Thi~ UANADIAN~STATESM~&J~ BaWMANVTT.T.1~ rI~TYTTD~TIA'V ~ n ['BRSPRAISE THEMd We Dou't Need To! uring the P48t 30 years ,we have installeci over 300 ,Pase Economy" Furnaces -J Dear Sirs:- 1 have been using "Pease Furnaces" z for 30 years and think they are the best Frnaces mnade. The Economy Furnace that a now, tusing is giving perfect satisfaction. In al my experience I have neyer found anything better. Youirs truly, WM. Hysiop. u~s submit an estimate for your consideration. RK"ICE & CeO . Opposite Post Office CHARTRAN'S JERE IS THE PLACE TO COME FOR YOUR OVERCOAT OR SUIT Suits and Overcoats PRICES $15.00 TO Choose From [Jnder- S.G ore that selîs for less and gives the quality of goods in towni. 'CHIARTRAN West of Bell Telephone Office Bowmanville twear AT Ives' Shoe Stoi new dtesigns are here on display. values are better than ever. a pleasure to show them. S' Lress Slippers in Patent, Black Rid, n, Blonde Kid, and~ new~ Brown Caîf, in elastie gore patterns, D FROM $4.50 TO $9.00 PER PAIR, Black or Brown Caîf Oxfords, heavy Âght soles ..$650 TO $8.00 PER PR. Boots, Black and Brown $4.50 TO $8.50 PER PAIR )ys the old reliable young Canadian by Williams Shoe Co. $4 to $4.50 PR. 3hopp-ing book and save 5%5 for cash. SOLINA Hon. Vincent Massey and Mis. Masey weie in oui viinity Tuesday and received a cordial reception. Tbey weie guests of Mi. and Mis. JYoung people and choir met at the home oï Mr4, and Mis. Eveîett Crydeiman on Friday evening to offer congratulations and best wish- es for a hiappy married Ilife. Mr. JRussel Smith cailed the company to' îead a nicel'y worded addîess and Mi. Russel Vie, Misses Annie W ]- lias ndGertrude Montgomery prêsented the bridje and groom witb a beautiful chair and tîay. Mr. andl Mis. Crydernian fittingiy repiied tlianking ail for their beautiful gifts. The evening was then spent League Raily at Eldad Monday evnîg id an attendance of 85- very good indeed. President Mis. Shortridge'presided for opening ser- vice then lst Vice, Miss Annie Wil-i liins conducted program. After sir- ine Mi. Elgin Taylor read the lesson; thewn came a piano solo by Miss Margaret McKessock; vôcal solo by Miss Lena Taylor. Mr. J. H. H. Jury spoke briefly and introduced the speaker of the evening, Dr. Geo1 E. Reaman, who delighted ail withe bis splendid addîess on "The Un-1 açjusted Boy". Mis. John Baker1 sang asl and Mis. A. Balson glave1 a reading. A cont&st was put on and laterlunch was served. It was a stellar occasion for Solinia. S Recent visitors: Prof. and Mis. J( B. Reynolds anda soni Walter, O.A.C.,' Guelph, guests of Mis. John Rey-r nolds and Mi. and Mis. A. J. Rey-I nolds; Dr. and Mis. Tbompson andc famiy,Toionto, Dr. and Mis. Bon-( nycastie, Bowmlanville, Mr. an de Mis, W. E. Glbank, Bowmanviile,t aft Mr. W. T. Tayioî's,; Mi. and Mis. A. L. PEascoe, Mis, R. J. McKessock and Miss Ruth, Mi. and Mis. H. E. : Tink, Miss Evelyn and Master Bruce, Mr. and ýMis. H. G. Pascoe witb Mis. Thos. Pascoe, Hampton, who cele--- brated lier 85th biithday on Sunidly a, last; isFlorence M. Luke, Ash-a buin, Miss Lo-wes, Myrtie, Miss Olivey Luke, Toronto, Mi. Bert Luke, Ked- ion, at Mi. A. L. Pascoe's; Mrs-. Jas. ±-ascoe ; Mis. D. Montgomery, Toi- TYRONE1 onto, Mi. and Mis. Wilson Gerîow, Seuigog, at Mr. W. Ný Van Ns' Young Peopie's League met Thurs-I- Miss Bertha and Liiy