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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1925, p. 6

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at Port Granby, Clarke. q, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 192-5. ORONO OUR AUNT StJSAN'S L n The News of October 22) What a galaxy of good George Glass is roving to ýndwhçlesome adviceo zoes Ail i matie a Acts on Kidneys, Liver and dder the Very First Daty. a bottle of Rheuma today and asatisfied smile on -your face dy that is astonishing utry, snd it's jujst as sciatica, lumbago and as for rheumatlem. ýe poisonous wa$tE fîom d muscles-Vthat's the auma's success. Lt ask you to take otur go to Jury & Loveil or iggist aud get a bottle ýda; ;if it doesn't dose et your money haàck. It waiting for you. 1 ed nim five years agu. OBITUARY Mis. Williamn Van Nest, Solina, After a long aud serious illuess there psssed to rest on Frid a y' Oct- ober 16, Eliza Aruot, beloved wife of Mi. Wm. Van Nest, Solina. Shel -was boita in Darlington township being a daugter of the laVe Mr. aud Mie. John Arnot, and bas re- sided there ever since. For miany years Mrs. Van Nest was oîg-anist in the Methoidst Churcli at Zion and a fsithful member. Survi"viug ber besides ber husband, are two dauglitens, Mrs. E. Gibson, Mrs. Sain Brooks of Oshawa, and thîce sons, Norman, Jesse and Ai- noV a.t home. Oue sister, Mis. Blake Oke of Bbenezer, anci One brother, Mr. J. Aruot, Oshawa, also survive. The funexal which was very large- ly atteuded was held from the fam- ily residence un Sunday, Rev. J. R. Bick of Hampton, conducted thei services. Interment took place iu Unioni Cemetery, Oshawa. The bearers weîe Messie. Herbert A. Van Nest, (Toronto), E. Gib- son, Sam Brooks, Oshawa, W. T. Baker, Dr. W. G. McCullougb, (Or- onu), Guidon Montgomery. OBITUARY Johns ye, Enýnaldlleu Mr. Welcb was Il n p Opt their cousin, Mrs. A'she'nburst, Good- Graniby. 66 years ago, and moved to wood. Toronto in ýthe yenr 1890. He pur- Mrs. Robt. Fowler ils visiting ai chased the busis of Hubbard her son'.s-iin-.1aw, Mr. W. J. OrLise- Bros., Hardware Merchants, on Bewdley. Queen Street West, and has been in Nrs. T. C. Wilson, Ottawa, is vis- business at the samie Place ever iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. since, featuring the sale Of stoves G. Armstîong. and the installation of heating equip- Mis. Elbert Gamsby, Hiamilton, ment.anMran r.DweTrto He represeuted Ward 4 in the vstd M.and Mrs. DowGnesyTroto 'Cit~y council during 1908 and 1909,vstda r e asys and was active tbroughout his resi- Mr. Oliver Knapp's sale of stand- dence in Toronto in f urtbering the ing timber on farm f ormerly own ed intress o th Frank Bradley, north of Les- inteestsof te conmunty.kard six acres broughýt an) average Deceased was a Liberal and mem- ber of Dunn Avenue Unit'ed Churcli. price of $'79.00 per acre. He is survivecl by his widow, two For Catirrh.-It ils one of the sons, Thomas A., of T. A. Weleb chief recommendatioxis of Dr. Thon-ý and Com-pany, and Samliuel A., of A. as' Eclectrie Oul that is can be used Welsh and Son, and one daughiteî, inteinally witb as much success as it Mis. J. M. Wilson, all of Toronto. can outwardly. Suff erers froom The remiains were aken to the catairh will find that the Ou wvhen home of bis dsughter, Mrs. J. M. used accordinlg Vo directions will Wilson,, 47 Elmi Aveniue, fîorn where give prom--pt relief. Many sufferers the funeralwas beld on Saturday. from this ailment have found relief ________________________ in thie 011 and have sent testimonial-,. Mis. James A. Henry, p)a -se d ~,.. ~away October 20 at lier home at Ripley. DeceaIsed, formerly Margaret nike wi RADIO Bradley spent ber early days on the -~ ~ o, îtq~ Bradley farim east of Kirrby, n ow 7 owried by Mi. F. Brimaconibe. She is survived by lier busband, two sons and three daugbtere. M . Henry was also formerly of this tow\ýnsbip, being a zon: of the late James Henry of thne sixtbhulie. De- ceased was in her 79th yeaî. It's Free! Wrîte at Once! Eight-Page Price Liat and Catalogue STARTLING UNHEARD VALUES Address Radio Dept. biikenb.ef;d Hardware Limited 17-21 Temperance St. Toronto 2 Canada POULTRY WAANTED! 