or Hersa Equipnient All calîs proniptly attended ta. Private Ambulance Bowm'anville Phon(ýs 10 and 34 Branich Stores-Orono L& Newcastle, ALAN M. WILIAMS Embalmer aiid Funaral Diractor. Calîs given prompt anid persenal at-1 tention. No extra charge for dis-î tan1ce. Phiones 58 or 159, Bowmain-1 ville, Ont. 3-tf. Wor wo e o rIew rYork of wmucn JDr. jFredarick Lynch is Editor-ii."Ohier, one of Amiýer-ica's most versatile !nd instr-uctive writers. Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadian wh'ose sermons and addresses are se popular -with. list.. eners in on radio is a meniber of the contributing stafif of Christian Woirk, the Editors of which popular magazine say of Dr. Hronsar- ticles "It is saldejm ona finds adi- tonials more suggestive thaýn tl4se". Our readers will not find, anythingl "preachy" in theni, but an1 exeed,(- ingly inrstructive and interesting galaxy of coninonsensa ideas eluci- dating the thought that LeisuIre is a necessar.y part of life. >, c* I. Webster's International Diction- ary definas Laisure as Freedoni froi occupation or business; vacanýt time; tima free froi employnient; time at one's commaad-free froni engagemient; convanient opportun- ity-henca conivaniance, ease. It is very Plain that a parson is at lais- ure when not busy at a convenient tuae. The report on which Dr. Herton's articles are based wns presenýtedI to the Conference, referred to in aur epening paragrapli, in April lstat Birmingham, England, and is sin-gu- larly interasting and ori*ginail-just aintaresting to Canadianis asj to any other nationality, as it brings in a fre'sh andl very valuable judgmaint on such pastimes and things as the cinema-, broadcasting, dancing-, the theaitra, Imusic ,art, horse-.racinig, gambling and tippling-all tiniely, practical and somne of them burninýg questions for parent-,, mînistars, teýachers and ail others interasted in young people and in humian wvelfare in a general way. We cannot Ail read this report pUbl'shed in bocýk forni, so we are glad to be favored withi a resume of the Commiiission's report as given in these aditorialsý by Dr. Horton in Christian Work publish--ed at 70 Fifth Avenue, w York City, at lOc a copy, or$30 aý year-$3.O0 to ministars. * * 0V-; jThe Conimk-ission's rpotshows thet tise Church now raistisat i niay ha a Part of its- duty-acr for the iacreation and iaîsure o! its; ge,' miembar and adirarents. Leis-,ur-e, lenl. says the repart, is a necessýary par-t t h, s of h! e. It is not what Oaa would 'et, eall a luxury; it is. a nacessity af 4-t. livingpý-for life is a rhythmn batwýeanl -ra.st and talk, isatwen work aadi PlaCY. Unlass -wa gat laisura wa dlo i iet affectivaly work; unless there is J elief froni the strain of i! a wa do not bear it. We niiust alt tuasý mdpause and ha froc, or our wolrk d'e- ;Lor0 geneiates. Waasiust glet out of the sadin bis striking way, "d iffars froan thea grava only in deptis". 'ii.I we anj laisýure certainiy, neit as efor work, but astise or good wvorkl; certainfly suibstitute fer work, fo)r îiing mare disastro4us ta -we isa ich or whatisaer than ta ha uiieiiployd, Lre wara itself the cani- ation o! hunian felicity wouldI rapidfly dacarv. naad the leisure for the va naad tisa work for the Va de not work wali uni- aC aur Ipro)pe iaisure; WC, joy aur leisura propanly ýave Our nrope ok * VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calîs promlptly attended to. *au~ Office: King St. East, Bowm-an ville. I Phone 43."1 E. G. KERSLAKE,. V. S., B. V. Sc. ilonor Graduate of 'University of Toronto. Ail cases given prom-lpt andl careful attention. Offce -1 S Hampton, Ont. Phone 3753-15. AUCTIONEERS lu THEO M. SLE MON ven b- Auctioneer Farni and Ilouse Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. S Phone 197r3. 