THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSPAY, DECEMBER 110, 1925 MINISTER GOES WÊST PROVIDENCE HAMPTON BASE INE CONCERT MILES 0F GRAIN CAR~S CATTLE BREEDERS MEET AU(TO A E eV, .G 1rte~ M . h uiso tePbi col Mss Mildred Souch attended the Reserve, Tuesday, December 22, Approximaely 800 miles of grain More rigorous inspection of thor- audy ministèr f Seagrave Cirçuit bas will have thefr concert and Christ- Galli-Curci concert lin Massey Hall, for Base Line Christmas Seh cal ars were required ta move the to- oughibred Holstei~n catte was ad- aomntIy, eeibrIt- gone ta Lumsden, Sask., tbhecrci mas Tree in Providence Church on Toronto, Iast week. Cnet a muto ri loaded inta vanced at the meeting of the Dur- cmui~ai detsdfrls ta wich he w"s transferrtd by ac- Tuesday, December 22ixd., at 8 Mr. and Mlrs. Nathan Hayes, (Canadian National cars from Angust ham County Holstein Breeders'1 Saturday owigt ~dwabd tion cf the Coniference. p. nM. Admission 25c and 15c. Bowinanville, Mrs. Edith Ormiston, l[st ta midnight December 3, accord- Association held in the Council postponied a wiIb hl Ho w s st tion d f ur ~ rs a 502 * E niskllen Mis An ie A un, issB I.ACKSTOCK îng ta the Canadian N ational Rail- Cham ber at Bowm anville, on Friday, cant lot we st o o f t' HeCarwigt atind bsfour fasatiga0-2__________isieln, iAnd nierAlert Alssn ays. Sirice the opening of the December 4th. The meigwa3KngStreet. Cartrit ninggnsit gbeEsi l and de-.EdAlrt Alun d Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs.gri year, 92,258 cars, contairing largely attended and it was de- P. m- Furniuea.hue spri, unali g e er sit ad de owmaiiville Dr. E g r A i, -Jas. Farder on the arrivai of a 124,543,000 bushels cf grain, have cided that the Association would ings wbich ,ilh fee votlon to duty greatly enriched the ENNISKILLEN monton, were recent guests cf Mr. baby boy. kieen loaded eat Canadian National hold their annual sale at: Bowman- are froni someohebs cause there. _____and Mrs. C. W'.Soucb. i te rari.Poineohnievilei, helateCprBowmanville. obesae o During bis termi Cartwriht con- Reserve December 2lst f-or S S. s.. oh Forder, Blackstock, bad joints i- tetPaire Povice. TieCill bntgglaterpar cfMa moidteda Unona fie Iew pr- hrismasConcrta sudden caîl ta ber daughter in[is nearly 10,000 cars more tha-n T. Houck, Cbippewa, gave ani inter- bugg Wil aSo b u pfrsç soliagedwa Uionafind t pacirC ritHae ncoeet. I' oo tSOLINA Osbhawa who bas undergone a sericus were loadedin the saine period cf esting address on the affairs of Hol-in. Som antqefnire s zongewa bil ad ht irui Hve'tyo sen t.Itsgod taperation. the record 1923 crop year, and not stein breeders and their clubs. Other C.H.luded nteIs~ em ah aised ta a bigher standard in many Tyrone "Bar Haven", December Il. Mr. Hilton Tink is in, Toronto At the annual meeting Blackstock far short of double tbe loadings of speakers were L.' E. Franklin c f C H asnW J Cills ways. Mr, Carruthers i% the seul Reserve Friday, December 18tlh stock judging. L 0 L.8, th oloingofices[ast year ta the samne date. Grain is 'Toronto, and R. M. Holthy cf thiCk.Acioer of honore leen in intellect and fair for the Christmas entertainment at Reeve Baker is, attending County were elected. The installation was till pouring into the Canadian Na- Canadian Hostein Friesian Asso- ModaY, Dcpe* lt.....r in argument. His intenae inter- Haydon. Council at Cobourg. cQnducted by W. Bro. C. Devitt. tional at tbe rate cf more than 1,000 ciation. Chas. M. Deanwl elb uto fearst in d uniqu elfpreend ionofDon't miss "Bar Haven" at Ty- I.P.*M.-Robt. Hamilton; W.M-Wm cars par day. . eiddta mr io-on the premisfrtfrmnrho the Trutb, made for him a warmi LONG SAULT rone, December 1lth. Hooey; D.M.