STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES Tc Europe-Canadian Patific, Witite Star Dominion, Cunard, Ainerican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Statesman Office, ]Bowmativil1e. HARRY WAGNER Teacher of EHavwaan Guitar. ~Copete Course in Transposition Sperlal Course of Six Lessons for Summer for Ukuilete, Uke-Banjo, Start now to play at your camp. Studio over Couch, Johnskon & Cryderman's, Bowmanville, every Wednesday. Brighten Up Yes, we have a Wall Paper suitable for any room or hall in, The house or store. Just give us a cali and look thiem over. OVER 300 PATTERNS Prices ranging from Ioc to $4ffO per rol ALL 1925 DES[GNS We also carry a fulli une off Paints and Varnishes-everyvhing to hîilhten the home. Prices 'are right. Estimates given for painting and decorating. Open evenings from 7 tili 9 p. m. G. Pritchard DECORATOR Cor. KING AND SILVER STS., BOWMAN VILLE Say "Bayer" - Insistl Unless you sec the "BIaver Cross" 4311 tablets you are not gettig thé geriuine Bayýer prod- uct provedý safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. ~~,~Accept only a Bayer package whichcontains proven directions Uandly "Bayter"' boxes of 12- tablets Also lbotties of 241 and 100-Druggists 4Aýpir!iu is tbe trade manrt regltered In Gsinala) of Bayer Manfacture. of NJO. aceticacidlester of Saljcylicaucd. ge t& M ________________________________ -. ________________________________ -- ________________________________________________________________________ I ~~-.-.---~-----~- _____________________________________ DENITAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE FHonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto' University. Graduate àf the Royali College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanvillc. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto, Office, King St. Eat, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. i. to 6 p. n. daily cxcept Suanday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIW.ELL Honor graduate of Toronto UIni- versiti- and maeniber of Royal Colege of Dental Surgeons. Liceused Vo, practise in Ontario and the Dom in- ion. Dentistry ila ah its banches Offce-IRing St., Bowmapvillc, op- poýsitc Bank of Montreai. Phone 301. LEGAL. M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Moncy to loan on Farim and Town Property. Royal Bank Building Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for cýale. Qffices-Blealely Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario, Phones: Office 102, House 279J. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solictors, Notaries Public, Etc. Conveyancklrg and General Practice of Law. Offices: 71/:,,Simrcoe St. South), Oshawa. Phone 63. G. D. Conant, B. A., LL. B. A. F. Annis, B. A., LL. B. 2l FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete M1lotor or Hlorse Equipmient All calis promptly attcnded to. Private Ambulance Bowmianrvlllc Phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Esinbalmer and Funcral Director. Oeils given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowmnan- Ville, Ont. a-tf. MEDICALl JNature is so infinite i-n bei van- Gold Mcdalist of Trinity University, 1 hze neyer repeats hea'seif. You Toronto. Four years attending Phy- cannot fluti two bladic of gmass alike, sician and Surgeon at Mt. 0Carmel or two leaves on thbe saie trec; non Hospital, Pittsýbuîg, Ks. Office aaid can yoiz fiati aniong the m»ultitudes Residence, Welling.ton Street, Bowv- of stars in the beavens aay on-e that manville. Phone 108. is not different fron al ite othtýrs. C. W SLEON, . D. C. . Inother- mords, everything lii the C. W.SLEMI% M D.,C. M unirverse is inaividu, b as, s0 Vo Giaduate of Trinity Medical College,i speak ilts owva persoaiýalÀty-. WÀFhat Toronto, formenly of EnnisItillea. is truc of that wbicb. in the, past wre Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's used Vo thinik of a.s "inanîmnate Nat- former nesidecec on Ohurch Street., ure" ia cven more profoundly tino Bowmianville. Phone 259. 