BLACKSTOCK Mr'. Norman Wi1nters, Or§ho, can.- didate for' the Boys' Pamliament, spoke to a large numiber of the boys on Novemnebei' tenth in oui, Ton Hall. Woi-ren's Missijon ary ' ýSo.ciety held its ,regular meeting oi, Wed1-1 nesday afternoon, No-vemb@ýr 11tb,,( in basemnent of Union Chuji'th. AI goodly nuniber was present tnd ar- rangements were made to hold itsi anntial bazaar. , . Miss Violet Deverj spent Thankzgiving wveekend withý Solina fins . MssVO1ra andj Messrs. John and Leonard Hqooey apent ThanIksgiving at homec. Mrs. Paterson, Bobcaygeon, 'and dauglter, Toronto, spent Iast week- end witl, Mrs. Harveyý Bru~ce. .Miss Anna Brue, Toronto, spent Thýanks- gîving with parents, Mr. and Mis. T. H. Bruce .... .We are veýry sorry to hear that Mra. R. J. MeNally is seriously 111 in Toronto H-ospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gay, Mi. an dîMrs. C. Wi. Tillotson, Miss Ma1r- jorie Gay, Toronto, spent Thanks-. giving wvith Mr. and Mis, W. G,, Hampton. SHQQTING MATCH A shooting match will be held on the faim of David,,Brunt, lot 17, con. 7, Darlington, (1/e mile eass of Enniskilen), on Satuîday, Nov. 28th at 1 p. ni. Shot guns or rifles. Geese 'wvill be offeîed as pies MAPLE GROVE Miss Viola Stevens spent a few, days with friends ini Toronto and at-ý tended Royal Winter Pair,.. 3Missý Donoth-y McGregor, who is nursingi Mis. Thos. Snowden, visited here cousin, Mis. A.. R. Scott, in town on! Sunday...-.Mr. Cook, Missio/naiyv fiom Italy, wilI speak on Sun-day . - Mis. F. Swallow has retur,ýedl homne after a pleasant visit with relatives in Toronto . .. Miss Helen Worden, Qsbawa, spent Suniday withý her aunit and uncle, Mr. andi Mis.1 R. L. Worden,,., .A number of1 volunteer miedical niissionaiies froin Toronto University v,411 give thel programi on Wednesday evening next at League. Eveîybody welcome. Oshawa mayorality contest noi ises to be a very lil ely one. -Mayori Schell is retiiing. h A Char ie Chaplin In "THE (GOLD RUSH" COMING TO Royai ThEatre, Bowmanville WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY November 25-26-27-28 "The Gold Rush" is admitted to be char- lie Chaplin's best picture. Jt's different from his usual come- dies-lO reels of clever high-class act- ing. Admission 35e tax 2c Reserved Seats Soc, tax c S Reserved Seats on sale, Thursday No-v, 19th at 1ý2 o'clock noon at I\îtchell's Drug Store. SATURDAY MATINE For children Novemn- ber 28th at 2.30 p.n. Admission 20e tax 2c Serious Fuel Situation The settiemient of the Hard Coal Strike secrms ~a remote possibility. Anthracite Coal is practi- cally off the market. We can, however, supply your heating re- quirements with Pea Coal, Coke, Pochontas and Domestic Bitumnous Coal. -'Let us assist you in these trying circumstances J. A. HOI"àLGATE & SOÉ-N Phone 153 or 2"02 Bowman Ville MONEY IN POULTRY Some farmers tell us they - ~~make more from their poultry than any other> branch of f arming, consid- 'r-dm. k eripig money invested. 0f course these farmers buy Stheir poultry feed and sup- plies at this store -which enables themn to get the Most out of their flock. We sell tons of poultry feed every year because -we carry the best makes whieh bring the best resuits. If it's egg production or fattening birds you want we have the supplies you need, zr'f mRIRR 1',PHOII E 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE s' COURTICE Mi. and Mis. Eînier Rundle, Toi- onto, visited at his father's, ovei' the weekend and attended the Oshor.-e- Turner wvedding on Satuîday.. