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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1925, p. 1

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£ ML4 ttD, -With Which Is lncorporated The Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 19295 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5e a CnnvA TO THE ELECTORS 0F DURHAM: Ladies and G.'enitlemen,- At the close of the election campaign may I be permitted to extend to you ail my sincere thanks for the friendly hear- ing 1 have received al through the riding in my efforts to place before you the policies for which J stand. To those electors who have given me their endorsation I wish to express my deep appreciation of their confidence. 1 arn most gràteful for the splendid work of ail those who have assisted me in the campaign. No one could have had more magnificent support than I have receiv- ed from those who have worked for me 'in every part of the riding. We have fought a clean, honest fight in a good cause and we have nothing to regret. During the last few weeks my wif e and I have greatly enjoyed our visits -to al parts of Durham .We want you ail to know that nothing can alter our feeling of attachment to the county and its people. Canton, Ontario, VINCE NT MASSEY. October 3th., 1925. 'I WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Women's Institute meeting Priday was held at "Balsain Grove the bomne of Mrs. E. Bellman,, wi- a goedly number la atteadance, Dil W. Adamis, Presideat, in the chai Alter openiag, exercises Mrs. W." Pellard, District President, pre-sen ed the suggestion that tbe Institut, bave a booth at Bowmanvilie Fa A commiittes was appointed to nial arrangements%. An invitation froni Tyrone hast uts te visit theni was accepted f( Tuesday, November 24tb, Beîng Grandmnother's day, tI prograni was in charge of Mrs.4 H. Bickell. The toast te tus "Grandmotheri was pleasingly presented by Mrs. 1 J. Babcock te whicb Mrs. James( Rickard made a very appropriats r, piy. A. suitabie reading was aise pri pared by Mrs. E. Bellinian. A dui by Mrs. W. C. Ferg-uson and Mr W. B. Pincb was aise niceiy giv< and mucb apprsciated. Roll Cali and refreshments dîOSE a very interesting session. Next meeting on Priday, Nover ber 27tb., wiil be beid at home c Mrs. Rarry Aluin. Delegates appoiated to the Pr( viaciai Convention in Torefito, Noi ember 17-19 were: Mrs. W. B. Pc lard and Mrs. M. Jamieson. SHOOTING MATCH A sbooting match will b0 held 2 A. W. Allin'a Fanm, Lot 25, Con. Darlington,, on Thanksgiving Da) Novembier 9tb, for gesse and chic] ens. Sbeoting starta at 1.30 p. Ir Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell, Mis Jeweli, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tre Win were receat guesta of Rzev. ani Mrs. S. C. Moore, at the Parsenage ColbornG. r Newest Coats and Dresses That are The Picture of Autumn Await You Here With the breath of Autumn in the air, it surely is time to procure that A& î>comfy Autumn Coat and Dress. We in- vite you to corne in and look over our well selected stock of Coats and Dress- -es. Coats in DuVetyns, Bolivias, Mar- vellas, etc. Dr-esses in Flannels, Tri- ,/cotines, Poliret Twills, Canton Crepes, Satin Faced Crepes and Georgettes. THIS IS A DRF.SS SEASON The question is-what price do 2 you wish to pay for your Autumu Dress? Whatever it is we can show you an attractive assortmnent. Many beautiful models in Fiannels, Trico- fi tines, Poiret Twills, Canton Crepes, etc. 1}' HOISERY AND UJNDERWEAR AT WHOLESA]LE PRICES A very fortunate purchase in Zini- meki Hoisery enables us to offer C Z this high-class merehandise to our cus- tomers at wholesale prices. Corne' early and get your share of these bar- gains. LADIES' FUR COATS We are speciaiizing this season in Ladies' Fur Coats in Rl>at, Hudson Seal and Persian Lamb-no better goods and nô better values anywhere. MEN'S LICHT AND HEAVY COATS One thing very noticeable about