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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1925, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMfBER 3, 1925 'CIFIC RAILWAY EAST 10,1, a. in..1D , ~p. m, D 7.48 p. im. 1D* 11,27 p. m. D* 1.25,,a. m. D Sunday. xcept MondaJýy. AN NATIONAL RAILWAY EAST r 8.42 a. m. sunday nIy 10.16 a. m. 1.26 p. ni. F Suniday Only .19 p.m. 7.14 P. nm. ,9.58 P. in. 11.211p. nm. F 12.34 a. m. F Property For Sale FOR SALE-The home of the late F. B. Whiting, situated at the Forks o! tIre Scugog Road. This property is lu ele- gant condition~; consista of good house and four acreso! land with abunidance of fruit. F'or particulara apply at real- dence to Mrs. F. B. Whitlng, Bowman- Ville. 23-tf Notice to, Creditorsi IN TTRE MNATTERP of the ]7state of Samuiel S. Bragg, of the ,To0wnship of Darington, feesd NOTICEI IS HIEREBY GVNthat ail persons ha vinig dimns against thees tate of the said Saimuel S. Br'aggde cecas, who (lied on or ab-out thl9t ýhi day of Jiy, J925, aire ouired to send b ypost prepaid ordvr to the unde(Ir- signecl solicitor for the estate on or he- fore the lSth day of Decemb)er, 1921.,'5, thieir namnes and addresses with fuipr ticulars in writing of their daims aný1 1,11r, the nature of the seu itisf any ,11l by them duly verifiedl by stauoyb' claration.1 AND ~ TAKER NOTICE that afterfthe: IS1th daiy o!Doecember, 1925, the Execu-ý tors ail! proceedl to distribte th e as- sets of theý said deoeased ainong the parties entitled the.reto hiaving regaird only to the daýims of which tbey.sha, thien have notice and they will not be, liable for said assets or any p)art thereafci to aay person of who-se cdaimno iticeý shall not have been received hy thiemn or tlieir said solicitor at thre time of such distribution. DATFD Novemiber lSth, 1925. M. G. V. GOULD. Solicitor for, Ellen Jane BraggVeIle D., Bragg and Arthur ChrresBagg HARRY WAGNER Teacher off Hawaiian Guitar. Co'mpiete Course in Transposition for Guitar, Ukçuele, Uke-Banjo). Studio over Couch, Johaston &r Cryderman's, Bowmanville, every Wednesday. Address: Balm oral Hotel King Radios ]Batteries Tubes Loud Speakers and Radio Supplies L. F. Irwin POULTRY WAN TED! I amn prepared to handle your f oal tuis Fail and aili pay tic iighest cash price. Get my prices before disposing off your poultry. Pho-ne 81, Wiitby and reverse charge, or drap me a card and 1 ail copie right aavay. 1L STEIN,'y Whitby Ont. Strength anâd nourishment ,of prime freshlbeef. Oxo adds vour and food-ývalue to soups, sauces, gravies, stews, hash and meat pieS& CUBES D exM D D' FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Comnplete Motor or Horse Equipment Ail calîs promptly attended to. Private Amnbulance Bowmantville Phones 10 and 24 Braniie Stores-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embýalme(_r and Fanerai Director. îCalis given prom-pt and personal at-j tention. No extra charge for dis.ý tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bo'wman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist off Trinity University, Toronto. Four yearS attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mqt. CGarmiel Hlospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- mnanville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate off Trinity Medicai Coilege, Toronto, formierly off Ennfsk,-illen. Office andl Residence, Dr. Beith's formner resîdence on Church Street,i Bowmanville. Phione 2,59. 44-t. CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate off Toronto Chiro-ý practic Colleg-e will be in office on Temnperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thurs,ýday and Saturdayl afternooni and evening. Phones : Office 141J; Residence 141W Residential calîs made at Hamupton, Newcastle and District, OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELL Registered Optometrist Eyes examined-latest inethods and modern equi'pment. Optîcal Parlor in R. M. Mitchell & Co's Drug Store, 1owvranvilie, Ont. VETERINARY DR. F. ". TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day ori Night calîs prom-ptly attended to. Office: Kin-, St. East, Bowmianville, Phone 2413.' E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. s,. Honor Graduate off University off Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and caefl tenition. Office- Hamiipton, Ont. Phone 375-_15. AUCTIONEERS THIEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and Hanuse Sales a Speciaiity. Terme moderate. Enniskiiicn P. O.' Phone 197r3. 