Banby, Tor- day, rsiet aed a selection onto, with Miss Edna Reynolds; Mi. from "Barbara Worth". Miss Flor- and Mis. James Hardy, Charles and ence, Down gave tbe Bi[ble îeading. Gordon, Lindsay, M-*s S'ain Webster, "Winning the Game" was read by FURNITURE SALE Glenarm, Mi. arnd Mirs. W. Glaspell Fred Goodman~; topic "Peisonal and family, Uxbridge, at Messrs. Is- Efforts in Winning others ta Christ" aac and .Harvey Haîdy's; Mr. and was spiendidiy given by Mr's. Russell The undersigned lias received Mis. John Pa'scoe, Mi. and Mis. Wrigbt. Miss Evelyn Brent favored instructions fîomi Fred Wbite and daugîter May, Osil- with a solo; Miss Laveine Burg-ess NATHAN HORNE awa, g-uests of Mi. and Mis. John gave another good reading.. League Pascoe; Mis. L. Arnott, Mi. and Mis. Rally on Thanksgiving Sunday. ...ý to seil bý7 auction at lis nesidence Norvai. Wotten and son Fr'ancis vis-Suanday Schooi Raily next Sunday CJhurch St., Bowmanville ited Cartwright fîiends. evening....... Lague this week is commencing the missionary n'apo talles. ... Miss Viola Sliortt' , Bbcay. SATURDAY, OCT. i17TH geon, attended Teachers Conventýin COURTICE at Lin dsay and made a short visit The foilowing Household Furniture: iwithliher sister, Miss Rose Shortt. i Black Walnut Bedroo-n Suite, 0 The annual chicken pie supper Miss Hazel Hodgson, Norwood,at-- pieces; 1 Hardwood Single Bed and seîved hy the Ladies' Berean Cîass tended Teachers' Convention at Mattress; 1. large Rattan Rocker; was a g-rand success. A bountifu Peterboro ami spet the weeksend » aiiSie ossigo i supply of chickeln pie, cakes, pump- with ber parenuts, Mr. an-l MrLs. R. pieces; 1 Large Coudh, Plusl Up-j km1il pies and other things was seived EHodgson.-Miss,. Doiothy Walker hoisteîy; 3 Forch Chairs; 1 Child'sj to a goodly number of people fîom ir nd Miss Roise Shortt attended Teacli- Rattan Rocklng Chair; 1. Winut Bowmajnville and Oshawa and the ers' Convention at Newcastle. . . Mr Corner Whatnot; 1 Walnut CornerJ suîîoundi'ng comnmunity. Afteî every and Mrs. Jos. Sili and famuly, Shelf Bracket; 1 Tapestiy Rug, 9 x one lad partaken of the supper a Buffalo, Miss Vera Virtue and Mi. 12; 1 Wool Caîpet; Picture Fraznes; splendid concert in the churcb was Rolut. Hodgson, Oshiawa, Mi. Leýlie Glassware; ami other items too num- enjoyed by ail. The aîtists, Mis. Virtue and bis aunt, Mis. W. Le--. erous ta mention. T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanville, gott, Whitby, called on M'iý. and Mr's. TERMS-CASH i. and Mirs, Jack Smitb and littie Wmi. Viitue sund otler friends .... Jack, Oshawa vocal soioists, and Mr. Wm .Hai-ley, Bowmanviile, aea .m Mis. Boss Pearce, Miss Louise spent the weekend at home. .. Miss THEO M. SLEMON, Auctioneer. Courtico, elocutionists, exelled Conneil is visitiing in Lindy .... ----______________ tlemselves aud the appreciation of Mi. and Mis. H. Hilis, Mi. and Mis. the audience was showu in theway Sidney Hoar and family, Mi. aud each number was beartily encored. Ms. Albert HiIks and family, Mi. GIVING UP FARMING Little Jack Smith is a pretty young and Mis. John His, Mi. and Mrs, aitist to appear on the platform be- Richards and Mi. and Mrs. Albeit The undeîsignied bas received ing only foui years old, but he came Hawkey attended the China Wed, ntutosfo bacie an.d sanig after the applause ding of Mi. sud