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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1925, p. 8

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« 't TI{URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd., 1925 ýnjerSty fÂgents Wanted of atdhe ot- A-Our agents meon andl worren, with- 1 ad on,t eprecare making between_ $10 llow of the and $3.per week in spare time taking icie. COffice orders for Imperial Art Personal Gret- Residence.ig ar. Talon ordi ersnew, deliver CaeIMgnfcn sample book free. > rite, ]3iitish C-Ladin, 122 Richimend ppointriener Çýcst, Toronito. 3 S. W., MASON & SON A nnouncrng Fail Fa*sh ions:o That coats will be wora short, aud a dominant feature is the insistence of the flare, so arranlged as not to dietract frors the slendemness of the fig-ure, and -,ithout any evidence of extreme or exaggera- tion, but arrauged to couforrs with the idea of the niost conservative. The straighlt line silhouette, however, continues to mule, and while flares are, uecessary according to thýe developnient of various individual mnodela, the ~stmaight line is equally necessary. Furs are a very important trirsring f actor. Sleeves are narrow at the wrist aud collars are miostly of th-e choker vsriety. Reddish browns are well thýoughbt of amongl the colors, while purple shades and black promise to be popular. Other new shades are duil peacock, niabogany and bordeaux. 'e dress silhouette for Faîl ernphasizes the nlew fiared mode. Front, back or side flaresansd pleats to -ive the d.sired fuluess will vie with oneana- other for pepularity. The traig-ht lî ne mode! is aiso given miarked approval in silk and cloth mod)(els for street wear. Sleeves aire ili peasant style, long, sud finished with bow or fancýy pendant str.ap, soute are slig-htly puffed aud trlrnrned wýitIh contrasting fabric. Plain, fitt-ed tailored leeves are aise very smart. The "y" neck la prominent, \,whether plain or wlvth collar, sornetiies havingo tabs, which, 'wen fast- ened,, alioýw the collars to be worn high. Skirts 'will continue te ba worn short. The popular iaterials are sheen twills, flannels, balýbrigpgau, wool plaids, crepe satin, flat crepe, catncrepe and georg-ette. S. W. Mason & Son's Garments have that distinc- t4iveness which not ouly' appeals te the moat dis- icrimninatin~g wearer, but covers such a variety cf stlsth.t cboesing las easy, aud at prices t'hat ariyone can afferd to pay., Net the least of many d2sirable features are their perfect fitting sud "SýHAPE-KEEPING". qualities. Because cf this quality Of retaining their original distinctive aud smart appearauce te the end, our ~garments always look well, even after long and bard service. Thay give yen the satis;factIioni, net ouly at the time of plrchasiug, but always, that you have selected wisely, and that qnality cf material, style, Aflt and woirlanship could net HIART flOUSE QUARTET CONCERTI The musical concert in Commun- ity Hall givea by the famnous Hart Bouse String Qiiartet in aid oà Toronto Star Fresb Air Fund and in gratitude for the general hospitality of Newcastle f olk will always romain as one of the brightest spots in the inemory of every one who was pres- eut to drink in the soul-.filling- music. Comanunîty Hall, the Guest House, the presence of the Hart Hlouse String Quaitet are a trinity of facts, eagh growing out of the other iu this village of ours whicli doubtles-s cold not be paralieied in siguificanc, ln any other village or to-wn iu Can- ada. First, there is Comiuunity Hall, the finiest in Canada--a cou- crete expression of Newcastle boy's