THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIWRSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925 THE FOUNDATION 0F HEALTH SHALL WE PIERCE of the universe as enianating fromn RALPH CONNOR'S NEW B~OOK W, u INTHE FUTURE? SpaceeTime, placing the latter con- By Dr. W .K, Burr, Lockport, N. Y. cept as the matrix frein which ail If in quest of a good book, for a Obedience-is the great rock foundation By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B.ý else becomes. Christmas gift buy at any bookstore On wvhich ail health must ever rest; Denver, Colorado.. He conceives of Space-Tinie Bolph Connor's new book "Treading A&nd they who would enjoy lbess- evolving froni the darkness hat the Winepress". The reading Proubl ings There wws once a law in England was before light, into configurations public will welcome thi.s new book J~~lCunIu RSIOI1II Mst learn-how niortais here are foirbidding the telling of future of greater and greater coniplexity. by Ralph Connor, for ever-since the blessed, events. This law -wa.s character- When it reached a certain degree of days of "The Sky Pilot" hie has ----- Health animates every enjoy-nent, ized by Sir Oliver Lodge the other complexity, life appeared. and then been afavorite auth or. This new and without it life ie a barren and day in his letter to the London lif e undenwent evolution fromn the book is a miost interestin.g one, with Prospe UL reary waste. Timnes as stupid, and as 'having simple te the cosuplex,ant a cer-plenty of action and thrill, an ap- protection. C cifFHealth is governied and controlled been passed in times of ignorance tain period of its evolution, con-1 pealing love story ,ýnd a touho by the Law of Teniuperance in ail and unscientiljc stupidity'". But scioulsness came into being-which re-1 seriousness throug hout that will givePR I A mother'. .trength things. the law was neyer repealed, and the quired a nervous system'to aid it, 1 le careful reader pause to thlinkc. *life-principle guarded, prothcted, and nient scientist against the present of spirit and body, the former op- stery. jealous car. Oft.n when preserved in the body. inrcimbrance of the statute books by erating on, and guiding the latter Ralph Connor always packs a lot it vitaity is depleted Terrible waste of the life-prin- such a foolish provision. 0f course, to its ewn requirements. iinto a story, and this one is no ex-Yo s ciple is the leading cause of at the law was 'aimed to prohibit the In time the true, the heautiful ception. A group of very real Yu A 1,least 75 per cent of ail sickness and takýng of fees for 'fortune telling". and the good shone f orh, and fromn characters and a fund of rapidly poected b- N l misery in the worid today. But the eiineat scientist's protest, these arose concepts of the Deity. moving events hold the attention po cots Ein«lulsio o woiider thlat lust and sensuaiity represents a sbject of vast interestl h latter is the final developmnent frein beginlning to end. Every lover baere es-ae s h rneudalhmas shscam rebss0 pace-Tirn n pc-ime was of his books-and who is -not-iwill Insure nourishing and strength- o Power of 'the Ar-and Satan ed on the solid foundation of scien- conceived in the mmnd of Deity. atTedn h inpes rseos reviving, is just the help that deceives the whole world. tific la-ws ab>out which there is littie In the Einstein-framed world, wtThe story opes inaliepsNovaserus that is needed. Scott's Apostie Paul laid down in his epis- if any dispute. Space-Time is thie f ourth dimiension, Tesoyoesi iteNv I enties nmost excellent* rules for us when Blis letter to The Tuimes is a re- and eýcience is coming to the idea, Scotia fishing village ,and much of For Emulsion bas be he wrote: opening of the question, whether or that when the fourth dimensicin is te atontkes place there. The helping strength-ex- "Be temperate in ail things. not it is possible to lift the veil that understopd, that much of what is quaint foelk of that vicinity are the "Avoid every appearance of evil hides the future