-Fred Hamilton; _______ ts eci dd batamae îofr- place in the bearts cf his pêople& Miss Hazel Hutcheson, Toronto, Chap. Eal Dorel;: Fin. Sec.-S.ýWL M reusisectihedon w6u le imaDcur- ke fr too cuggRaal Reev rdyeeig eebrvstdMs artaNyo. VanCamp; Rec. Sec.'-Byron Hyland; WELCOE regitered iers fute inu- i s fold ar 'M'sok mlmn. t.S Rev. Mr. Carruthers and his wife 1 esafrvte ristmvenig, eembr sieaisnared ayo.Treas.-W. Reynolds; D. of C.- hmCutSnfuuewihwfl >orni.uee il. Te.M missd b a ast f fr te C rist as ree and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor visited Charles Venning; Lect.-John H-an- Correspondence te Port Hope Daily thus raise the standard -of the cat-on Aut ner wriIe ginOeat riconertatortLon Salt ebol.Mr. Ernest Larmner's, Blackstock. i'1 -Dep.Lt.R. W Wll adGuide. frans n ntro.Pot eryA splndid program -is being pre- ep.ect.- w. In angdsrie edi h paetar. pis ndex-pupils of frta tbe pupilsfor the baby in great array Dr. J1.A.;1McArthur; Coin.-1 . Takfeigsrie edi h The Durham County Sborthorn WOO AE the chol. rogani e cmmece t Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Hamilton; 2, M. Malcolmn; 3, R. C. Uniited Chuxicl on November 29thAsoiinhedtirauame- at 8 p.ý ni. Proceeds te be used Mr. Stewart Campbell, St. Miarys, Hill; 4,-Roy Fergus on; 5, S. Jeif-'and 3th were a pleasing success. ing in Bowmanville the ýanme day. Friday, Decene -onCo Dan't miss "Bar Haven" at Ty- ta buy a phonograpb for tbe sehool. spent the weekend at Reeve Baker's. ery; Tyler-S. Williams, Rev. D. R. Clare had charge cf The meetiig was cf a purely bus- betar, lot 2,cn ,Dalnt ~'oeDeamerllh.Admission 25e and 15e 49-2w* Mr. James Reeson and Miss Ruby, Women's Missionery Society cf bath services, Miss Thyma Martyn, iness nature and the only feature (11/ miles eltc oria o eoe ecme It.Columabus, v;sited at IMr. H2Iarvey the Union Cburch, Blacksfock, held Choir Mistress, deserves great credit was the fixing cf the date for the Kingston Higha) ilsllbu ________________________________________________Hardy's. their annual bazaar an December for ýthe niuÉq rendered. Mirs. ,T. Annual Tborough'bred Shorthorn 10 acres of rnxdtnbe n4ar Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pasoe- spent 4th. The different booths were Wesley Cawker favored* the aud- Sale which is, te be held in Bowman- lots. See bills aea 1ocek iSunday with their daughter, "Mrsq. prettily decorated and many useful jence with a solo at each service, ville in the early part of Marc1h. Wmn. Maw, Autoer 92 Douglas McLaughlin, Oshawa. and inexpensive Cbristmas presents: Monday a very high class concert FiaD g or sale. QuitFrilareycrwDecember Itd inthe hurc byaaes Miss Lauretta Naylor entertained weeftealrerwdwspsntditecucbbths Hardy,, SolinilsaIolt27 a1ube f rerTIoa pat gatbered and almost everycne teck artists: Mrs.- T. W. Cawker, sopirano, KEEP OUT THE COLDco.5 al L JSI ~k~ IlrlSa numbe fiands te la artly part in the vÉrious contests, games, Bowmnvll;-Mr. mihContralto,>____ o n,dringen ,bu i ce I~ lieda ~ellyetc., and niany prizes were won by Oshawa; Mrs. W. Adams, reader, M.J godtm.Miss Mabel Campb~ell for, large B3owmanville; and Mrs. H{awpa Msfr.the H. Vance, Peterboro, agent lots, more orle. Prcaeswi i Our ycung people are busy prac- mantel lamp, aise a lovely granite Cjanten.î j Mrs .Cawlo&withblier r famigi i ous C herlin Wet- t ber ta rl 97 armv ____________tising for their Christmas .Concert, teakettle; Mrs, R. Willanwôn the cbarming personality, captivated al esfippgiZ s in own . this a utbeahr ae5 t1p.n.Tens December 22nd. Watch for particu- jardinera and stand; Mr., and Mrs., witb ber marvelous vocal ýthrîls ltigeea oss ti h cse ota dto p lars mext week.- C. Hill won the band-painted plate. 