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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1925, p. 11

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hIAN STATESMAN, B'OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 192.5. pleasure and com- f ort in 11f e if you have a modern equipped bath- room in your home. Have it installed 110W before cold weather cornes. E s- free and without inaway & Elliott Experta and Consulting Engixteers East Bowmanville Phone 18W '1 IAi H OW many millions are lost In speculation ILevery year--in efforts to make money by taking great risks rather than in doing great service! OnIy those who have much, or those who have littie or nothing', car. afford to take grreat risks. Cer- tainly thci average miar with loved ones dependent lpon hin capnne:. Life insurance is witlieut doubt the most certain asset in the houscholder's strong box. A Life Insurance policy carlnet depreciate. Miitu Jity in life irsurance imicns that Dliv MR. MASSEY IN CAVAN Auýdience in Coeîgervative Cavais- ville Gave Liberal-Progressive Candidate Hearty Reception Hon. Vincent Massey last Wed- nesday evening addressed anf aud'- ience in davanville in the niorth east of the riding, presenting to them the Lib)eral policy as one that --taking inte account the interests of east and w\ýest, town and c-ountry -will inake for unity of spirit among Canadians. There was an indication that even the Conservative section in the north of Durhanri iss looking on the prese(nt election with an open mind in the friendly h.earing given Mr. Massey and the applause that greeted sevjer- ai of the points he made in bis ad- dre-se. The loyal Orangemen of North. Durham have been among the flrst to appreeiate the essentially British character of Mr. Massey'[s methiod of dealing with impersonal issues in an inipersonal way, and to approve the decent retraint that- marks his speeches ini the face of continuous vituperation from the opposition press. la Mans of Rigixt Type The audience warmly applauded hiis declaration that he meant to. wage a dlean fight and discuss the. policies at issue without resorting to abuse of bis opponents. It also applauded the references to bis great ability and fine character that were made by some of the other speak- ers. "It is a common tbing to hear it said, especially in the churches, thati the best men do nat get into poli- tics", remarked Joseph Waring of Peterboro in the course of bis speech. "You have an opportunity now te put a man, of that sort into parlia._ ment. 1 venture to say that this 15 the first tim-e in Canadian history that a man bas resigned from the director.. sbip of seyerai large condons witb-1 out even waiting for bis election in order that lie miglit be free to serve the public interest without embarrassmi-ent. "Mr. Massey lias nothing to gain by going into publie life. Ho bas overytbin'g we aIl ca'h give bim. Has Much to Give "But lie bas mueli te give. He is offoring bis youth, bis educatien, bis brains, bis influence and bis monoy in your service and the ser- vice of his country. I>on't you tbink it would be wrong of you to refuse bu this opoportunity of laying theni ou the. altar of bis country? And that is. wbat it rneans if you do not vote for him". Mr. Waring declared that, thanks to the influence of the Progresýsive party, there would neyer again. be ain election ia Canada wýhere stiff Grit opposed stiff Conservative with no one between theni, and where each man voted blindly as his father and grandfatlwr had voted. "People nowaciays are looking at thin'gs more intelligently. They are attending meetings and bearing the issues discus.sed bofore tbey vote, and we bave the Pý,ogressives te thank for that", ho said. His opinielt was that the effect of this broadèr view would benefit the Liberal cause, for the Liberal policy was the only one of the two to be votod on that presented that national outlook wbicb was necessary te the binding together of Canada's farflung provinces. Gave Consuimer Benefit Referring to the rumor that Mr. Masey bad resigned from the presi- dency of the Massey-Harris Comn- pany because bis resignation was dosired, Mr. Davison