our showing in these coats is the reasoniable prices. Without skimping quality, style,, etc. ,We are pleased to say that we have one of the best stocks in the town, whether it is in the light coat for faîl or the heavy one for coider weather. Beautiful colorings in plain and fancey cloths, single and double breasted. We Invite Your Inspection panists. were mnoyed, taers was more than a better time and a better s pper ly preseated bY the previeus ýspeaker. ample rooni bers te suppiy the needs than they had at the King Edward The young men ot Dr. Diani-well's Iof the Mechanical Departinent, but Hotel in year. They Ciasa took Up the collection and thse Mr. Jack Hopps, Dariington, lisnow another stage of thse growtb of were al ieud ins their praise of Mr. Orchestra, with Mr. H. A. Fletcher seriousli 11in Bowmanvilie Hospital Goodyear has been reached and the Wadbams' wares, buthin l quaatity -as leader, gave a nuixmber of piea*%rng witIS typhoid fever. plant here bas becomeo u>sxuall to, and quality. seîetions. N eN Couch, iç)hnston & Crydernian, Bowmanvî1le Phone 104 Limltea THE EDITOR TALKS GOODYEAR PLANT BANQUET IBOWEN ELECTED IN DURHAM TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS on On page seven of thiis issue will JolIy Event Leaving Pleasant Tt 'bas often been said that somie Honour Roll For October ", be found a very timiely* address for Memories. pepole don't know when they are .ith this season of year whven the long defeated. That is how many eLýct- Roomn 1-Entrance Oiass-M Van-. rs. Fali and Winter evenings are with That was a very happy gathering1 ors feel who supported Hon. Vincent stone,~ D. Thickson, L. Miller, E. ir. us on "What to do witli Spare Mo- when recently the Goodyear Tire Massey in the recent federal elec-- Pearn, M. Oliver, P. Darch, M .Cur- B. mients", by Dr. John, G. Bowmnaf, & Rubber Company gave 'an exceed- tion. They may have been disap- ran, J. Jury, A. Kent, D. Canning, it- Chancellor of the famous Un iversity ingly successful banquet in honour pointed in their horpes and desires to M. Westnutt. ls of Pittsburgh. We ask that the at- of the men in the Canadian Organi- have a man of such outstanding abil- J. H. Johnston, teacher. Àr. tention of younig persons of either sex zation who had just completed their ities as Vincent Massey p0o.. Room2-Jr. IV-George Weekes, ýke be directed to this excellent address, Fifteen Years of Service with,, the sesses represent Durham in the Dorothy Blake, Evelyn Goddard, in the sincere hope thai like the Company. Ail Service Pin nolders House of Conimons. But they go Norah Haywood, Betty Flaxman', jt- farmier Dr. Bowman quotes they of the local plant and a number froin dowýn to a glorious defeat with their Fiorence Donoghue, Aima Morris, :or mray be led to sit and sit andi think New Toronto and other parts of the candidate who bas the satisfaction G;eorge Ives, Marion Allun, Marion of the many opportunities these long organization along with their wvives and credit of having fought a dlean, Leggott. 1ie evenings afford for gaining useful were guests of the Company bers honorable and gentlemanly f'ight Miss Minnie M. Jenniengs, teachier. e.1 knowledge and general self-imiýprove- on this occasion. which bas set a new standard for ment. We do not say they are to On acount of the large number political campaigns not only in Dur- Roomn 3-Jr. IV--Isobei Mitchell -s forego ail pleasures and pastimes in of people the banquet was heid in bamn but tbroughout Canada. and Alice Jackm-an equal, Clarence TT. their youth but to spend a reasonable the Sunday School Hall of r7rinity It would appear froi observa- Osbneand ArieandBery equalo G.prinof their spare timie in rend- United Church. In ail, 225 s-at to 'tions and reports that every con- Mîcnet Sorrige an ae-to e- ing good books and otiher heipfui lit- the festive board and enjoysd thor- ceivable ineisas possible was put in- S.fIJsp lxne,1rd c'atuire and if convenient follow oughly the excellent meal prepared to operation to bring about the le- ley- Honeymnan, Maurice Booth, La- -e- some practical course of study in a by Mr. A. J. Wadhamus of Balimoral defeat of the Iiiberal-Progressive son ikoCrln aitn l tet nigbht scbool or under the direction Hotel. The Company is to be con- candidate in Durhami. The Hon.