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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1925, p. 5

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;NOVEMBER li r, Bowens cf tre, Oshafwa, ý. W.~ Adamrs. Ruth and Jimi th Mrs. 'rhos. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Go, al Fire Go. Canada an~d Accident ;BRADO r E~lgin St. Dwxanville 1TheatreI MIAN VILLE' im on 35e, tax 2c 'eats 50c, tax 5e ts on sale at Mit- tore, Thursday, No- at 12a o'ciock noori, çhildaren Saturday, th at 2.30 p. niAd 20c, tax 2e. Mr. and Mrs. Win, MeLaug-I Oshawa, with ber parents, Mr. IIrs. W. B. Pinecm. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alkens babe, Millbrook, with !her aunt, W. H. Yeo, recently. tMr. and Mrs. J. C. 1ýïlmer o.ciidren are visiting -relatives --Hilerc, near Wellington. ,unity Mr.and Mrs. Jno. Richards, f atsdter, Mrs. Wma. Mayna-vd. huaii, and yen, Peterb4ro, with rs. ,R. J. Logan and! yeB. A. - lley/,afd Miss Hat-i ed friends in Trei-j eover thie holiday ". ECrter, Miss Grace rge., Toronto, with, nelairî ito, visi over ýey, Ross and Doris .ut spent Suniday Mrs. W. ManiingL,i id Mrs. £Iton Manning, Tor- [ Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Soueh, with Mr. anld Mrs. A. E. Miss Liz2ie (Jaun wasu g-uest at ber sister's, Mrs. J, Colwill, Meadow- brook Farm", Darlington, over Thianksgi'ving. Miss Janey Mason, Miss Ruth Gardiner and Miss Price, Bishop Strachax, Sehiool, Toronto, with Mr.. and Mr. Clarence Mason. ,Mr. and Mrs.J. son Ronald, Miss C. W. ýMeFeetevi,ý Toronto, and Mr. derson. On account cf aar the regular Women's Canadii postponed from J tii November 23r Mr. and Mrs.' Jojhil Darch and lin-of Trinity S telsded the Sundf tion iniHamilton n" p Footw< Oxford, soft toe., G oodyear Sew ,,,................... .... . Mucher, Goodyear welt mr heel. ..............................$5-00 ourkip blucher, round toe, rubber ................................. . -ck Solid Leather Boot, rubber heel iwn Solid Leather Boot, rubber , .................................. . Vin. Hamlym-i has gone o reside with her broth( anlick. ýohn Hug-hes and Mr, A. .A., attended the furiei Scott ini Toronto. Inna Bowven, Toronto, a week's holiday witli h lis Irene Hallman, at h' 'e of spi fri ho WRimmii-age Sale xii bp- held in the Parish Hall of St. John's Ghurch on Friday, Noveniber 13thl at 2.30) p. ni. Tes xiii bc served. Miss Eva Wakeliip huan returned fromi a flue weeks' visit with ber ,brothers and other relatives a-if friends in Boston, Ma5ss. 2irs. Cecil H. Dudley xiii receive on ~Friday, Noveinber thirteenth froin three until sixi o'cloek at ber 'home on Liberty Street. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. -ti-gginbotiaii,l Nelson, B. C., are visitinig her sis-j ter, Mrs. F. M. Cryderman and num-J erous Qld friends around 'here a-ter nine years' absence REHEA'RSALS IN PROGRESS FOR "PRINCESS BONNiE" Director VfrguTia Webster of the John B. Rogers Co., arrived.An towni this -week tp take active Charge of arragemntsand rehearsaIs for "Prinecss ~Bonnie" the Coli-ie operal to be staged by B owmýTian ville Po.- tary Club at the Opera House 'on the evenings of Novemnber 24t1 and 25tb. Tuesday niglit parts were assign- ed to the principals. The Iiffe2rcnt choruses were grouped àccording te the demanda cf the director. Miss Webster was very entbusiastie and comrplinientary in spealeing cf the' cast that had been selected for bier and bolstered the belief that "Prin- ces.s Bonnie" xiii be the most elab- orate production ever sta.