DARLINGTON COUNCIL MZOJN LOCAL AND OTHERWISE ___________________ h Darlington To=n ip Counil M r. and M r. Russell Rohbinà vis- e y in o m tv a d e cl Ied its regular nhly meeting ited the latter's parents, Mr.ad nlu alepinortiveend texcel- w th znembers al present, Reeve _M . Harry Alln, Bow nWwi l ent a oad f Helh b Dr H.L'L an il e. aw l ar )fflal h y r, H at a dechoarationdebeasfiBakrwithhim ng ollectors for the opecial fund Vauzýant, eterin'ary Inspector, lie I ______Il_ Clerk 'of East Whitby rqetdo h ntdCuc aebe ýewt hsprýah tra ha elrto efld ihmgiving ail a chance to contribute. vigiancei the only price of safety .£AJKL J~ acknowledging receipt of Abta-Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson Mlo- honwo il ornotoreaizethao 1b Step into Our store any day and you will real- ion S. . No. 6, East Whitby. Grannt.. aunt, M rDiraectayHaronyhinteheStabe, ith he nimasi ai or' *a ad in c nn ei n ih n s aqo and JMay, caile ony thand ce a les in the ouaide a d,in D r c t h te S a W ii g o m ize at a glance how easy it will be to select ap- ed visited at lMr. Harvey Hagerman's, mIking operationis, is absolnteîy Bay and Duridas Streets (ete Trno H. Clayton asked permission t Oshawa. necessary, and is being systeina- (0tr fTon propriate gî±ts. .i.ieres notning expensive- ct ot dead linmbs 'on trees adjoin- 'Before Mise Ada Pscoe left to tically car.ried ot, then only can and yet they are good and quality of the best. mg his village lots' in Hampton, Re- train for a nurse in Toronto, the we feel satisfied our little childrenTont h eA.10 For a s all st re we ave a m ghty b g îist ex.ed -to Coun. Wfllians with pow.. young people of the section met at really are partaking of God-gven T r n o P o e A . 1 0 of articles that will make a lot of people happy c lr instructed to ask for an'd uinbrellin recognition of lier ren thus protebýted ~no harin is like.. j Christma morningihen thyýopen foodiradrs th beinorytheseDechild 15. -[eCtnt eanMondanvLDeces'ber Wor Chita onn hn hyoe pterpar- tenders f or7 neîw ballot 'boxes, ten- splendid services in the ýchoir and as- ly te corne. westboiind-L.4eave -n.un-eL and law passed foreholdingthe Su.nday Another district new paper Abas.P.b1t HERE'S A FEW SUGGESTIONS: election for mxnmbers cf the Muni- ,~ol its opdestiyoan. Lgaedwlh obrg 70 4.0Trn 100 80 cipal couneil for year 1926. Nom- Our Sunday School was well re- it poiin ast week the Gan-A.M P.. ..P.. Books, reprints and copyright;ý Children'i ination :in Town Hall, Hampton, on presented at the towvns'hip convention 'anoque Journal made this aninouncc- Port Hope .50 4.2 B o k ; T ys o I k n d ; St t o e y j t M onday, Decem ber 28 at 12 o'clock in St. Pau ls Chur h, Bowm anville. m ent and comn encing ith, this j W elcom e 8.00 4.30 Nw anîe 1.50.5 B ook s; T oys o all kînd s; a ionery i nni on, xith p olling, if required, M on- Those attending w ere M esrs. Trac w eek's issue the town. cf GananoquelN w o -i e 8.5.5 Boxes Waterman Fountain Pens; I{and Painted day, Jannary 4th. Glaspel, Garnet Beckel, Arthiur will be served with one newspaper, ewon4.e4.15 Newtonvill, 1 China; Greeting Cards; Christmas Decorations; Orders were drawn on Treasurer: Staiton and Misses Doris, Elva and The Journal pubsher r. Thomson Newcastle 8.35 5.05Wecm 2.G15 .3 Trinkets; Games of all kinds. Nathan Byers, gravel ... .75 lirs. Refor.d Caineron, Mrs. Rees3e t.w. rTheeo rter pubishr Mr. m n124 J. . irue calci....