great ideal; then there is Guest Hotase the Newcastle home of the donor, fitted in elegance and equip- ped with every modemn convenience, the naie being siguificant and su- gestive; and thirdly there is the Hart House String Quartet-a body or in- ternationaily fanied musicianz; who with meinhbers of their families are sumimeriug at Guest House as guests of Newcastle's g-reatest benefactor, Chester D. Massey, Esq., son of the late Hart A. Massey. Tt is still doubtful if Newcastle citizeus as a -whole thoroughIly ap- preciate the wonderful opportunities and privileges afforded them,_ which many seized and niany olbhors to their regret neglected, of hearîng such outsta'nding artiets of striuged instruments reproduce for them in ail their miarvellous beauty somie of t'ne finest compositions of Worid Masters. To have this bkody of musi.- clans, who hiave played in the great concert halls of Amnerica and Eu~r- ope and wiil do so again, who hfave swayed the meet elite audiences -with bheir -wouderfully symnpathetic in- terpretation, both of the classics &rd of the best works of modemn cors- posera, corne to Newcastle aud give of their very best is indeed an honor hat can hardly be rigbtly prized. The audience on Thursday even- [ug August 2th., iaddition to lo- cl music levers, was drawn frGnm Toronto, Bowmanville, Orono, Port Hlope, Newtonville sud other ceii- res. M'any of the summier-resorters at the lake, chiefly froïm Toronto, lso availed themselves of the privil- -~ ' HON. JOHN S. MARTIN IN NEWCASTLE1 Delivered ea Vei-y instructive Acidress. A fairly large g-athering of New- castle and southeru Clarke people had tlie pleasur*e of hearing an ad- dress by Ontario's Minister o)f Agri- culture, lion. jobn S. Martin lai Comimunity Hall on Tuesday even- ingl, August 2.5tb. Hon. Mr. Mair- tin's appearance was rather a sur- prise as Hon. Charles McCrae had been billed. The Mlinister of Mines finding it impossible to keep his en- gagemnent ewiug Vo more pressing duties lu the North'ern part of the Ptrovince liad prevailed ulpon the g-ood nature of his geulal colleague, the Minister of Agriculture, te corne to Newcastle. Honi. U r, Martin was accompauied by Mi% F. W. Bowen, M. P.,, and Dr. J. F. Thompson, M. A-., Principal of Port Hope High School. Reeve Dr. J. A. Butler- officiated as chairmaRn and followîng his opening rsarks regarding the hoped for governirent grant to Comimunity Hall, called up- on Mr. Bowen who was occupying a seat on the platformi to inýtrodu-ce thie speaker of the evening. Mr. Bowen said Mr. Martin had been a Successful schooi teacher, a a-uccess- fui farm~er, fanons pouitry niian, the White Wyandotte King of Canada, aud is iow a successful Mfinister of Ag-riculture. Hon.. Mr. Martin en1 rising spoke of his pleasure ln cern-( ing to Newcastle aud bis deliit ini passiing through the fine farim lands1 ieading to it. He was enithuslas1tîlc1 in speaking of the splendid farns and1 wonderful crops lbe had seen east of Toronto. He kept entirely away froin poli- tics and political matters, but au- nouuced as bis subject, "Deumiark- its people and its agricultural supre-c ,arlo van leaxu val yearS age al-nt hof'1,nnnl ose the arces , TLor ers BRIGHT 1 Elson Toms of, Although the passing of such, al I hight and bopeful young life aUS Bisou Toms was such a sore bereavenient VI to his grief stricken parents and i other relatives and friends , his per- fect caîmnness, bis feortitude, 1Xis quiet, yes, happy subm-issiou,at every turu of the swiftly miýoving events it cduring bis two weeks' iilness, scee i to be couvinci'ng evidence