1-tf. WILLIAM MAW Licenaed Auctionee r llaving met aiti considlerable suc-1 ces in condncting sales for tic pusi'Lt 18 ycnrs, 1 noav off er my services tai tic people off Boavmanvillc aId vie- inity. For terms and dlates sec F. O. Maison, B oavman ville, or phone 288, Whitby, Ont. 12-t. AUCTIONEER & REANL ESTATEý NORMAN MONTGOMERY 18 ycars' expenicace, ail classe- of auction sales, pure bred stock a spcciaity. Business aitdress:40 Bloor St. W., Phone Trinity 1832; R2,esidleace: 269 Ilavelock St., phone! Lombard 2933, Toronto. 41i-6m*- CALIFORNIA THI S WINTER Whcn ainter cames !et tic cold hlaste off aiter bioav ya-iu ento CauFiffria avicre tic ea th emli tice air invigoraiting and tice zs balmny, you can enjoy cvery kind off recreation caIrelcsis off time and care- ffrcc off atier. Happy aveeke may be seti great resont hoteis, itier alin thi Coast or mmmad. To tics0 a -ri1 ain ter re.sorte tic Canaidiain Pafic(1 Riavyoffers mnost excellent servie,1 tic most convenient and comfforit- able route. Let our representative plan your trip aind arrange attractive itineraryl ta Califfornia,, acrose Canada,1 tirougi Vancouver andi Victoriî-a, B,.1 C., Ctnaida'z gatewvay to tich rint Canadiain Rockýy mountain scencry le snpcrb in wiaiter. Fuili informuation from amýyy Cana- ian Pacific agent, or W. Fuiton, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLFe Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Gradixate off the Royal College off Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmianwiile. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate off Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Blow- mianville. Office hours 9 a.m, t p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honior graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and miember off Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licenised to practise in Ontario and the Dornin- ion. Dentistry in ail ft1s branches. Office-!King St., Bowrnanýville, op-1 pqoite Bank off Montreal. Phone 301. LEG AL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farmi and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmianville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for zale, Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmi-anville, Ontario. Phones; Office 102, House 332w. Thie Dcpartmcent off Healti ait Ot- t-'aahasiteraýture for frec di:tiu tion ta aIl avfho ask for it but no suci spécial menas have, ta aur inovlegebeen set in operationi.ot popularize aind educate tic people 1of Cnada on tic value off miii in tiecLdily menu i-n tic nimcsoff tLis country. One cna but admnire aiti avat cntiusiasm iour Amnericain neii-bors ha-uve entered into ilc spirit off tbis ml-rnig pro pa- gadfor net te lie outdone b-y tic avomnen and children off Soti Daie)ta in ndivancing thus programi, avilci aili mnean cSa muci te tic heati offtrlie citizens off Sý,ontII Dai- iota, tiýe 300 or more rural cam- miunity clubs- in South Dakota have adped tic "Mil- rorame ent ont by tic, State Calleg-e Extension Service for, their November miee- ins.Memibers aili -ive ta!ls on tic value off miii asý a food, miii sagsailI be suag nnd appropriate redaeand fpinylets ailil be given. Civic and luncicon clubs in var- ions parte off South Dakota aise joincd ila obzerving "Miii Week and those la charg-e feel tintti m-esýsage off "healthi le aeai" avil lic cair-icd to evcrv lhom--e in t ic State by way off tic miii bottie. Vie have net given imnny helth taîkeý- lately, but ave bave noticcd ini aur r-eading off late tic frequent mnention la tic neavepapers off sud- den dleatis and many off ticm avwere tic restdt off pneumnonia. Wc icard n physician say camne yenns ago tint aftcr a persan reace sixty yenrs off age or over tiec