froi ordinary termed the -supernatural rwill be principal characters. To this quiet J hausted mothers for "As mu>Cj as lieth in yu live human vision-both a question and brught to a level with the natural, village comes a party of tourists, J mr hnffyyas ecal ihalmen". aqe or al the universe will be raised to young ladies and gentlerina, and, Reai 1 Christ in is sermon on the Mount a fourth dimension of the super- drng hi styher act s Sott & Rowne, Tor'onto, Ont._ 25-42 said: "Blessed are the pure in hieart Mr. Lodge, as expected, places the natural. Bowever, iunder this wrecked. Tony Mackiinroy gees to Phone 50 -__for_______________________ atter on a plane of scieutific dis- the ec.Hefl iloewt for theyNo shaîl seeuesGond". doctrine, it is easier te cenceive of Dareu f.tBefairls oe wth Frein these great 'TeachecssensN eewil uetin 1~ man's be2ing able in an explainable Daa n fte grs o h -learn that charity, purity of lfe an dc aim te speak authoritatively in this!mnetlokiothfur. ayadsewt ibti s temerace n al ting, ae te reaso n he hiet attinamens and Each life manifestation i5 rnaking not till the outbreak of war makesý very foundation of good health, ason of the round in the wheel efdlifel. Each separation miment that either of McCo's od ive ashis conservative and analytical pow- th .rundi .the. . f hein speakes Mcoys odLierwell as the great secret of living es partîicle in the universe is a die frein Extract Tablets Fine For a long- and useful Efte. the universal dice-bex, being thrown Tony dees special service during Thin Under developed Kids If you would eujey health and be Science in the long run, must ans- eut and combined again and again. the war, in charge of lis own gun- _____happy, let m:e urge you te keep wer the question raised by hum; it We are told in the old Egyptian boat 'The war section of the book colin, and thus avoid nil unpîeasan is there for the purpese; evenulypioehta hl eaemvn ecnprtvl hrtog t Ch~dra ov Tem ecus Teyemotions, ail of which is necessary it iiust reduce the supernatural te on bliudly at present, teyarrd the influence is felt through the whole rAre Sugar Çoated and as Easy in leading a temperate and healthy the natural; or better st-ill, raise ukonftrti~ftr sa-soy u h upiigtitta tu Take as Candy lifle. To this e'nd learu te take the natural te the supernatural, ifpreachingfusturetieslyf u us is given r bte the whoe cgtwit hai of good care of your health. it is ever te be doue. The divine itself in the curreut of the world, levents, and the final outconie is toe It's your duty, Mothier, te see that Prctseaîways w\hat yeu know. mission of science îs te harmônize and man who elaborates it. good te expose here. A big pew- the frail, peaked, sickly youngster Avoid ah] excesses aud take daily the expanding intellect and intelli- TeLwo aial lsl ru hm u enhuldi grwa u t b srnginboyevnexercise in the open air. geuce of mankind with Nature-God. aligned with the doctrine of pre- most sinjcere and convincing way aus in mind and robust in health. Keep mnd aud bodyr pure and But we have it uttered on every- vision. The past miakes the future; only Ralph Connor can do it. Extracted frein the livere of 'the elean. hand "Impossible", say the schepti- w twedtdamkshior o .C .sy:Wtothst-I lolyOofshar heheltwe gt Use ýgood and wholeseme food. ciilly inlined. Impossible te vision1 us at some tume in the future, and tion or reservation we recompîend I aud strength produciug vitamines Drink plenty of cold water, the future! The word impossible isl this iS an inductable law, aPPiic- "Treading the Winepress". Itcul tht refon i MCo' Cd ivr Use ne tobacco or intoxicating- rapidly going eut of science's dic-l able te individuals and te -nations. be classed with the vWry 'best work Let your H pharnîacists ail over North and Take daily froim six te eiglit lativity sud Milliken electron-1 look into the future? Would we Put it on that Christmas ist now-ba bfr South America. heurs sleep. weighing; and wheu serious-mindedl be happier by heing thus w1eer The you