of bis i young soul and the spirit of bis remaîkable contact betweeu his I beckoning Saviour's, and aff ordel corne measure of cornfort anud aile- er viation of pain to lhe sadly dîstressed hearts of those he 'was leaving 4'- ~ hind. Quietiy affilrring to the very last that he was feeling pretty xvell, it would seemi that he was giving ri repetition to the A7or(kg of tihe yo-uthi- fui Jesus to his anxiotas parents ný "'Wist ye not that 1 muet be about v' rny Father's business". IH As mentioned last week, the fun- erai was very largely attended, smeong those present bein.- relatives fremi Belleville, Millbrook, Welcorne, Port Hope, Pickering, Bowmanville audOsaa The keynote cf the fuuheral ser- vice as conducted by the paster of the famiiy, 11ev. H. B. Keuny of- Tabernacle Church, Belleville, was "Safe lu tbe Arms of Jespe" and Mm Keuny read the hunes of this a-weet- ly cemiforting hymu lin the courze of the service, remarkiug that at the mnemorial service on Sunday lu the Belleville Tabernacle Sunday School where Elson was a regular aud en-I thusiastic scholtr, auperintendeut. WlmsIey had given out the sarneý hymn which was sung iu subdued voicea bDut with perfect assurancel cf the truth.1 Witb deep emotion which fouud a corresponding cbord iu every heart presaut, Rev. Mr. 1Kenuy told ai touchiug incident cf two little boys, chumis cf Elson's, who came te the parsouage lu Bellevilie und through thair ache asked hlm if hie wouid take s wreath frir ther te ew ca>stle te îay on the sket of their daparted chum sud pîsymate. This expression of their fondness sud re-ý gard aud their present seuse cf losi was typicai cf tliat f elt by bis f orm-1 er littie associates everywhere. 1 The floral tributes were SO0 manyl that it required a score cf .fiower-I hparer, .manv <of ±hen wH'h tum n'i and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Bowmanville is visiting in Tor- Terente, is visit- erectiing a c2omnt. las assumeëd schiool1 and Mrs. PCunning. sexhiibiting Short- on le h Miss Marie Ruindle, MsNl eeedgue'st of Miss )Okl. Miss Ferguson arud Mrs ,traod alfter ,a plOajsý riends lu Port iHope. Mr. ErlWaltonlhis ewly cquied p T 1r - Pledklehave lfi visit withi Mr. altr WodcckNa ipa neeson - nd dugherMr. anid Mrî. Top- ping atre 'visitlng is sister, -Mrs. WIin Air. Thomais A. Rodlger, Public School' Principal, bas irented and moved 1into Mr. . onthan]'s 11011se corner1111of1 Chuitrch iandi TEmnily -Stre ets. Mr. anid Mrs. E. R. Jaeksoll,. 2Mr. Maurice JckonFot William &nd AMr. and I Mrs. L,,dPý -g, Gee.wod wr recent visitors of Mr. arçd1 Mrs. W . Jacksoni. Mr. and] M\rs. Win. J. Hoclkin anad faily iare meivinig inter tieir new homlï Mill St, now beinig rushed toe cempietion by Contractor A- . F. Ppper of Cia assýiste-d 1by Ormi. -A. Pairker. Teninis Club) met at hiomieof Autun Secrtary, Miss I. A, Mason on Mu Tournament te begin unext week. Preýsi- dent Beýrniard Hugheýs coiiducted the, evening; and aurrng-ed for, a Singles mee t ing. ~M.Thos. Cowan, Mr. Os. Cowan audl Mr. Howard Glenney shipped a car, of sho ihrses te tho O . N. E. vrda iaI C. N. R., Mr. Archiie Glenney goinig in cha-rge 0of the Glenney string cf ;nýares and colts. Group 1e. or0fthe ,Ladlies' iA ida s concert in the S. S. liOns Tohursdayý ee Ià4roiiicedlanl a8s(mbIage-Cf ar- tists iu both voca'l and e locLti onarllY linos whîch rendered ia prograi which lias seldom, if ever, been exceeded i junit jnd qulitiY. Talent fromi shaBewmanville, Oreno, Teronto, Coavlecembine'd te give an enter- taininent which nover flagged luin teesE during its three heuirs' duration. The