1 arn prepared tu, handle your wl this Faîl and wil psy Vise igbest cash puïce. Get my prices befure disposing 1your poultiy. Phone 81, Whitby and reverse arge, or drop me a eard snd 1 ill corne right away. iL STEIN, lhitby Ont. "4-tf. Proved Sale Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer" Package yofS or tao. For Fruest Bites and Cblbliu.-I Chilblaius corne from undue exposure to sînali and cold and f rost4bite frorn the icy winds of wiutei. In thse treatuxent of either an excellent preparation is Dr. Thiomas' Ecleetrie Oul, as it countensaets the inflamm~a- tion and relievs thse pain. Thse ac- tion of thse oil is promnpt and its ap- plication is extremnely simple. Mis. Henry W. Lester, A~. T. C. M., f oîmerly Vers M. Ho,-,, 140 Nairn Ave., Toronto,t was beard on tise Radlio Mouday \night. Mi,. Lester bas sung in Orono chuiche.s also in Kirby whiIe spending vaca- tion two years ag-o. Shis a daughteî of Mr. sud Mis. William J. Hogg, snd gianddaughter of Rev. D. M. Billinge, who preached aud lived in tisis district; also a great niece of Mi. Samsuel Billings, Or- onu. Tbýe use of Miller's Worm Powders insures healthy childien so f ai as tbe ailments attributable Vo worms are couceîued. A high mortality amoug childien is traceable to Worms. These cap thestrengtis of infents 'su that they are unable to maintain tise battle 'f or lif e and succumb Vo weakness. Tbis prepar'n- tion gives Promise of health and keepe it. KEDRON PERSONALS Eail VanDybelias a Ford coupe. Mr. J. H. Pag-coe bas erected a new silo. Guidon Short is ereeting a poultiy house. Wiudstorm ioni Moadsay played bhavoc with the apples. Mis. J. Lavis, Oshawa, was guest of Mis. John MecGreg.. Miss Marie Cule, Normal School, Toronto, was home Suuday. Mis. John NesbiVV, Oshawa, visit- ed bher datxgtei, Mis. E. Davis. Rev. E. B. Cooke, Neiwcastle, preacbed a fine sermon bere Sunday. Mis. Johns an~d Cliffuîrd, Zion, were guests of Mms. C. W. Hoskiu Miss Beatrice Moutjoy is guest of Mi. Will Lawrence and Dr. George Lawrence, Lindsay. Mi. sud Mus. Hlarold Mountjuy, Mr. and Mis. C. Hoskiu were guests of T. Rive's, Ebenezer. Mi. Wmi. Davis and Mis. M. J. Rowe sud daugbters Lois anid "Ruth, Oshawa, wîere gnests of H. T. Cole'si ôÔn Suuday.' Mr. and Mis. AI!. McCall, Mr. Melville McCaIl and Mise Gladys Green, Peterboro, weie gnests of H. T. Cole's. Coins are caused by the pressure of tiglit boots, but nu one ueed be tîoubled ,vith tlsem long when iso simple a iemedy as HoIlo-may's Coin Remover is avallable. Mi. sud Mis. Will Sanse!ls, Neet- leton, sud Mre. sud Mus. Henry Mountjoy, Blackstock, weîe guests of F. Cuoseman. Mi. snd Mis. George Armouransd Mr. a-nd Mis. C. W. Hoskin attended the Silver Wedding of Mi. aud Mis. Howaid Glenney, Newcastle. McCoy's Cod Li Extract TalIets1 Thin Under çlevt Children Love Them Arýe Sugar Çoated tt aise as It's youî dluty, MotF the frail, peaked, si( grows up Vo be strong in mmnd sud robust ili Extracted fron- the lowly Codfish are tise %read and we know our readers wouild - lke to shake .hands with andl look into the smlnling- face of our bene- Ifactor who -ives us so mucth to en- joy and talk over. Aunt writes: My Dear Niece :-I ai-xi o glad dthat Ilr a upon that old person di o o much good. IV is won- derfui what another>s cheerful out- 100ook on life bas upon us, Even if 'she was in a far different class than yourself, even of a differenit breed, ill-bred and illiterate-she 'Was wrise, far- wiser than -many with aIl their stores of learning and their excellent breeding. *For she could see cheer in every-1 thing. No matter the weather, the crop>s, or lier sickness. Without any effort she could see brightness and hope. So that was -why she gave some of bier briglit optimistic out- look to you, and you returned home, feeling unusually uplifted and brave. Noting eau su duli the edge of our feeling