$ 2' I~ee asoe MssStnîy hatowllTretiRepdreainibis he BoanMre.850 5.20 Port Hope 24 04 O ur m od rate pr ces m ak m any s les for Edgar Hars, gravel ... .......75 Johns, Mr. Ansoxi Balson, lra, . B. 0 Brt on wil h v M . L ma Ou m deat pics ak m ny saesfo A harpe, gravel. .........1 13 W. Balson and Ms Effa. A. Guild, fonnerly cf the Kingston' This is a flrst-class bus, well heated, lighted a d US. Caîl anytime and see our display. ' *Wx. Reynolds, gravel 1.25 ______ Whig, assoediatedl with him. The ventiîatdeuipd With smoking cmpartmet Jas. Nixon, gravel .5 ---- advancing costs cf newspaper pub-eqp lW. Br'own' gravel.......... 1.37 'The Stateuinan makes a most ac- lishing are gradually for~cing anal- P ..Rndegael... .7cpabeCrsmsg .gametion in all towns and sveral FRA K R BR W NR. M. Cale, gravel......... 1.50 What gift is so higlily prized in been published. We iongratulate Rin S. as Bomavfîe Geu. Carr, 'tone for Carr af ter years as a photo Of a bel.oved Mr. BIitton on securing sncb a fine Kig t.Eat owanile bridge...........2.00 one in your famiîy. See Humpliries newspaper property as the Journal J. J. Brown~, teaining Inumber 2.00 about a dozeu fe~ your relatives te join up with hie well-est5q> ished R. H. Lovekin, gravel....... 200 as Christmas glfta Reporter. _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ Geo . ,,E . Pearce , gravel .-.. 2.12_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. Blmagravel. ..... ...2.25 Ratcliff Mýachine Sbop, weld- A. H. MIleore, Iekn od Siauc ovellr 1ý ý ing aiaow ..., 28 gla-.jses i, lI -eri .an R a d o S t s . C haseS . .. . . . . . . ..0.7 50 P.MRberts, gravel .......00 Eà,%lt f G.eo. 'Crrpqst, aud work VVtI I l Rusel sbrn,'gravel . . 375 W. J -Lak rvl4.00 J .L. Metcalf, gravel........---37 John E. Sonley, gravel ....5.25 hb~ A. Bellman, gravel.....6.00 - Wrn. Becke gravel.. . . .6 25 ANchlS,' gravel .........7.75 ' lira. W. Jeff ery, gravel .- 8.50 Jhas. Saino, gravel . .....8.2S A 3 I JoAl'li, gravel .......1.05 Chas. W. Aldworth, gravel -2 0.10) Ont. Bridge Co., elIuali scrapers.......30.45 O9,8$ o; OO9gtutmoiqio 10 i slio lisul ie 0sM0-n..........siox 8 bridg e . .. 4 .3Tint '8f0T- Jas. Alldread, w orkWrde*n* 9.9o....... oog pj )aur 8 u j g04o; * 55(fl4q8.XUIUOAa S.'a 4;owaSýt1t IRobt. Bugeswr odn 1ud 06 40*5».. ' 40 I u harold Bennett, W. F. Bonus 4.75S 0H glI - J. J. Abernethy, W. F. Bon"s 5.00 OH S N3 To popularize radio tl ,i.-omk Fred G. Smith, W. R Bonus 5.00 nefly eeaoy--he makepeaý it essier for every J. L. M~etcalf, W. F. Bonus., 7.50 ......o;..... 1 uore friends t h-pi0npres radio meaus.-to n more Win. Ho s,ýheep damages 10.00 O g........s2j1q OO8R 11-9 O)zs '@13IDnq 1 sueN ~iloffers in well known de Radio Shop-we make these Albert His, sheep damages 10.00 Wetngos, u ei.,ndable and guaranteed sets. C. W. smale, sbeep damagesý 11.00 -.