Mis. Fred Hill atintuiosfo like a mriandmi is littie selections Orono on Satuxday.R.L O B RN were given in a fine mianner. TheR.L OS RN ladies feit highly lonored by tet e yacino the peie presence of the lHonorabule Vincent ENlNUSKILLEN tsLT 35, uCto o.n3thCLrmie Massey and Mis. Massýey at the sup- L T3,C N ,C A K per. The class îealized about Miss Caoy hre r uliffTonL ez * $12.Donne, Miss Olive Sharp, Mi. R. C. on1 Sundagy services were weil attend- MeLean , Mi. Johnson, Mr. and Mis ed. Our Pastor g-ave us a very H. MclCom,-b and babe, Toronto, Ms WEDNESDAY, OCT. l4th imkpressive sermon in tbe morning on Jamies Cook and daughter Junie, tbe text "Corne unto me al ye that Oshaw-ýa, visited ât Mi. Audrew The foliowing ealuable Faim Stock, are heavy laden", beaiing out the Saps mlmns t. sflos thougt of sanie of us cair ,ing- Visitors: MiVss Nellie Taylor, HORSES-1 Black Teani, 10 and burdens we sliouldl not carry and Cartwiight, visitiug lber sister, Mris.112 yeais old, 1 Bay Mare, 8 years saime not bearing the burdens wý,e Sidney Trewin; Mi. and Mis. Win* oid. ouglit to bear ... Suday School Rogers and Mis. May Dolleîy, Toi- CAT -îDrai ow re sesison was good. The Ladies' CLass onlto, with their uncle, Mi. H. Rog TL-1 nureamSeptembe was out in g-ood fonce and the les- ers; Mi. W. G. Robbins, Town, at nwdiOtmbr1th., good milker; son was especially ilteresting, tauglt Mi.rPF.vRo1bins'; Mi. aud Mis. A. 2 Holstein Cows, due Dec. 10, 1925, by oui former Pastoî's wif'e, Mis. iarpe visiing fîiends iHaydoý;n . goo ,mi92e6;Duhasmi Cow, 'nd e (Rev.) Boyce. Iu the evening the Mi Clarke Doîland Toronto Univer- a.1 ~6 uhmCw a League heid its Rally service a'nd sity, at homne; Mi. and Mie .W caif, milking well; Durham Cow, 'ad Rev. Dr. Dougali of Simicoe St., Osh Herîing, Onievilie, Mi. Roy Webber, 1 caîf, niikiug well; D~urlani Cow, awa, preacbed a most inteîestiug and Towu, and Mi. and Mis, W. Wotten, dueApril 1, 1926; Durhami Cow, due li belptul sermon on "Noah the Pîeach- Union, at Mr. W. O. Herring's on J10 1, 1926; 1 Heifer, due, May er . It is the first time we have Suua;1i0ndM, Hib Jh- 19'26; 1 Heifer, due May 15, la te lesue miwesh1ibeston, Tyoronto, sud Mr. Albert Sta«în-196 2 Steer.s, iisiug 2 years old: pleased to welcome him a-ga..-.... ton, Mi. and Mis, James Cur 1t is 2 Heifers, risiug 2 yeaîs old; 3 Sadness camre to oui village -again Hampton, at Mn. John Pye's, Who s Steers, 1 yenî oid; 29 Heifen Calves; int etof Mr. A. F. Rundie who ver.y iii with pneumania; Misseýs L. isTîed2Bere d Dra uli after being siie oniy, a few days Audîews and G. Smith and Mr. E:.see,2yasod passed away. The funeral was veîy E. Staples attended' the Teachers' PIGS-1 Brood Sow, due Noven- largely attende¶d on Tuesday and Convention at Ne'wcastle; Mi. adbep, 95 those in the home have the deep sym- Mrs. J. S ailtn u an, POULberSome ou9t5y pathy of the fîieuds of tbe commun- Hamnptonl, at Mi. D. Bîunt's; Miýsses TRACTOR AND EQUIPMET. ityroud aot. Mn.Runie .5 udrey Lamib and Messrs. Keir and Ail these are used with Tractor--1 of a jovial disposition sud lie wiil be 'K. Lamrb, Bowmanviile, Sundayed at Sampson Tractor, 1 CultivatoDr, 1- mudli missed in the comimunity.... mvhr W. Lanb's; Rev.' and Mis. J. 10 inch Grinder, 1 Double Di.,1 Mis BaneyMitcbel ~ viîtig rla.R.Carmidlinel sud famuily, Dunsford, Tractai