can't go wreng beeause a story Doctors know about them anud 50 Be regular and temperate in your investigators tell us that, "matterl chances are, that we would be more of this kiind wilî appeal te,_ oa We sha] doees any druggist and if your habits. has turnied eut te be nothing more gift miserable than happy, if we had any type of reader."alis children need building up ask for Cultivate a cheerful disposition. than a mathematical construction the gift of pre-vision. ths Let odyi att Learn te look upon the brighit side built eut of evenits"; at auy rate,-_ ___ ______ Lh eP] giveyou loed nesa god apette f lfe.that niatter originated as a thoughL Miler's Worm Powd7,cers are a CANAD'glBI TRA. and put pouuds of good healthy Neyer shlow yeurself te fret or aud found expression hn au electro- pleasant miedicine for woryn-infested A D'SBGT DECdr flesh on their boues. But be sure worry. mganetic curreut which soie cali children, and they Nvill taklçe t with- TeSaernnsamadefr ie Rbri and get McCoy's. Think odbatytogis oeadohr en nm.TeSaemnsamadefr r ueodR Theyarenetexpnsie-fO tb- ~. god ,e:athythoght. lve ud thea trnieney.out objection. When directions are directed chiefly to g-iving its readers Tear o xesv-6 a- Tyte hîve the higher, nobler life. This ispr fteLdeagmn olwe tvi ntijr h ot1Paper. lets-60 cents -and if you are net Stand r pnke teblyfrl athefqutheiodgef aruetllwe it ill ns het inothe m oftthe local uews, cevering Durhami pleased wîth the iînprovement after elposd eetadke h oyfrlaiu h eto ffrtl-dhcaecid steei ohn County sud the trading district of Ten-Test Fi 30 dys-yur muey ack.Welpid. cstsu brae ing the future-fertune-telling if au injurieus nature in its composi- Bowmanville which since the general 30 ey siy child, ae 9 Expand yeur cet n rah you please, eut of the crimilnal code. tien. They wiil speedily rid ~ueo h uooie hsbe board. 12- oudsinseenîoth ginddeep sud full. Mr .Lodge argues, that, "the ex- child of worms sud restore te crnsiderably extended fer it is Ce enan 12on a n svenhy. sud 's Keep the thought of health in tent te which fore casting of the health of the little sufferers who'se kuCnwieletatBomaandei Que skiuny woman gaiued 9 your mind. oe o u c. future ean be achieved is a matter -vitality bas 'become impaired by the one of the best towns in Canada Seaman Ke: pounds in 241 days 4 h ight, lvjyadpae purely of scientific inquiry. There attacks of these internal peste. in which te shop in alniost every Dvecman e nghsdpwrt is nething absurd in the ides. A class of merchaýudise. NOW ils the everome.railway timetable predicts the trains ~' Rernrber faith sud persistency at least a mionth ahead. An astreno Se much interesting sud useful ply of in action wlll always bring health mer can predict ecipses severa A JOB FOR YOU information for Canadiaus come te Caîni snd peaceful repose, as wehl scedin frtlng h6 $6 to $10 Da.ily paper that we might give more -en- Ci ans esl dane oe eteeiosthtw ihfralre perts s_____n____ elig heeral information,:such as i otîe ala Genuine splrin s actîvîy, are ssential te develop- weather, fer, say 2-4 heurs; and 6 E ATDN rves i h olwn aarps mentof pefectins. satemen ttept e foseethere-experience uecessary. Write for 40-1 m Observe the Law of Chastity. suit of su election, or the probable page Free -Beek iih expiains how Te ses fish catch on beth coasisY You inust preserve your 1f e f or- attitude of a self-1-overiiing state. yeu can earu whH1ê Iearuing to werk in Canada frein Jauuary te Septerp- ces S sie poerof reî~tîg Int city or towu shops as Auto Mýe- ber, 1925, wss werth $19,997,076 M c 1_ oufistp-cstics.tèti e oni e poerttough îuatngis hauic, Engiueer, Electrical, Battery as 'agsinst $18,118,456 in the saine d%,qTD 'eîYoui ust ay stict atènton toknownto eist, houghm-anie orl or dingngEEpperthufChauf SaeeurngSatles- helh ujc ouucertaiuty. Hwfrna t. lobikaig lseig pro 94 nie e f 1$183 Proved Su af -Y u mut colicentrate your immid foretelling of the future is possible M a ds'Canadad bond sales for2. OficePhoehe a J' iea