declare5d this to be untrue and. rarinçied bis au- ience that had Mr. Massey gone to Ottawa as head of tho firmiin ques-. tion be would bave been criticized for doing so. In the course of bis speech Mr. Massey roplied once more te the ac- cusation. that bis conversion to the tariff roductions of 1924 had been the rosuit of special concessions to tax the A scientifically - constructed flue carnecs the heat around the whole oven and under the entire cooking siurface, distributing it steadily, unifcrmly and at just the right temperature for b-,oiling, frylng or baking. Airtight joints prevent leakeege and ensure perfect draft control. Other noteworthy features you wiUl appre- ciate are the scicntifically proportloned lirebox, " Duplex " grates, venlfilated steel oven, ample reservoir, broiiing and. toasting front, etc. More than 300,000 Canadian women use the Happy Thought daily and praise it highly. Happy Thought Pipe, Pipelessa nd Cern- bination Warm Air and Hot Wat BFu- maces serve every type of home. W. H. DUSTAN Lville- Ont. T e reductions made did not e the industry in any favored ion nor did we receive apy- g that was not given to every ýr mplýement cempany", lie said. ereductionis m-ade on raw mater- and- the remission of tbe sales were immediately passed on te consumer", ho said. THE SAME SIR H~ENRY ne wevuld bardly think the Fin- Mini-ter wbe treated the meni- ef the House of Commions te fiowery oratory and gloom isl sanie Sir Henry Drayton wbo *dl the King Government in Port erecently. It is the -,ame Sir y Drýayten who is now talking ýutting ýoff' the bulk ef our im- s in, orn I~vto oive e£UlvT,Àment~ ne aou ettn oVVt.UI it impor.jtsb. Ile id net eise the tariff, as lie had ýromised te do in the pirevious year, thougb a Royal Commission had avelled over Canada collecting ln- ormatien about the tariff at great xpense. Ail that this groat apostie f financial gloomn could say was hnt "The sua sbone and the rivera tili sparkled, and that our lands- 7re as great and1 fruit-fui as ever, id our resources as vast! "Now we are actually asked te ut bum and bis fello-w-incompetentsi ack- te take the place of the ener- etic King governiment t1iat bas ught eut ne-w markets la Australia, e West Indics and else-wbTere, that as provided for scientific revision f the tariff, and under whom a vorable balance of trade of near- $300,000,000 bas taken tho place 1 the adverse balance under rofien Dra vt oS-e l. W ae Durham Courity Teachers 1 925A1926 Inspectorate No. ' 1-Col. EL E. Snlider, B. A., Inspector, Port Hope. S. S. No. See'y.-Treas. Namre of. Teacher Address Certif. Salary TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT Hooey, John Montgomiery, Ed Bruce, Robt. Jr Spinks, Russell Ferguson, S. F. Fhilp, W. G. Proutt, Geo. Emerson',[VM. Lan'caster, J. W. Holmes, W. C. Smi, Fred Eddy, C. M. Kinsmian, Thos, Lycett; ' W. J. Gibson., D. J. Saveryý, Wm. Staples, A. J. Jackson, John Marr, Alex. Truil, (Fred W. Burley, Jas. EllioýtWesley Tebble, M. H. Ransberry, Jas. Stewýart, John Soucb ,Heber J. MeLaughlin, F. Watermnan, Helen Johnston, Hazel W Bruce, AMae Ross, Stella E. Evans, Susan B. Cawker, S.. A. Armstrong, S. M. Burketon Blackstock Burketon Nestleton Nestleton Nestleton Nestieton TOWNS141P 0F CLARKE Powvell, Mrs. M. G. Martin, Allan A. Mitchell, Edw. Mallough, V. M. Hallowell, Beulah Luxon, Marjorie Neal, VeéIma M. Dickinso.n, E. A. Foster, Kate Ada-ms, Marj'orïe MeNainara, Ag-nes Hubbert, Mamie 0. Stewart, Violet Robb, C. E. M. Pow%ýer, Irma I. Brown, Violet E. Holmnan, Gertrude Souch, Eileen M. Archer, Mamie M Port Granby Newcastle Clarke Newceastle Orono Orono Orono Starkville Orono Orono Kendal Oronio Leskard Orono Kendal - Orono Orono Kendal Orono TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Ashton, W. C. Camp(bell, Alan Osborne, H. P. Smale, C. J. Metcalf, N. I. Wilson, Arthur Gay, M. G. Stephons, G. A. Hoar, Sidney T. Niddery, Mrs. L. Chant, S, G. Smith, F. G. Milison, Arthur Pàscot, Leslie C. Ferguson, H. MB McLaugblin, Wmi Annis, A. W. Smiith, J. J. McKessock, R. J. Sîenion, Milton McGili, R. M. B. Fallis, A. W. ,Morton, W. W. Beer, E. S. Wilson, A. E. Grandy, T. V. McNeill, H. W. Scott, Thos. W. Gray, Robt. Stinson, Samuel