4 4-t. of human nature. You neyVer e -- two pensons -with the saine kind oif OPTOMETftY ipersonaity. Nature nelds eveiy cbilçl Vilat R. M. MITCHELL comies into the wo-ld "accordingrý to a Registered Optonietrist new desig-n. Site- leaves Vo us Vo, lEyes examiinet-latest nmethods and bniag onof tailddrthelplaternse- modern equipinent. Optical Paror eto fdti iepteast a in R. M. Mitchell & o's Dnug Stor~e, stampeti upon us. You can t-wist, Bowmanville, Ont, on d1warf, or miai your perso-nality- ________________________ inathe making-imake V it iceous,, rx jpusive-or you ca'n make iV beauti- CH-IROPRACT[C fui andi attractive. The imiportantý DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY tbiiig le that you hvapower Vo- naiýke Trnnvr ~,-ha1-c nf P,..,.,+,. i prlactic Coliege wilI be la office on Tenipeiancc Street, Bowmanville, Tucstiay, Thursýýday and Saturday altennoon andi eveangný. Phones- Office 1-11J; Residenice 1411W. Residentil al îls matie at H-ainpten, Newcastle andi District. OSTEOIPATH A. M. HEIST Licentiate Iowa an-d Michiga~n Statel Boards of Medical Examiners. A-cuVe and Obronice dirseases treated. Spinal adjustments given Vo remove the cause of tilsease. Eleven years of successful praci lce. At Balmierai Ilotel cvery Thýursday afternooný.l Office: 74 Centre Street, Osha-wa. VETERINARY DR ' F. T. TIGHE VETERINAUY SUrRGEON. Deay or Nlgbt calis promptly attentiedtit. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville.! Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Honor Graduate cf Univerns-ity of Toronto. Ail cases given- prompt and canceful ýattention. Offce- Hampton, Ont. Phjone 375-15. AUCT1ONEERS TH0M. SLEMON utanee Farna anti buse -Sales a Spccialty.1 Terais motierate. Enniskillen P~. O. Phono 197î3. t"> e, 1-tf. JAMES BENNETT - Auctioneer 10 yeam' expenience in farm, furni- ture andl bouse auction sales. Ad- diesse Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, Ring St., Bôwmanyille. Phone 131L Box 38. WILLIAM MAW Licensed Auctioneei Iiaving met with coasiderable suc- cess la conducting sales for the pns3t 18 years, 1 nom e.ff er my services Vo te people of Bowmanrville anti vie- inity. For terits anti dates see F. O. Mason, Bommanville, or phone 288, Wbitby, Ont. 12-t. JOSEPI COULSON Licensed Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estate, Newcastle, Ontarlo, 224tf. If you are n'of; saV$ýsfed îwith, the. pcnsonality you havr-e, why not. change it? When you goVo te pbotograpber's Vo have your pictur Voen anti you don't like the prouff he sentis you, you to-Il hlm Vo 'lcstroy te negatives, because the pieturea dlon'V ok like you; dea't represo-at yoar real self; ant i o on't take theai aad don't pay, fo r then\. If youa repel instead of attractln-g people;, te lanît is your own. You arc not sbowing thenii youn reai self. Why noV ticstroy te negatives of tosa pictures you are daily pnesenting-; Vo the world, and show 1V insteati the picturce of the man or te %wom-aa ieOrator designeil? No] natter mbat 'the fIon on the f eatumes, tat le nicant Vo he beautiful, attractive. Bac-lt of all personality le the miid,, te soul. Y-ou are the master of' your soul, the guide ant i drector orf your houghts, anti those arc con-1 staatly molding yo-u.Vo thein ikeness, The mitole secret -jf personality Jle la the thoughts yen tl4aik. * 'e Your houghts are etchinglUnes of beauty or of ugliacîs upo-a youî face. They foin o subtle, iiwvlsibl force which enve1opes youn whonle be- ing anti attracts or repels 'everyone with miroin yen come la contact, They influeint-e your conduimt, youn fortunes, your peace anti bappiness, yo-ur wbole present anti future 111e. A beautiful character, lQvablene;s anti nobility of mind area more thon a match fer aay tiegieof more physical beauty, any adrantages of wealth on social positilon. When ini Lincel,,n's presence wvho even thougiit cf bis iuggcd features, ilis ungainly figure, bis poventy, his 1hl- fitting, shabby clotites? Witat mas iV that, la spite of te absence of those exterior (ativaentages, dîe-w every one Vo hlm mitit a force that -as irrsistiblel? Study bis 111e and character.L-4he lIfe anti character of any great popu- 1ar anti mu.gatic personality, like Theoione IRoosevelt or Phillips Brooks, andi yoiu will finti an ansrwer Vo the qu\estions ona so many lips: "Hov can 1I malte nyself popular, magnetie,. $easing to others?" "Iow can 1 attract people, mate the>n love me?" "Hom coan l tevelop a strong, forcefu1l, anti at Vile sanie time plea, ing personality"? , l,' aV Ur IU I UIIý JLJ Soe people are so timnid and shy, ' Editor of the Journal-Ags:---Lasit sofeafu1l of mieetïig çtran-gers, so week lWr- M. A. Jtarnes ecompleted afraid thcy will not do or say the f orty-seven years ini coi)tffnous- ser- right thing, that they shut the-iinsel- vice are- editor of The, Canadiani Vsawny from soeiety a~d so iccen- Statesman, Bown-ianvile.