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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1925, p. 7

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IMR. RR while Mrs. W. ti of honor. moon Yr. and M in Whitby. lway d&cElliott rts and. Coniaulting Engisieers t Bowmanville Phone 18W hol<1 roiliciesi - 5>6eitual Life of /iOf11i world is but a pawn inh The Mutual Life of treaigth of orgaization 100,000 policyhotd- tion. Theirs is the today for "The WEDDING Morris-WVilson On Moniday evening at Gentennial United Church, Dovercourt Road, Toronto, the marriag-e took place of Annie Muriel, daug-ht-er of Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, of Brighton, to William Arthur Morris, son of Mrs. A. Morris, aind the late Art~hur G. Morris. The bride, who was given away by lier father, looked smart in an imported dress of beige georgette with bat and fox fur to match, and carrying a shower bouquet of roses. Ber only attendant was her sistel', Miss Evelyn Wilson, who wore a ,dress of French blue georgette with bat of black velvet and bouquet of pink roses. Rev. J. G. Wilson, grand- father of the bride, officiated, and wvas asisted by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson and Rev. A. G. Hudson, uncle of the bride. Mr. Alan C. Scott was best mian. Foll.owing the ceremiony Mr. and Mrs. Morris left for Quebec. On their retixrn they will reside at 540 Dovercourt Road, Toronto. About 30 neighbors and friends pleasantly surprised Mr. and M-rs. Arthur Legge, 100 Mary Struet, Oshawa, on Saturday erening, whien1 they receied a kitchen shower in houai, of their I 3th weddiag anni- ver-isary. Under our wvillow tree, whicbh is just by the lake at the Memorial In- stitute Summer Holiday Camp. This spot, we are sure, is the miost popu- lar weiner-roast place on the beach, judging from the nuiriber of rloasts held there each week. When you corne please niake full use of the beach---BUT SPARE OUR FENGE TIES AND WILLOW TREE. Last week some 1Bowianville boys were down and had a great time, only they tore down the branchesi of our willow tree-and, like Humnp- ty Dum;pty, the branches canriot be repl.aced. Our tree is g-reatly prize.d by us and it is a real treat to ail the canmp- ers who come there in the sumnmer away froni the hot city. SO HAVE AS MUGB FUN AS 'YOU WISH AT OUJR BEACH BUT, PLE-ASE, RE-. MEMBER NOT TO TOUGB OUR WILLOW TREE. Memorial Institttte, Toronto. Couchi, Johnston & Cryderman sà re rn.nking a siecialty of Ladies Pur Coats in Riat, Hudson Seal and Persian Lamh.ý They guarantee the weatr of every coat and are giving exceptionai value s in these goode.1 You Know Ahead1 * When you order your meut at this shop ,you wfil get the choicest and tenderest meat that is ob- tainabie. We personally select our animais and know7 who feeds them and how old they are. We can, theref ore, recommrend the meat wve seil to our cus- toiners. In other words you take no chances, Phone or cail and your order wïfi receive prompt attention. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowman'gille Dominionaa Stores Lui. 1)) tre Now erythiug for EALLOWE'EN SPECIALS w 2Ibs. 29ci NS BapPy Thought Qt'ebec csents the hiighest standard of heating store. CHOICI IV11. iDrury efierges victorious1y froni the contest, for pot only would Ontario's representation in the Bouse of Gommons ho .appreciably strengthencel by Mr. Drury's pres- ence there, but the whole nation stands to benefit froni his election to the federal arena. Mr. Drury is a n who-e rincer- ity. is palpable and, whose past ex- perience and present outlook would make hini an invaluable mnember of the forces that oppose reaction in Ganadian politics. Be is a keen student of economics and has had exceptional opportuniities to study intimately the problenis whicb be- Èet the nation, His actions -when Premier of Ontario stamped himi as a man' of personal integrity and political vision. In North Simcoe, the electors will 1be but expressing the feelings to- wards Mr. Drury of the majority of the people of the Province if they 3return him on October 29th. There is a place for hlm and such as lie in the Dominion Bouse. EGGS ARE EGGS Ganadian eggs bring highest prices in British miarkets anid marny are being sent as this report ii-di- eates: Egg exports for week ending Oct- ober 17th., 1925: To Glasgow 700 cases fresh flrsts, 200 cases storag-e extra, 8 ,150 cases storage flrsts. Paisley 500 cases fresh firsts, 1,550 cases storag-e firsts. Leith 100 cases storage fiits. London 200 cases storage firsts. Liverpool 150 cases storage