-ed in Boxvilaville. Advance tickets xiii be on sile in a few days when a ýwhirlwind cam- paign xiii be condlucted. ORATORICAL CONTEST AT,> BOWMAuNILLE HIGH 5SIiOOL~ laughters, Mrs, Geo.1 A fairly good -audience assemib-ý 'erry, and Mr. and led oa Thursday évening te enjoy the ttToronto. 1 ratorical Contest in Vh.e Highj J. Colwill, M\iss S.chool. Principal W. J. Morrison, and Miss Lizzie B. .A., presided and the eight con- lay viitors at AMr. testants presented their subjec1tsa5 Sunny Hill Farm", Ifollo-ws: Margiaret MeGregor-.. Peace on Earth; Loreert Lorriman Vra. S. J. Courtice, 'The Failure cf Civilization; Dov- ,Miss Tva Courtice,' othy Bonnycaste-Legends cf the Toronto, Mrs. hr Ancients; Mabel Dowson-Why lezer Mr. La rc Great Britain ia cafled Mistress of with Mrs. T. G. te Seas; Kenneth iSwitzer-Boy Scout Moveinent and its Aima; Ted Mason--How Inidia Becanie an Emn- A. McFeeters anid pire; Merrili Ferguson-..Caneadals M. MeFeeters, Mr Inmmigration Proibleni; Gregoryl ao sn Gordon, Cimer-W.a.r Its Causes and Cur es. and Mrs. 0. J. A. The judges, Dr. G. E. Reaman, M, ,ston, guesta nt the J.* H. fI. Jury and Misý Brown~, gavei IMrs. W. W. Henr- their decisip n thus1Y:, Girls-rMies MeGregor, Miss Bonnycastie; Boys- Merrili Ferguson and Ted Mason. tise ~ospîal ~ Dr. Reaman in presenting the de- meeingcf hecision added sanie kindly and en- mentClubof bienligbtenirg criti.cism that anay be ýao Cluberlhasb bnelpful to the students. Mr. W.1 rd. B, Couch, Chairnian of the Board, J. . Eliot, rs.gave a very interesting impromptu~ J. . ilitt Mr. peech on bis recent trip te the, Miss Margaret AI- Pacifie Coast and generously o«fered Sunday School, at- a prize to the students xvho had en- lay Sebool Conven- tered. the contest but failed in -wiii- last 'week. ning the prizes off ered by the sachool. Mr. B. E. Inghami, M. A., LL. B. led the achoolin c ommunity singing, Mr. Jack Kent offlciating at th1e piano. ear MAPLE RV Visitors: Miss Hilda Foiey, Bu- mness College, Oshawa, borne over thie welt, holiday; Mr. Raymond Snowden, Pet- ..... $7.00 er'boro,' with his parents; Misses Ir-ý ma jPower, Kendai, Vera Power, sole, 'Pterb oro Normal, a hone; Mrs E.1 week. Mo to be takeni sionar 'y top A. Minuo HToliday -v Ruindie, To: fatliei and and Mrs. Jc ton, at -Mr G.F ~nnisý Lqatr,Osa ainfi Mrs. T Toronto, at T. Sanclers Mrs. W. R. iee wlo ha en'ich for, tl on a visit; Miss Annie, Bdwmaoiil, CaeOke Doris Coi of Mn. andi Our Thai ni pay, p4asant work andii( permanent posi- tion. Apply at Statesman Office, býy, r.November 16th., leaving name and adL(- dress. 4C-1 w FIelp Wantecl EWANYTED-Aý strong capable wo'ian general liouseworýk. A-4pply Mrs. J. f, Harvey, Corner Ohuirchi and Scugog Sts., ~Bowmnanvi1le. 45-2w* r.GIRL. WANSTED AT ONCE-To take , littie boy euit anid do littie houseworlc s-. fromi 9 tili 1", and from tili 6. Ap1 dl Mrs. Jacobs, Bowmvianile Bakery. 45-P; n, To Let PARM TO LET-160 acres, iaut 15 acresOf odoruhar'd with ail wn *s frulit. Possession at once. Apply t Jas. Veale, lot 5, con. 4, D1rinto Bow-manville, R. R. 4. 