1-tf. * * We naaed laisure for deveioping *thea sides of life and tise facultiasl within us, which aur work doas net Iuse. Evaryoua is a great deafl Imore thian bis bus-iness and Iiis nacas- sary wrkJ; tisera isý a greatid li jo! possibility in avary huanan baiing, and tisat field is ta ba devalopad is cr tha leisure heurs. Jay and beauty, i augiter and lova, vi:i-id interesýt in thi-ngs, in people, in the lifa f a!, la theaimeaning e! Ced, tiha est o! ja il tint tisa past las givan, arwl do! il th-ttehfao h world neads t e-daiy, tisa appreciatian o! tisa fut- Lita and o!the etarual future- tibsa ara tise proper hanitage e!f avany ihuman being. Evary hunian being should hava whiat God has intendad for Hlis 1 cratures, and you cannot expct humein baigs ta gat this he-itage jf or thamlsalvas unles ýtiey hava e-- ular and guarantaad laisure for thought and for recreation. thea necý uestion )an uis, b Our p instrue tume, we b ne mis- are older we need siinilar training-. Wa want! te be tauglit by experience and by thos-e who study human life de- liberately and inelusively; we want Lo be taught how we may U e oui leisure. We shah nat find it out by ýaccident, and unfortunately if we are left to chance it is highly probable thait the mnisuse of our lais- une will bc aasier to learn than its Now it is the misusa of leisure that isý the cause of personal ruini and of national decay. We have to I Q uuth b&oys ana there can be leis gaines suited to a,, tidle as racreatian. -o should be givan pome rea.ding that1 Cultvation as we sue. The Commi cognizes the naturý and dance but thE flot bacoma an obs( too, ho-% mnuch a erves the freshine, of a life. The Io traval are noble u those who can ail, cinemia is a proper pictures are really also bring-ing the some of the pure a11 parts of the( miusic, draina and prograins. Ail ci the best possible use" of recognize ti e th tie fuur, f an1 YOUNG MAN, GO TO WORK goes weil, the leisure of men wvilI increase. It is calculated that, ow- Go ta work I Knowledge do.os not ing ta the rapid developient of, comie fromri impressiva books, but machinery, a day will camne, at anyJ froil- thse principle of working, out rate in this countryv, when it wili these the'oretical truths in actual not be necessary for anyone te wark practice. more than four hours a dayi, anid The world is overpopulated with wvith that very mnoderate anoullt Of people who work harder killing tume work it wîll ha possible for life ta than thay would have, taor if be well Iived and avarything sup)- they used timie inteliigently. The pliad that is necessary for healti efforts of such people ara reminis- and happiness. 1 cent of the oid herse once used in But that will nean that in ihfe i the brickyards ta aril the cday. future thara hl be four hours of Round adrudtecrl ewn work for oach of us aad twanty gaettiflg npwhere. A merry-g-o-rundi hoLurs of leisura, twenty heurs which la, a rolîcinig spoýrt for children, we can us-e accordinig ta aur tasta,1 but wîhen aduits do a lot of traval- and, unless the rig'ht use of leisure ling thay feet that they have beenl is found, unless mnen find much bat- sorniwhere. tar ways of emiploying it than they Do not wait for somatiug ta turni have hitherto fourni, tbat leisure up and happan. Make things hap- world of the future will becomie pan. The pracieus gift of the gods rapidly the scana of self -indulgence isiiitie'h abltt tr an esual pleasures ending in cn- Isomething and kaap it geing, nui and disg-ust, very much lika the , 1 ÷ 1world whichl was swept away by the Flood. You se~e the dang-er. Unless we learn to use leisure properly the futLureý appears dark. If we learn to use it properly the future is very brighnt, indeed, hecause there is ta be far more leisure for us ail, and, the cruel and grinding pnressure Of work will be for our childreni andP grandchildren very larg-ely relievedt DBut for the present weae -,ta1 recognize that drink, racing, betting- and gambling are the mo--t populatr usýes of Ieisure, and we ha1ve t,,, re- cognize the fact-this report brings it out overwýýhlingly-that th-sus of leisure is dem oralizing, and thatý ýt is