Piougb, 1 Massey-Har ir i- tives hee .... Ou Monday evening at Rev.r E.ArBisaps Sn a uaiSw a large number of people met inl bear that somne one lelped thernsel. MLMNS asyHli the S. Schooi raom ta listen ta the vosunilaw%ýfuliy ta a beautiful bushel Binder ; Massey-Hri Mower, Honorable Vincent Massey whule le basket of ripe td'miatoes on Wedlnes- naî e;iMse-ars1-o delivered a concise sud weli thouglit- day nighit.... .Youn~g Peopie's meet- iSeed Drili; 1 Massey-Harrs 1Ma'ure out address. He was not toQ long ing was iu charg~e of President, SedeDrl; 1 Massey-Haris oin li lis remaries sud due thing we Frn olnSped;1 MasyHri Cn natd pîtiuîaîy as hatin il e rnieDoian. Progiani was pre- Cuitiv'atoi; 1 Steel Roller; Hay said there was not an uukiudly lyord paed yJ.Vc-ieiet fa Rake' 1 Hay Tedder; 1 Chathami of uyon ese A are îod evtional exerdises Miss Audirey Fanni'ug Mill; 1 Bain Wa-go 1; 1 of an oneelse A lrge rowdDoiland very, ably took the topiconHie ag ;1StofÎ froin Oshawa attended the meeting th if. o,1Tnos. .t ,, ans ano -.u~ HAMPTON Mr- .nd Mrs. an,8. Cole. ancS ,and m's. Harry Ellis, Toronto,s Sunday wff h Mr. an dMNrs. Howçlard Mirs, Roy Langmnaid and daugl urïIe, Solina, and Miss MU Freenman, Burlington, were gueztý Yýoung P eopie's meeting on Fri evnn as in charge of lst V Piesidient, Miss Noîah Horn v Piesident, Dr. E. G. Reisiake ini chair. It being Raliy niglit, Raiiy progiami was used. Rev, R. Bick gave the address, "The5 of the Earth", Lesson was îead Mi. Wil White foliowed by as in ex,.ce1ienlt v#4ce from Mi. Frr Cryderman. A reading "The Li- of the World", was given by -1I' Albert C oie; music fiom the i> quartet; and a littîs taik from Frank Cryderman. Meeting lok M.Iýs.- C. W. Souch has been visit- ing ber daghter, Mrs. A. Cole, Row- manville. .. . Dr. J. H. Eiiiott, Toi- onto, visited bis sister., Mrs, C. J. Kersiake .... Mrs. H. Bent, Toronto, visited Mrs. J, Jebson.. . Mr. and Mis. R. Meteaif and childien, Base Line,visited ber paren~ts, Mi. and Mrs. A. Tienouth. ... Mis. G. Tay- lor haýs returned to New York after spending the sunimer. at home, ... Miss Lottie Challis, Oshawa, visited lier sister, Mis.J. H. Wilcox. . Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto, is home . . . Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Bick's mother nnd sister are visiting at the Par- sonage ... . Miss Blanche Cryderinan, Mr. Albeit Allun, Toronto, and Mr. C~. Wbite, Peteirboro, wçiee home for the weekend .... Mi. Frank Cryder- man, Estavan, Sask., bas returned h~ome to resumne bis studies at Vict- oria College, Toronto. . .Mr. Shiley Campbell, Winnipeg, visited bis urn- cie, Mr. G. White.. Mis. J. Cur- tis visited lier brother, Mi. J. Pye, Enniskilien, who is quite ill. . .. Mis, R. Johns and son, Zioýn, visited Mr. Herbert Rundle's .... Bev. J. R. Bick pîeacbed anniveisary sermons t Scugog Island on Sunday. Rev. MI Weiî took the services here very acceptably.Oui Diamatjc Club are presentjngi their play" Mother MIine" at Biookiin Tuesday evening. Henry, 1) and a giç ',Jesus very s, Root Ij 12:30 o'clock 3 harp -'On Hay, Poultry, lJogs, ffects sud ail suinis of ici, cash; over tînt ýpent sCol day ice- with the the Salt by olo snk drs. oed Mri. ýsed BETHESDA Will the paity who stole variaus articles fram Bethesda school rezuru the saine within five days as they