-'IVILLE, THURSDAY, Om WAR MEMORIAI Agents Wanted Bases Supplied agen ts, efUl a ýTea Tri pleusant and profitableý ri sell your work-or use our ýe making of splendid ]gifts ;owers, Birthdays, etc. e Information, wrïte KEW LIMITED :o St. W., Toronto 2. le DR. Graduate of Toronto. O011 mianville. c p. m. dailye 90a. House fD. R e Lan5oMAA. utnnheai. ione 3Iu O LEGAL G. V. GOULD, B. A>, LL. D. acre W. Barris otary en selfishness. Madge, olir daughiter, wants to~ show fudge. Theni let lier timake tihe fudg-e-wvýhat use is it to -ber if 1 make it for ber and let lher showv it in her own namie? I think that would be not quite square. 1 arhave no right to show in a (1ass .y against. littîs girls in the third and sfourth books-it would be a sinal ]y trick, wý,ouldn't it? To get eilidren "Y to have a sense of honor is wortlh smore than to win a pize." 90** A double injury is s when Sparents allowv their children to shio% ai as their own 'what ia not the proýduet rof their own work or skill. TheiLr sense of riglit and honor is d.ulled an~d the deception praetised does a v2vrong to honest compet-itors an~d per- verts the real object of rural scliool fairs. Mrs. Janiieson irightly saýys-: "'What is m-ore, the children want to make their own exhiibitsý. Where 0 the parents interfere and take so Il much of the work on theinselves that -the child bias ,notbing in the exhibit, it is the fault of the parents, flot of *the child; and hie will have precýious littie interest in the thing-. It is bis own participation that draivs hîm wh ole4ieartedly- into comnptitions. -Do not steal his ha--ppineazs away 6froin hlm., Some years ago when the children were showing thlelr calves at ilheiri fair a little girl bad a very nice -one, but instead of taking the ropel eand entering the ring along witih the other children, she walked alcng *beside ber fatiher and lie led the *caif and won the. prize. Wbaàt a g-reat achievement for a' growýn man-to win againist ten- yqýar-old children! It was easy for him-it wýas nothing to him, but x'vJat it would have mneant to one of themi! With what pride tbey would bave cberished anl animal that they had prepared, and sbowved. and wvon with! Wbat an imipetus to try for >bigger thîngs next year, to appre- ciate quality, and to savor the zest of endeavor! Yet this man took ail that when he took the prize for bis little girl and her caf-he avea de- frauded bis own child. And tbe next ye.ar we dIo not ihinik tbere were any entries in that class. This is one way of spoiling it. - I er Da over a il the respi class. C. W. raduate aWall from -r roll e speeches. lie b00 good an op- off", and per- ag- in that, but 1ke a chance! 1 -hidi elosed the 'ourse in tii rago,,, and it nents in favor eople to speak were proposad le by meinhers had a turne imit-aad ob- t. They bad certain tbings and they said' thei withOut -and-a" or "bemhaw", tri- A representative of the ient was the speaker of the , nd he knew bis busin3ess. ýe as one who judges the val- ,ery word, and bas nio pleas- speaking for the sake of over. ýRNS 1we to * * fuhll l -ever3 e. Th( in publie, f rpainta relv Il G. King J. Davis To every li-man on this ecrth comi-ethi death, soon or late, and how can nan die better than flghtîng for bis country? Mr. Masse y's ïManifesto To the Electors cf Durham: The people of Canada have again been called upon to exercisa the highast rigbts of citizen- 'sip-the riglit to say in whose bands the reins of their g-overninent shall be placed. To the men and women of Durham- cornes ~ agaiin the privile-e and duty of miaJinga, de- Cision ini the great issues before us and of sending to tha Parliament of Canada their chosén reprasentative. We have now greater national problems be-fore us than perhaps ever before. 1 beliave that the true path to their solution lies in a coin- bination of the best elements of Liberal and Progressive thought and that these are to be found in the policy wbidb Mr. MacKenzie King las placed before the electorate. Canada cannot be prosperous unless we can can -ive ber national unity. In the practical programpie of the Liberal Party lies thbe hope of unifying Canada in the truest sense, for this programme boîçis the balance between ail sections3 in our national life. 1 bave the honour of baving been asked to' be the Liberal candidate in Durham and 1 bave bean honoured also in 'having received the con-fidence of the Progressive iovenient in the saine historie county, (with wllicb my fam- ily have bean identified for so long>), and 1 shall be very prond if 1 can be a D'urbamn man in Parliament, 1 befieve in the soundness of those policies výb&ch I support. To these I direct your attention, for policies mean mor~e than nen, juat as principles are greater tban parties, and Canada greater than ail. Vote then only in the best interests of Canada. VINCENT MASSEY. Caniton, Sept. 21st., 1925. Wallpaper Adds So Much Yet Costs So Littie! Your living-room furniture will agaînst a background of Wall Paper. look better Good food tastes better in a well paPered dining-room. Papered bedroom walls express personiality and show good taste. Always restful in the even- ing, cheerful in the morning and inexpensive al the tirre. THE RIGUT WALLPAPER IN YOUR HALL WELCOMES YO4JR GUESTS! Wè have received this week a large shipmnent of new 1926 papers, pretty designis in ail the latest sh.ades and patterns, price ranging from 10e iup- wards. We, will be pleased to show you thîese attractive papers. XILT .!T'A IY- 1 T with an inidiiduai telegrap~h you can, message canrd fle the co earth. lI lice manner you can use the service of the Bank of Mozitreal i itde or large mneasuoe as the occasion demands. You cari transact business of a purely Ioc" nature or enter into financial dealings with people i ri part of the world. Like the telephoner, telegraph or cabeca r sytemr of financia1 service is as extensive as are the peeds of our customers. SAVE YOUR liARD COALI Conserve your suppily of hard coal by burnl- ing cannel coal. We have a car of Ebony Cube Cannel-the best cannel coal miried. Let us Pfll your requirements f or a nice grate fire. Fix your roof now before cold weather sets in. . Use Toronto 4sphalt Roofing. ALWAYS IN STOCK Cernent, Gyproc, Lime, liard Wall Plaster, Plaster Paris, Fire Clay, liard and Soft Coal, Coke. J. A. HO-1LGATÉ & SON Phone 153 Bowmanville You Know Ahead Wheni you order your meat at this shop. you w'Hl get the, choicest andà tenderest meat that is oh- tainable. WTe personally select our animals and know7 vwho feeds them and how old they are. We can, therefore, recommend the meat we seil to our cus- tomers. In other words you take no chances, Phone or caîl and your order will prompt attention. 4 receive C.M. %CAWKER & Sc Victoria Building Butchers Bowma Phone 64 r ,~\ A Joint Savings - ~ Account Is a Real Convenience family convenience does the joint aceount deinonstrate its value. Alil funds deposited are suibjeJct to with- drawal at axny turne by either of the BANKJING persons in whose naines the joint ac-. ÎÎ ~counti opened. In case o the Oe- F1FTY cease of one of the parties holding LFFnl FT Y a joint account, al money may be yE» withdrawn by the other. A joint savings account ini the Standard Bank is a real convenience where BOWMeANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Branches duso at Newcautl., Newtoxiville, Orono, Oshawa BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100years Total Ameu in cz=ss or 4700,000.000 1 iismum HAVE YOUR ROOF REPAIRED ýa 1