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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1925, p. 5

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THE GANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILý,E, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 192r,, 'I At this time of the year, a Christmas day ap- pro aches the age old. problein of securing appro- priate gifts for f amily and friends often destroys enjoyment of the festive season. The "Bîg 20" Bookstore off ers rare and lovely things to Christmas sentiment: express your Shelley's China Warwick's Red Gifts Vienna Boxed Stationery Frarned Mottoes and Pictures Embossed Leafther Goods Brass Candie Sticks Gif t Box Decorations Hand Colored Candies Christmas Bookiets Corne in and brouse Around W.F T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore Bowrnanville Sometime!, Why not this time?. um e,, TUiA "is good tea ' The ORANGE PEIçoE is extra good. Try it! Sweets For Christmas Whether it's candy for the kiddies stockings or an attractive box of Çhocolates for your sweet- heart we have them prettilly boxed from 25c to Iced Christmas Cake at .............50ecIL Home-made Mince Meat .............. 35cIL C. W. A. JACOBS The Candy Shop Successors to Christie's, Bakery' Bowmaniville FRED MI THELL Bouwmanville Serlous FuelàSItuton The settiement of the H-ard Coal Strike sec-rns a remote possibility. Anthracite Coal is practi- cally off the market. We cari, however, supply your heating? re- quirements with Pea Coal, Coke, Pochontas and Domestic Bitumous Coal. Let us assist you in these trying circumstan ces J. A. HO0LGÊU-ýATE & SOI% "ý1N 153 or 202 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ward were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Thornton, Or- recent visitors in Oshawa. ono, celebrated the fiftieth anniver- Mr. Chas. Doubt,, England, bas sary of their wedding recently. Dur- been visiting Mr. Henry Doubt, Osh- ing the day a large nuunber of awa. friends and -relatives called upon the Miss Cora Petengili, Wellington, happy couple to wish thern miany was recent guest of Rev. and Mrs. years of liappiness and prosperity. J. U.Robiîýý.In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J. U Robns. Thornton held a public reception at Mrs. R. P. Nott, Port Perry, which some eighty personis were celebrated ber 88tb birý,hday on present. Following a family Decem-ber 3rd. dinner, attended' only by Miss Nina Wilkins, Toronto, spent relatives andl intifmate friends of the, Sunday wjtb heir parents, Mr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tbornton were¶ Mrs. Blake Wilkins. made tbe recipients of a well filled Miss G. E. Cornisb, Oshawa,' was piirse of gold. Both Mr. and Mrs. weekend guest of Miss Gertrude C. Th.ornton are in excellent healtb Hamley, Lake view. and are quite active. Mr. Thorriton Mis Elie . Bag, Troito,-was former member of Parliarnent spent tbe weekend With lber parents,foMDr.adm.R.HWadrBo- Mr. and Mrs .W. J. Bragg. r n r.R H adr ow Bet-ween 50 and 60 laborers will manville, attended tbe celebration of be employed Àhs wintçr on econstruc- hier brother and sister-in-law. tion work on Oshawa Haitbor. Mr. and Mrs. iG. E. Talcott and Mrs. Hinmnan recently visited friends at Dundonald and Edville. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John SIemon, En- nisk illen, were guests of their son, Dr. G. E. Reaman addressecd the Dr., C. W. Siemon on Sunday. Kiwanis Club at London, Ontaiïo, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wa'ddel, Tele- on Friday of last week. phone road, Port Hope, celebrated I Rev. R. J. Sbires, newý Rector of their SOtb wedding anniversary re- tbe Anglican Churçh, .visited tbe cently. Sicbool on Thursday and gave tbe Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nelson, Peter- boys a most intere'sting talk on bis boro, spent the -weekend witb their experiences as a mi-ember of the ~cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Royal Nortb West Mounted Police3. Bickell. After a hold-up of three days, Mr. John and Misses Odie and caused 'by a bre.ak-down in thie ma- Etbel Cole, Bethesda, were Sunday chinery, work bas been resumed on guests of Mrs. A. E. McCready, Sil- the well at the new buildings. A ver Street. depth of 260 feet bas been drilled Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry and and prospects are that a satisfactory Miss Audrey Wferry, Osbawa,' were depth will be reacbed tbis week. Sunday guests of their cousins, Mr. Througb tbe kindness of Mayor and Mrs. Geo. W, Janes. Holgate and tbe Rotary Club, the 1Mr. F. H. (Mýajor) Bounsaîl at- boys went to see "Princess Bonnie" tended on Tuesday tbe funeral of at the Grand Opera House last. Wed- the late R. F. Qiibeil, at Lindsay, nesday night. This play waàs a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quibeil, genuine eye-opener and was pre- aged ,3 yers. ented in a manner that does real age to tbe town. The boys are Advertisers can make it miuch eas- still talking about ià and it is safe ier for the pninters at thîs busy to say that six montbs from now sea.son by getting in the copy for tbey will still 1be reciting poetxry tbeir advertisementsý early-on Mon- about "Kitty Clover" and using the day, if possible. rnany expressions and gestures w!hich Paring a eorn is both risky and s0 conipletely caugbt tbheir fancy. It ineffective. It is much better to was, a real treat for which the boys use Holloway's Corn Remiover and have many tbanks for Mayor Hol- eradicate tbem entirely. gate and the Rotary Club. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Donnell, Stirling, bave rem*oved to Belleville. __________________ Mr. Donnell, 'who was publi'sher of the "News Argus" for tbe past two years, has entered the insurance busnes.Special Free Offer R. J. Fleming, former Mlayor of Toronto, wbo recently died witbout The Canadiatn Statesmaii will 'ne making a will, left an estate inven- sent to ne~w subscribers in Canada toried at $1,030,846 wbich ,will be from noW to end of 1926 for $2.00 divided among bus widow and 9 _-balance of tbis year free. children. Wben tbe cylinder head of a Jer -__________________ orne Wheelock engine, blew off in the engine room of Schofield Woollen Mills, Oshawa, the 200 popnid piece of steel missed George Logeman, chief engineer, by incbes. Mr. Sam Cutteil, Editor and Publisher of Orono News, took a holiday last week and *The News was not publisbed. Happy the edi- wbole week in these strenuous days for newvspapermen. The 6th annual soje of the Co- bourg District Holstein Breeders' Club attracted buyers and sellers frorn as far west as Guelph. Albert Moore, Port Hope, and W. A. Adams, Newcastle, and Boys' Training Scbo ol, Bowmanville, -were buyers from Durbam ,CouIntY. fUqY It Testifies For Itsef.-Dr. Thomnas' Eclec tric Oul needs no testi- mionial of its powers other than it- self. Whoever bries it for coughs or colds, for cuts ýor contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains in the -imbs or body, wvell know that the mnediýcine proves itself and needs no guarantee. This shoWs 'wby this Où is in general use. Rev. E. T. Cotton resigned recent- Iy as pastor of the Christian Church ý in Oisbawa and has been succeeded, by Rev. W. P. Fletcher, B. A., B. D., Toronto, who began bisý work in Osh- awa last Sunday. Dr. Fletcher is not a stranger in Oshawa, for after graduating fromn Queen's University ile was paistor there for a turne. He lias sînce beld pastorates iin Tor- onto, Drayton and Weswick. o f Healh *overing 192'5, to end of Novenlber. A perusal of the report reveals a variety of activities s ,how-'I ing- the extensiveness of the work' conducted under bher supervisionr.l de wb til ea49 73cases f ommuni mdr itis ear4,730ss "its were cable diseases camie under super'- vision. i Relieves Astbma at Once. If you could read the thousands of unso- licited letters received by tbe mak- ers from gi rateful users, you, too, would realize thie remiarkable pow- ers of Dr. J. ID. :Kellog-',s Atm Rernedy. AIl cases, incipient and chronic, are benefited by this gr'at family rceedy. Why suiffer or ex- perjimfent -with worthless prepara- tions wbeni the genuine Kellogg-'s1 can be purcbased everywvbere, Beck Meinorial Endowment $500OOO0 Sir Adam Beck on his death-bed expressed the wish that his friends should carry on with the support he had always given tothe Queen Alexandr'a Sanatorium. In founding that other great public service-The Hydro-he has endeared his namne to every household in Qntario. Throughi hik efforts in bringing Hydro into every home, emancipationi froyrn drudgery of the Ontario housewif e is a realization; and, too, cotintless millions are annually saved to the peopIe-Hydro users-through rates of about one-third of those in force before his great work began. This appeal is now made to turn part of these tremendous savings into a Memorial Endowment immortalizing the namne of this great benefactor. Every householder in iBowmanville has received in the mail areply paid postcard on which they are asked to state the amount of their contribution towards this memorial to one of Ontario's greatest men. We would urge upon ever-y citizen who receive a post card to sign and return it no matter how small the am~ount. If you have iost your card caîl and get another. This appeal has been extended in Bowmanville to December 15th. "To you from failing hands 1 throw the torch; be yours to hold it high" Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario BOWMANVILLE LOCAL OFFICE T his An Ele.i..ctricai. Chiristmas 1ifts that are Practical and Usef ut We have something for every member of the f amily. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock at these attractive G v prices: Giv Electric Irons ..............$4.50 and up Electric Vacuum Cleaners ........$45.00 and up Electric Toasters................. ..... $4.00 and up Electric Percol.ators .. ............ ... ý. .$9.00 and up Electric Heatîng Pads ..........$7.00 and up Electric Curling Irons..........$1.25 and up Electric Hot Plates .............$5.OO and up Electric Heaters, ail types........ ..$5.00 and up Electric Floor and Chesterfield Lamps . . $18.00 and up Electric Table Desk 'and Boudoir Lampa $5.00 and up Electric Wasbing Machines, thie best on the market ..........$95.00 and up Electric Ranges, we bandle ail makes ranging in price fram........ ý. . ..$50.00 and up 15% REDUCTION ON ALL SILK SHADES AND PORTABLE LAMPS Our stock of Electric Fixtures is coin- plete. We have a fixture for every room îin your house, and the prices are right. When you buy a fixture from us we instalil iFree of Charge. Have you. seen the Moffatt Closed Element with the cast steele top, making the Element indestructable. Come in and inspect same. Moffatt's always leads. All goods sold on Easy Time Payrnents 'Our personal guarantee goes with eachi -article. Everything sold by us must give satisfaction oryour money will be cheer- fully ref unded. Buy Your Electrical Goods at ,an Electrical Shop. There's a Reason. TheHydro Shop Phone 192 and 229 Bowrn anvilIe Il -, j, E J

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