ourrb.RT NTW TaewtotFear as Told Yeu must net cleg your mmnd. tien Goverumnent hrred ra1e Sceeos, so ov e 'rkewihotYou must net log your body. iyn' infiateiora omn Free Empfloymnent Service, 163 <îin±g y4,21 bringing suhialsfrthie You must liethetnl yubhe Tunes' Editor, this admission S* oot year 1925 te date up to $453,461,- in "Bayer" Package learu it. ile made: "It is possible, at least, it 557, showing that our people have You must be strong in yeuý' new- would be a piece of unscieutific - meuey. f ouud truths. stupidity te declare it te be lui- Up te October Sîst of the pres- Yeuiuust be strong in your new possible-that men may discover - ______- eut year butter exported frein Man!- resoves., letoba amouuted te 291 cars, 116,- Willi te be as healthy, sud as good eut are unkunown te us. A ,îaw 285 boxes, or 6,541,960 peunds.AN18T sud just as yeu would like te be. which prohibited genuine experiment >~ -- Teepr rd o h year shows SEFORE IS A Your mmnd is centinuaily at workints field weuld be bnd law", sdEgand ii i es raher i the influeucing your body eit1er for then lie proceeds te discuss the laws a"bEncra s over 1924. e base- weal or woe ,and you.r ife for good daigwtfensofrue-el mnt aste climate whiist Canada is or wihlattrmsafre eve telbe ou the best fleor of that great house, you md l aieathcMn ntenyu::htiic utpur fsu~. ~the BiihEmpire", said Lady Cow- diim I ilntto eiul oeeregarding the Lodge"I as lvroth t iJ/L healthy condition. As is the eue value as an indication that there areEmiebfrIcaehebuI se will be the other. men of authorîty who regard it dstregyweusythik apttIngai thrih ou,"~Mmnd and body are coutîmualy differently, sud ire willing te treat BUSALS dth lwhe a I ha 1 seen i Ca- a/- cting sud re-actiug upon ea"-I it as a subject for diligent'sud tei- MON UNAL AR WOKS da". W"Ut h Unes yn e te Bae Cos" nother. If yeu will ouly tkean in-perate inquiry. MNUETALSHET 1857 sada 'stoa.tae ncese Ulsye eth"ByrCosonterest in learning the laws gevern- As we perused these statements, $197,000,187 andas otalduringsen ints paekaige or ou tablets you are net get- ing health you can find it au eas.y we thought of Maeterick-thie Importer direct of e$de97 ctoe,000 crding to goveorit- ttin hÎe gonnîne Bayer Tablets of As- maâtter te live s healthy life. miytic-who has a goed deai of SCOTCH AND SWEDE en ter. The rndt otal of prnproved safe by ilosud pre. o must take au interest lu your knowiedge of physics and philesophymetrurs. Tegadoalf scrmbed by physîcîa ss ver twenty-fv health-dou't neglert it. suad what lhe wrote of the matter. GRANITES Cansda's trade for the seveni months yea rs for Interest is s result of seul-passionlu i certain respects, it is quite in- and only the best grades of of 1925 is $1,255,909,438 sud the Cels eaach hges et e nyLin tatcan explicable that we sheuld net kno increase is accountable te $129,000, It is really s0 ea Neurîtîs Lumbago teach the seul sud improve the body.te ftr. Prbby amr VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 000 in expert trade anrd $68,000,000eeyayvgt Teethache Rheumnaism Inte-cest iu its breadest sense is1 nothing the dîsplajemieut of a cere- I employ ne ceinetery caretakers P Neuralgia Pain, Pain love, ïttrsetion and polarization. bri.l 1Ioe, he esetu -9 sagns rfe.u t eA y Wl feai To rnto Jisbe h e ihu Aaafe, reliable reguIla Th10 :l5 hita elin ad feveiita wait se tntthey nmay have sleep Com-es te these whavebe et mejin.Sodin thrceede. eiXsoaadToot optî e persdt o n uunabie tolie ila d;hands that were CHANGING TIMES servel Nogr Noe,$eerss uasns s doo asaeo 1 ten efet. i itovof causes and 1helpless because of terrible rheuma- 2 S3; oN..eeeiptS5fpr box. pa-l e,,,0f 10,ait ofnd 10. so e t woldtisi are new ý,able to de their share Mary hiad a littlc lamnb, m cl lail rugit ,o r sntdte Itlls, PUt Uouin asle as absurd te a-_sert fer the support of the f amuly. A1long-, lon te ago, ,'e pamphlet. Âddes: heNtoa ,nlr soi-this, for Tine as; it would for, Space, Rheumsa is a wendenful remedy But now she ihas twýo