( Mr. Jamles tuate the weaknesses that hol& -hein bas given lus constitueno-y a paper back. No niatter how nmrh! 'ýiyou; clean- a nd helpful, newvsy and in- mray desire it, muy friend, or- how fluentiaL,, always outstanr.ding in its hard you may study to acqudre it,, idvocacyN of morial issuezs calcýu!ated yuu can't build upr an attractivý,e per- for the~ upiift of the commlunicty. aeaiywhile keeping aloof fromi Mr. Jitmle, lbas the happy- experience acciety. It is mfxiag with others,î of bavïng able and experienced sons wûrlcing ,with others, beiýng interest- to coperate with bl iniin.the tditor- ed in others, heltiing- others, sorrow- ial arnd mchnclproduction ofý the ing and rejoiciag with others, that excellent local newspaper they pub- leeops personrality. ,ih BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 2Oth, 1925 THE EDITIOR TALKS Once more we desire to express our high appreciation of the prince of mionthly publications for youag men and boys cspecially but ful from e over to cover of informiative, inspiîing and very interesting ýreading for cvery miemb'er of a household-.we refer to SUOOESS, the Humian Mag-azine, founded by one of America'$ greatest inspira- tional writers, Dr. Orison Swett Mar- den, author of a series of books for young men, who passed to his eternal rest a year or two ago, but bequeatb- cd to the pages of SUCCESS Mlaga- zine a rich heritage of several hun- dred practical talks on humnan prob- lemis which are being published eachi moath in this polpular magazine. We have the _kind permnission of the editor, Mr. Walter Hoff Secly, to publish in The Statesman this one of Dr, Marden'ýs articles for its high menit and to give our readers a con- ception of the splendid character of Dr. Marden's human interes-_t writ- ings. We may add that titis maýga- zine sells at 25 cents at bookstores or may be oîdiered at 251 Fourtia Ave., Ne-w York City, at $2.50 poer annuni. The title of this article whichi ap- pears in August Success is Practical Philosophy-Youx Oaa Make Your- self a New Personality. Oui rend. ers, young and ' more advanced la years,, will find it rnteasely real and interestin-one of the articles to be rend aloud in a comipaay and discuss- cd, so that cveryone prcsent xnay share in the wholesonac besson it tcaches on bow to become posscssed of an engaging and magn-ietic per- soaality. Dr. Marden starts off with an arrcsting question: Did you ever realize that if the billion-and-one--half human beings on the carth the fiag-er-points of tno two would be found alike? So distinct are they that where ail other means faiT a persexn can be ide-rtified aanong millions of others by his finger-prints. If oui senses were fine anough ta discern theni, there would be many other areans of identifica- tion than fingerprints; wc would dis- cern, even in persons -who could not visually ha distinguished apart, the most prof ound differeni-es, An Editor For Forty-Seven Years Thle STATESMAN is a paper of ronoma; It's puirlisýihet inlaa gootiolti Durhmntoman Callet IORWMIAN'VILLE,ý; Iltnow- and love,.jt alT; And VhIene's a eýtory 1I mouid lite Vo tell ,About'a iman wboan time, to ail, endears- Anti editor, for forty-seyen years I His naime is M. A. Jancs-small needti o tel- For ai] who la this banner county tidel IKnow welI bi., friendly enulie ant i kn-tly eye-. Likewise bis fond regard f-or chieken pie; 0, ibm a saille, reciprocated, cheers An editor for forty-seve an yeans! -We've. read the STATES11AN'S pages week by week A hoisand different paragraphe Vo Nseelç About te finds mith -mhoime played ln youth- Who's dead? mho's bora? Who'a being mcd? forsooth,- No book coulti -ibd te things one sces anti hears Whlie editing-foi forty-seven ycars. B3ut Vin~e rolls on;.eome day wil come the rest Wellerrnei-by toil, for micit youtit furni-shed zest; la remniniscent