PDÂY, OCTOêRElR l5tb., 1925 PREMIER KING GENEROUSLY I DEFENDS RIS flPPONENI glaring example of th'sat Iw to deceive oui farmers is E the value of higlier tariffs toAu No maxi cari convince lheU mans that higher tarif wvails Canada now lias is going to In armers. What has it done for 1 The present Liberal gov- An nt at Ottawa has been in pow- I ly four years. Say, farm-ers, IasI you ail getting rieli before 1 nI jhexi under high tariff and A vative rule?T pay 7c lb. Dried Apl o our fact( ate at once -'ý) about if ilS. now and let us reason to- We say Conservative -pap- ers and speakers are try- ýad farmners astray by dlaim- higlier tariff will help their rket for their surplus pro- Did it do it before Liberaîs power four yeàrs ago? If were so prosperous unider ve rule why did six of provinces of Canada !iail a single Conservative to re of Gommons? Out of ïbers in the Doi nion Par- Elon. Arthur Meighen had fifty followers. If our were al getting ricla under ivative high tarifi', why was tariff party so overwhelm- )wed uxider? Now lion. ý9e 15bgig you farmiers imi back ta power and le Sthe tariff and then thle rket -will make you ail ricl. oming ignoramiuses they farmers to be to be cauglit such claif ? be misled now by this cry Ionie Markiet by higler tai- e your God-given reason: ,produces enough. fruit for lanadas iprodi sfor t Slist. opulatîi ,andi ýe than it iot In no uawise endeavour May we aur moments waste; And cause that we may never For liqour f orm a triste. Unite us in opinion 0f wlhat this. land m~ay be, And keep thils great Domin;on Promu liqi*or's bondage free. May grace and strength and blessing, And peace and power combine, To keep us ever pressing Toward the heig-hts divine. lI love and kaowled'-e growing, May we courageous be And find delig-ht in showing, Our loyalty to Thee. T. Watson. Ridg-etown, Ont., 1925. [er the ,ted lier : es- dispos (spois- his re- eferred cd out, ,ence to DURHAM liament. lus. exuh ha Living- as I have for fifty years luce enol-h eefor mnore hi the immediate vieinity LuoCa ndagh beef where the EHon. Vincent Massey wae woCanadas; n ouon bora and spent bis boyhood days and Canads; ad sa o his youag and vigorous man- hood business life, I am constraiaed on is small but in- to wish for the good People of the in the total wo pro- County of Durbai thse honor anid iwe can couïiume. privilege of a representative af that we have benwhom they will be justly proud. 7 the oic! tetish that "the Lrlet is the best maket", n would be ,even gre-ater.i ject of the Canadian people to develop a great export the products natural ta the er nation can comnete witht ig as we c lwe ren em or (e ov n hardware oaa only hixia in competitiox iw ardware if the people e market are auflicient ed for their doniestier s, ta caver the defi rinciple operate& - - mitel eveîy ___________ Office: 74 Ce FIrwEI rament is ent Massey is the mani send ta represent you Ottawa. Leaf AUCTIONEERS THIEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farxm and Hbuse Sales a Sei Ternis moderate. Enniskillea P Phone 197r3. JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer PRESENTATIOP aIe Congratulate His manly speech et Port Hope gave, a clear idea of his business outlook of the future of oui Great Dominion. It -was obvious, that lis explanation mnade a deep impresýsion on his list- eners. What di.d 10r. ïMeighien do during the war"? someone ealled out with some derision of tone. "I thinli Mr. Meighen did h5s ful duty in the lig-ht i whicl le saw itwas the Premier's response. It was a fine tribute to a political opponent in thse heat of a strenuous election eaxmpaign and won thse ad- miration miol only of those whlo heard the Preimie,'s reply but of maay to' whom^it was repeated after the meeting. OBITUARY Robert H. Elliott, Toronto 1 Robert H. Elliott, Canadian rep- resentative of the silk firm of Chas. Mouterde, Lyons, France, passed away at bis late residence; 31 Wey- bourne Crescent, Toronto, i Ms fiftieth year Friday after an illness of several aionths. The late Mr. ElliottS who was born ini Paris, Ont., was for some years engsaged in the dry goods business at Peterboro, Ont. Hie came to Toronto about ten years ago and sixice then has been in the silk trade. He was a Scottish Rite 32nd Degree Mason, a member of Scarboro Golf Club anid the Victoria Lawn Bowling Club. lI religion he was a Pies. byterlan. Survivlng are bis widow, Gertrude Lyle, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle, Bowmanville, and one daughter, Jean. Among those who attended the funeral from here were :-Mr. John Lyle, J. P., Mr. and Mis. R. IM. Mit- chell, Mis. Fred Marty-n and Miss Anne Lyle, Mr. Joe. Pattinson, Miss Nellie L. Pattinson. It was a very large funeral. IMPORTANT RADIO NEWS jThe Empire Sales Co. have its new I Radio Store finished and open for business anid since Saturday have sold a lot of supplies and a Set. People 'aili have trouble -with their sets ,should take them in to be tested as they have all necessary instru~- ments and tools to a ke a thoîough check Up. They are showing the New De- Forest Sets and they arqe welU look- ing sets and work gieat, toao. The new No. 93 Radiola is a great buy. Yau should go in and hear it. Looki for the light on the lane at Rehder's. EMPIRE SALES CO., C. E. Rehder Geo. L. Hall Store on Lowe-st. at Division-st., flowmanville. ening was sr er 5th., 'w of Maple 1, ipanions of We Now Have1 In Stock le and gro 1a pieceo gý was SI S, alter - years of nappiness. s as follows: nU and yv The New Publice\School Health Book, SpellersJ and Canadian Histories, and, ail other necessa'y school supplies. W, T. Allen Bg 20Bookstore "Suburban Customers caIled by Long Distance fldb<ked t, .ur sale -beut we ever hadI9 -Writes a Department i or, ,Faint keari neyer won a neW CUstomer. Steel Ranges AND Heaters ehavei a very af4 MASON &,DALE The Popular Hardwr-QuaIity and Right Prices Phone 145 Bowiianville SAVE YURli ARD COAL Conserve your supply of hard coal by buru- ing cannel coal. We have a car of Ebony Cuibe Cânnel-the best cannel coal mined. Let us 1111 your requirements for a fiee grate fire. HAVE YOUR ROOF REPAIRED Fix your roof IIow before cold weather sets in. Use Toronto Asphait Roofiing. ALWAYS IN STOCK Cernent, Gyproc, Lime, liard Wall Plaster, Plaster Paris, Fire Clay, liard and Soft Coal, Coke. J. A. HOd-LGATE & SOàN Phone 153 Bowmanville You Know Aheado When yQu order your nieat at this shop you will get the choicest and tenderest meat that is ob- tainable. We personally select Our animais and know W-ho feeds them and how old they are. We can, t-heref ore, recommend the meat we seil to our eus-. tomers. In othèr words you take no chances, Phone or eall and your ôrder will prompt attention. receive C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Blutchers Phone 64 Bowmanville Like China kotel Agents LEGAL Bowi RNS lo.ê to r roll givexi forpp CHIROI DR. DURWIN wex are 4 -w th t]h till 9 P.n. iard WER ILLE IÂAM MAW, il 1, 1 Drelliier 131. Big 20