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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1925, p. 4

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____________________________ n - - ~*~'-~' 4 hi '-~~'---"--' -~~r-- ,~I -~ - . -~ I I I BOWMANVILLE NOTES rom Orono News Corrspodents Bowmanville Baud motored do'tiu Saturday evening and gave a fint, program of music ou Commuuity Hall lawn which was thoroughiy enjoyed by citizens aud many in from the country. The band was under the direction of Mr. David Morrisýon and was assisted by Messrs. A. J .X, H. W. Rowe., Orono, and Mi. Hrold, Allin. A selection by Mr. Knox, "The World's Fair Polka" was elever- ly rendered.-Newcarstle Cor, The Chaurber of Commerce band gave an open air concert iu Newcast- le Saturday evening last and were assisted by the "old reliables" Mess- rs. Knox, Allia, Greenfield, and alIso by a son of oui old frieud bandanian, Mr. Warren, now of the Northwest. The son, remaîkable cornet player, is new visiting frieuds and relatives ini Newcastle and district. The boys were greeted by oui old friend M.T. W. Jackson. The thanks of the band to the caretaker of the Conimunity Hall for his efforts to make everyone comforable.-Bow. manville Cor. We notice in connection with in- teruient of lthe late John McCrae, that his brother Robert of Peterboro, came wth the body, wbich was lu- terred in the f amily plot in Bow- inanville cenietery. Robeit was one of a group of carniage builders of 25 to 40 years ago in this town-n a trimimer by trade. He worked in coltiuection with roXny who have since passed on-Wra. Morrison, Thomas and Wm. Tapson, Houston Stutt, James Morris, Win. McClung, Geo. an-d son Geo. C. Haines, Thom-. as Mason, Chas. Burden and rnany others who were busily engaged ia tihose days iu the caxrnage trade. Now one, or at the most, two men do all that is needed ia that lime. We do not know cf auy business that bas caused ouch a dlean out of this trade as the automobile Pass done to this very important industry, not ouly here but in several other places as well. At one time in Botwmanvillei there were six etaiblishmnents where carniage and waggou trade was car- ried on aad that meant considlerable employment to quite à numbef of mechanîca, Not merely mon who could do just one part, but these men -were the real thing ini the mechanic lino. It was very much the sanie1 with the group of cabinet maker» NOTICE TO UNITED CHURCHES The Cobourg Presbytery will meet in The United Church at Cobourg on Sept. 24th, 1925, at 10 a. m.~-Standard time. The bounds of the Presbytery are Counties of Northumxberland and Dur- ham, town-ships of E. & W. Whltby, Pickcering and Reach, as lar forth as Port Perry in Ontario Co. ln case a pastoral charge is siVided1 by- the boundaries between two Presby- terles, the charge shall be included in the P1resbytery within which the min- ister resides. S. C. Moore, Convener. N. .-Each charge elects one lay re- presentative for each minister attached thereto. BOWMANVILLE FLYING CLUB Bowmanvile -Flying Clu-bflew itm thirdi young birdl race on .August 22nd, froui Eastwood, but as the express agent lih- eratedl the birds 5a minutes 'before timie scheduled, it was declared no race. The Club flew its fourth yeung bird race on August 29th fromn London, 140 miles, following being the results: Buttonshave lst, 4 hrs. 31 mins,. Buttonshaw 2nd, l brs. 33 mins. 33 sec. Polton Ird, 41 hrs. 09 niins. 4 sec. Bottreil1 4th, 4 hirs. 39 mins. 34 sec. BPottrel th, 4 lus. 39 ruins. 48 sec. Lemnon Sth, 4 hrs. 40 mjins. 38 sec. Jones 7th, 4 hrs. 43 mirs. 56 sec. Polton Sth, 4 hrs. 47 mins. 38 sec. Jones 9th, 4 hrs. 48 mina. 53 sec. Lemon lth, 4 brs. 58 mins. .54 sec. Turner, Dillling and Bernett no report. MR. JOHN VICKERY'S DEATH An old and respected resident of Whitby, John Vickery, passed away in Bowmanville Hospital, ag-ed 66 years. He had not been in good health for a year. John, Vickery was borninlaScugog, and was eldest son of late Joseph Vickery, au early settier. Had lived in Whitby inany years and had many friends who regret his deiniso. The funeral was held on Friday Au-. 