ver'y brightest star iu the, vun' ceustel1ljin of artists was issNoa French,. a wee win.seme girlieef lv sumiuners, nioce of lMrs. 1'Ierbert Tomn, wif(e of our West End Tonsorial artist anzranieice of Mrs. J1. H.Milen andi' MIrs. Jesse akevll.She cer ,tain- ly luias a remarkable gif t for elecutie n. arce, -fletI Ch ap Fuel ns cf flow- aud Coke will cut your Fuel1 ,Mr.e bill one third. I have a ýa1er-i SUpply of the best obtain-ý ivati; able. .A trial order wý.ill nnd convince you. M.n. Geo. Jamiesoni Newcastle Ont. aud For Conffortable 5 room Brick Bungalow, one acre of choice garden, barn and henhouse, in nice part ofj Bowmanville.I ALSO FOR SALE Colony house, 2 incuba-' tors, brooder house and- iWhite W3 fowl. 1For Dssessioh tto suit. further particulars 'apply to M!rs;. Idith V. ScObeli Insurance and Real Rstate Agn IBownmanville, Ontario POULTRY WANTED!1 I arn prepared te handle your~ fowl this F411 and will pâay the' hig-hest cash price. Heus, 5 Ibs or over ... 20e alive Chickeu, 2/2 lbs . . . .ý.20e alive Chickeu, over 2 V2 bs . .22c sli'e This price is good for Vwo weekz. Phone 81, Whitby sud revecrse charge, or drop me a card sud 1 will Corse rig-ht away. 1. STEIN, whitby Ont. 34tfCI. 1 Rootînig Tiine Hère rin g te Shiore"1 r instrui jois hi the. Pawazn y Hall Septe mber 1l2th DER LEGION" iti cesut, as vefticea isofpro- nusical expression. It la the fail musical instruments re- ig lu an sîmoat magical way human erotions su-d pas- r the hand cf these niaster ins on Thursdlay eveuiug the i5 fiooded sud aaturated with eetest music imaginabe; it throug-h the air sud diffused- to the very being cf everyene heaudience weut Ite ýs of deliight sud ont cf very irt into appiause ag-ain Lud c, f the mnusic was cf yrn- caiiy sad or mlancheiýy but it fouud a respesive lu sorfrowing sud auxieus sud was eeomforting. ry special sud alse greatly ap- d f'eatu~re of thoe cncert meut in vividly( nlickie - est -wea]- pictures pany sud we their i value al anticipai A ner's Lake, vhich Onltarie Geverii- S. B. James aund talmly. M pictures ware shown, sud Walcorse: Mms. La ing tue gold, silver, and sudMs. Walker. Oshawa sud somae cf the for- Pearl Cobbladick. qorther., Ontario. These. Elson took a very keen e inteided te accom - in trie Suuday School and bas. cCasadrsBaud %worl-of bjs chnrch i rtainly enjeyed for ville aud whl inl Newca-,stle ~tie ndeducational ed Suillay School juet asr Il the address must be as he did at home. As au of". bis fretspiritsu r a future ccasion. ý fevet- n __________eff orts te give the light cf1 n ai to other littls eneol 1the Shad S choel" renownec< ubert;, ýe great ýt cf the tn~ey -argin iii ieivn Armas of Jesus" audi Newcastle. NwateFlewer an;i Prie iSt is on ai n m te accomplish .rightly happy No weuder e"Safe ilu the repeated it lu abl~ Shew se. daugl'ters, :5 at Mr. No better time than right now to see tû that new roofing or repair that old leaky one. We have the best in roofing BRANTFORD SHINGLES BRANTFORD ROLL ROOFING BRANTFORD ASPHALT PAINT BRANTFORD SEALET PASTE Bring your roofing troubles to us and have them solvedI economically wiVh Brantford Roofing produets. M A SON (&DAL E The Poj.ular Hardwar-Quality and Right Prices Phione 145 Bowmanville When 1You Nee.,d GROCERIES-BREAD-RUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLA1TES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to thisstore where it will reeeive prompt attention and you wil! get good value. H.ILS. BITN Baker & Gyocer Newcastle t-. .7' thrilling1 story by Po 1. ý

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