- ford Cox, Orville Souch. s. of a private teacher or other educa- gratuluated upon its thoughitfulness Vincent Massey was a miarked mian J. H. Winiter, teacher. en ted- person. During our teachîng for the interest of its employes.s froi the tuie he announ-ced bis can- Rom -S.I-hylsCa, days we gave private lessons to two and its kindness in giving su--h an diclature vohom the Conservatives, Rlsi Allia and Bety Moris eqal, ed young farmers who afterwards be- excellent banquet. The caterer is in and out of the riding must de-liea llenund Eric CoorriesHla camne Presbyterian ministers and also to be congratulated upon the feat. Thi- attitude was takçea re- lBrowne, E rie Carrut era anilRoy m-. both have preachied in St. Paul's large part hie played in the succeas gardless of'the persona! abilit3r and Bnds el oalCiamr s, ade-o of Church, Bowmianville. of ihis pleasant afi'air. fitness of the candidate or the effect uneadVeqal oadWllas ae Mr. A. M. Hardy, Assistant S up- it mnight have on the riding as a Mis Va ele.Mritahr o-dn fte-hoe isHlnG.Mritahr HIGH SCHOOL NOTES erintedn fte Bowmianville wh- e Rooni 5-Jr. III-Harold Couiner, il- ~~~~~~~Plant, acted as Chairm-an and ex-, Thougbh le will not repre-ent it inMaeieJns Loar Wlo, Anntxal oratorical contest wiii belaie httepriso o h h e alaet hr sn ob Louise Cole and Evelyn Raby equal, held in H. S. Assenibly Room o use of the Hall bad been gcranted that Mr. Massey bas left bis iîmpres- Grace Welsh, Edith Cartwright, J1as- Thursday evening, November 5th., by the church authorities on thie<oni- rion on Durham. Ris camipaîgn was pe mth, Bil Phlli ad Ehl at eight'o'clock. dition that there would be no snmo- fought under a voluntary handicap. Trm , i ips an Speakers and subjects are: ing, and lbe asked everyone to re- Under a steady ftire of abuse and iii- Mis le a. ikteahr Dorothy Bonnycastie: Legends spect the promise that bie had made representation froin the conserva- Mis rea .Wcetech. Stofth Acint.Io the trustees to secure the Hall. tive press and speakers, lie declined Room 6--Jr. I-Violet McIFeet- 2,ofth Mael on: hy Gratfle first called upon the Rev. J. U. Î. emiploy simiilar tactica. The, th- ers, John Blunt and June Loughman 2, Briain is caledMistres Grof t Robins who as'sured everyone that ics f Oxford and the directness of equal, Walter Hately, Dorothy Ed- k- Seas. they were welcomie to the use of the rsouInd business have characterizecigr rne lrkBsi atn l. Loreen Lorriman: The Failure of building and that it was a pleasure bis canipaign froi start to finish Willie Mutton, Hilda Sininick, Eve- hlmi and to the churcb authiorities and Durhiam realizes that and ap- lyn Oke and Evelyn Taylor equal. Margiat MGegr Pne ntob able to asst the Goodyearites pvs it. Mis>s M. M. Girven, teacher ssEartb. in their festivities. "There is no coirparison between Rooni 7--Sr. II-Jean Morris, id Gregory Colmer: Wa-Its Mayor T. S. Holgatews present the two nien, but this is a party is- Lorrie Picrd, Bill Alad Alex. Causes and Cures. during the early part of the even- sue", said a well kniown Conserva-CoilDrth RoeadEgn e, Merrili Ferguson: Canada'a îmi- îng but due to the fact 'bat h5e was tive. And seemingly hie expreased Connors equal. migration Probieni. chairman at a political nieetia.