chance off recov- cry ffrom an attack off pncumnic-ia g-et lezes and lesse aad if tic patient hus been n user offal!oliolie liquore tic chainces off recovcry ila npneu- mionia case arc stilile. Sa avien ave read tis aveci tint tic Cbicag-o Henti Commissioner said rccntl y, la spcakinig off tic un- UsýualI numbýer off pacumonia cases tic paet suimmer, and say-ing tint in ail probability tieeavouid be ini- ecase te serious Proportions avien tic waetier conditionsç became lese favorable, ave decidcd ta give aur readers tic benefît off uiiýnoavlcdgIe andi expérience as tic aid sayring Ir stiil true-tiat an ounce off prevdnt- ion is better t ian a pound off cure. We tui medicalmcagencerally aili endorse tues man's viÏavs 'and ad1vicc. 11e gave thiese suggestions)r la regard t po enio. Noav btin tic sýenson fan coide, and paeumonlia le, about ta begin, and aili conitinýue until Spring, ils suggestions ny prove ieipfui in nvoiding tiese dis- cases. The-, arc about as foioaýveý: Avoid people avia have colde and pneumenîn. CalIe and paceum-oia arc conitagions. Tico commnon cold isý a frequcat foreruinner off pneu- mania. Tiose ava rcrccmein from prcumonin siould aiea lic avoidcd. If anc cContracte- a cold, tic beeýt thing ta do is ta go ta bcd for, anc or tavo daS. If tic cold pers-iste, tic dotobeou1ld be !consulte(!, The greoff colds and pacumonia are cýonvcyed ta others bDy coughing and eneeczing. In order ta pnotect otiers, tic mouti and nanse soi be covencd aiti a handikercýhiefi ainconglhig or seczing. Off course, t herire ar mnyote coondîtîans to avich ancehould hv regard and aiich it is aveu ta knoav for igno0ranilce is neot b1ils in 1matters, se important neanc' i e iaiti, for goad licaiti is oancoff Natnre'e great- estblsine Observe somne off these otiher condition)s ta lie avoided: Poorly ventilatcd aind ovcnhcntecd raom,,shsould be avoided. Overý- fatigue sionld be avaidcd; Sao !oho1l overcatng-all off tiese baver tic reitneoff infections. Proper exercise, fresh air and vuashine helpte avoid coède. Dnly exercice is SeA taken ont off doors in trie fresi air. Ciothiiig shonldi-,e suitablAe for tic a.vetier. It may libsidtint tee miuci cihing siould net be Every precaution tint is takea ta gutard aga-inet colas is, a p)rec!aution againet pneuunenia. Preventian in- vùolvcs tavo thige. One i-- toavi erythiig tiat lowrer e cvtut anti inc-renses susccpt-îbility ,ta in-, fectioný. Tic otier le ta avoid peo- THE EDITOR TALKS So important is milk aoav coni- ered 'i. the daily diet off chilîdrenl tint the public schools in nuany cit- ies and tovns througfh tthe trustees or others are nakinig provision for a daily supply, supplimenting a -vhat tic ciiidren mnay receive at their homnes. Not only is miili recomi- mended for the younger and older chiidren, but aIea for al aIder f olk too'. "A quart offili a 0day for every child and a pint for every adult," is thc slogian adopted fýor MNiii Week, avhici aas observed in Souti Dakota, Navemnber 16 to 21. Eighteen itliousanid iouse*wivee off tic State enrolled ini hom-e extenl'- tion clubs off the State discussed in thecir mieetings during the aeci the "why" and "howý" off giving mnili its proper place in the diet. As a distinct educatio - hl feature a special demionstratian entitledl Miss Mýary A. Delve, homie ecoajoic extension sýpecialist at South Dakc,taý College, and hundreds off womnen in tie tat wee prepared to give this demonstration bef ere tbeur local clubs. The demionstration showsl how to iclude in the diet the quairt off miii a day for c-hiîdren and the pint for adulte-. To assist the mnotiers in putting across tËhs lmiii programmne tetlièir chiidren, Miii Week was aiea oh- served in tlic schools off the State. Mili stories were supplied ta teacih- ers, and were int-roduced as a reg-ý ular part off the -week's ýwo,:rký. The primaary grades gave the story off the "iiik Fain-es;" the itreit grades rcad "Ticea, i Pitcher," andlte gramimar grades learned the resuite off agood iii diet throughl rdng"Mili Mlade the Diffren:e."e BRITISH- COLUMBIA EXPORTS liPeople off Ontairilo and etiier ateaprovinees off Canada hearý vcry littie