ùAqDa llm 1 9 )s uïn ,W estinghouse, 3 tube .. . .. . ...'. . . 4G0 . W . SIe-m on, M . I), imedical - Ji .O 1 t T 8 ~ f 0 t  t ; x O O ' 1 1- O Z ' ii q g $Sadr,5tb............90.00 services Wrn. Biette ....60.50 1ý0- zs aýaq sluDPH0,$o 91 Stantdard, 5 tube ..............150 B. J. Hazlew:,ood, M. D., .med-1...... JI olilIaq Wavliter, tube........... 15.00 cmal services John Kelly ..110.00 fu~...~iL J OUîJ O9 4OŽ8ZI'a nq8SPt W ogo;oî Ail of above sets are comp'.........g2eti ao n 7.r,1 eheep in-1jul first set, and installed radPlte with oud speaker, except- Bakpec oti lof.. ...... ....7.0 8 ......s2 .i it{; ll.1 i 1 0TI O P$8~ -ý azls 'Dp nq p suamId oimi We specialize in Radio v,f or use. Banof Mntreal . . , ff-ce reii220-00lOt$ 8-1 ozîs 'o Aesoiian eas.T. F.. Stonhouse, cofi spring 1.20 Gm se;> JOt{ROuaj nei2 a. uz>c f là epOJ!-g q 19*UWxitj F. G. Thomas & Sons, re- oq*ý je-i- 7opapnq2;oqé t1; uoouî q4'Frn bindîug Assesarnent Roll - 2.00 k HARRY ALLIN A. Milln, Couty Constable 3950UITTIOOJ pO1l)'Jq;ioj iROU01 Radio supplies sud repairs. Prompt service. Phone 337. A. Milîson, S. S. No. 14 . ..100-00 OdS V3uuj 3HSJAsvan-z sion StreetB'owmanville L. C. Pascoe, S. S. No. 15 --100-00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. J . S m ith , & S . N o . 19 . - 1 0 0 .0 0 Noble . Metcalf, S, S. No. 6 150.00.................. o q I ûq j oi 0s o ____ ___ ____ ___ ___N. F. M a cNacton, counties' Osj.. . . . . . . .zqqn.î Ofa. . . . . . . . .o o i 0o1 OO* j os q; IeD1 j Counil adjourned te uesday, tî;w î ý SJddiIs x9jet al 4ssR g0i ot PO H î moi .ti ~ p~î ~u a-S~ i0plit December lSth, 1925 O9f7ý- t1qH !H ttuq.V.jsui om -d qL* o; 04 j'j*siadIdiTs .9;SOoi ............... Iali ud ld S 0 0UO 8~oi "; 'g ... ý 1a pueo. P'J n1d î.Lds St0Pt~ STARKILLEoo~g ........................ ........ ......... .................... fui uma.Oq 'saios&pjOno....... 1ep The Children Healthy Soule Starville young r::t: t IT Ioi- c2S;iJ.......>!1 u2;~Ra~~ jý$ aq1 iO~ . y tended the dance at Kendal. ........... ................ a O l d K n g W i t e r e e n i s V o b a e . 1 p I > J S0t1 8 O Ç i . . . . . . . . . . . ..** * , * * , *M u ; U M O Jq O l . . . . . . . ..4~ S 0 o Th et n ot cnmia a t ep state la in a critical condition.ia)qqnî1 's.ioddi tii ,10 ý;) peý;) * linj spaq Joqtni 'sJtopnog dren healthy during tecoîd wepons 'sjooî c WintryStorm on Saturday. Meatsuppies oth Christmas is fat approaching and ýM s.îddîls ;io'q S'ugn OO*9ý......uo i aojd eo;....... Xîq'~rJ;uw fee thm leny o xeat. Ma upisbt the young generation is looki.ng for-, m d nourishm ent 'o th, body nM eat s ou -d ile wa x l with ecstati e ex pctauti n . 6 8 aI O 1 8 tlM"~~~ ~ 0 J O n g ;o q P~ D~ i iý 0 N EURA LG IA EA DACH E w r"fo etne rsde t f"Stark - RHEUIMATISM vil. At___ eer Trntoe ~o O jen iS A j ~ T 39 , .eU71tiS epent S nday at M ir. S penc er 61 1A Spelat Sena 1ocfo rju8fr.tedbaoiet.ndgeneo<, Mr. and lirs. R. E. Osbon,o CwNev~.., --- - --I gW.,Torontoj f enezer,-Rev. aund Mrs. J. H. Oke, Torno recently visite.d Mr. andJ Mm T.' C. BraggKnao od~ East. _,Kigtn od Ans Upui? 4UiluaillaApy rslqjl pvaj OJ12J:il is«eDsliqI uj i 1~