involvr4gt 4he world at large, in the greater part if itýý mise'rieS. W!e are suffering flot froin the ii-schiief that we get from work, but from the miaschief that we get froi aur leisure.. When w eiemploy" our vacant time and cur talent in thiese directions, in drink and racing anid ganihling and betting, -w, not only disable ourselves focr theý bus- iness of if e, but help to make that demioralized society, that ho)rrible, corrupt and demoralized societ.v, el- fish, cruel, sensual and abandoned, which is a kind of hell upon earth, a1nd eveoey part of the world has tha)t society developed because of thia m1-isuse of the opportunit-ies Of leis- tire. If leisure is not useJ there is a great loszs; but if leisure is mnis- u-,ed trnd abused it beconies the retdenroyalizer of if e. H.ere are words to learn: if we nioticed little pleasures-. As we niotice. littie painis, if e quite f orgot our loasses Adremn-ibered ail o)ur gains; If xve looked for peo)ple's virtues And their fut refusýed to see. WhaLt a cniorube, ppy, ,Cheerful pla-ce this world wxould ha. ~'I've Neyer "Yes, l'Il admit slow with me but Jý turn of the tide."' Waiting for thei in lias spelled disaý m~any Canadian me think along thie 1: above. Adlvertise Advertising in wiII keep your nari stantly before the town. Advertisin, business-buildingJ fitable to use. Ta]l Progressive Mere] Issued by Canadian Weekly He made ff on lhefi OF tnany a fariner r( rest it lias been sa money on that farmn." TI no more money than h~ uaved a great deal more. ring to a weIl-are tHe made a lot of fact is that lie made neighbour, but lie Acqwing wealiis largely amatrer ovf systematic spending and saving. Without a definite plan few men get anywhere. Hard work is flot enough, tbhe fruits of the work mus't bc conserved. Save you.r money reguIar.y. Open an interest bearing Savings Account.L "Ad Bank Where Small Accounts Are Wekcome" BANK 0F MONTREAL Established over 100 years ToLtal Assetz; in ex<cess or 47boooo.ooo mnandis the highiest waga. In ail of DARLINGTON COUNCIL life the, initiater of newv outlets fori the bubbling spirit of xman is a bene- Town Hall, Hampton, Jul y2.5, 1925. factor. Regular mreeting of Council, niieni- tEverywhera today the caîl is for bers all preseut; Thomas Baker, ah mian who can make hinsseif bu3.y Reevtas, preýsiding. ihi new ways to raach oid ends. The Minutas -were read and adopt 1ed. burdan af civihnzation is ha who Board of RailwIay Camm-iissitonerýs menas well, but means wall feebly. o fCanada acknowledged receipt of- rasolution of couacil protestingj aainst remaval e! station agent àt [BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT WINS Tyrone Station, and gava notice that the Board's InspLetor 'would ha A large audience prn¶sipally froini at Tyrane Station on July 23rd insi., Mllbrook and Tyrone heard th-e de -'te m-1aka an investigation, o! candi- bate in Park Street United Church, j tiens and miakae a report ta the Oriolna, Wednasday aveningl between-1 Board. the, wýinners ef the Epworth Lnu John H. Mvunday presentad a pe-! Doisates of thse P'aterboro anidBw titian signed by 66 penýsons reqiiest-; mianville DititMillbrook repIres-, ing tlsat' a *naw bridge ha built an' enting Peterbrora, Tyrone the Bow- the 3rd Con. at- lot 15. Laid an manville District. The judg-es table for further consideration. awIarded tisa ceificata te the lat- Garald Týýàcott m-ada application lter, the subjeet being "Resolvad that ta place a gasaline tank in front of Man is more efficient alter forty isis premnises lot 1.5, con. 2, anid ta thari before ferty years o! agae. Tan have use o! sanie 8 feat of the rond- miinutes was allotted toeaach spe:aker. -way for thiat purpase. Council Millbrook was given tise affirmiative gava consent on conditian thaýt ha ta defend, wisila Tyrone uphaid tisa furnish counicil with a guarantea te negativa, the latter winniing the de- protect the Tewnshiip against any bate,. and secuning a place for tisa