OGTOBRR 21 Jr THURSDA and 'riday-Saturday Only Women's anad Misses' Ail Wool Velour Coats, 20 2lob, trinamed with fur cllars and cuffs, both straighit id fiared styles, ail -'warmry lined and interlinad, maade bway, aach gar-ment îs guaranteed to give excellent wear, SPECIAL PRICE $25.00 eetyne, Suede fabrics, and Plumblooan Cloths, some are pe lined, soma embrace the straight lines and othars the deLs, ail are well trim-med with either Oppossuin, Man- in Chilla or Fitchi Opossum. Each garment presepts ýely individual style. SPECIAL PRICE $35.00 otbar special shipmient of Cildran's Coats for less The sizes range froni 2 to 14 years and the color iis kmost complete. PRICED FROM $4.50 TO $14.00 ge Womien'a Coats, made-in half sires and extra large rthe stout figulre la Kersey, Duvetyne and Marvello 'ABLY PRICED FROM $35.00 ý. W. MASON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear ie 106 Bowmanville Qn, Your Slippers yre In For The Night" pression now bas a new maaning since the Radio ýxistenca. lad, mother and the whole family now y home every nlght and listan to the radio, It's g' of indoor sports-entertaining and educative. Iaven't a radio coime ia my shop and see how easy ana. Westingbhouse Fada'Nautrodyna or Marconi HAF'RY ALLIN d rapairs. Prompt service. Phone 337~. Bowmnanville NEWCASTLE IMASSEY-FOR KING AND COUNTRYv Mr. J. E. Rinch was in Toronto fvrtý weed Miss Pea-ri Cobbledick- has return- ed from Belleville. MUr. F. Butler, Toronto, spent Sun- day with bis family. Rev. E. R. James had business in Port Hope on Mondray. Miss Marjorie Jones has taken a situation in Port Hope. Mrs. Vamphlew, Toronto, la vis- it-ing Mrs. George Graham. Mr. A. C. Lycett, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. Moffat's. Mrj Bye was a weekend guest of hiis nephiew%,, Mr. H. E. HIancock. Mrs. (Rev. ') E. B. Cookoe spent iseveral1 days in Toronto last week. Miss Nettie Çaswell, ]Bow\.man- ville, was home over the weekend. Mrs. John Dyer, Port Hope, is vi- iting ber brother, Alfred Elsw\,ortb. Miss Abar, Cambpellford, is vis-~ iting lber sister, Mrs. Rolbt. Walton. Mrs. (Dr.) Mlntosh has return- led from Toronto, mnuch benetltted in health. Miss Lydia Nancy, Foi-est i s spending a f ew day.s witb M.S-. IBaiskervjlle. ~Miss McIAlli'ter, Toronto, was re- cent guest of Miss Dell Seldonl, Guest House. daMr. W. F. Thýomas, Orillia, is holl-' dying at bis motber's, Mrs. William Thomas, Beaver-st. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ragen andl family, Toronto, spent Sunday at, Mr. John Doug-las'. Our local milk dealers announce an advance in price Noemer lt next, this means 1lc per quart. Mr. and Mrs. Me$dley Cakand- dauglhters miotored to ToronLo on1 Fricday, returning on Satuï-day éven-ý ing.1 Mr. and M~rs. Chas. Fox, Miý-ss Gladys Courtney ,Mr. Geo. Watkins, i Toronto, spènt Sunday at Mr, George Singer's. Mrs. Frank W. Hockin and littie idaughter. Windsor, are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Moise. tBeaver-st. Public and Hig~h School staff aind pupils are preparing- for the Com-ý mencem-ent Exercises whielh promise to be better than ever.1 MAN,. thfGive rne a m Middle School Whetker wvealtb or wihethei f.ane, Minnie Pearce . . ...........84 It inatters flot to nie. Hilda Rowland............... .81 Let biim'nwalk the paths of rigbt, Tucker Touch ...........76 And keep his aim in ight, Clarence Gaines....... .7.4 And work and pray in faitbl alwa Bernice Coucb ...........62 With eyes on glittering height. Marjorie Cowan.........9 Clara Caswell ............... 5 Give m'e a m'an who Says Richard Cowan.........54 "1 will do something well, Raye Deline..........s And make tbe 1leeting days Norahi Cowan ............ A story of labor teil." Ida Parker .............4 Though the aima he bas is small, Doris Spencer ............4 It's bctter than none at ail; Lida Lake.................316 Sometblng to do the year through Cleland Lane...............22 Il - will neyer tunable or fall. May Clark................ ,ý21 Gordon Ketchum............ . .19 But Satan weaves a snare Bertha Cowan.,............... 17 For the foot of those that strî Alfred Graham...... ..... Absent With neyer a thought or care Lower school-second Form Wbere the patb may lead away; Far-\ýellBlakbun .......ýS5The man who has no aini Faell Gackburn......... . . 8 Not only leaves no name elle GarCod.............. e9 life ia done, but ten to oý Drleen RCok............6 He leaves a record of shame. Rae Clark.................6 Give me a man whoae heart Charles Tbackery .,............ 58 Is filled with ambitious fire, MacBurney Couch........ .... 5 Wh, sets his mark at the start Besie CelLak.................43 And keeps on moving jhigher; Murley GLae..........m Better ta die in the strife, Staney Gaba............19 The hands of labor if e, Olonzo Gibson........... Absent Than glide w-ith stream in idle drea Rosýs Jones............... Absent And live in purposeless~ life. Gordon Laking ............ Absent Ernest Pearce ........ ..... Absent Better to rise and clinib Rasil Wilson . . ........... Absent And never reach the goal >First Form Than to drift along- with tinie, Muriel Henderson............ .71 An aimless, worthless seul, Eleanor Anderson....... ...... 63 Aye, better ta climh and fr11, Aresta Martin . ---..... .....56 Or sow though yield be smail, Earl Walkey.............. ... 53 Tban throw away day after day, Mary James................ 46 And neyer strive at ail. John MNeFarlane..... ... .....8 Melville Samis - ..... 28 Fred Butler..............--.17 Mrs. W. T. Bonathan is. visitin Jean Parnel.......... -..... 15 friends in Toronto and other poiný Frank Gray................... 8 west. Reginald R~obinson........ Absent Mr. Emerson Fisher was a moý Wilbert Graham.......... Absent clelighited ;4nd enthusiastic listerii Reports givng the marks iin each in on his fine radio outfit on Frida subject have been sent to 'the par- eveniing wben he beard very clearl ents. Liberal meeting in MUass e y Hai YOUNG Hlallo of the grand progiai Contractor Hïarvy is making rapid of the~ progress with the High-way avn Everybo, and expects to reach"ihn' Hill in~g at by the end1 of this week. and my-s Mrs. Maud Brown left on Thiurs- ahare oý day iporning' on ber return to, Win-ý and coff nipeg after Ibrea n'onths' visit witbý will inal Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson. Prizes w Miss Ir'ene~ Rincb underwent ai girls', b critical operation la Toronto Hlos-, and besi pital and laîqat reports gives her comîce. condition as being very favorable,. iso Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter and son, for litte Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cari, and child- ren, Belleville, and Mr. and Mr.s. Wesley Ough and son, Toronto, wIere NEW' amongt the week'a guesta at Mrs. Wni Hunter's, Cliffin Cottage. Sunda) Widespread sympathy la extanded ed Chui to Mr. J. C. Hancock, M"- Fred Mason, J Hancock, Mr. Herbert Hanicock, ail ness mec of this village, in the death of their will be siater, Miss Ida Hancock, wbo bas at 8 p. n been an invalid for saine years, ever Nea since sha suffered a stroke wblle B Coo visiting her brother in the Westý . Ok Rev. E. B. Cooke, ber Pastor, con- Cmin ducted the funeral services whih Clarke AJ were privateaiat the home of ich Clarkce. Fred IHancock, and at Newtonville James B Cemetery the place *of interment on comimuni, Saturday afternoon. Deceased was the morn of a vary kindly, lovabla, chearful sary serv -disposition an-d there is aspecial sadnesse in tha tbought that v.at -promisesi to be a brl'ght useful lifa NEWCA was bUighted and eut off in ita carly summer. Many beautiful floawers A fair ta'stified te, the love and asteen of and child relatives and friends. munity F MIASSEY-FOR KING AND COUNTRY at Mr. Fi meeting campaign. 