off vit ur sýister Pro- vincee off British. Colmmua isdig ia e-xpertofflier prodncts ta ferciga. countnies Agricuiturai and Induestrîil Progres i nndiutta hanid tells Tint arders for 20,000 tons off acaveprint have been rccived froii A us'trauia by Bjrit*ish Columbia pa per miile. This ncav b-usine-s le resuit off co-ming into cfi'cct off tic Cana- dian-netalantrade tety viichi givez Canaatffrcc accete tic Ahs trAliautmaret far newrsprint. Tint in tic fiscal ycnr ended Mairci, 1922, tic, exporte offca- danbutter te tice Orient avere 8, 92cipounIsdý. Duringtlic earnd cd Mar, 19II.25, tic qunntit-y cx- portcd ta the Oriental countriesavi 1,076,2241 pande, including 2 12 336 )pounde ta tic Phil!Ipines.Ta- treoff tic- butter impolirtedl inteo tit country is Canadian. j Tint beithy trade conditions lie- taveen Canada a-,ndti ti Fair East are reictt n ticicv cargo Off Canaý, diatIn goode and ryoducte rcsnl carricd eout off vainceu-ver onuani diain Pacif-je S. S. ,Epcsoff As*id. A' reordi hipment off 8,000 bxe,~ aple avasbeoava on her maaliffost, wviici Ise inclnced 800 tonsoff Cndinflour, 100 IutamIobil,-' ind 160 tans off Alberta beef. Noteti lrequaintitýice. Tint exportation off lumber ani inuber product from tic port off N\eav Westmoinster coniti-nues ta breaklç '11l records. For tic furet t(il mentis off current ycair 125,000,000f feet off !umiber ]iîaS been Sehi'peti from tic part te foreig-n countnirs-. This already shoave anat increase aven tic total cxports for ,1924,avion 119,000,000 feet off lumber avaisex- portedý. L RAIL.WAY TMON EAST 6: 18 p. m. .ept1 Sunday Estimates checrfully given on ail work. I King St. Bowminvillc A MESSAGE TO MERCHANTS Everybody is getting tic "What'll I Get" ticce days. It's a sort off Chisitmas epidemnic that cornes round evcry year. It ana oniy be cured by Bow\ý7nianville inuercluanits withl heraithy doses off Statesman adver- tising, tcliing its thouea5nds off reade- ers that Boavmanvillc stores have neav suggestions and goods to satisfy the avants off everybody for Chirist- mnas buying. Unlcsýs tusis donc other imerchants in the citi'esaili get a good deal off maniey aviich shouldl be spenit in Boavmanviile. Plan for big-ger busine3ss' thiis Christmas. y ou miust tell 'emi to seli 'em. Let The Statesman do it for you-the paper that nearly oecrybody readsý. SAYS AGRICULTURE PAYS Fatrm-eres, Hon. John S. Martin, Ontario Minister off Ag-riculture, in addresýing the Provin-cial Wo-.nien'.s Institute in Toronto mest Wdns day instanccd that only tuis aecia' farmier avia iad five sonsý camne ta the Departmient aiti tlic requet t1iat a purchaser be ffounid for bislsarmn, glving as a reason tiat none oýffbis sons desîred ta foiiow ag-ricultuire. Trie minister expreýssed tic vicav that two rea.sonsý behind this aere: firet- ly, than ant impressýion ha--d been di- lowed to circulate that farmiag did nat pay, and secýondly, that tic trend off tic scia ais aas in line w,*ih this impress, instecdoffstre:zsinig the advantnges off farmin'g as a carcer. Somtiig wuldhave ta be cdonc ta rcmledy ti situation, and it was for tic echoole to lead tic way. "Agnicuiture pays as avwel today' as it ever did", a-ssertced ticMhe tr wýho aigain emphasizes thiat it ah3i-uld be tic businesýs off ticechl-oo)ls ta place tuis fact before thec youngcr gencratior. It vas rot <lue ta ic 1nigi cee t off nttending tic- agriculit- ural colleges that they did nlot draav more students, as tiose ah came ta tic cities te study ý- tic pro- fessions paid hig-ier for tic priv i- l eg1e. Tic fault avas in tic cariier training, bath at homne as aeuas school, as a fariner had but hi,-salef ta blamie if affter runining do-ava ils., o>wn caiiing ieý sons deccined to fol- iow in hie footstcps. PRINCIPAL TRUSLER DID IT Ila an editorial on Novemnber loti, Tic London (Ont.) Dniiy Advertiser said off a formier principal off Boa- mnvilie Centrai Schooi: To Tiiiso'nburg goees tic distinc- tion off having, given tangible inter- pretation ta, tic neavmcigoff Thanksgiving Day in Canaida-Ïo- binring a sincere tribute to tic Can- adians avia fougit or fell in tice great avar aiti tic idea off