40 tf Ir HOUSE FOR S.ALE-Two-storey bý1,iiuk1 hveneer, 6 roQms and bath, 1har"'( d gfloors,' fnrniace, firepflace and ~Sunaroorn01; s' wNired. for electrie stove; good gardlen. T.Apply to D. F'. Camerion, Sug-s. bBowrnanville, phbone 184-J.' 40-tf ie xviii not be ered Thanleik w.rlhy o 1 of Peace", by Mfr. Mc Mrs .W. R. Phone 66 C.~ S. MASON'S "LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK" 'Women' s Co ats BIRTHS -In Orono, on Nove] lr. andi mns. Ciavin tEATHS HOIGATE-Tn Torotjto, on Thursday, býovember ý, 1925, John A. Eclgate ' aged 73 years. /BAIN-In Oshawa, at 78 flrew st.No vemb11)er 5, 1925. Henrietta Haliday, wif eýý cf Geý,orge C. Bain, age-d 60 years. B E NNETT--Ac-cidlently 1htlled nPa r Oshiawa, on Tbiursday, Nvm 5, 1925 Jamres Bennett, Bowmianville, age- a years. SHEFCKLETrON-lin Manvers, on Tues- day, October 27, 1925, Johin Slhechieton, aged 78~ yea(rs. Intermernt lnYeer ton Cemetery. WA L KEV-To Townsip cf Hope, 0" Nove,ýber 5, 1925, Tammy Gepod beloved wife of the late William Walkýey, ln ber 78th year. SCOTT-On Tbursday, Nov. 5, 'n25, at ber hronie, 576 Church Stpeet, Tor'onto, Mary Hughes, widow of the late ~ iami Scott, B. .A., in,.her 79th year.MAELLOW-In St. Louis,> Mo., oin Fn- day, CYct9ber .10, 1925, Bessle_ Spargo, be- toved w f fMr. Thorn, Mlow is- ter cf Rev. .H. Sparg ,Bwma;iville. PICKELL-In Oshawa Hospital, on 5'riday, N -ovemiber 6, 1.9-15, Enmily Iate Richards, iieloved wif e of Dean Piclieli, Darlington, aged, 59 yeais. Interhient ln Ebenrezer Cemietery. -7 IN MEMtbRIAM Io fond andi loviog imemor of our dlear sister, Mabel Hobbs Gill, wbo passefi away November Sth., 1923. 1 often sit and think of ber, WVhen I arn alilaloxie unrmmoyi the ooly tbing, That gief can call its own. '-ver remnembered by her loving broth- er and sister-i-la"w, Russe1l and Amjy. WICKETT-In loving mnemory .0! my dlear hursband, Rev. W. T. Wickett, who died at Tyrone, N-'oveinber 11, 1923. Two years have passed and Etill1 miss hiim; Two of sorrow andof piIn; But stili he d1wells as fresh as ever ln my memry" Just the same. Fond thoughts xviii linger routai the heartl Andi tears will often flow; And to that sad a.nd lonely grave My thoughits will often) go. Wife. Lost or Found s kýhoe Store 'avelling Goods Bowmanvil][e Ili H. IKn-ight's àtore--News SPECIALS FOR THIS 'WEEKEND . Fresh, Everybody was de Articles F or Sale FOR' SALE--Weddinog cake bo'res Teddieng stnatlofiery at Thl~e Statesiar STOVI FORs 1 7-c lb. week. Why mns at ,111 Farni EVERY 'COAT FUR TRIMMED-EVERY COAT LINED THROUGHOUT-EVERY GARMENT NEW T7HIS SEASON HERE ARE THE PRICES-LOOK THEM OVER-THEN COME IN-AND TRY ON THE GARMENTS Fu rme Jts e.Vleto$00,Otthy o$97 Fur Trîmmed Coats, Reg. Value to $20.00, Out they go $15.70 Fur Trimmed Coats, Reg. Value to $35.00, Out they go $15.00 Fur Trimmed Coats, Reg. Value to $5.00 Out they go $35.00 Fur Trimmed Coats, Reg. Value to,$68-00, Out they go $45.00' ) Fur Trimmed Coqats, Reg. Value to $8.00, Out they go $4950 There are 72 distinctly different styles to choose froin, color and style in the lot SALE STARTS THURSDAY MORNING TERMS CASH-NO EXCHANGES RICE & CO@ Sole Agents oppoesite Post Office Clearing Sale Corne --- See .-- Compare THE WONDER VALUES - 1 j In The Little Shoppe With The Large Stock -Nex Doà F. . Moris o.- Ilast weý uncle, Re . ý..Mr ,lb. every new

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