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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1925, p. 6

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Né cessit'es for the Home L Four walls anda roof do not make a home. Th'ere ar'e many other thinngs that go into it. Amongst these are stixh important things as a h~eaino, system and good sanitary plumbing, We have had years of experience in these lines, and if you are building or altering a house, give us an opportunity to discuss the matter with y7ou. We can instail a hot water heating system or, fui"nace. We handie the well known McClary furnaces, which give such satisf action and comfort in zero. weathr. W cangive you the pipeless or pipe furn-ace. Eoth work welli if they are put in pro- perly. Greenaway & Elliott Heting Experts and Co-asulting Engineers Klig Street East Phone 18W BQowiu(anvile Needs BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 6th., 1925. EVOLUTION ON TRIAL IN TENNESSEE By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver, Colorado. "Away down South la Dixie" ini a little one-horse town called Day- ton in Tennessee there was recently] lield what the Christian and non- Christian worlds regard as the Moat important trial yet put upon the boards. The State legisiature IISd recently passed a law, forbidding the teaching ln ail the sechools of the state, supported by public taxaiton, the doctrine known as " -Evolution",' or that man descended or asce.nded [from a lower animal, and, because Evolution contradicts the account of creation set forth in Genesis, etc. Prof. Scopes, a teacher in a school in Dayton, disregarding the law, taug-ht Evolution tp lits class, and was duly arrested, and it was his trial that aroused the people of all class- es, not only in thils country but in Canada and Europe. The great orator, the Hon. William Jenining-s 1Bryaun, voluntarily assisted in the prosecution, while the defense was represented by Clarence Dorrow, ofr no less fame than Bryan as a Iaw- a yer and orator, 'assisted by Newt York lawyers of iamost 'equal re- pute. The techaical violation of the law' was admitted; but the defense held,1c thiat the law wvas unconstitutional, and therefoxe void, as puttiing an illegal restraint upon the teachingt of a branch of science, as well set- tled as the la~w of gravitation, or the daily revolution of the Earth on its axis. ýperor ais a c upon conjecture or pbilosoph-y, but exactly upon the saine sorts of evi- dence as do the other grea±% laws of natu~re. It has been tied and tested in every concelvable way for over haif a century, and vast nuhbers of biol- ogical facts have been examined ia out a single exception, they have been shown to ha antireiy compat- ible with Evolution-. A careful studly of the facts, shows that fuadasuental structural resemblances betweea animaIs sig,. inify blood relationsThi.p, and that generally speakiag, the closeness of structural resemblance ruas parallel with closeness of kinship. Anatomically, the genus homno kears a strange resemblance to the anthropoid apes-bone for boe- muscle for use-ee for nerve -4hlood for blood, and in many other ways and speçial cletails, mnan and the anthropoid apes are wonderfully sîmilar, physically. But the~rieis one £Uland d<istinc-, But we, have ýplaty of parks where "Welcoeme" 'la written every- where. Get the sunlight and air and freedoxa of God's Out-of-Doors, Then you will live log and pros- per! Ladies, just read Couch. John- ston ,& Crydermnan's advt for. special values in dresses. ORONO ITEMS (Froin The News of July 30 th Miss Ethel Rowe, Oshawa, is. holi- daying at home. Mrs. Madge of Providenee, ,R. I., is viitig at M'rs. Hunter's, Mrs. Zetta Andre!ws of Toronto, ig visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Il. B3rown. Mr. and Mii. James Quantrili <of Saskatchewan, ara- visiting his fatheri at Kendal. Mrs. Huehn of Toronto, îs spead- ing a f ew days with her cousin, Mrs. F. J. Hall. Mrs. Richard flockin and daughter Miss Neilie, Toronto, are visiting! friends here. Mr. and Mrs. H'. G. MacDonald spent the past wvýeek with old friends in Prince Edwiard Co. Mri. and Mrs. Charles Clark and Mr. Fry, Toronto, were weekend vis- itors at Mr. F. J. Hall's. Ul Acta id ail Othe] pproach an science is Manag-er of thle Standiard Bank~ here, 1sel ýspent the weekend wlvth friends in towrn. W Mr. David Noble ia building a an verandah in front of his residence, O: the f ormer home of the Misses Mc- vW? 1Pherson. 