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mis. Chas .Osborne and a heanty welcome to Mis. Osborne to ou-, community... , Oui W. M. S. Auxtil- iaîy visitedl Oshawa Kin.g St. and listened to an interesting address by Miss IÇeithA of the Ukranian Msin Oshawý,a, Kîng Street ladies servedl a,' bouniteous lunch and irp eveirv way macle oui ' vsit m*ost enjoy- abde... .Mrs. A. E. Rundle is on a week's visit with her son ndwie Mn. and Mis. Elmer Rundie, Toi- onto ... . Mr. and Mrs. R1. E. Os- bonne have gone on an extensive tilp inteading to visit friend1s at Mit- chell, Ont., -Detroit,Edadsug South Bend and Cleveland, U. S. A ...Chuîch and Sunday School at-1 tendance last Sunday was not as, large as usual owing to weathleî Condi(itionis.. Miss Maude Sqaires, Toronito, bas b)een gues-t of ber colis- ins, Mis'. Blake cour!tice and Mn. W R. Courtice ...Sincene sympathyl of this community goes ott n Arthur W. Annis and famunly in t he i s-ore bereavement. Miss B. Sa-rg-ent and Mis. R. Kat- eîson have been unden niedical canýe ...Rev. David Rogers, St. Thornas, was in the village last week reniew- ing- old acquaintances. (See his lat- t er in this issue)., Recent visitoîs: Miss Mildred Souchaa, at hom-e foi week- end; Mr. and Mis. G. Banion andý sý-on with relatives in Toronto; M\issý Melinda Potten, Tyronie, at Mis. W.! J. Vintue's; Mr. and Mis. Lloydj Ward, Mir. Oscar Ward and friend , Toronto, at Mn. F. G. Krîk s Miss Fletcher has îeturned t ht by. Miss' Rata Nichols, Oshiawa, and' Miss Blanche Couch, Newcasiýtle, were weekend guasts of Hanipton friends . ýýMr. an d Mis. G. Elliott, Mn. L. Elliott, Mis. B. Rowntree, andMs A. De-unie,,Woocbiid-ge, at Mn. Thosi motored haie and vi*sited at Mnr. Thos. Rowýe's, aud is mother, Misý. Rome, retunned home wvith himi and spent a ýweek, pleasantly with henl sons and other relatives... Youngl People's meeting on Friday evenûingý was well attended, it being missioýn- ary ýnighit. This Friday evenilng the meeting will be in change of ,Sid Vice President, Mr. Lavaîne Clemens. Principal W. J. MUonnison, B. A., Bowman-,ille, will give an ad-ý dress and Mr. Salten -will conduct devotions. Everyone îequastedt be at Leagýue Fiay eveninig. A weý7l- ,corne awaits you. Cor-ne. TYRC>NE Junior Leag-ue met at Mis. L. Goodmian's on Novan-nbeî îOth. After1 opening hynin and prayer, Rollma called and answ-%ered with a Bible verse. Alice Thornpson gavee Bible- reading-the 24th Psalm. Top- ic was "The baby Isnaelite Mo1ses given by Eanl Goodmyan. Mis-An- nie Gardineri mas in charge oif pro- g-rain. Readir gs "Jesus Going to thel Heavenly Hlomie" by Alice Thornp-, son; "Rich in Giving" by Nina Hodgsoni; "Be a Good Sport" by Clarence Hatherly; trio by Nina Hodgson, Susie Thonipson and Van-ý crna Wordan; instrumental music byý Misses Annie Gardiner aud Nina Hodg-son. Meeting closed with a hy-nin an-d Mizpah.1 Ladies of thie Bo-%mmanville Womn- en'ýs Institute wiil visit Ladies of Tyrone Aid and Institute and pro- vide the prograjm on Tuesday, Nov. 24th., at Mrs. Norman Woodley's. . .Mr. and Mis. L. J. Goodman and boys spent Thianklsg-iving w\?ýith her sistar, Mnr1. E. A. Butler, Tononto).. .Agoodly numiber of Tyronase at- tended Quarteîly service at Betii- esdla on Suniday, Novemiber l5th. . . Special progrnm at Young People'ýý League this week, Novemiber l9th., when Mr. .A\.ex, McGîegor, candidate for election for thie Older Boys' Parlianiant miii speak; also a Bow- manville Boys' Quartette will fur-i nish music. Some of reprt of Convention at Port Hope mwiii be 1-îven. We expect a ciowded bouse on Thuîrsda.y, Novemhber l2th. The Presid eut, Mis. H-. His presidled. Mrs. Wm. Brin gave the heîald on "The home missiouary", aftan which Clarence Hatherly gave a good