mnode<ow-cil may sit, Rcview if e's work anti meditate a bit; As sunset nears, Vi-ee must be mucil that chlemas, An edit-or for forty-sevea yers. Congrulations! fiend oI olti and young; - Long n'ay you live Vo give, by peu anti tongue, News of religion, busiqless, poltic- Warnings Vo mca uinused Vo knavisit trict- Goti gve you bealth, ai meoilt h em To ýserve us yet for niaay, miany ycaîs. R. L. MQnral, August 10thr., 1925. wermy THE EDITOR TALKS Look around you. Observeq the people you associatc witb, Vbose 'with whom you work, people -whonm yon know intimatcly, and inotice the qualities that stand out in those you arc attractcd to and those Who repel you. Then study yoursclf hon- cstly, as if you were sonie oeelcsc; note your appearance, your manner, the personality you aie presenting to thc world; find what defect3.-- mental or physical-are making you unattractive, unpopular ,and begin at once to îem-edy Vhem. In a long life, mixing with al sorts and conditions of meca and woplien, I have found that the most popular and rnag-netic persoiinalitie,-s in every class are distiaguisbed by the eimplest and most lovaible buan qualities; they are good imiixerlj, fricndly towards everybody, kindIly and generous in their impulses, ser- enle, sunny, self-confident, bopeful; and 1 hâve found that the people wbo lack mag-netisni, whomn nobody, cares to sec, arc thc oppoiie of ail this. Few business mca have as many fîiends as Charles Jý'. Schwai); fcw are as popular with ýaIl classes. This is not alone because of his fairnessi and squareness witb aillnmen, but also because of bis wbtdesouled gen. tility, bis frieadly spirit of brothier.1 hood and cooperation, bis happy dis-I position, and, above ail, his famouvs' sunny silile. Armour Ogdeni said, "I w\ouid give a million dollars Vo' have Charles Schwab's snle". Now, while Sichwaib's inle bac probably meant millions of dollirs to hii, the real value of a snulc cannot be measuîed in dollars andý cents. Its greatest value by far, is la spreading happiness, joy and optimism. And tbink how easy it is to cultivate a pleasant saile! It bas been estiniated that it takes only sixteen muscles of the face to. atake a sipile, w'hile it takes sixty Vo miake a frown! If every chliu', wcîe ta-ught to, f or the habit of sersiling instePd of frowairig there would he fe-wlr s(.ur-faeed, gloomoy unattractive personalities la the world. Wben one of oui grat fïinpaiers was askcd how he picise-d mcaei for bis big enterprises, hie said.: "A wvinniag personality is te first tbiig 1 look for ila a n". The wi.nning, personality îs an as-ý set ia cvery huýsinaess, b4ecausa epoeople[! like Vo do business -with suclb cpe sonalities. They are wloe evcryw%,here, tbey g.o. if youanati to bcloag wilh thein, you, imust learn,.1 no motter what your individueli 'troubles, Vo, turn a - smuilu-g f aue-Vo- thc worîd. You must leara te thiak, mores of ethlers and less of r yo-twseiF. You-1 must not be mcnody or gIuln,. or pee- ývisb, Vouchy, resentf ul or sensitive. No one waats Vai be~ wit t tin-skn- lied, self-conscious people who are- always being hurt, altways takiag ' offence, feeling sure that otianis are, j slig-htingl, or trying to ifijurct Vhcni L<cep your burts, your auner sos, yiDur troublesý, your trials and-. afficr ti9ens to yûurself. The world dbtesni't w~ant Vo kaow aboiit tbcm. It bas a lot of troubles and probI~ei- f its swand needs ch-eeriag up, bodst-. gil irsteaid of dîaggiag downl. Those Woarc coastantly' thinking oni and, talking about therpneelves and thein aif airs are neyer attractive o (-ppu- * 'er TH-E EDITOR TALKS stranagcrs; thirk of them as Zona Gale said, not as I'judgncnt seats", but as huinan belings lke yo-urself; Vbi'nk o-f tbecm as fricnds, as brothe-rs and sisters, many of whoi- are just as shy as yourself, and you will soon geV over your f ear of theni. GeV nid of all reserve, of that clanmy, cold stiffness that repelýs; do nioV nicet a person as tbougb you werc afraid of making a mistake and say- ing or doiag what you would bc glad to recaîl. You will bc sur- priscJ te find wbnt this warm, glad haadsbake and cordia grccting will do la creating a bond of goodwill be- twveea you and the penson you meet, in putting- both of you at your case. * >, x The