jMR. Sundâ, Uanse ýned bc 1Grafteti, a )ent Sunday n, Toronto, vis S. D. Yeo, A shua McCeirnta are at Mr. Ma who was tak- 7nerxning is ,n Stark, on taff1 one office, bas jeir-1 iff at Ross Mesnoriali f or two, yeaîs1 ,st Office, basý rda Wilson is *lof. .e bas had ber a plaster cast nful accident, -noved. ,hold Ilis resi- PRETTI ly, easterly, noith, west worn son.- the fieldîs are 119, g, growiag, harvest, rest". ired thought of the world, n echo to whnt is last and Y RAINBOW WEDDING Presented te Enniskillen United Churc bbY GeO. W. McLaughlin, EsqA., Oshawa, one of Darlington Township's illustrious sons. A complete report of dedicatory service and opening ceremnofies of thie Parsonage appeared in The -Statesrnan in its- issue of September l7th. DONOR 0F HMAIDSOME PARSONAGE PREACHED DEDICATORY SERMON Hobbs- ,formier residei , passed awa daughter,' Toronto, afte eentereg and wa gown -u 1with ri in Winn of Miss1 .,, of the W. McLaughlin, Esq., Oshawa Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Osb MR. NIASSEY RESIGNS IN THE EDITOR'S M ýORATION DIRECTORSHIPS1 ecsle coe 1.Vincent Massey, Liberal Editor, dat fr euraniwho iecentlyý The Canadian Statesmian, dte fort DfrRi-nt Bo wvmanville, Ont. 4teGovernneto Rit Dear Sr,- W. L. Mackenzie King, bas re- hytlme-spia 1 frm te Pesienc ofthebe avoided an~d that m'n ýy-Barris Comnpany. but sonne of the thi-ngs I i a statement issued Saturd'ay the CommunitY BaIl 0wý lassey not only announced bis se interesting that I wan iation front the board of the them -o p to yetI. ýy-Barris Company, but aise This fine building basb two other board,.. Mi. Mas- by Massey money foi the statem-ent f ollows: Newcastle and theie is no village is rightly pîeud of iiing the veîy short tiue I But the question nowa been in pu~blic lif e 1'have corne it bas to thank. On theo ieve that, even at sente peison- hear that Mr. Vinent M, ,rinice, I shoiuid reîsign from all candidate for Parliament,î -orships in corporations, se as eosdnr rdo h ýve myseif peifectly fiee te dis- it was Mi. Chester Dl. M nd deal with public issues with- father, who gave the eni iaving nty actions or my rnt: ýubject te question. What makes it more i view of the pieselit electl have, therefore, to-day sent in fact that they tell me that MAIL 6th.,1 mary of us woiudrel1inqisl3.iU ly, especially a worki'ng presidency which must be quite a big thiag in a financial way. Some of the comment is rather harsb in its aintagonism, but thisa is of so obviously partisan a nature that few people will take it seriously. Thé opposition press çeclares that Mr. Massey was forced to resigu by his shareholders. Apparently it f ails to see that if there is one thing more than another that would reconmend Mr. Massey to the faimer electors of Durham, it would be a situation of this kind had it oecuiîed. Mr. Massey bas declared him-self in favor of Iow tarif s as of nation- ai benefit; and it will be reca.lled that he took his niecicine like a sports- man when iowý tariffs were applied to the company of which he was president. If, as the opposition press avers, some of the Massey-Hlarris share- holdeis have sought to force Mr. Massey's îesignation, the only sig- nificance of thlis would be that their high tariff tendencies could not brooki Mr. Massey's broader outlook. Supposing this te be so, it is net bard to imagine that a man of Mr. Mas- sýey's known integrity would place his own independence of thought above any personal frnandai consid- erations. If anything were needed to con- solidate the eleetors of Durham be- bind Mr. Massey it is the charge that the Massey-Hars sharebolders forc- ed him VIo resigr because he refus- ed te countenance a purely mnanu- facturers' tariff. The Statesman is rot ir 'Mr. Mas- sey's confidence in re~Spect tn his resignation front the Company, but it canrot refrain froni pointing to this obvious deduction; and one thing fuither. Even to an unfrienrdly mmnd it mi rg antat nre,.curhi st ethics b as Ion at a roir sassociat It jIý Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nic- 10 ols, Bank of Commerce, Oshawa, 1Misses Ruth ad Evaiene Boit, M~r. ef ad Mis. Everett Walter, M. and ~-Mis. Jas. Ni'chols, Ladies' Berean Lt lass. Is Ris remaim% were laid to rest ir jn the family plot at Eibenezer. ie n- Annng those present from a dis- ,tanee wee--Mr. and Mis. Frank It makes n0 differ invited or you have un ways be the proper ani Corbett's Cakes-they best of company. Baker AN'S Oaci t bas. elainted ne kn ni ,ing the above announE to evening papeir-- ttive party organ, of rs to make political .assey's dernoratic act bat lie bad been "fo) rom the diiectorate jaris, Company becau the sharebolders re in whicb it has béen le ramIne of the cernj )furtber political end ve just tbis te say", 11- lp.'te 1 a Cooked family a welcome by serving somem cooked meats. tof my IBord 0 Massey.-Harris Con, then 1 bave receive( omt tbem that woul( leve that they ha-v( ninds in any sense" f the Hon. Vincen ning front the direct ite ca7rpois.tiens îr îested in eider te i his service to th, teerntif: political nieats ini tu e we als-o have OBWTUJARY ~Athur Franlin Rutndil, Courtice r on. [5's A~il VV'Y U e w a . . . . .. . . -ýi4 t's Combination Underwea. .$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 E's Ail Wol Comnbinatin Underwear ..... $.50, $400 tave th.e largst teck of Underweetin town, r's Work Pants ............ . .. $20 ýn's Tweed Parts........ ........ .....3.00, $3.50 S. G. CHARTRAN, BIG PROBLEMS FACE CANADA Canada is f aced with many big problems' relatiig to the Tariff Railroads, Emmigration Senate Reformý etc., etc. The biggest and best business men are required to them. 'Vote for Massey Put Durham on the Mvap 'Je" lit rendered s. M. H. P.anda Try i r. »Vi Phone 26 Bowman ville door- West of Bell Telaeone solve lian,