repad- ing on "Be ye doei-s of the Kn" Then Mirs. L. Goodiaut acconipanied by Fred favored wýýith a solo "The Kliag of Love My Shepherd Wis".Miss ~Fl'orence Stewaý,,rt contýaued reaid- ing the book on "Ma-ry Slessoî" snd Miss Kathleen McCulloughi gave a nice ixistîùmaental. The meeting ciosed with watchword. Then alI enjoyed a social Urne ini honor of Mis, Wm. Brent who' is leavIng oui community .... Mi. and Mlrs. George Short, Mr and Misr,. Arthur Crane and daughteî Winn iied, Torointo, were recent guessts at' Mr. W. H.L Halfacre's. ENNISKILLEN Visitons: Mrs. E. J. Burke, Mis. G. L. Symons and son Frink, South Darliugtoni, at Mn. Chas. Stemaît's; Miss L. Audîew with friands in Toi- onito; Miss Reta Ashton visiting fnienda in Scugog; Miss Myrtie Ploughmnan, Scugog, at Mi1.s. Cordon Jeffery's; Mn. E. Ilemitt has îetun 1ed to Scugog; Mr. and Mis. D. Burg- master atteuded the chlickan pie supper at Hospital Auxiliaiy at Bow- 1manville on Tuesday evening.. We weicorne to oui village Rav, and Mis. E. M. Cook, oui future pastor, iRev. W. A. Bunner heid services here Sunday evanin.. . Mi. Alax. Poter, Solina, anid Mi, Carl Pottar, Toma, and Miss; E. Hall at Mi. Win. Potte's ... . Cong1ratulations, to Mn. and Mis. H. (Dick) Hil-It's a son . .. Ladies' Aiid meeting Wediias- day was devotad to work for new paýrsonage. Tes mwas seîved. Ladies' Aid Ba.aa is pîoposed. . Mn. Daný- iel Bimse has instailed a new hornied radio. InJspe ctor E. E. Snid- or visited the school îecentiy, and reports that 4'itt i unreasonable to exprect that further grants miii ha paid on the preseunt accommo--ida,- tions. A nevm achool should ba bulit and îeady foi occupation by Septeniber 1st., 1926". .Wednesday evaning League -masi charge of President Fr-ank Dorland. After singing and Bible rea-ding by]fi Arthur Syrnmonds, ivIi. James A. W9eriy offered prayer. Rev. David Rogers, St. Thomnas, g-ave a veny de- lig-htful lecture on "The Brigh~t Side of Life", with miany illustrationis whic'h made it veîy instructive and 'Lielpfuil1. Miss Maudie Ashton sang veîy sweetly "Peace, Sweet Peaca". Meetinig closed by Mizpah beniediction. Suinday Sehool auticipates a Christmas concert. HAYDON i Recent visitons: 7Mrs. R. Crossamani aind Mis. A. Beach sttanded the League Convention at Port Hjope; Mi.A. Grant and sons, Bill and Jirn,Toronto, vListed han miothar, Mis. J. Cie eper and Mis. A. McrNeil; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Tre'wiu visited friands at Enfield; Mr. sud Mrs. Chas. Bîiggs, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Wmi. Tiemiýn, daughlter Grace, and Miss Rilda Sleinlon, Bowmnauvilla, Mr. L. Mountjoy, Nastîcton, Dr. and iMis. Garnet M. Tîe-win and son Bill, Oshawa, at Mi. Thos-. Slemon's; Mr. Eugene Beech, Seugo.- Island, Mi. Wm. Staples, Tyioneý, at Mr. A. Beech's; Miss Dora Mounitjo-y and friand, Oshaý,, Miss Rose Mount- joy, Nestiaton, at _Mr. C. Gairnod's; Miss Fenguson, Enfield, at Mn. El- mer Bîadiay's; Mn ad Mis. J. Mouuitjoy at Mr. J. Crossmian's; Mi. Silas Trewin îecantly lest a valuabie q Oui chuîch certainly looks mnuch impîoved wlth a fnesh repapei-ed ceiling and naw lamps, -%hich shehd s veny -brilliant iight .... Those -who sttended church ou Sunday a-ftan- noon heard an excellent sermon by Rav. Thos. Wallace, Newtonville, oný "What shallme (do to be Sav- ad?" It was a very impressive nies- sage.:. League service on Sundayiv evening -%as in change of -Mn. A. Stainton and a splendid pnogim mas giVen. Thanksgiviug celebration Suaday, Novamban 9th anid on Monday was quite a success, despite bad weathanr and roads. A. goodly numben as- sembled to heai, Rev. A. Mc- Lauchhin