public rcjoicing ta mark tic Deciaration off Peace. Tic plan firet took form ia te ic md off Mr. Arthur C. Trws-l 1er, principal off tic public sciool; ffrom i im itvent ta tic chiidren; they carricd it homne. Tie resuit avas a day that aili be mnemorable in local iistory asancavhire, ait very littie organizution, tlic toava aMld countrysýide dcmnonstrntcd its approvai off tic idea. It isý prob-ý, ably tic fret celebration off its 1,ind in Canada. Tic mtiod cmploycd shoavcd hoav cicanly Mr. Trusier had scnsed aviat avýas in tic miinde off tic people. Tic mi-orniuýg programwa a public ser- vice ta imprees particularly upon tic younig the sacretiness off tic occa- s>ion; tice afternoon full off life and innocent amusement, te depict t1ie jay aiti wiýlich tic neave' aas re- ccivcd tiat hosztilities hall ccnsed. Lcadership of this calibre, coupied aiti a comrmunîty spirit ta give it voice and f ormn, suci as Tillsonibburig conitrlbutcd, has given a valuable suggestion as te iow beet ta cmr- pioy a day tlint mighlt otheravise have been lesse avorthiiy observed. Tuis great pence celebration orig- inated and carricd ont by Prinicipal Trustier wiilc intended prinriiy for tic children, tic aviTole town joincd and tic streets a\var e li'ncd aiti cars that brong-it thousande frami adjacent points. STANDARD BANK BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H-. W. Lapp,.àManager Branches also aL Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, O.hawa Sa.;lkatchewýan Goveri-mnent is aim- ing in) every possible way to Tai d fiarmers and one, feature off its act- iîýies to enicourage and develop îthe best nmethiods for marketing, be- lieving that in pssizting agricullture. the w,ýhole com,-iùunity benefits there- by. Wesztern Provinces are >eenes off big- enterprises. SsachwnCa- opeatveEiev-ator Comnpany, one day in September Put 1,600,000 btilhels off ha its eleva- 5tors-fthe larglest single day's bu- ness in the his;tory off the cmay Up71 to September'21st m ore thaný 10,000,100 bus!es ha ase throughl the comipany's elevatorsý. > Ontario farmers avilI be interested 5in S askL:atceh ewna i Central Sellingl Ag-ecy. One clause in its Chiarter w"ill convey some idea: To be an agricultural orginiizaition fo r thei puip ose off mutu-al help; 'Io serve as the centrai miarketing soito for the three Pools, 'but fo r m othere; to reduce speculation, mian- ipnulation, and]aaste and -aIl wunnec- essary tJransactions -in such nmar1ket- iniig; to increaseý consumiption, build up new markets, and develop new- uses for grain;nmarketing ,sare dIr- ec, and with re!guilariity; so as to furnhiý-h it econ1om1ical to the users thereof; and to preserve foi, the grovers and thle pbitheir proper profits anid econoie(it-s. Aniea, off Mr. J. G. Raynor's Work amlong farmnery is containied in this excerpt ffrom ie isreport. 11e says: Ag-ain this y:ear hunidred(Iý off Sasatchewn farmu boys Iooked for- ward to an opportunity off atten ding one off the Fîarmi Boys' Camps- held each year at Regina, Sarekatooni, Northi Battiefar, Yorkton anid Prince Albert. The camps this! year excýeededI the ex_ýpectationsý off aUI thoee interested in t'neir sucees. Six iud odad eight boys attenýd- e*. At Regina28 boys took part in judging compl)eitioins--in cAsses off heavy hlorses, beef cattie, dairy cattle, and bacon hog.'he comn- petitions were, verýy keen,> TIhe best boy gained 332 points and th r ee boysz made a score within one point ,off the highest. Bearing out the practical vicws off Mr. W. A. Dryden and other breed- ers who spoke from avwide experienrc in The Stateaman two weeks ago, Saekratch]ewýan farmi-ers are dleron- strating that sýheep farmoing can. be made profitable. The Public Ser- vice Monthlly Says, several farmersý purchased go1r ad(Ieeesat $10 per lherad in 19231. One farmer pur- cbased 100 ewes at $10 per headl- $1.000. This fioci raiscd an aver- ag,,e off one lm per ewe. 