were seen sud thus prevent fuither HAYýDON Visitais: Mis. Ellis, Toronto, Mr. Everett Beedlu sud fiiend, Belle- ville, Mi. nd Mrs. Elmer Beechl and litie issBlaniche, Mi. Rugene Beech, Coesaiea, at Mr. A. Beech's; Mn. sud Mis, L,.lBradley sud faiily at Mi. E. Biadley's; Miss Dora Mouutjoy, Oshawa, at Mi. C. Gai- rard's; Mi. and Mis. N. Welsh sud son, Toronto, at Mi, ë. Aveiy's; School Fair beld bere recently was' \quite a succesýs. See report on an- other page. ., . S. S. Rally ons Suuday afternoon was spiendidly attended sud miuch enjoyed. Pîpgi was weli cariied out by mem-beis of the schaol ;recitations were nicely given by littie miss Viola Bradley and Ma&ster Fred Beech; our Pastoi, Rev. J. W. Down, gieatly inteîested the yonger mnembers in lis story on "David". Tweive of oui yobùng folies presented the pageant on "Loy- alty" representing the different na- tions sud "Pence".League ser- vice on Sunday evening was iu charge of oui 1,3t Vice-Piesideut, Miss Veina Tiewin. Splendid pro- They guaiantee the wear of every coat grani was given. sud are giving exceptional values lu these goadi. AUCTION SALE The unesgndhs received instructions froni MRS. CHAS. WELSH to seil by auction. on the premises on SATURDAY, OCT. 17THt the following Faim Stock aud Implements: HORSES-1 iGrey Horse, Ilyeans aid; 1 Grey Mare, S yeans aid. CATTLE-î fDurhanm Oow, 6 yeans old. IMPLEMENTS1 Faim Wagon; 1'Open Buggy; 1 Democrat; 1 Cut- ter; 1 Set Iron Hariows; 1 Giavel Box; 1 Cuttiug Box; 1 Set Double Harness, Collais. POULTRY-Sorne Poultry. .FEED.-Quantity of Hay, Coin and Roots. FURNITURE--Somme Furnitune. Sale at 1.30 P. M. .TERMS :-On Hay, Coin, Boots, Pouitry, Furniture, sud sius of 10 dollars sud under, cash; aven that amount 12 montîs' credit given par- ~ties furnishing approved notes beni- iug 6 per cent per anuum. Fuîther paiticulars at ture of sale. JAS. BISHOP, Auctioneen, Couch, .oliustou & Crydermian are mnaking a specialty of Ladies Fur Coats lu Rat, Hudson Seat and Persiani Lamib. lheMutaI fe of 74e Sr~qho.1411 is/heS/tij ho/cA 0 cma agixs he world is but a pawn ini thýe Gainle of Life. The Mutual Life of Canada gives you the strength of orgranization -the sa1rety of numnbers. In thse Mutual Life, miore than 100,000 policyh-oid- ers are uniteci for Mutual protection. Theirs is thle strenigth of united purpose. *You should have a policy lu thse Mutual Life'of ~ Canada. Thse Mutual Life is safe, strong, beneficenit. It wvil protect you and your dependents, at a minimnum cost because profits on Mutual operations go back to the policyholders. You should let our Agent advise you as' to the type of Mutual policy most suited to your situation. Be fîank -uith hini as to your position and he will give you disinteresteci coun~seL. Write today for "The Mutual Book". CARD OF THANKS nd Mis. R. Duiward ,vish to tbanie the peop v P eterboro., r. it e. Liberal Progressive Meeting A Mass Meeting wiIl be heId in the Opera House, Bowmanville at 8: 15 P. M. SPEAKERS: Hon. Vincent Massey Minister without Portfolio, and Liberal Candidate for Durhamn. Mrs. Harry Carpenter Hamilton, Prominent Women's Liberal Organizer. W. E. N. Sinclair, K. C. Oshawa. Ail eIectors are cordially invited to attend this meeting. le God Save The King TUE UANADIAýUSTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. 'T,,Rgl)Ay Tffl