-g, be -the view of bis party in Durbaom. Jr. II-Dorothy Kinkaid, Walter STed Mason: How India Became left Dr. B. J. Ilazlewood as bis re- Tbey have applauded bim at meet- Goode, Grace Rundie, Alice Lee, Nel- an Empire. presentative. Th1e geniail doctor ings and voiced their friendship Per- lie Mutton. Kenneth Switzer: Bloy Scout welcomed ail the visitors to our city snlyo mnay occasions; but altho Ms eaL rgtahr Movenient and its Aima. and pointed out the importance of hie bniseif rose above the plane of Rooni 8- Sr. II-Ruýseil Hayes, The publiýý are cordially invited. an induatry like Go'odyear to Bow- party politica, they faiied to foýlbw Byron Vanstone, Greta Pearce, Ed- --_ __ _manville. He aiso inentionied how h is lead even wbiie they admired it. itb Morris, Harry Jackmani. giadi he was that the people bad Ris supporters are regretful, Jr. II-Herbert Yeo, Douglas MINISTERS AND CHURCHES demonstrated their very friendiy at- chie,1ly for Durham, for they feel iti Elliott, Clair Allen, Harry Souch, titude toward t«he Goodyear at the bas lost a chance of fine leadership), Dorothy Nichols. St. Paul'rs Church, Rev. D. W. poilis recentI'y. less for hlm since hie bas bast on e Miss Edna E. Jewell, teacher. Beat, D. D., minîster. Public wor- Messrs. George McCrea, Mike Lee fight only to await another, and least Rooni 9-Sr. I---John Morrison, ship at il a. ni. and 7 p. in. The iniîn- and H. C. Lower of the Head Office, of ail for theniselves, for the lat Tommy Dustan, Harry Lee, Boyd isteir. Suntiay Sçhool. and Bible spoke of the w.ay that they pre.sxwksoureitig labor en Slemaii. Classes at 2.30 p. m. riated the attitude of the factor3 bis behaîf have been inspired by loy- Jr. I-Marjory -Jones, Violet Os- Trinity United .Churcbk Rev. J. U. towards the Sales Organization and aity and affection that made theni borne, Doris Wright, John Neai. Robins, pastor, Sunday services at they explained how much eaier pleasurable. Sr. Pr.-Gladys Brant, Walter il a. ni. and 7 p. m. Rev. Alex. K. their work was made because of the The officiai returnas for Durhami Hall and Jack Parker equai, Mtrney Ednilson, M. A., Little Britain, wili excellent workmanship put into ail wil not be compiied by the Retura- Mainprize. preach. Sunday Scbool at 2.30 p. ni. producta at the Bowmanvilie Plant. in, Oficer tili next week but unoffi- Miss Florence Morris, teacher. Rev. J. U. Robins wiii preacb an- Mr. G. L. Mc'Crea told of bow the cial returns give F. W. Boweýn a nia- Room 10-Prinîary-Ciarence niversary sermons at Little Britain of Durhami Company attenipted to jority anywhere froni 800 to 1100. Witberidge, Dorothy Richards, Aud- on Sunday. unload its responsibiiity and its The moat accurate surnmary, obtain- rey Eiliott, Bert Johnston, Marion Presbyterian Cburcb in Disciples plant upon the shoulders of "ome able of majorities is as followýs: Jeweli, Dorotby Avery, Helen Foster, Cburch. Morning Worship il a. ni. other organization, and how excited Bowen Massey Fred, Neai, Tom Donohue, Frances Evening worsbîp 7 p. mi. Sundayl the Durbamîtes were when the Amer- Port Hope---------------172 DiliIck. School 2.30 p.,-m. Rev. J. M. Laird, ican Goodyear people bought out thi, Cartwright Twp. 322 .... Miss Nellie Montgomery, teacher B. A., B. D., Toronto, wiil conduct factory. Newcastle the services. The cogrgainwiii Mr. E. IL, Koken spoke of bi Manvers T., ... 607 ... SOUTH WARD extend a call to a minister very connection with the Bowmanville Cavan Twp -. ý. . 186 .... Sr. 11l-Billie Durilop, Bernard czoon and everyone is invited to at- factory wýhen it was moved to Can- Rope Twp ..... .........224 Dilling, Eunice Chapinan, Hlazel tend. ada. He knew ail the Service Pin Millbrook....... 102 . ... Barrell, Helen Keir. A group of ladies of St. Paui's Men personally and wýas very pleased Clarke Twp----------50 Jr. I--Jack Mutton, Cari Raby, Cburcb served a very appet izing to enjoy this banquet witb theni. B'owmianviile --586 . -. George Sonimerscales. Cafertia Supper to a very large nuni- Mr. Sandy McDonald, Toronto, - Dsýrington Twp -.... 