'rThiese 100 lamisý were aveil finîshed anrd( 'eold for $8.50 w\hich meant a re- tunn off $850, wiceh tog-ether 'with $150 per yeLir, representced a return off 100 per cent oni his investment. Feed was not consideredI, poreSibly $3 per head per yýear-, so that even if feed and care were reckoned at $5 per Lead, the farmer avould stili have a rcturn off 50 per cent on his in1vestmcnit. In his report J. G. Robertson, Live Stock Cormîssioner, aCds:- "Tiere is no branch off farmin-g ro- day that pays as g-ood profitsý as thc keeping ýoff a g-ood fioci off sbeep". 5Saskatcheavan 'lias tried the ae-sist- epa-ssage scieme and broughit out 591 English girls ta taie up house- work, and we have been keenly in, terested in this enterprise and ave are sure many off our readers avili be, too. Mr. G. E. Toýrmsett, Provinicial Superintend(ent off Bureau off Labor and Indusýtries recently said: Fro-in the inaiuguration off the advanced fare schemne, 591 girls were brougLht to Saieka_ýtch1eaan. Of this nme 539 have repaid thleir lobas ns l2 uil an-d the balance off 52 have paid a goodly portion off theirs. The ium off $49,723,41 -was advanced to the girls for water and rail transýporta- tion, anid to date $49,433.96 hlas beenread leaving a balance off $289.45 outstandirng. 'This statement îis illuminating! "The rec-ords off the Bureau off La- our show that at the end off 93 268 girls avere in country positions, 169 in the cities *off the provinc, i'3 5 lýeft, for other provinces affter 11ork- ing for a timie in Saskatchewan, four avere reported a- undesirabie,, six returncd ta Enigland, two died, and tic balance off 107 were mar- ried and are rcsiding with te pro- vince. rany off thegil have been- maried since that urn1e, so that about one-thlir off the girls now have homes off their o-wn. Sasiatcheau Co-operative Cream- Increases in Valu',e W MAT DID YOU GIVE LASr CRISTMAS? Toys for the' kddies-most of thema broken by now. " Som~ething ui seîul." for the grown-ups-now worn ou£ or forgotten. Cash to your employce- appreciated but soon spenit. Othier presents-hurriedly bought and perhaps iil-chosen. Are they remembered >0w? Suppose this year you give them each a Bank Book contnining an initial deposit, and urge thierata add to it regularly. Could anything be more suitable? AU "',Royal Banke Pass Books"' te your Iisg etchristmaa Gi! ts. The RoyaliBan k o f Ca«-ihn a da Bowmanville Branch R. F. Athsn Manager Ail Ready For Christmas Trade Box,-es, Cartons, Pacýkages, Bags an-d Bar rels, have been pouring into "The Old Reliable Gro- cery Stor-e" the past week ladened with hosts of good things to Sa--tisfy the yuletide app'etite and appeal to Christmnas cheer. We haven't room in this srnall space to tell you ail about them. So corne in and see for yourself how our shelves are bulging over w,,ith fresh, new groceries of the highest quality. SEE WHAT SANTA CLAUS BROUGHT. Then upstairs you'l find hundreds of articles in our China Department which were bought just for Christrnas gift selling. No fancy prices ask-edi, eit'her. Just real good. values that you can't re- sist. You're welcome to corne in and look aroundj any tirn e. Phone, 65 .ARCHIE TAIT Bowrnanville What more suitabler gift could you give a boy or girl thaxn a new pair of Aut'-omiobile Skates? We have al nodels and sizes in stock at prices to suit every purse-. Be sure to ta-ke a peek through our store when in search of useful Christmias gifts. MASON & DALE The Popular Hardwar-Quality and Right Prices 'I FARMING IN $ASKATCHEWAN I,ýl Members off Farmners Imnitutes off 10 to 15 years ago aill reemnberl tint one off tne best and most I practical lecturers wais Mr. T. G. Raynior off Prace Ed-ward. He is naav Director off Ex-ýtension nnd a leadling lecturer off the Saskitchiea- Nin-e million acries off Saskatchew,-ýan avicat acreage is undler contralct te thle Wýheat Pool. But it has taien twenty yeairs ta develop the co-oper- Prsentaticn Cavers are providied for Chrisemas 011: Books Bring Maturing' War Loan Bonds To U.s On behaif off the Dominion Gov- ernment we will redeem, free off charge, War Loaai Bonds maturing on December First. Lodge your bonds now with this branci. We aili pay you cash or deposit tic value off your bonds to your' credit as you prefer. Phoie'83 or 276 Bo'w'jnanvilIc FIFTYI

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