Dainard, Wesley Lathangue, M. Boggis, W. Jas_~ Reynolds, Fred Barnstaple, Fred Fuller, R. L. Johuston, J. H. ,Central Sebool South Ward Sebool Pearce, .R Sanders, J. W. East Primnary SchoolI West Primary Schooi Bragg-, Beatrîce Bowmanville Brag-g, Ruby M. Bow\manville McKessock, A. P. Bowmanville Werry, Alice G. Bowmanville Lancaster, R. A. Bowmanville Staples, Edgar E. Burketon Williamsen, Clara7 Courtice Pierson, Leuta J. Courtice Stewart, Neil S. Bowmianville Ferguson., Tena Bowmanville Great, Francis J. Hamipton Sargent, Blanche Hampton Alton, Thos. H. Hampton Sbortt, Rose MA. Tyrone Hobbs, Meryl» J. Enniskillen Mark, Jean Burketon Andrew, Laura J. Enniskillen Smith, A. Gladys Enniskillen Barton, Doug-las D. Enniskillen Walkor, Dorothy Tyrone Collacott, M. H. Enniskillen McKessock, R. J. Hampton Sherriff, Jennie R. Bownianville R TOWNSHIP 0F MANVERS Mc Camus, Marg. Fierholler, Gladys_ Neghitt, Ma)bel, E. McGiil, Edith Stapies, Gerald Deyell, Douglas Gray, Gladys, P. E Barwell, Lillian Beggs, Goo. A. Cawood, John Grabami, Florence Long, Aithea W$annan, . Lorne 0.~ Carscadden, -Mrs. 1 Nelson, Olive MU. Richar-dson, Lois Greig, John H. C. Janetrille Pontypool Betbany Betbany Franklin Janetville Janetville Pontypeol Pontypool Janetville Ida, R. 1 Poatypool Pontypool Bethiany Bethany Janetville Pontypeol yfurnished TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Jolnston, J.. H. Bewmanville Jennings, Mînnie Morris, Helen G. (Superviser of Music) Winter, Harvey J. (Cadet Instructor) Wickett, Greta Girvin, M. M., BA Bragg, Leta L. Jewoli, Edna E. Morris, Fler. W. Montg-omerýi, N. Galbraith, F. M. Cole, Mildred F. VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Rodger, Thos. A. Mason, Hattie A. Barrie, Hazel M. TOWN 0F PORT HOPE Seniervilie, D. L. Strickland, Mary Tbompson, E. 0. Tuer, Jessýie M. Smiith, Phyllis M. Thonipson, Muriel McElroy, Dorothy Pbilp, Mari orie Dodds, Joan H. Oke, Helen Sainsbury, Evelyn Long, Myrtle B. Black, Theodora Hugb, Irone Burt, Grace Davidson, Mrs. E. (El. Art) (K.P. (K.P. Il Il Il Il I 'I 'I h Il I Il 'I Il H 'I (K. P.) 'I (K. P.) 2000 1100 1250 1200 1000 950 1000 900 900 1000 1100 950 1200 1000 900 2200 1000 1000 900 900 900 850 900 900 800 800 925 900 800 925 900 You have been intending to try "Red Rose.ep Why not now before you forget. R!D ]ROME TUiA je good ted' 1000u 1000 1000 1200 1200 100 1000 1100 1000 750 1225 1025 100 1000 10250 1000 1025 8000 1000 100 00 1000 12000 1000 1000 1250 1100 1075 1000 00 1000 1000 975 850 1100 1000 1000 1250 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100 1000 1000 1100 900 1200 1100 1000 950 925 1100 900 1000 1000 PIANýOS FREDMITCHELL Bowmanville The Business of Agriculture FAR1M'ING ia moe than an occu- pation; it is a bighly commercialized business wbich requires careful planning and thougbtful exectution. Bountiful production is necessary but mucli effort is waste{ unless the busines;s of disposing of the year's output is properly manag-ed. In conducting the business of the f aria the Standard Bank can play a prominent and "usofui part. Consult the manager and learn bow true co-operation betweon banking and agriculture builds a more prosperous comimunity. STANDARD BANK BOWMÂNVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Branches also at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa 1 MÇTAJGHUN-BUI C 1 4.qnd2 cfoor Sedans McLaughlin-Buick for 1926, iitro.. duces a line of 4-door and 2-door sedans th-at sets a new standard of- comparison for closed cars. Nevee before have such values been offereâ a-t such low prices. And these new sedans are but one of the maay features in the. 1926 MQLaugln- Bwicks See Them At MOFFATT MOTOR SALES Bowmnanville Oshawa M' <q$~. 2 £MI"L î NpV -4 B )oU 1 C K ProVed safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Pain Toothache Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism rDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART A-ccept only "Bayer" packag which contains proven directioný Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet FIFTYI

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