28, from the home in Brooklij lin te Groveside Cemetery. His wife, two ebildron, John and Emmia, at home; three brothers, Jos- ePh of Brooklil; Robert of Oshawsa end H'lenry of Bowmianvillo; aod three sisters, Mrs. Franklin, Brook- lin, Mrs. H'exËbert Thompson, Tor- onto, -and Mm,. Nicholis, Gourtice, and his aged mother in Bo-vnanville surive. Ex.-Councîilor R. S. Vickery, Whitby, is an uncle. who worked in the o14 Urner Can- ada Furniture Factouy but now we live in a swtfter age, whether for the botter or not is another ques- tiOn.ý Delicous Homne-Made Pickles What delight pickles add to any meal! How cç'nvenient to have a good stock on hand. They are simple to mnake and economical- Read this list of pickling requirements over, and let us send you what you need:- -XXX Spirit Viinegar -Whole Mixed Picling Spice -Whole Cînves, Whole Aulspice --Ground Mixed Pickling Spice -English Mustard in Bulk ý-Kee-n'. Mustard in Tins -Celd4y Seed, Xustaad Seed, Ginger Root, Chillies, Red Pepper, Whole Cinna- mon, Mace, Currie Powder, Tumorle, Parowax, Rubbel Rings and Zinc Rings, Seai-. ers (screw top.) Vegetables of all kinds on sale for pickling. CHINA AND GLASS DEPARTMENT Somnebody is always breaking dishes. That is ;vhy we keep such a large assortment on hand to supply your demands. Largest assortmnent of China and Glassware in to-wn. ARLÇ-CHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmianville Fill the elhure.hes on Sunday--the Minister will be thon. width a lues- Sage. Mr. S. R. Wiclcett, 124 sa.bella St., Toronto, hasg prpsented a bell to Brooklin West United Chuxch, Rev.ý R. A- Delve, Eatto and special mor- nceos for installation ôf new bell wMl be beld on Svndey, 2eptomber i8th. when the douer expeete k Qbie present. j The Statsmnan is 'YOUR paper, Use it. If yoeu have a thing to ýSeli lot the Statemau tell its thousands cf readers about it. Bowmianiville Hospital lm very Pelular nean and far, Brookliti cor, te Wbýîitby Gazette sàygD. Mn,5 A. Summehlayel was taken t~ o 3ws raanvilo Hospital Sundae1 whetàxý ahe was operated oun for appendicit At timo cd writîng she L§ doilng well as eau be expeeted. 1 -. .1.1 Publie subseription i8 tnviie'd for a negw issue of DeèOMINION u0F CeANADTA Fif-teen-Year 4'/2% Bonds flat6ed Septembe'r Lit, 1925. Principal Papable at the oice of the Receiver-General, at Ottawa, or that of the A,?sigtant Receivers-General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, WinnipeÊ, Reàina, Calýa-r_ or Victoria. Semi-annual intereat (March _Lît anâ Sopn tomber Ist) papa ble at angv branch in Canada of anp - charterec2 Bank. Denominations: $100, $500, $1.000. Ail bonds mag bu reist&edas to principal onlg2, and bonds, mn denominations Of $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10.000 and $100,000 ag vbe fullp redigtered. These bonds are authorized under Acts of the Domninion of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the consoidated revenue fiund. They are secured by the f ull credit, faith, and taxing power of the Dominion of Canada. War Loan 5% Bonds maturing December lst, 1925, will be accepted at par and accrued interest in seulement for the new bonds at the purchase price. This offering is made subject to prior sale a.nd advance ini price, and the right is resérved to allot a les.s anaount of bonds than applied for. These bonds are offered for delivery, in interim form, when, as and if issued and delivered to us. PRICE: 917'/4and accrued interest, yield'ing over 4.757' Orders may be telephwned or td.egrap/ied (collect) to a-ny of the undei'- signed, or -nay be submnited tkrougk youtr u.çuaZ boaud dev.zIer, stock excJhange broker, or througk any bank in, Canada. Bank of Montreal Royal Bank of Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce DLw Septem ber lst, 1940. Domini*on Securities Corporation, Lýrtd A. E. Ames & Company, Limited The National City zCompany, Septeaiber 9th.19. Wood, Gundy & Company- i

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