JENNINGS BRYAN Bize, B. A., LL. B., ver, Colorado. it orator and "Corn. >~W.k<oph is visiting Mrs. Rochester, N. 'Y. A.rthur Barrett of Toronto,1 9 Mr.. and Mus. W. IL. Bar- Dora Haw'kins, Lindsay, is' her holidays with Orono [ton Staples, asst. Gov. Dis- presentative, is home from, . Ettie Winter spent Oivîe with 'her parents, Mr. and iway & Elliott iS and Coaauiig Engineers t Bûwnianville Phionie 18W Ons ai v Usu U 'Lthe trial and pause to fundamentalists and ýrists alike when most needed, ýe name of Jesus and His mis- on earth. are is no possible doubt of the 3earnest sincerity in the cause 1he championed when the sum- of the dread Reaper came. He nherited much of the spirit of larola, and of1fthe world'ls est martyrs and was holding o the fundanientals whic~h re- ýrs and heretics have challeng- ring the stormy days of Christ- ny wise men, in and out of the h, challeng-ed his discretion and itransigentisut, but f ew indeed rjuestioned bis sincerity. It no physician's certificate to knon that his death was nd ia, of Jgi on,. il. wa even te i tiVeemE failure t< was mainl miany Hall or of his and the Io bass of tl Bryan. With tih there is 1 of the iG1 are flE Len Chas. eJal father' et toi Me 'ai kt w Needs id this hardware store well equip- ur summer requirements, such as: Prosperity is Dewe always în danger ee the goods and get our prîces. 0ON & DàA L E liardw*e-Quality and Riglkt Prices )Bowmanville For J. io bas as'pi îg nearIy ace Consuit e Brokers o Late to Mend"l "A. Stitch in Time Saves Nine"l 18 ucNbt nie stronger and aft« aach. battie and ýpe coulýd flot be driveu ay from his les dership, at reverses to his polit. E-i o.~ W aruci three ýg at1 l, as 't r"f'ree s Breati' Il of the e for lb ýe of asi Lot your Home, Outbuildings, or Fonces get toc bad before you commence to look after theni. We shall be glad to give you estimates on Luiuber, Pino, Hemlock ,B. C. Fir and Codar. Shingles, B. C. Red Cedar, and Quebec White Cedar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, -and Building IPaper. Ten-Test Fibre ]Board for insulating and wal board. Cernent and Lime Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring a specialty. NOW is the time to put in your next wintor's sup- ply of Coal andl Coke. Our Watchword is SERVICE Cali and soe what we can do for you. MeCl0ellan & Co., Limited King St. East BowtnanyfU.o Office Phon~e 15 House Phuonëtft !28, 274, 214 -«"ciTy 0F BUFFALO" pr 15sIà ýLcave Cleveland-9:0O P. M. Arrive Buffalo -*7:oe A. M. ýuan- re- bar- ýh a con- 1the Y, AU, liai 1 1 ý 1 1 ý ji',iml - ý !, !, i e - -