that may have commien- ced the day full of hope and glad- nese, than to cee hrooding 'faces and bear misemr'ble prophecies of 111- fortune that is threatening every. thing and everyone. It seems as if we are living in~ a day so strenuous that corne of us have forgottem to mrile. Tbe world is so full of pessimisn and fears; we read su much that is awful, and. we are told too mucli an.d know too little. So we live in dread, and in anticipatioc'i of evil. Even in siekness we quickly imagine the worst, esmaîl ailmnents are enlarg- ed to sonmeVhing that rnay prove fatal. Oui great-great-grand-4athers were cheerfully ignorant and they had full faith in themselves and in those whom they knew. We would not wish to be quite in sucli ignorance, but we migbt envy their faith, hope and cheer. A ebeerful mind is a wide mind; and those things~ that migbt appear dirty and menu, selfih or cruel Vo one who je morbid, often sbown freeh and dlean and wholesome in tibir true liglit to the one who is eheerful. A cheerful niind will enlarge and encourage the smallest growVb of food, and wiIl be quick to supprees evil atnd VthtWhich is of littie lyroit Vo the world. Scaudal witbers qickldy nder the steady light of Just as you borrowed new strength from the cbeerful old ereature ly- ing on hier coarse bed in ber one- room shack, so sce people cpread hope snd new life to others who may corne in contact witb theni. The habit of, eheerfulne,ss ie the habit of sanilty, it is the ballast tbat keeps uis steady when real troubles cone iipon us. (Makm a d o and qood cS ose SAVE YOUR HARD COAL Conserve your supply of liard coal by burn- ing cannel coal. We have a car of Ebony Cube Canne-the best cannel coal mined. Let us f1111 your requirements for a nice grate fire. HAVE YOUR ROOF REPAIRED Fix your roof now before cold weather sets i.Use Toronto Asphait Roofing. ALWAYS IN STOCK Çement, Gyproc, Lime, liard Wall Plaster Plaster Paris, Fire Clay, Hard and Soft Coal Coke. J. A. F HO1)LG A TE &SOù"àN Phone 153 BoWmanville HOT MEAT PIES ?Jping hot, macde fresh every morning, very appetizing and satisfying, only 10e each. DURHAM NUT LOAF Our customers don't seem to be able to get enougli of. this popular loaf. Try one at 15c. This store will be closed Thursday afternoon C. W. A. JACOBC"S The Candy Shop Successoers to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Prosperity lis Neyer Safe Prosperity is neyer saf e unless it rests upon protection. Your home is neyer saf e. PROTECT IT BY INSURANCE Your business is surrounded by rîsks. Insure Ill' Saves $2.4 A Year Cooking experts figure that the SMP Enameied Ware Roaster wiII Save the average Canad"in family fully $24.00 a year m mieat bis. Thse secret is, it roasts the meat with very littie chrinkage. Also, it makes cbeap cota teaste like thse best unes. You place thse ruast in thse ruaster, put ou thse cuver: the roaster dues the rost. No basting required. Every roast ta perfectly cookéd. The cover fits cdo,e, so thtt coa-itIg Sald in Bo-, & Co W. H. you SE oro le 0 Your valuables are always ini danger unless protected by insurance. Insure your présent prosperity to remain prosperous. We can heip you. For AU1 Kinds of hIsurance Consult Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville "Neyer too Late to Mend" May be a very good maxim, but 4'A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" is mucli better DON'T Let your Home, Outbuildings, or Fences get toc bad before you commence to look after them. We shall be glad to give you estimates on Luiaer, Pine, I-emlock ,B. C. Fir and Cedar. Shingles, B. C. Red Cedar, and Quebec White Cedar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building Paper. Ten-Test Fibre Board for insulating and wall board. Cernent and Lime Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring a specialty. NOW is the time to p ut in your next winter's sup- ply of Goal and Coke. Our Watchword is SERVICE Cali and see What we can do for you. 85th l me(

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