'which were justly admired by every- ouetecltbing on the market te keep proved notes wtiitrs t6 You wilI find no store with a larger or better ha1aspenidbody fram the enthusiasm sbown it and deors. It belps ta keep down tiner variey of sefu people., Everyone hdaslni was vdnalreiz temisyo fl bill and makes lieuse more îtoer vaiey f seulan pacicl ifs ha ae imc f bar remarkable culture. Mrs. comfortable. Phone 53 :if you Friday,'Decme<.-a.A found riglit here, Here are a f ew of the many Miss Susie Laird is staying in Tor- Mnapeit sfl it uhSmt bwdaprettn-rdcwant ta see Mr. Vance. Estimates Werry will's(l nLt17 o.9 ento, as wearing apparel. eou stock, tien and was very pleasing. Mrs. furnished free. 49-1 Darlington, abotarso te Suggestions: Miss Gladys Alliai, Oshawa, visit- Couch, Jobnston & Crvderman. Aasslcin eewi eevdTmesm ad finds bere on Sunday. and were given in an excellent man- 14 acre lots, mr rIs.Prhs Pyrex Ware, Cuttlery, Mechanies Tools, Miss May Freeman spent Sunday TrYMs.HaOgvea uber of WOmostios iSALEri cer ilbae t pil1 92,t Electrie Lamps, Toasters, Heaters, Vacuum in town with lber inunt, Miss Chrissie gTYRONE ber ewn bcomitos d ailnt o dying _______ cl Mi e1adtue. Tri:di ae Freeman. Christmas entertainnient at Hay- the deliglit of ail; sha ailse gave a rdy eeme'l .- M i$1n un der csh1avrnha Cleaners, Buggy flriving Lamps-Safety First, A numbar frani bara attended the don, December l8th. duet vith Master Wesley Carroll Maggia MeLaughiin will selI on Lot rvdnts Flahuiht, H cky Sats, ocky ticsBoy' nni .versary services in TrinitY Deesn't look at prasent as if wa which was a credit te teacher and 12, Con. 9, Darlington, four acres 1p.vednoes. % isant Sle TolaSelgts, H ceyBts oys'y tick, gos'. Mr. ine on nd .L .Snoenda.are ta bavea aGreen Christmias aftar pupil. Miss Velma Staples, A .o e tnigtme n14 acrti ToolSetsBoys Slighs Mr.andMrs.L. C Snwdenand ll.C. M., Bewm'anville, accompanist, lots, nieaor lass. Purchasers wil utoneer. family viitedeMm. and Mrs. Ewart Citizens ara sarry ta losa Col. and did' ber part niost' acceptably. bava te April 1, 1927, te reinove - Santa Claus sure lias left a host of gifts at Everson, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Farrell froni cur vilN- b h dio.As uultumber. therei f an droi STEAMSITCK S Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tueker and lage. hen B ownianville artists in ither ing in iwo.S leatr lyoa esi- M tistr.son Donald, Stirling, visited at Mr. ýCburch service next Sunday at sang, instrumental music or recital Terms:-On all sunis of $15 and un- Te Europe....CadinPcfeWhe W. J. Snowden's on Saturday. 10:30 a.1 n. Sunlday School at 2:30 take part in outside churcli serviccs der, cash; over that amount 10 Star DominionCnrAeia Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Macklîn and P. ni. or entertainiants tbey ara fully ap- nmenths' cradit on approved notes. Ask for infomtin hoo5 family, Mr. W. J. Macklin, Cobourg, d4r. and Mms. George Armour and preciated. Theo. M. Slenion, Auictieneer. Statasman OfficB'itavla Ï1C ECevisited Mr. N. I. Metcalf, recently. fa!hily recantly visitad lhem aunt, Mrs._____________________________________________ Plins 6 OpoitePoe ~If you are looking for practical Horatie Hilîs. phon 66OppoitePffl Oficeand sensible Christmas gifts go ta The WomnerG Missionamy Society Couch, JohnstOn & Cryderman's. will ineet on Thursday this week, __________________________________Mr. and Mrs. James Wood, Town, Deceniber 1Oth. Mrs. Arche McDonaid, Mrs. Arthur You can now afford a new Ladies' Wright, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Joe Coat at raduced prices. Concb, F. Jaweil, sou Claude, Cannington, Jobnsten & Cryderman. Mms. Thos. Goard town, Mr. and We welcome Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Lamne Stevens and daughter