petty' calvesM LI THE COOKMeEDICINECO, tonhîInedoffud t arry on th TOGNOON.lomelWide teWork 0fits hospitals lu Muskoka t other dot quite seo incomprehien - for rheumatisî, geut, neuritis, hum- That make a better show. and t!Wsto ." vrydllrreeve ible f orni of thle tw-fldinnit-e bago sud neuraîgia. In tins of thîouh hcsae f Crîtms eas mytery lu which our whl1f e tli l a -wonderful-worker; it neyer To makie cranberry jelly use eue 4 cujbes-z15 is c f r m in en nc et paie ts ie ta ,falters, ne er gives uip ntil every quart cra ber ie ; 4 good sized ai- 10 30- ODS KOP ODNS î np u tieee0, s in f u iofoudbepadthtihesovstg o pisnisexele fompes co uti tebene reted 75 retEnishPeprtin rîe nreuobt or oeywll Blga s roeth .e Ite ,,. lu ;coou wt erres doy en rit .~Tonesarad inigorates the whle thei ii ,,eculttor rot h ejtebody. er 1eueuc'hoerfrit nervos sysem. mkes ewBlod 0e ade t sere a geaterendfor aove, lusten suuhie choolhaonReumaacts n steachhiver Run hroug colnderadd ee ca old Veins. Used for Nervoius _ il o thnIlm1,-, 3 in distres. net i mdTiie asud Space, sud kidneys and bladder ail at ence sa sgaha oIl dw niltic DeiiyMnaadBrain Worry 'CroMl on-ele]y:Iacket. Noe thiers termed thein Space-Timie sud given quick-ly brings long prayed fer cein- as desired. Peur itte ee ange 1 Dsoîôec L3---f Energy, Pal1pitation o aegeu/e the latter sucha a cemmnauding posi- fort te distnessed sufferers. Jury & mould or inte individual inolds. We for$5.)Sldbyali druggjstýs, ormraled in plain b -u ,ordirectfrmL XaSeu D- in luthe nwyrmd mathe- Lovel sud all geed drugiets sel! iti cold thiey ay be turued unto0 pkg.Oïl receipî ot pricç.ý New î', 1 i ild rteît, Gýage Institute, Tenonte 2, world of theirk. with guaranitee of money back if lt plates and garnishied with chopped i 'eeNl WOD EOCI~ C~ooroot~ OtaieA disciple of Einstein cenceives isn't satisfact.ory. 3 nuts. perity is Neyer. S, dfe erity is neyer safe unless it reste upon Your home la neyer safe. .OTECT IT BY INSUIRANCE business le eurrounded by rlsks. ]nsure valuables are always in danger unless )y insurarice. your present prosperlty to remain We cads f n hipyua Cnu MASON & SON iEstate and Insurance Brokers King St. E. Bowmanville "Neyer too Late to Mv May be a very good n but A Stitch in Time Save,, is much better DON"9 I orne, Outbuildings, oî ýe you commence to l( ,11 be glad to give you ýne, Hemlock ,B. C. Fiý C. Red Cedar, and Zol Roofing, Shingles, 'ibre Board for insulai d Lime >nt Hardwood Floorini time to put in your n( Coal, and Coke. 'ur Watchword le SE] tnd see what we can d lellan & Co.,1 Houa. Pl end" s Nine" - r Fences gEýt toc Dok after them. estimates on ir and Cedar. Quebec White and Building ting and wall g a specialtly. ext winter's, sup- ,RVICE 10 for you. Limited BewmanvIUle >à*o t28, 27,à, 214 Internai andExternal Pains are promptly relieved by tiomAS' ECLECTRIC OU L do you s8erve k~et ables? -as y te make the abies more appe- sud nutnitieus Iany extra trou- Thousands of h fave fouud that m inyOXO 5ha epthem ,c ail sorts of left- ire eqlually valu- wlheu prepsring des. of serving thiese (illed", thiey dis- ilO01,0CUBE or alittie waten sud egetables which thein own juice. fthle fre--sh beetf of etacol)d 2uts' ofte con111-e ate-dffbee mak LeFI dinfenei 10 averagevege acauliflower, ,s are (oflten W7rif e for a copy to &ITED, 3"56 St. Anatoine Street, Montreal. oc. sauce. To he good, this wae made with butter sud cresîn. But good cooks have founid that they can niake s better "cresîn dressing" with the plain juices of the ( ~~vegetables,tmickeued with fleur sud flavoured with OXO CUBES. Oxo Cubes Sgive a richness sud tastiuess thiat once Yen try th-eini, yenwillalways desire thein. Makiug veg-etables more attrac-' tive, is only une of the many ways il, whichi OXO CUBIES are of daily service in the kitchen. Learru the new ---1ways of puttingc fi avoun sud sound food value ijute ah sort s efmreat, fiah, ansd vegetable The new Free Oxo Cook BoOj' is full of surih recipes sud it is just the- lind of cookLhock yen have