of Keenie, m\ho delivarad excellant addieses aftannoon eud evaniug, delighting those whob heard hiim-. The choir pîpovided excallet musýic at both sessions which halped tLo make it a success. Moniday aveniung a sýlendid coi-1 pany assemibied froni nean and far to join with us once mrore in oui League At Homne. Mi. E. E. Stap- les, Enniskillen, very efficiently par- fornmed the duties of chaiîmian of the evening. Shoitly af ter 8 o'clock hae bîoughit the people to or- der and aflier opening axercises pie- sentad this itrsigprogram ini- tersparsad mith jokes and humoro1u's reiaraks: Mn. Frank Walter, Court- ice, favored mith saveas fine solos al'thoîougohly enjoyed as mas mani- feýsted by the great applause; Ms Rata Ashton, Enniskillen, also sang ilihr uual sweet voice which la al- ways welcome ýhaie; vocal duets ton--ler Sister-C ountry Cousi i- Vejra Sleamon; Hetty--Thia Maid- Ve'rna Trewin.ý Afteî the prograni a real sociable' tua m -Tas spanit whila the lad-ies aud lgents of the Leagua piovided coffee, sap rdwiches, cake aud pie. Pro-.' ceeda of concert $30. CARD 0F THANKS Mi. Wm. Van Nest sud famnily, Solina, mvish to convey to aill their friands sud neighbors their veiy sin- cere thankq for the many tokens of kindness shomu duîing the iless and death of Mia. Van. Nest and for thbe beautiful flowers so kindiy sent. Unr estricted Clearing 0F Women' s Winter Coats Friday and Saturday brings to a close the final days of our great Ani--versary Sale, The one outstandinig advantage of this remarkable sale is the opportirnity it gives of selecting better grade coats at wýorth-while savings. Our entire stock must be cleared to make roomn for Christmas goods. Coats are being cleared on these two days at half price and less-a mere fraction of maiu- facturers' prices. Make this your, opporturiity. No store can çluplicat.. these prices: Coats up to $20-00, Clearing at $ 8.98 Coats up to $25.00, Clearing at $13.95 Coats up to $35-00, Clearing at $19.75 Coats up to $45.00 Clearing at $2 7.50 Coats up to $65.00 Clearing at $37.50 Very at tractive bargains for Friday and Saturday in Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Linens and Dry Gxoods. S.. W. M A SOùN & SO0%N Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear I1 Phone 106 Bowmanville f 7 h Thursday--Fridlay--Saturday Big Drive On Men's Overcoats 75 Mçn's New Overcoats Go on Sale Thâýursday Morning .Men's Overcoats worth up to $18.50, On Sale $13.95 Men's Overcoats, worth up to $25-00, On Sale $19-75, Men's Overcoats, worth up to $30-00, On Sale $23.75 Murl's Ov'ercoats, worth up to $32-50, On Sale $27.75 Mlen's Overcoats, worth up to $35.00, On Sale $29.75 MEN AND YOUNG MEN'S SUIT SALE-BIG REDUCTIONS ANY SUI1T IN THE STORE AS FOLLOWS: $20.00 Suits for $15-95 $22.50 Suits for $17.95 $25.00 Sùits f or $19.75 'J-$30.00 Suits for $23.95 -z$32.50 Suits for $25.95 $35.00 Suits for $27.95 BOYS' TWEED SUITS ON SALE Extra Values, 'Regular to $12.50 and $13.00 On Sale $7.89 BOYS' HEAVY TWEED REEFER OVERCOATS~ Values up to $11.50 and $12,00, On Sale $7.95 OTHER SPECIALS 3 doz. hE.ay quality Men's Work Shirts, worth $1.50, On Sale 98e MEN'S FLEECE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS lleavy quality, worth $1.00 .On Sale 89e each MEN'S HEAVY WATERPROOF OVERCOATS AT $9.95 A heavy quality Tweed OVercoat rubber lined looks like an overcoat wears better, Regular $12.50, On Sale $9.95 MANY OTHER SPECIALS FOR THUJRSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY T. B. GILCHRIST Direetly opposite Bank of monitreal Phone 61 Every article in the Mtore guaranteed to give best satisfaction. i L'i r