firsts, Boston 230 cases f resbh extras, 30 cases fresh -fîrats, St. John's, Newfouifd1lnd, 12ý5 cases fresh extras, 25 cases fresh firsts. Ganadian. storage eggs, 400 boxes, sold in Liverpool at 18 shillings per 120-about $4.50 per 10 dozen. England g-ets large 'shipmients of eggs froni Ireland, Russia, Argoni- tine, South Africa and AusItralia, but Ganadian egg.s sell at top prices. THE CAUSES 0F CRIME By Rev. J. Phillips Jones. M.. A.., B. D)., Social Service Council of Canada. In addition to poverty whîch was mentioned in a previous article an- other cause of Crime is Initem--per- ance. If the sale of bard liquor wvas prerented, the police courts would lose a great deal of their bus- inesas. At a recent mheeting of police inýspectors in New York City, o'ne eiscperienced offi'cer said that "Drink is the greatest single cause of crime". Lord Alverstone, Chief Justice of Great Britain said, ",Af- ter forty -,ears at the bar, and ten as a judge I have no hesitation in saying that 90 per cent of the crime in this country is due to indulgence in strong drink". Addressing the Grand Jury in Winnipeg sorne time ago the Judge said "MVost of the cases in these as- sizes are directly or l*ndirectly due to lquor. Especially does this ap- ply to the foreign-speaking. popu- lation who are industrious and bard- working wben sober, but are like wild beasts wben under tbe influence of liquor"., Picariello and Mrs. Lasandra pald the extreme penalty for a,,hqoting a policeman in Blair- more, Alberta, be'cause ho inter- fered with their bootlegging traffl. An.d so w%,e could mrultiffly instances of strong drink, being one of the great causes of crime. AnotJher cause of crime is addic" tion to bhbit-formng drugs. "The great majority of drug-addicts are of tbe underworld type". F. W. Gowan of the Opium and Narcotic Druga lDivisiosn of the Federal De- partaient of Health says that ai- Ehough the eril is somneMhat abating in Canada, one of thie great needs is compulsory treatment of drug ad- dicts. In this way alone will the evil be finaliy eradicated. Peeblemindedness la also a great cause of crime. "Haîf the crime of the wvorld, two-flfths of venereal disease,\, two-tbirds of prostitution are due to neglect of the feefolend- ed". Recent psychiatric examina- tion of the inniates of Sing Sing Prison showýed that twa-thirds are mentally defeetire. There are fire hundred mentallyl defective children in Alberta. Miss Dauphine, Superintendent of Special Ghldren's Classes la Vancouver, re- ports that there are orer 1600 moen- tally defective children in British Columbia, and the number is rapid- ly increasing. This is a probleni ln every province of the Dominion. A mental defective ýs one whose brain development has balted. He has the body of an adrult but the mmnd of a chlld. Some are idiots- mentally these are infants. Others are imbeciles haý,rg a mental capacity of from tbree to six years. The highest grade of f eeblemninded are morons. These can be tauglit expert manual labor under proper direction if it inroîres no planning or reasoning-. All mentally defeetive lack con- trol. They naturally drift into immorality and crime. Their im- moral tendencies miake birt.h- rate among theni very high, and their defect is terribly transmissible. At l1pst +h,-oo ern i'ea *1-1 an.a arei. trained feel and the res them. The mlnded mus earnest. they will no we must si HoIcw many now in the Bow imany years? in tw PIg FRED MITCHELL, Bowxnanville > Create an Account SWith Your Victory Loan Coupons BANKING Victory Loan Coupons willI mature on the first dlay of ne.xt FIFTýY month. Clip your coupons and use FI ~theni to open~ a Savingal, Account YEARS with us. Then the nione y our Bonds earned will lu turn be eacn- ing. STANDARD BAN K BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Branchez also et Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa---- MIxed Farming Pays EAST or West, it lias been proved that and self-sustaining type of agriculture. Risks of bad season are distributed and rninimized iri bath production and markeig. Crop rotation and fertility are siinplified. dverhead charges are more evenly divided and ail wstecan be utilized. Mixeci farndng will give the farmer the best return for bis investnient. BowmaanvMle »raxnc1t - F. Aitchison, Maniager Order from your grocer his best tea and he'll usually send "Red Rose." TUAjgood teàd^7 The same good tea for 30 years. Try it! ,à Whl ,e or sls on the trai"ny rci- agains ne'of District immmbL qý Bruqu âý ýffl jý doinu

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