338 Sr. I-Jim Woodward, Murray ber of patrons Friday eveniag. The entertained the company with Scotch - Bats, Douglas Blunt, Dorotby Young bot mneats, potatoes, sla. ,pi, 1tcwit and song. Sandy did bis act Bowen's net mjri18040. M.i-s F.M alat, osecber were of tbe beat, everyone thoroly, very weil and pleased everybody. aMrit 1nniJre17Sil Muto, oseMiîs enjoying the good thiaga. Music and1 Miss Taylor, also of Toronto, assist-1 The party standing in the Domin-AneKlann a short addre'ss by Mr. Alex. Edmon- ed bu iin adaou.ina eotdu ôWdedyÎ Primer A-Tbelma Harris, Irene .son, Toronto's Boy Mayor, comp!etedadilgeioasrptdupoWdedy Brookbam, Editb Rowe, Grace Sel- a very pleasant eveniag. Mr. C. H. Carlisle, General -Mana- Liberals 100, Cons-ervatives 117, lers. Rev. J. U. Robins' sermon on ger, Toronto, iatroduced bis remiarks Progressives 23, Labor 2, Independ- Primer B-Bernice Mutton, Leon-. Sunday niorning froni the worda by -.aying that the niost remyarkabie ent 1, Doubtful 2. ard Sommeracales, Billie Robertson, "Instead of the brier shah dcOme upPart of the banquet was the fact -Prank Tigbe. the Myrtie Tree", Isa. 55:15, wasta there were so mnany Goodyear- --i Miss Mildred F. Cole, teacher. oas of the finest acripture exposi- ite i a hu hat nc.Re spoke handîs the demanda made upon i No. on Roli-553; Average at- tions and beipful discourses we bave upon the progresa that this factory and very soon we wiii ses another edne51;Pretaeo1 t board in a long tune. The wonder- has made and pointed out that it is increase in the Goodyear. tendance 59; Pen ankeosits fiwork of grace everyone may nowv too amaîll to tale cars of the In other parts of the worid, thie $257.501; No. deposits 569. Highest fui tepivlg fenoigi demanda nmade for our products. Comipany bas been expaadiag alongl roomn Miss Wickett's $35.19. hvecm the rviline of ienjoya in There will be a graduai increase definite lines. They firat es3ta1bisb-ý J. H. Johnston, Principal. splendidly portrayed. Mrs. R2ta ia the capacity of the Mechanical ed foreign sales organizations and'________ Cole Dudley sang "By the Waters of Goods factory bere. Hes wished to have been extending theyn to many Bablo" e he ret elght c al.make sure that everyone in Bow- countries, and recently in oas Eur- TEMPERANCE SUNDAY labe enino hg v r. Rbins oalii anville kaew just bow nmuch opean country they bave arranged Inted bs ei es on "TheRobin age- authorities of the Conipany appre-1 to bave their work dons in the saine Worid's Temperance Suunday was of Lif e", taking for bis subject cîated the resuits of the recent vot- manner as was firat done hiere in fittiagiy observed, on Sunday after- Compasa and Chart James 1 :6-thel in,,. Re said tilat Goodyear con- BomnviIle. Plans are also bsing noon by Trinity United Church Sua- Holyv Spirit and The Bible. It was sidered it as a vote of confidence by made in another European country day Scbool whiea the session was beld a very practical addreas. Suitable the people of the town and wanted with another factory aioag the sane5 in the church, Dr. J. C. Devitt pre- music was furaisbed in quartet by everyone in the organization te con- line. Tt is expscted thatt Goodyear siding. After the epening bymnn Mrs. H. Mv. Poster, Miss Painton, sjder it as such. He compliiepntedi will continue ta develop and those in and prayer by Rev. J. U. Robins, the Messers. Poilard and Tapson; inth doctors on the fact that tbey auth.ority must keep thia in mmdtt pn11 rogramn was taken in charge by solo by Mr. T. W. Stanley and in h.dkp h ulcbat ego i us JT opietdteM.W .PruoTmerance duet by Mesrs. Dais and Cole, and la this town, tbat only elever, dy- Fifteen Year MLen upon their wýorkç Secretary. Lesson was rend by Mr. an antheni by the choir. speptica wsre to be f ouad who went during sucb a Iong terni of yenrs W. J. Morrison, B. A. A Junior o* tand reg0rtered theýr greuch an hnedalSrvice Men of the Girls',Choir, witb Mr. T. W. Stanley "The Pua, Party" g çive-n b te ulily ieclimdtht b pos and tan Oraizaifr s ttepao nSisiee .Mr

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