'wi Mr. and Mrs. Pontney of Toronto, - who are suanneriing at Lake Scu-- Ho-,niee.indlrs J r glone isied r ad M.J.A Mrs. Kerr of Marilla, la visiting ier sister, Mirs. Alfred Chapman, mieeting ber brother, Mr. Eçi. Birch bas been oý me hundred this hardware store well equip- summer retiuirements, such as: These, and mrany other delightful recipes for Sandwsiches, Salads, Egg Dishes - are ini our new *cipe Bok." W. wilI gladly send Yeu a copy--free. Write. for it today. Cocnan-Kee.m(CanxadIa) Lmited Dupýlt S,12A herst st "8tea ve promuý 111 be th Prosperity is Neyer Safe Prospeirity is neyer saf e unless it rests upon protection. Your home is neyer saf e.' I>ROTECT IT BY INSURANCE Your business is surrounded by riskçs,nsure it. Your valuables ar e always in danger unless protected by in&irânce. rOMATIC OIL STC the goods and get( L) a rr ov we'l *Insure youir present pro ' perity to prosperous, We can help you. a,ýs a m a most musiag) kwasacil larvis and tbree childi Fead, and M:r. and âi ýwe of Ottawa, are VI parents, Mr. and Mrs. remain For Ail Kinds of Insurance Consult J.J.MASON & SON,, R~eal Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bow,,,ma-nville "Never too Late to Mend" May be a very good maxim, but "A Stitclh in fime Saves> Nine"'ý is mueh better vea frthme on its ax is. ýor- [ whlat sha .ruction iý the State scienti-s, , believei 1 of them d ini the July 26tb., 1925. i ____ ___brig ea of the ïnIT Lo one canlnE uu g that the IF.D OU y be truc, affirni the that the ight Vo say ____THEà_____L flot be the the pub.- Nerves Gave Liffie ROSI )ader thanl t, s-uch a s Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- rtakes Vo n bas been ham's Vegetable CQmpotrnd wr4+tho-rf ai- larrows'i-h, Ontario. - "I tooa vorr -ion dem( G'yproc your I'ouse and garage this year Gyproc does away with the fire hazard. It Pays for itself by te fuel it saves. It keepa oui: dust and. dirt, fosters health sadcomfort and increases the,"îlv.abiity» of youf bouse a hundredfold. For additloaal Gyproe facts 800 JOH-N A. HOLGATEL & SOIN Phone 153 Bowmanville ýfe were Iai, ere- bas go p to the yo e coin- cal of ilfe, ni crown- -CO gdomi. -i atradietH sChrist, is forE ii g with cer- ion and its isicovered somne its mechanism-. se are contro- in no way to the valid- of ai-d may rn rank as an esta -ely is onie of thi and does not DON'T~ M Rev. C. Mr7s. D. T. of the Pre der Hawk ,painied by lin, -wbo 1 siace Janu of Mr. snd JI owrI, pnstûT it tie urgan an(L aotly of formie! vas no-t only a )ut a~ reunion of ors. A. distinguishied his week wis R( lerk, of the Sý, an fromn its or, o the present, ai Let your Home, Outbuildings, or Fences get toc bad before you commence to look after them. We shall be glad to gi&e you estimates on Luïhlwàer, Pine, Hemlock ,B. C. Fir and Cedar., Shingles, B. C. Red Ced!ar, and Quebec White Cedar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building Paper. Ten-Test Fibre Board for insulating and wal1 board. Cernent and Lime Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring a specialty. NOW is the e to put in your next winter's sup- ply of Coal and Coke. Our Watchword is SERVICE Cail and see what we can do for you. McCIIIan& Coe., Limi ted King St. East Office Phone 15 Orange iAssociation in tne early aays of the township, holding the high office of County Mst er. Dr. Henderson has cýserraed 43 yeairs lai the ministry, 22 of which hýe bas spent in Saskatche-wan. When bhe went West there -were but eight Presbyteries in the province, but be bas seen theai increase until today there are 18, the lar-e'st la the Do- mainion. Wbile ina town Dr. tien-- derson was a guest of Mr. -and Mrs., W. N. Stutt wvho were niemberz of his church in the west, Mrs. Stutt ha-, ing organist at one of his appoint- meiýnts, There is nothirg -repulsive la Mil- ler's Worm Powders, and they are as pleasant to take as sugar, so that few bilîdren will refuse theml. Ia some they cause voilitilig through their action ia an unsoundl stomac(h, but this is only a manifesta- tion of their cleansing power-, no in-, dication that they are hurioful. They ana be thoroughiy depended upon to clear worms from the system, Bowmanvlll, House Phei.ýn*z U~8, 274, 21 4 o.%n Lake Erie rny- , gopd bed i a clean, aind an appetizlng breakfast EIE"-"«CITY 0F BUFFALO" rovember 15t1, i Leave Cleveland-9:OO P. M. lieJArrive Buffalo -*7:CO A. M. L"arrives 7;30 A. M. 7tfoldo, Detroit and other points. tickets via C & B Lise, New Tourist Tht eGreat Ship "SEEANDBLI-- - - Lngth,500 feet, r BreaAh.O98feet r - on Kidneys, Liver and he Very First Day. e Of Rheuina today a.nd ied emille on youar face The Phone 1 Out Goes Al Rheu inatic ýd on IlJ

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