liabiiity fer dainges which naiight finals in the Whattaam Cup. Mr. occtir by reason of tank being plac- Jamnes Larmier and MUiss Marjary ed partly on the Highway. Sales upheld the affirmiative and Counicil dacided to take o ut a MissRos ShrttandMn.WUlanipolicy with The Globe Indeninity McCartnay the naegat i ve. Thre Companiy o! Canada wheraby the judges ware -Messrs. H. Fulford, El- Tonhpi-urnad aars wîn Browuvi and W. H. Trott 0f Port dainages by reasan o! any accident HIope. Rav. J. -W. Rae alhlc-iently which nray' occur on Tawnship higis- acted as chainnian. Mr. C. J. way., throughi alleg-ed faulty candi- f Thorntoa, ex-IM. P., moved a vote of tion of tha7 hig4hways, or ethere thanks and M1,. Elwin Brown o auss Port Hope, Prasident o! tisa Con-cas. farence Langue, rasponded, thank- Treasunar acknowledgad racaipt ing tise people of Orona for tiseir o! 5347.82 fromi Tp. of Clarke, share co-opration.-Orono News. o! Dais. No, 1 and coupons, S. S. No. l1, an dG. Adcock, $3.25 for ceaient. Orders waere drawni on Treaisurer: It should ha tise aim O! evary man S. A Northcott, dliscing road. $ .2.4 0 te shapeQ bis aff airs se tisat hiis fanii- W ýTOka, taiing culvant tube 2.50 ily cen ha rearad in a isoqsa of E. J. Black, d o............** » 3.00 suinshina and fresh air. It is More Fraak R tý'ogers, supplies cern- imiportan tot have a healthy, chear- eut imixer............... 3.00 futl place ta live then it is te have N. Scatt, gravaI and work pit 4.13 a big banik accounit. J. Cowling, -work Carr bridge 1.25 ___ A. B. Ferg'uoon, de .........4.25 Mrs. W. Jaff.ery, gravai ... 5.12 Wm. Hooey, gravai .... 5.150 B .Moore, teaniing cul. tuba 6.00, RDurward, hardware, etc.. 7. 07 Fred M Iountjoy, gravai ... 8.10 L. D. Simipson, gravel .... 8.50 Gea. A. Staphens, werk A- B. Fergýuson, work Car bjc'idga................. ..19.00 J. Côvwling, werk Carr bridge 21.00 and repair bridge........ 56.7.5 tie reabtGea. A. Stepisans,, wor1,k timesare bitStephans bridge.......... 111.901 'm hpin fortheMcClallari & Ca., camnt and in opig or heluniber....... .........254 H. Wilcox, warki G. A.k Step- haens, Allia and Bert Stev7- jr ships to comie ens Bridges....... ..... 321.20 iserfr i toPedarPeople Ltdï, cul. tubes~ 429.20 erchants. Don't camaent lbridges ..... 16559 mesof he anJas. Parr, Jr., W. . Bonus 5.00 ine ofthemanTru Power, W .F. Bonus.,. 7.50 e! Willis Stewart, W. F. Bonus '7.75 Blaka Short, shaap damages 1209 The Statesman M .A. James & Sous, ptg. and advt................ 25.85 re and store con-' S. A. Northicott, sheap ims. 2.1,5 epeople in this Tisa Globe Indamnity of Can- adcla, highiways insurance. 183.05 ig is a wonderful F. C. Patarson, grant Rural force-and pro- Schooi Faits.. ..... 30.00 tk i ove wit ~.F. G-.Kerslake ,work in Park 33.25 Ik i ove wit us.Fred G. Smnith, adv. T. S. S. S. No. 1 3.......... 200-00~ hants Advertise E. Haggit'h, Deb. No. 2, S ' 5. No. 19...... ....289.45 j Newspapers Association Bank of Mantreal, Dab. Na. 4 and coupons, S. S. No. 8 424.77 W. R. Allun, Tp. Clark. foR YOUI, Fre Recise Book- Write the Barden Co. Limited, Molitreal- INSULATING BUILDING BOARD You'l ha surprisad -heu you find how iittle it COsts ta insulaqtcyour home gi st sinmer's healt and wintar's cold with Tan-Test insulatingBuild- ing Board. You'il ha mare than gra-ti- fied with thre big Savinig it makes in your coal bills and the dalightful com- fort it brings ta everY roomi in the hou se Althre yegr ro)und. Ta-T-est InisulatigBuild- îig Horde is a manuIîfac- turad lumnber tint has the insulating value of cork and grenter strangth. than wood shanthng. Use it oîîtslda as a base for stucco; as shaathing for brick-venaar or framne, or as Iiinig for solid bick and oucrte.Usa it ln- side as a basa for fIister or with paint or walipapavir. Can be applied ta a1d or new houses. Inlexpansive, easy ta apply. Askz for litaratura and sample. given for painting 9 P. ni. t ch a rd BTS., '/ s s s j ~ I 1% 0 lin îepinty Liý \ze