W. Dudley and Mr. Floyd Dudley Ruth, were recent visitors at Mr. J. aud hope they will enjey hf e. D. Stevens'. Mr. John Buckley celabrated bis HAYDON9tb birthday, Tuesday, Decemiber HAYDONlst., and as ursuel is anjoying good Rai rma"arHae",Dee-healtb and life's activitias. E 1 ber Ilth. Reserve Mndgyavening, Deceni- Reseva aceber 8thforaurbar 2lst at 8 P. ni. for Christmas ' P Criss e ntDetajuen1tatHayor nurTrea and Concert at Tyrone. Geod Chrstms eterainentat aydn.prograni is being prepared by the Langue was wýithdrawn on Sunday pupils. Admission 25e and 1 5c. evening, coldg being prevalent here, 50-2w l4rs. E. Ormistotn attendsed the Her many friands in, and arouncd A'Ur iiw 4q*funeral of Miss Ormistoai, Coluni- Tyrone are -lad to lean that Miss buas. Editb M. Smith of town, is convalasc- "I' gvwMr. and Mrs. Elmer Beeach and ing nicely after lber serieus illness Miss Blanche, Ennisileny visited at and able to coma home with bier Mr. A. Beech's. mathar, Mrs. Viola Smith,' te recup- qui Beautiful display of Lingerie, aate. a m suitable fer gifts at Coucb, John- Tyrone Churcb, Decembar i lth., V-6,U Tl stan & Cryderman. e t 8 p. m. willilha the scena of a AlO UUN 'r.. JLrlsii L Miss Vema Siamion bas returned very popular drame "iBar Haven", homne after a pleasant visit with givani by the Y. P. S. Don't mise relatives in Toronto. >1 this chance for a night cf fun, with Miss Mary and Master Jack Nid- goed moral; aise attractive music. der', Hampton, recently visited at Admission: Adults 35,c; Childran 20e Mr. C.1 Avery's and with other Miss Rase Shortt witb the pro- Gao od s E arl y friands hare. ceeds from iber excellent Christmas Rev. J. W. Dawn conducted sar- concert at the Long Sauît School ifvice here on Sundny afternoon and lias purchased a victrola froni Mr. delivared an al bc bttesbo edd esa excellant saninon w hF. F. Morris, Bawmanville-justnd B S re oV si A rra s tref te wus helpful toalinwhv is-la micfrte' Sundny Scbool was well attendad 18thiaie rt-cssmsi o on Snda moriný. BeoretheFinest and Best Assortment in Tow (Z h is i a s ~ it Slesson periad Miss Ma:el Beach Five tennis of canvaser, arae utý w C h rlst m--a e w" Ue ft Sgave a report of the S. S. Canven- tbis waak on the Every-parsaoen and ha vs for Missions and Conne-xiona deserves great credit for bringing te funds an Tyrone circuit, which l the scbool suicb a clear outline of, well arganized for this work and th e Kl 7' ber or~o.n f~ he rogrni. An-repat wll a inby ext sunIay.Men's Ties and Brai-cs in fancybxe. . .5 c 7cad 10 So meth ng th t wiii brigh en Up he ho e, Alie nort i n W e vnrnyMissA- ?repo ct a go vern b e yto. M nsIqiy B aclrm B nd , Biind G rtru5 c anv5 upholstered wt Tables and Chairs, given by Mr. Cyril WVýeyricb.. In Yuwl idalyu ed nMnsadBy'Cohn or'sdisoure ws "Lt u Go".ui l fid at h il yto re ed i n Men's and o ys' Ct hing. and J variety of coiorin s les, cribs. i r' dsore n Lt s G" Epworth Langue meeting was lidwehiorChitms ______________________________________________ attanded au Thursday evening andladsiefrCisms tbe pragrani was ather out of the Ladis' orkTa.le~ordininry. Mm. Oliver Hazlewood, Loddes" Card Tabl s Toronto, accompaniad by 'four othar oligCrTalsand a host of articles suit- gentleman freni that city motared S. .CH RAN able gifts f r any home.wn and Mm. Hezzlawood gave us G H R R N abiegifs fr an address on "The Langue of Na- tions", whicb was not only intrst- MNSADBY'COHN N UNSIG ing but really instructive. Mr. Haz-0pe g yi zlewnod is a very well informed mnani One Door West of Bell Telephone Office r. F. MORRI1S C 0 and keeps in touch with all the lat- Phone 26 Bowrnanii PHONE 20 BOWM&N VILLE driffarent nations cf the warld. Ha wvill ba walcomed bere on any lut- J 1Lara date, SHOP IN BOWMAN VILLE