i - _______________________________________ I A Z'T1 AS CANADA 5-1-AND (F1!orbe5 Magazine N. y.) "Caada is a' saler bQt now thati sh ba sraped, bettom and begun tocon lakwtnsshr exchange, ér ercapita trade, the third or fouith largest in the world, her wheat~ total is a good croD year, her pulp wood and. paper shipmnents *wicl total from half toa athird of he wheat exporta. in value and this y'ea wil equal or exeeed wheat, and se-as 1the largeast piilp areas in the woad-Canada is a saler lnvestment to-day be it wheat lanids, pulp ayeas, coal mines or agricultural impie- ment companies, at bottonm just aothain she was twelve years ago when !and values were a ballaoni bound ta burst and come do'wn". RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOIR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY WEST EAST 5.28 a. ni, D ex M 10,14 a. in.1) 6.06 a.m. 2.4pmD* 8.20R. ni. D:ý 7. 48pnm.D* 4.31 p. m. P1.2D m 7.10 1.mn).2.2a.mE D *....aiy except Sunday. D .ex. Mv-Daily except Monclay. NATIONAL RAILWA,,Y EAST .42a.. Smnday Only 1016,a.111. 1.26 p. ni. P day Oaily 3.Iý1,pin. 9.58 p,. m* 11.21 p. mi. F 12.34 a. in. F 'lAN NATIONAL. RAILWAV TYRON.E STATION ES 6: 18 p. in. xcept Sunday r A kti.% m . ' ', >, 1 Mi. Leslie Keith and Miss TMarion Van Nest, Miss Florence L. Vain Nest and MUiss Olive Lukýe, Mi. 1Her- 'bert A. Van Nest, Toronto, and friend Mi. Lavis, Whithby, -weîe wee1kend' guests of Mi. anmd Mis. M. A. James, Laine Villa. Our aider citizens Mi. and Mrs. JohnJ lived in Bowmanville Mr. Lasby sent us a paper (viheîe he laý in1 taining this notice: M John Lasby went ta, Thursday ta, attend tl an aid friend, Sain whomy they had lina years aa.when the mi 1 remrember Lasb v who In Stock The, New Public S( IHealth Book, SpE and Canadian Histc and ail other nece. school supplies. an cleIL W. Pl A.J W. D. à'UL TR Y VANTED! n prepared ta handle your is Fail and wiIl pay the cash price. rny prices before dispôsing Phone 81, Whitby' and r ýharge, or drap me a card vill came riglit away. 1. STEIN, They contain 1Dukie-st., ll St., ap. cut dow,ýn ýei respect- & Streets ail the elements that guare health, vigor and a satisfied appetite. We have ail kinds of We buy only t] tary condition Expenditur. erred ta Spl. act. . $244.05 Johnston &Cryder- . ý' *'*. .180.67 ian &0o,.,,.. 2.25 H. Jury............. 1.35 Kniight ............7.73 ,owe.........10.00 Rowe............28.65 Moris ........ .......44.50 er.................3.00 James ~ & Sons .50 MaSOn ... ........23.82 Review ..............75 Sicholis .............12.65 ýCo .................50 amps.............62 $ 569.61 Balance in Bankc $484.62. IN THE EDITOR' MAIL Like a breath,~fim. the King of the floral Kingdom-the Rase- cames this friendly whiff of appre- ciatian fram far away Butte, Mon- tana:- Dear Mr. James:-In forwarding my subscription, 1 desire ta express my appreciation of The Statemnan in a hearty "'Thank You" ta those through whase efforts we aire able _s0 pleasantly ta keep in toucli with the daily daings of aur ald home tawn and caunty. While we great- ly enjoy reading the many inter- esting and valuable articles appear- ing weekly in your paper, is is the kindly, newsy bits telling of friends, relatives and schoalmates af long ago in whom we are always. deeply interested, tbat mnakes oui homne paper sucli a welcomie "lIetter" tai thase of us who are long and fari fîom the folks back ho9me. Sincerely,1 MamieR. Cryderma.n .Malcolini, Lindsay, in ,sub sciiption ta The tes: Youî paper camps froni home when oui ss in writing us and cantains news of oui nd acquaintances in i Cartwight-all most bhose of us away fro~m of Durhamu. 'LECTORS POSTED 7. Bownen of Clarke 'ttaw;ýa foui years aga urham County in the imans. Duiing this ýerni he has received y for his services. rally ask what Mn. ne in return for his mnity they caîl it. It en only a simple act his constituents if he iany cmembers make a ing--send parliament- nta constituents dur- ULUVVU*A5fý in municipality had been doue ýat part lie hac -ian lias -not ta ou ei îeceived a piece o: literature or other in public use from Mr others have we do no I - 1 LOCAL AND QTHERWISE4 Mrs. F. W Nelleg and babe have returned fiom à pleasaut viit wîth her parents at Sudbury. Mrs. Jno. H. Truil is convaleocingi in Oshawýa at the homie of her daughter, Mis. Hanson Richards, Athol St. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jacks on, New- castle, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. James Caurtice, Scugog- St., and attended Trinity United Churcli. Messrs. John H. and Frankz A. [Wakelin have returned ta Bos3toni Mass. Miss Eva Wakelin retu-ined with theni by mtai ta visit relatives there. Mrs Wm. Wakelin, Misses Eva and Martha, Messrs. John H. andl Fank A. Wakelin have been visi- gritson in Hamilton. Cauncillor Wm. Yeo represenited the Bowmnanville Foundiy Ca. at the aninual convention of thie Amierican Foundrymen's Association held re- cently in SYracuse. N. Y. Mrs. Thos. Brown, Stràtford, who was retuining frani a trip ta, the Maritime Provinces cclled on Misý. J. A. _MeClellan îecently 'Ml, Bion is mrayor of Stratfaîd and Liberal candidate for Perth caunty. CANADIAN W EST 1.22 a. ni. F ýProgressive Conmmlttee. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXII1IARY Secretary's Report from October 4, 1924, October 2, 1925. Wanen's Hospital Atixiliary has held eleven regular meetings and ane executive meeting. Memc-bership 24; avera'ge attendance nine. The special effarts to raise money were: Euchre Party, Birthday Tea an St.* Patrick's Day and Easter collection. At Christmras nursing staff 'were3 specially remiem--beredl by the Aux- iliary and tawn frîends wha sent a gaase frani Mr. Cawker & San'cs, a tuYkey fram Mr. C. Rehder and twýo chicken fram Mr, W. J. Dudley. The McMurtry Ward lias been re- dýcarated very attractively. These articles have been supplied:ý 3 taýble claths, tawelling, 2 dazen table napkins, 5 traiy claths, 6 -waste paper baskets, 4 dozen tea towels, 25 go-wns, 6 surgeons gawns, Il (ha isl6 pillaw cases, 4 pairs 'durtains for office, 2 Ostermaoor maý,t- tresýses, kitchen utensils. Hospital supplies have been kept' un and the reserve fund incîeased, sa there is satisfaction for the few faithful anes ta feel they have been able ta assist in this useful wavrk. Througli the Auxiliary Mr. F, F. Marri s refurnished the office with a bea1utiful set of modern fumied oak furniture, desk, s-%wivel chair, arn chair, couch, telephone table and chair, this generous gift was very g'ratefully accepted by the Auxil- iary, The funds of the Auxiliary wereý assisted by a recital given by Miss Reta Cale and talent money fro-i Miss Bonathan. We -wish ta thank aur ma ny frienda fori their generaus hýelp In the pasýt year and ta request their further assistance and interest in the goad work. Miss Clara Allen, Secretary. Recel pts Balance in banli......... $471.15 Ivembers' fees........12.00 Donations .................3.75 Concert................6.60 Interest ..,.,,., 15.35 Card Party........104.00 An. BirtYiday........67.00 Easter offering.......311.36 Miss Cale's Recital ........27-02 Miss Bonathan, talent money 6.00 $1,054.23 T. à 7 FRESH Faormeirsm--Vote foir B3roadeirMairkets andHono V 0 m Vincent Massey T HE LIBERALS believ& that the strength of Canada is the farm. Agriculture cornes first in national developrnent. It is the Liberal policy to do everything possible to bring prosperity to the farm and to maintain it. When the farmer is prQsper- ous ail Canada is prosperous. Read what the King Government bas ac- complished to help the farmers of Canada. Liberal Measures Benefitting Canadian Farmers The King Government reduced the duty on agri- cultural implements. It reduced freight rates in the West. It established the grading system for butter, eiggs, cheese and bacon hogs. It advertised Canadian goods in the British whole- sale market and 'at Wemubley, and appointed ,an expert Canadian as resident agent to represent Canada and give all his time and attention to build up our trade in farm prodcts. It negotiLated trade treaties withi France, ltaly, Bel- gium, Luxembourg, ' Holland and ber colonies, Spain, Russia, Finland, Australia and the British West Indies, and widened Cana.da's market. It negotiated with the British Government to lift the embargo of 30 years standing against Cana- dian cattie, and SUCCEEDED. It introduced Government control oif comiýercial, fertilizers 80 as to make sure the farmer gets. what he pays for. It has helped fight diseases and pests, belped f arniers improve their stock, introduced better seed, and standarized Canadian f ar products 80 as to secure better markets and better prices. liop. Vincent~ Massey as a member of the Liberal Cabinet wiIl continue with heart and sou]. to improve conditions for Canadian agriculture. Despite tedious opposition from the Conservatives who sought to hamper every move to benefit the farmers of Canada, the Kin- GoVerfiment negotiated the bargain with Sir William Petersen , the British shipowner, to secure a fair ocean rate on Canadian cattie, which the North Atlantic Shipping Combine had refused. That ocean freight rates on live Canadian cattie are no lower to-day is no fault of the King Government, If re-elected it will flot rest until fair ocean rates for Canadian fai"m products are secured. "NO MONOPOLY ON LAND OR SEA". lion. Vincent Massey asks the support of the farmers of the riding of Dù'-ham, when they go to the poils on October 29. He will serve them faithfully in the Dominion Parliament. lie numbers among thern some of his warmest personal friends. lie has a sincere desire to see the farmers prosper, flot only in D~ur- ham but throughout the Dominion of Canada, for upon the f arm- ers of Canada,- he believes, depends the happfiness and -prosperity 1 -.