secret of one wbo is 'univer- sally interesting" is that be la uni- versally interesteil. He îs siaccre- iy iaterested la every one he ineets; syn-tpathizes with thein in their hopes ,their desires, and ambitions, an-d would gladly holp Vo advance thein la every possible way. Even th ouugh tbcy are strangers Vo hîim, he treats theni as friends, ai-d there- by establishes a comradeship which nakes t1hem frierds at the outsct. Apart froin the supernatural ques- tion of his divianity, the marvelou;a pcrsonality of Jesus was largely dlue Vo this sanie broad spirit of fellow- ship with Al mea. lis sincerity, bis love and sympatby drcw the' multi- tudes Vo Han. Thère is no~ surer way to becoirne popular ,to build up a beautiful, at- tractive personality, thon te get as mucli of bis spirit as possible into y oui 11f e, te practice te Golden Rule o-f etnduct whicb He laid down. BOUQUETS FOR EDITOR JAMES Installment 14umber Two (Fi-em The Tortonto Daily Stan) M'u: M. A. Jamies bas juast complet- cd ~f orty-seaenth year as editor andi gtilisher aofVthe Bownmaavifl Statesman, of recent years havinig associated with i la inthe business his twoc sons. It ile sseajfy balf a century since Mrý James quit school temching- and took bis seat at thre edlitor's desit, and duriirg' aIl that time be llis never writtein a bine in malice or, failcd Vo) show a sympa- thetic human interest in the f e of' Lis comiauedty. Trhe Statesnian has long beeau regarded'i as a io-dcl, weekly journal and in cionsequence a prosperous one, and -\we join in wisbing Mr. Yamnes every g7ooti Uhing for the fýuturP-. (Frein Kiagsto-n Dnily Blritish Whig-) Mn. M. A. .1ýies, BÙwnannvil1o- Statesmnan, bas been f orty-secv. y-ears on that splendid journal. He- ib,ý-now oven 76 years of age hnti hale snd active. Mr. Jami-es is a .oveab~le personage, sage la wisdoin -fd expericace, yo-utbful andi up-Vo- lata in outlook. Ire writo-s with nt lane flavor, bis kýnowled'-e is wide and embracing and his expressions upliftiag and commeadabL. Few editoers have the graee and facilitcy of' iaMng brl-is writing under'stard- a-las ho does. May Editor lam-ies lonig a-bide in the tenIe of faile he, bas reared tllrrougb honor- Ediltor John W. Eedyi, of St.Mrs Di isfast, issue srays: Thu asenimnts- expieý,ssed la the foflowing para- grapb la thre Editorial colinns of bhe Actea Free Press la a laige npauare- vnoce the 'fc'lirs oanffthe. J. S. Board. Moorcra.ft, Esq., Sec'y.-Treas. 33-.2m, I t! I IN whatever section of thie Dominion ~ farmers till their field,%, there wiIl be found a completely equippea brandi of- the Eaink of Montreal - An-d in whatever brandi of the Bank of Montreal you may find it most ccnvenient to do business, there you will find banking co-operation especially designed to meet the needs of farmers and the farming industry. Each of our 600 branches has the strength, ex- perience and services of the entire organization. CaIl at the nearest branch.à "A Bank Wbere Small Accounts Are Welcome" BANK 0FMONTREAL EstabIished over 100yemr %W alAssatsmin cc=ss of' $700.000,00 't Sumnmer Needs You wvill findjthis 'hardware store well equip'- ped to supply your summer requirements, such as: HAMMOCKS SCREEN DOORS FISHING TACKLE SÇFEEN 'WINDOWS LAWN HOSE, ETC. ELORENCE AUTOMATIC QIL STOVE Cail and see the goods and get our prices. MASON & D)ALE The Popular Hardwar -Qualîty and Right Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville 1 BOWMANVILÙE HIGH SCHOOL REOPENING The High School will reopenl Tuesday September lst., (daylight saving time) Ail students should be in attendance the first àay to receive advice as to courses of study and text-books. With only one change in the teaching staff, the schooil is prepared to maintain the higli standards of the past. Tuition is 'free to country pupils as well as to townl pupils. Staff:~ W. J. Moirrisana, B. A.-Principacl and Teachler of Science and Agriculture. A. R. Scott, B. A., B. of Mathenatics. B. E. Ingham, M. A., LL. B.-Teacher of Moderns, History and Eng-lish Misa I. k. Smith, B.A.-Teacher of Modemns, English and Art. I Miss A. M. H. Brown, B. A.-Teacher of History and Lower Sehool subjects. MWiss M. Sissons, B. A.-Teacher of Latin anld Ancient Hlistory. ( W. B. Couch, Esq., Chairman, H. S. - Uli