'haîf an li endeavor as possibi J. K. Grahiam, Principal :PEOPLE'5' MASQUERADE wee7the spookiest niight year, will be o.bservéd by a inasquerade, a sidesplittiýig ii, an.d a jolly social time in iimunity Hall, under auspic es ody comie on Saturday even- 8 o'clock and enjoy the £un atery. Come and get your f sandwiches, purhipkin pie fee. The mystic minstrais ike you iaugh and shivar. will ba givan for costumes as :best lady's, best gent's, hast )est boys', best aduit couple st child's couple, and most Tlhere Nill be a nomninal ad- of 20 Ofor grownups and 10c l'uns C orne early. ICASTLE CHURCHES %y services: Newcastle Unit-, irch il a. m. Rev. Gao. Minister, wili preach. Busi- ating of the congragation held an Tuesday, Nov. 3, astle UJnited Church, Rev. E. e, Pastor. 10.80 a. mn.- ion Service. 2.30~ p. m.- Anniversary. 7.30 p* ' M- Annivarsary. *The Rev. 3atatona will conduct the ion service at Newcastle la ning and the Clarke anaiver- vices aftarnoon and evening. CONSERVÂT! VES ing of men, women r the floor of Cana- iirsday evenine' was aY, one ts aI rly CFCA's bradc.ast of the great Toronto. He heard every speech very distinctly, and the cheers up- on cheeris to Hon. W. L. M. King and Hon. Vincent Massey. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M îraduate of Trinity University, aise, )f Royal College Physicians, Edin burg. Specialty-Diseases of wonr. en and children. Offie-Parker'r Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUJTLER, M, !D., C. Mi. flonor graduate of Trînity Universît- Fellow of Trinity Medical Colleg, T-icentiate of the State University o,, Nýew York, Matriculate of Che Poqe nraduate Medical School and Hfo!a ital of New York and Fellow of tlv, toronto Academny of Medicine. Offic~ --Mrs. MeNau-ghton's Residence Slewcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. i. 1 tn 3 p. m.. andi by appointment AND COAL You can do both by burn- ing Pea Coal and Coke. A trial order will convince you Geo. Jamieson1 Newcastlé Ont.ý recreatîin carelesse free of weathier. Happy weekis ii great resort hotels, coast or inhandi. -\winter resorts the scen be spenit ler alonag ii any W, Habits are easily formed, When you get the habit of going to Harry AlIin's you are also Cul- tivating the habit of true ecoriomy-buyin' ro ceries of guaranteed quaIity with a real saving on èvery purchase. Get into the habit of saving by shopping at this store. Headquarters for Poultry Supplies HiARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMÂI4JVIT i Serve Cooked Meats Give the family a welcome surprise one of these hot days, by serving some of Our delicious and appetizzing cooked meats. We have the largest variety of cooked and cured meats in town. Corne in and see the fine display anytime. 0f course we also have fresh meats of ail kinds. G.2A. Edmondstone Ph~one 21 Bowmanville IWhen You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES...CE CREAM --SOFT [>RINKS-ETD. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good value. H. S. BRITTOIN Baker e& Grocer Newcastle evidel sives £ of th( unitec cernit The( credit eludin In Your Own Interests mn a s n In -the Interests of Durham the Interests of Canada r ote For Massey ia pro 21r. AI: Splecial In Fûurniture During October we are off ering special discounts on al Bedroom Furniture. Steel Beds in Walnut or White Finish, ail sizes at 20" diseQunit. -Dressers and Dressing Tables, Vanity Dressers and Çhiffoniers ,ail reduced for the month from 10 to 25 %). These are ail new and Up to date goods, quoted only for F. Morris Co. be, ýay t.